Why does porn not qualify as a political issue?
>>>Holla Forums
Tbh, its being accessible to adult Holla Forumstards who base their entire belief system around it is probably more worrisome than its availability to the actual children of the world.
This is wrong
Fuck this. Fuck this stupid shit. You've made thread after thread after thread of this and it's still not going to help. Go away.
For fucks sake we don't care about your butthurt over porn, hookers, or whatever.
How is this a right-wing issue?
There tend to be a lot of posters like that here. This porno poster guy, all the r9k posters, the pedo poster, race baiters. They think that spamming threads will eventually get people to agree that thier idiocy has a place in leftism
I honestly think it's like 4-5 people who do the same shit over and over. Remember Checkers posted here for over a fucking year making the same threads day in and day out.
Also, you can't prove there are no moral implications…
…or are you supposedly anti-moral?
we have had the same thread on this every fucking day for the past month. please kill yourself already, we can tell you're samefagging, retard.
Christ, I really want to smash your hands with a hammer to the point you'll never be able to use technology again after reading this post. This single pathetic post which has the pure stench of virginity and failure dripping out of it has made me feel completely vindicated every time I've been mean to some virgin on the internet.
Go get laid you pathetic little faggot. The rest of the world sees you as an incredibly late abortion. You're a fucking fetus inhabiting the body of a sweaty fucking loser. Kill yourself you worthless fucking nobody. You were a mistake.
Get fucked. You didn't even have the common decency to let your previous failed garbage thread die before creating another in its place.
Stop making these fucking threads. You have argued this half a dozen times already. Go back to reddit or pol, whichever one you came from.
Look at this pathetic manlet everyone !
You apparently don't see a difference between porn and sex, do you?
citation needed
raise your fucking kids correctly then
lol spooks
Be gone, spook
We have already argued this up and down with you. Leave.
You've literally proved nothing.
All you did was give me your silly opinion that porn is good.
Apparently you don't see either you sad virgin fuck.
All you have done is give spooky, false, and moronic reasons of why it is bad.
Sage this shit.
What's to even benefit from porn?
And you've given no reasons, except "hahaha Holla Forums virgin!"
You are the one making the claim that porn is bad. You need to provide your reasons for why. You have yet to make a sound argument for any of us to refute.
But at least you do realize that porn isn't how real life works, right?
I don't care. What I'm going to do forever from now on is shit up /r9k/ threads by being incredibly argumentative and demoralizing to talk to you pathetic fuck.
I do, because unlike you I've actually had sex you fucking nerd.
sage this shit thread and post porn
Just sage or ignore, because you're doing nothing but making yourself look like a complete retard by arguing with the obvious baitposter.
Oh no what did this thread do to deserve this?
For being a shitpost or being against your personal interests?
All porn is welcome on Holla Forums, friend.
Why do you immidiately assume that there's no potential debate here?
Fight me faggot I'm the top MMA fighter in my town I'll make you squeal like a pig.
hello Holla Forums
seriously though stop shilling out "muh morals", it's not an argument
And why don't morals matter?
They're healtht for the human mind. Without morals, I feel like crap
It's because you can't seem to follow the basic decency of keeping your topic to one thread and instead keep making a new fucking thread about this shit every single day for a week now. If you want to keep talking about it, bring up something new in the old thread, don't just keep leaving turds as you roll around the board.
Are you trying to condescendingly debunk Holla Forums's thinking by giving us only 2 alternatives to our reasoning?
What are you saying?
That pro-porn is specifically a leftist ideology?
It's a personal preference, not an ideology.
I'm going to start getting out my furry porn folder if this stupid shit keeps up.
Pfft, stop that. Don't go assuming the world over because you can't accept what I said.
The world isn't black and white.
I was just pointing out your either-or bullshit. It doesn't get better fyi.
We really don't need more sad unfuckable Peter Hitchens types wandering over here from Holla Forums to whine about family and morals. There is a discussion worth having about the effects of the culture industry/spectacle on our common culture and how things like pornography factor into that, but without any kind of analysis that discussion quickly turns to tedious moralizing that goes nowhere. In fact, I'm slogging through Adorno and looking around for other worthwhile works on cultural criticism so that I have something actually interesting to say. I recommend that you try and do the same.
In the meantime, let's post some more porn, get fucked OP.
What are you talking about? What was your claim before this? You told me nothing!
Also, sure, the world isnt black and white, but that doesnt mean it's all gray either.
dam son
psht, whatever
Why are you being such a dick? I literally dont know what you're talking about?
Are you talking about porn? Are you talking about posting unrelated threads?
Look mr. Pirate.
My point was that liking pornography is not a political view. Both right and left can like it.
Congrats, you finished your own thread. Now stop responding.
Who's the second girl?
Prove the first one, prove the second is wholly a bad thing, prove morals aren't a spook