Explain to me why so many people say antifa isn't an organization, leftypol

Explain to me why so many people say antifa isn't an organization, leftypol.

Not baiting I swear.

It's like saying "socialist" is an organization

Because it isn't an actual organisation: there are no chapters, no leadership, no members. It is merely a banner, nothing more nothing less.

It's a united front.

No organization make antifa go wild on some petty bullshit idpol tier stuff. There is nothing socialist about them.

What's happening to Holla Forums? We've had some dumb posters in the past, but none this dumb. We always made fun of those "ISIS is anti-imperialist" people and of Holla Forumsyps for thinking antifa was an organization. Now these kinds of completely braindead, sub-80 Autism Level morons are infesting the place and shitposting all over.

They're not meant to be "socialist" - it's just a single-issue form of organization against fascism, which means it can be anything. How dumb can you be?

I don't think so much changed, but after some time and some read you just became better at identifying shitty posts.

That's like saying fascism is an organization.

Ok then, why the fuck is discussed so much on Holla Forums?
Also where the fuck op did praised isis?
The one who's spamming pic related is me and It's just shitpost. Is irony not allowed? Ah no, it's just a stupid braindead anarkiddo who is so pretentious that takes an image board created to spam anime porn so seriously that shitpost such as the one about isis is a valid excuses to show how smart he is by ruining the fun. Next time I'll put a nice le rage face in every shitpost I do so that you can understand what's ironic and what's not.
Anarsissy like you coming from reddit after the charlotteville incident spamming the board with smashie, idpol, american liberal bullshit pretending to be taken 100% seriously


Yeah, but anarkiddies never were such pussies.
I call nu anrkiddies anarsissy.
Also a fucking nazbol calling me tankie and acting like he doesn't belong to Holla Forums

Antifa is a tactic. It's an activity. It's literally a shortening of "antifascist action". There's no membership or leaders or anything. It's just a thing people get together and do. And pointing that out is not a defense of it, just describing what it is.

Antifa is like black block in that it doesn't have an overarching organization, official leaders, branch offices, etc. This means it can't be infiltrated by cointelpro or recuperated by capitalists which makes liberals and feds very butthurt.
Downside is it means they're fundamentally reactionary, not in the political sense but in the sense that all they do is react to the initiatives of others. They can bog down and frustrate the fash, but they're not constructive. Not that they need to be, beating up bad guys is better than bad guys marching about freely, but a lot of people criticizing them act like they expect antifa to do something they fundamentally can't do. They're a hammer, they're good with nails.

They simply organize their riots/protest and other actions through coordination.

Guys, be serious for a minute.
Antifa is a group, that rallies behind a common ideology/cause.
They come together and define a specific time and place to show up
An unorganized protest is not a protest anymore, its called a riot. We use different word, for a specific reason.

Of course, they are different from other organisations, as usually you need a leader and some form of hierarchy.
But, not having a hierarchy is not incompatible with organisation

If they weren't organized, then they couldn't agree on a date or place to protest.

It's not rocket science, stop saying moronic shit like this please.

Are the dnd neck beards who congregate once a week in the dungeon masters basement an organization? no, they are just LARPers who have read exactly 0 (zero) theory

Nobody said they didn't organize. But they're not a coherent organization in the way other groups are.

You're a manlet hapa beta and have no business calling anyone a pussy.

Go choke on a cock idiot. We mine was not an adhominen comment on the guy, but more on the liberal bullshit they spout on this board.

Yes, indeed, they are not a coherent org, and neither are the members themselves coherent. To me at least.

They are not a traditional organization, that's fair.

To me they're just hurting the left.

Non-violence is that or the strong"

Violence is only justifiable in self defense.
These brain dead kiddies are not being attacked, they are the ones attacking.

Violence with political motive = terrorism.
Imposing your political views through violence is the definition of terrorism.

If anyone here is/supports Antifa, it's basically the same shit than the Nazies you hate.


You're far more of a liberal than any anarchists here and any antifa skinnyfat could kick your beta ass back to korea.

"Violence is bad, unless it's the violence of the cast system. Gotta burn some widows and make sure that if you're born into absolute poverty you stay there."
- Also Ghandi

-also Ghandi

Ghandi supported the cast system, you moron.

Kind of the point.

Lel no. You can't call me a fascist and then a liberal.
Say that to my pasta big boi
Also fuck you americunt bitch, go shoot a school or something because stacey doesn't want you

Is he just retarded?

He meant to say revolutionary movements. That doesn't mean that when the time comes they won't kill porky.

Liberals become fascists you retard. That you shill for voting for socdems makes you a liberal.
I'd hesitate to call that sub-5" worm pasta. No wonder your wife left your ass.
I can fuck stacy alimony-free unlike yourself, on top of that my dick is big enough for her to feel unlike yours. Now go back to reddit to talk about FX shows.

Ghandi also fucked over hundreds of millions of poor people. He didn't save anyone through nonviolence, and his movement ultimately made it possible for Britain to get away with their crimes scot-free. Britain was steadily losing their colonies because they couldn't afford to keep up with them after WWII. India, one of its last colonies, was nearly in full blown civil war when Ghandi came to show people "a more peaceful way". Britain was not going to try holding onto a burning colony it couldn't afford. Ghandi's extremely weak and tepid demands allowed the colonists to give him what he wanted, which was the bare minimum of the demands of the millions of people angry with british rule. It's basically why huge portions of India are the shithole it is today.

Is this an America thread?
I hate America!

Because it's literally not. It's a tactic.

As much as I'm going to hate myself for making this analogy, the best way to think of it is like anonymous.
There are no leaders, but there are collectives of people who use the moniker.

You shouldn't hate yourself cause it's a good analogy.


Because it isnt an organisation.

Because I can just say I'm Antifa and then I am. An organization has to at least have some sort of initiation process for members.

I find it amazing that the US establishment is so scared of antifa that they set their MSM dogs on them. It's incredible just how insecure they are. It must be a house of cards.

It is and Hedges contradicts himself year by year. there's even an accurate GMiL about it.

"After 1975, the PMLI had a close relationship with the Communist Party of Kampuchea, even after the invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam. A PMLI leader visited a CPK-controlled zone of Cambodia in 1987. After Pol Pot's arrest in 1997, the PMLI denounced the Khmer Rouge's betrayal. "
holy shit lmao

Yeah, PMLI take the concept of tankiness on whole new level