Anyone else struggling to pay off student loans? Don't worry, dreamers wont.
University of Miami: Dreamers get 100% financial needs taken care of
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I agree this is shit, everyone should get 100% of financial needs taken care of.
Good for the Dreamers, now we must secure it for everyone else.
What you should be crying for is for you to get the same instead of trying to take away from other people.
Op is never advocated for that idiot
He is obviously at least implying its a bad thing.
Hey look, it's a tash trying to subtly defend Holla Forums's dogwhistling! Quite a rarity nowadays.
Nope. I think he thinks of it more of a hypocritical thing to do. Also them getting school for free is ammo to the right
you know it's a liberal ploy anyway, it's driven purely by idpol
Holy fuck, get off Holla Forums and go outside for a few hours.
Nope, the porky propaganda factories known as modern universities should be torn down and their leaders and associated politicians arrested. There should be no such concept as "financial needs" for young workers.
This anti-immigrant nonsense on this board is really starting to fucking piss me off. It's "workers of the WORLD unite" not "Workers of AMERICAN BIRTH unite".
Nice pitting the working class against each other, dipshit.
It's mostly from yurofags, namely the reverse-beefsteak stalinfag.
A simultaneous global revolution would both be much more difficult and much more destructive than an MLK reformist-but-backed-with-implicit-threats movement to gain control of the American government then unilaterally institute global debt relief and destroy capitalism, tbh.
There is nothing anti-immigrant in this thread
You'd be suprised by knowing that I'm not even that radical, opposed to other posters, when it comes to being anti-immigration. I just don't buy into the world revolution meme and no border faggotry under capitalism.
I'm in no way anti immigrant tho-
Here, zizek will explain
That flag is fitting.
This is what intersectionality looks like in real life. It's about turning the proles against each other.