What are his strong suits or why is he trash.
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Strong suit:
Made a video I laughed at once
Bad tuxedo:
Came on here and got spergy when we were poking fun at him once
He makes some good fun videos on anarchism
He cant handle the bantz though
Can i get a quick rundown?
He isnt from imageboards, just like jason, so he doesnt get the memes and takes everything serious and personal.
this is an aprils fool video, i refuse to believe hes this stupid
I can't remember much of it, someone was busting his balls and he got annoyed.
This vid always cracks me up. Hbomb also came here once but his defense was much better, since he was just calling out some reddit tier pseud wannabe psychologist that was calling him a sociopath for being a snarky youtuber. There are better things to criticize him on instead of being a little redditor bitch and trying to say "Mean people = twisted fucking psychopaths".
Probably Hbombers biggest fuck up was letting the idpol crowd walk all over him when he wasn't taking that Klaas guy (girl)'s complaining about rape threats, which wasn't even a rape threat, seriously. And then issuing a mealy mouthed apology. Should have grabbed the bull by the horns and said that it's not a rape threat in the chat at the time rather than play the "you're remembering it wrong maybe?" line. Just tell them it's not a fucking rape threat because they're neurotic and paranoid you fucking idiot.
when did this happen?
Ages ago, possibly even half a year before BM.
strong: pretty good animations/production value and decent theory
con: idpol shitter and leftypol hater who thinks he's too good for us
He hasn't read any theory.
All youtubers are trash and you should read instead of listen to some retard badly articulate points. If you're an anarchist or interested in anarchism and you choose to watch Badmouse instead of reading Malatesta, Kropotkin, Invisible Committee, or the hundreds of other authors whose work is freely available and at your fingertips you should punch yourself until some sense is beaten unto you. The same applies with marxism and muke or other e-celebs.
People jokingly called him a fag and tankies got on his back, and then he supposedly wrote a huge autistic blogpost about how imageboards were sexist and homophobic and not good for discussion. I have never seen an archive or link to this post, so I think it was someone stirring shit.
His avatar is atrocious. Puts his own face way too close to the camera.
He explains the material in his videos relatively well and easy to understand, not to mention the production value's pretty good, so it's bound to attract an audience. As for the cons, they're pretty much what everyone else has said, but he's still a decent guy. I'm sure he'll come around to being more laid back.
Wait, was he taking the piss?
He can't debate AT ALL, has horrible animations, and is pretty ugly imo. At least if xexizy dressed up in a catgirl outfit I would fuck him.
He pussied out of this debate for example, and really didn't do very good in the sargon debate either.
I think he was okay in the Socialism vs. Capitalism debate. The one with The Distributist was his first one anyway.
He is pretty good. Hes just not that used to internet banter.
I don't think BM hates Leftypol as much as people claim; after his disastrous Distributist debate he came, of all places, to leftypol to basically apologise for his bad performance which makes me think he actually cares about what we think. He also says on twitter that leftypol hates him and not the other way round (himself hating leftypol) which probably means he expects the worst from us.
I don't know why he bothers with the cringe animations. He's an alright looking guy and the cartoon mouse probably takes a lot more effort on his part.
Sense of humor
Has enough balls to take risks and put out content
Actually seems to care and want to improve and be a good leftist
Can make fun of himself
Kind of insecure and not very good at on-the-spot stuff
Has friends on the liberal/idpol left and shares some bad opinions with them (lel ban prostitution because it's bad to make women "choose" between poverty and rape, please ignore that it won't work and even if it did, not having the false choice is still very bad if not worse)
Not actually that well read and prone to making errors
Needs to train his voice so he speaks more clearly (slurs a lot)
The mouse avatar is kind of cringeworthy but it's almost a charming cringe.
The fundamentals are good. The bad stuff is all things he can work on. He's the kind of guy who in 5 years could be godlike.
He's an anarchist
You think so? He is pretty good. Now Xexizy slurs a lot.
Both do. I think it's partly the accent, but mostly because they both get nervous and try to talk too fast.
Why do people say he's ugly? He's a solid 7