Are we having a Comrade Ryan? We already have ANTIFA Jeb! and Subcomandante Romney
Comrade Ryan
memeing one boomer conservative as an anarchist is funny, but memeing paul ryan and romney isnt tbh
I really wish you guys actually thought with your heads sometimes instead of just reacting to thing.
while hell =/= frozen_over
Liberals generally dislike fascism until they need it to save capitalism. This is a well known fact.
I didn't know if you mean this by your post, but for anyone here who's gonna defend the fact that antifa is backed by romney and fucking paul ryan, go fuck yourself. You'll be a succdem in 5 years
it's really not though, they just said that nazis are bad and trump should condemn them
It's weird, a few years ago I'd of said that racists were one of the biggest threats to communism. Now I'm realizing that racism and anti-racism have both been commodified by capitalism and are used to keep the system in check. I think that we should encourage angry young white men to help destroy the system, if that mean temporarily siding with Nazis, so be it. Seriously, when I see pictures like this, I start to realize that I've been duped big time.
I'd have'
Don't know how I made that typo.
hello Holla Forums
What the FUCK? When did the Republican Party become so BASED?? That's it I'm a #CruzMissle now.
Holla Forums supports Trump and the system. Don't call me Holla Forums, I'm honestly starting to think we've been trying to get the wrong group of people on our side. We neglected disillusioned white men, when they would be the most likely to help us in destroying capitalism.
t. retard
Knock it off with the pearl clutching. The people who are currently in control of the banks and the corporations do not get a free pass just because they're Jewish.
TRSodomite detected
hi Holla Forums
literally "we need more Female CEOs": the post
No they don't. And there've been quotes straight up fabricated because π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§someoneπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ wants alt-righters to believe they support it.
That says a lot about social liberals
Republicans went on the attack against literal nazis, democrats went on the attack against antifa. This is because republicans aren't concerned about getting flanked from the left, for them it's more important to do what they can to differentiate themselves from the literal nazis on their side.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day
If we can utilize Ryan's p90x powers for the bloc I will be happy
Liberals at no point dislike fascism. They simply dislike competitors to their monopoly on political, social, and economic capital, whom they label as "fascists". A term they've learned to use so as to deflect away from their own inherent fascism, which has been a key component to their obtaining and maintaining power.
What does fascism even mean if you are using it in such a liberal way?
What if we then meme that Bernie Sanders is the true conservative trying to protect family and tradition from big buisness communism.