What happened?
What happened?
It tends to go all over the place, same with board quality. It's a very unstable board quality and quantity wise.
People started leaving after reddit flooded the place and antifa liberals are now a dominant group here. I used to post all the time, I now check in once a week or so. I'm sure I'm not alone.
Stop being a pussy and bully them more then. I think people became more sympathetic to antifa after Cville myself, rather than them displacing the older users.
It more likely has to do with BOs shenanigans
Where is my hoochie
Is she back to med school already? I wonder what she is doing rn
Hopefully dead tbh
Stop it
It usually hovers around Holla Forums, so there's nothing unusual about where it is.
We probably cracked down on Holla Forums shitposting tbh.
This is also a pretty good reason, the board generally takes a 100/200 user hit whenever it happens and crawls back up, but two events close to each other could have made a lot of them more permanent.
If anything the lack of cracking down on Holla Forums shitposting is reducing user numbers since it's fucking impossible to have a decent thread without one of them shitting all over the place.
Left nationalists are leftists, we belong here, why do you think we have a flag?
You replying to the right person or demonstrating your lack of comprehension to me?
fuck you, Hoochie was the only thing keeping this board together
Sonic Mania was cracked and Holla Forums does whatever the fuck it wants.
College started again. Holla Forums has a lot of college students, Holla Forums has a lot of illiteracy
If college interferes with your shitposting so much that you give it up completely you probably don't belong in college.
is this a joke, or?…
/trannypol/ btfo
that's what happens when your mods take fucking hours to respond to a simple raid.
We're back above Holla Forums now.
Bunch of happening happened, people flowed here but the happening's hype ago died down and only a part of the newcomers stayed.
It's the way things are going here as long as i can remember.
Also there don't seem to be so much Holla Forums bleed than Holla Forums growth. What happened over there?
What happened this time? I remember the spergout over Rojava and imperialism but that was a few weeks ago
NazBols are banned now
this. I don't want to shit on mods because they have to sleep, but is kinda obvious that people that are raiding here knows when mods sleep and fucks everything here, we need more mods that lives in another hemisphere
Pro antifa have been here longer than you, the Reddit liberals brought the anti antifa. Leftcoms made this place mostly intolerable by making every discussion toxic
Also the cunt going around trying to bully and dox off the board everyone who he disagreed with. I evesdropped on a stream where an ancom flag poster said he was actually a leftcom but used the ancom flag to bully people off the board like revel absurdity and the black flag
He probably means,
Holla Forums IS NAZBOL
I remember when leftypol surpassing Holla Forums was considered an impossible thing
Isnt the point of college that its a full time job to study? If you dont spend 40 hours a week or more studying for college then you are doing a study that's too easy for you.
They are constantly changing the algorithms that count users because Holla Forums can't stop bitching on /sudo/ that we are botting to increase the user count.
College started so people are busy a bit more and they constantly change how the numbers are counted. Last time we shot up 1000 users overnight or something.
Also I personally try to post more in specific threads rather than post in all of them, quality over quantity.
This is fine, just like the anti imperialism policy is fine.
go to your own treehouse, no one cares you're not cool anymore
someone set up us the bomb
main screen trn on
plz someone put the face of stalin in CATS
no the "anti imperialism" policy is fucking retarded and most of the board thought so
most of the board didn't notice or care
We're still gaining members, it's just the alt-right uses this as a gathering place every time one of their sites dies or gets taken down and some of them stay. Considering most anons thought this site would be dead a few months after the GG migration I'd say things are looking up.
oh please there was endless threads about it and polls. Get a grip
pure revisionism
Top kek, try actually paying attention when you're eavesdropping then.
God fucking damn it. I liked the nazbols. Who will be next, the posadists, the egoists?
Will I need to fear expressing my stereotypical and hateful opinions about italians?
plz,almost no one was anti-antí-fa before milo/american elections. In early 2016 most people where pro or at least critically supported antífa.
Italians are pretty bad tbh. I think anyone can understand your hatred of them.
that's been there since the board was started. Why do you think it's the reason for people to stop using the board when it's always has a constant presence.
It's obvious people left when the mentally ill tranny BO decided that rojavo was actually imperialist or w/e dumbshit he was on about.
Hello Holla Forums!
Hardly anyone reports them. I flag and delete what I come across but I can't be in every thread. Sometimes I'll come across Holla Forums thread or shitpost with five sage replies and not a single report in my feed.
t. mod
Holla Forumstard here, Dysnomia, BO of Holla Forums, banned a bunch of people during a spergfit. When he saw Holla Forums overtaking Holla Forums on the board list, he decided to unban them.
this. last year i didn't think we'd be able to break 1k