"TIL that Josef Stalin fired, imprisoned, or executed 3,000 biologists because he preferred the research of a guy who denied the existence of genes ard natural selection, and thought that rye could be transformed into wheat. Soviet crop yields declined during his tenure." en.wikipedia.org
Any responses or points to add to this top tier leddit post, Holla Forums?
Leddit post
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Stalin was a fucking retard and did more harm to communism than any American propaganda campaign.
factually incorrect
that being said, lysenko was retarded
Why are you surprised? Communists still deny genes in 2017.
We don't care about genes since they're irrelevant to our goals.
Just this
I don't deny genes. They exist. Fascist thinking is genetic. Therfore all fascist should be castrated and or executed so our society may become cleansed.
You can defend the many gains of the USSR while still acknowledging that Stalin was a shitty leader who did shitty things.
Communists don't seem to realize this.
I actually recognize that the USSR made many advances but still don't call it socialism. Capitalism really is a very productive system when heavily supervised by the state.
I'm always confused when I tell tankies that it wasn't socialism and they respond with charts showing improvements in living standards and how Stalin had only 1 pair of shoes. That does not socialism make.
Why does the west attack the USSR for "denying science" during the early 20th century when they were literally promoting eugenics at that time? Seems a bit hypocritical.
Americans will literally fabricate anti-communist propaganda out of complete lies if they have to. They would have villified him either way. I don't see why red liberals can't accept this fact.
The most rabid but retarded leftists I've ever seen were on /r/fullcommunism. So go back there or think for a second before opening a book
isn't eugenics sound from a scientific viewpoint but vile from a moral perspective?
maybe kill yourself?
wow such reflection wtf I love tankie non-arguments now
You are retarded and I hate you all bunch of fucking faggots
if reddit is so great why don't you go there instead?
That's the spirit.
damn forgot to sage this shitty thread
Because I feel better round here :^)
t. fascist
Reddit is full of virtue signalling liberals, tankies are rare
Tankies are turbo-liberals
That was the joke faggot
I think I'm going to report this thread
The two are hardly mutually exclusive.
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The principle behind it places it within the realm of theoretically possible, but the sheer complexity of genetics and genomics, especially with regard to expression of genes, makes it far to crude and unreliable, combined with the oft cited issue of what is or isn't a superior trait not being clear-cut.
Controlled breeding of people is stupid, direct genetic tampering is not, both are very difficult.
Lysenko was retarded, and Stalin was a paranoid ideologue who would do anything to maintain power in the Soviet Union even if it meant purging people who disagreed. I know I'm going to get shit for saying this, but it should've been Trotsky. The USSR was a failed socialist experiment that collapsed and lost its identity due to the concentration of power into the PolitBuro instead of the Soviets. Tankies come at me.
Because it's propaganda to dismiss the cause of socialism as a whole.
I am fully aware that genetics exist, just like the vast majority of leftists. Not supporting eugenics or racism doesn't make me a denier of genetics.
Trotsky supported centralization of power.
holy shit learn to to do some basic research you're embarrassing yourself
Centralization != bureaucratization
please check yourself before you wreck yourself
So does anyone have a proper response to this? It kind of scratches my head how the ussr was cable of space travel and yet this type of thing went on.
Lysenkoism was characteristic of the romantic bourgeois character of Stalinism as the USSR retreated away from Marxism
just because you think with your balls doesn't mean everyone does
remember that this happened a few years right after the Soviet Union was invaded by pretty much the social darwinists, its makes sense that they were skeptical of evolution
wtf I love the Soviet Union now
Genetics are real and so is race
They weren't skeptical of "social darwinists", they skeptical of the Strict Mendelians, which were often at odds with Darwinian Evolution (which is gradualistic), who believed that all genetic info was stored in the chromossomes , something we know today not to be true.
Darwin himself believed in Lamarkian adaptation, because genetics was still a very young field at the time.
Didn't he totally btfo Lamarck by showing adaptation occurred because of differential reproduction success?
Lysenko was one of the leading anti-eugenicist scientists of the time. That's the primary reason he was upheld in the USSR. While Western quack scientists were still measuring people's skulls, eugenicists got kicked out of the USSR, and they ran to the USA crying about Lysenkoism.
wHAT is this nonsense. Provide sources for this absurd claim.