What's happening to me?

I have been becoming more and more communist. I have been watching Jason Unruhe and at first I was shaking my head with anger and eventually those shakes turned into nods and now I just can't stop this path. I can't be a communist it is the antithesis of everything I believe in. Is this how it feels to be redpilled?


It's time to READ son. Don't listen to the subhumans on this board, dive right into Capital and don't look back.

Where did you start? Liberal or reactionary?

Was a free market nationalist. Well I still have nationalist sentiments.

I'm going to get it this weekend. I hope it's worth the read.

The red pill is actually the black pill.

life gets worse after this

Welcome to leftypol fam. For some reason a lot of devout free marketeers end up becoming communists.

I think its mostly due to the fact that left-wing systems like communism and anarchism have been suppressed in a lot of places, so American right-wing "libertarianism" is often the only system that people have heard of that advocates for freedom and peace. Most people don't really think much about economics so they don't understand the contradictions of capitalism or how tyranny of corporations is just as bad as tyranny of the state (if not worse), it seems like when most libertarians develop a greater understanding of the system the ones who value freedom tend to shift to the left while the ones who prioritize property over people tend to shift to more authoritarian right-wing ideologies.

Here's how it works

Phone autocorrected my massive REEEE

Alternately, accept that communism is good in theory but will never work due to human nature and just do everything you can to claw your way up the financial ladder so when the poverty gap widens so much its uncrossable, you'll be on the right side of it. If you can't beat them, join them.

t. someone who recently came into a fair amount of money and is going to put it into a mutual fund to exponentially increase wealth.

t. didn't read capital

Speak for yourself, fam. Overall, the redpill gave me a more positive outlook on life.
I hope it lasts

>Pic very fucking related

You can have Nationalist sentiments and still be a Communist.

No, you can't.

Yes you can.



You can't. Also, Tito and Kim II (god bless His kind soul and the glorious Korean nation, death to the amerikkkan barbarians and especially to that dirty monkey called Obama) were bourgeois nationalist enemies of the working class.

Literally wrong, read Mutual Aid

Welcome newfriend! This is the start of a heck of a journey. Make sure to read these PDFs I have uploaded in this particular order to get an insight of Marx' infamous critique of political economy (*the* base of Marxist thought) where he analyzes Capitalism and absolutely BTFOs bourg economists. As for 'The German Ideology', you only need to read chapter 1. Good luck user, and hope that you get out alive from this trip.

hell yeah. now go read some marx and engels

read this

Why is it so fucking hard for people to believe that others are selfish? ESPECIALLY on Holla Forums. Do they not think rich people are selfish?

They have no problem imagining poor people as selfish. This is because they don't see poor people as being anything like themselves, and they don't think they're being selfish even when they are.
When it comes to rich people, though, everyone wants to think "Man, I'm just like that guy."

And if you're comparing yourself to that guy, you won't see that guy as selfish.

The next step is Egoist-Posadism comrade

Uphold he imortal science of Juche.

Yes, you can.