You can't even make this shit up, Molyneux wants to demonstrate how "The Argument" (from his latest book) is used in debate. And what better way to do that than invite retards like Lauren Southerns and Steven Crowder to pretend they understand Leftist talking points, and I quote:
In which Molyneux asks his friends to roleplay as strawman leftists
So is this video, dare I say it, not an argument?
I guess this is Molymeme saying he can only win arguments with strawmen.
Is he fucking insane? How can one be this little self-aware?
Why not invite an actual leftist so it at least looks like you're being sincere? You could even choose a really dumb one to make sure you win the argument - it'd still be better than this.
He remembers what happened last time when chomsky rekt him
holy shit this is an absolutely pathetic sight, especially for somebody who just attempted to write what was the equivalent of a syllabus for an intro to symbolic logic course/critical thinking with added social commentary
But should he be able to?
This was so pathetic to watch. Lauren's man voice was so grating and Steph being an absolute retard as usual, still can't even do the basics of debating that he claims to teach.
This is glorious
I hope he keeps replying and points out the video is a strawman.
Thats me dawg, what should I say
"Having your friend come on to roleplay as your political opponent is a strawman and thus NOT AN ARGUMENT"
Then invite BadMouse or some other idiot with no real understanding of anything. It's a free win, you humiliate a leftist, and you get to look like you were willing to put yourself on the spot.
Does this make anyone else angry? to see these retards in the comments all sucking his cock, whilst he acts like a retard and gets praise for it?
80% of this board probably understands more theory than these 3 combined, yet they win praise for just making the same vid every week saying 'DAE think SJW's are bad XD'
Why do people hate BadMouse again?
The quality of the book was sad enough but this takes the cake.
Do people really believe this man is a bastion of reason?
blaming poor people for being poor like a Calvinist is the logical conclusion of Voltaire's philosophy
I mean Mloyneux as a whole is a joke though, he can't even get a logical logical syllogism right in his book defending western civilization through the glory of argumention
Stefan looked bad half the time arguing against a PragerU level imitation of a socialist there's no way even badmouse would make him look good
Stefan would lose against Badmouse is the problem.
I doubt it
Stefan fucking sucks is the thing. Anyone who can even remotely hold him to one point and doesn't let him weasel around things will find very quickly that Molyneux is a charlatan and nothing more, and even people on his own "side" agree.
stefan is a much bigger idiot
t. not badmouse
Jesus, I'm only a minute into the video and she's already managed to strawman Marxism AND right-libertarianism
The video isn't what pisses me off, Molyneux is insane and this is something he would do. No, what pisses me off is the fact that his cult will take this video seriously.
He speaks like a fucking child, that says a lot about his fans that worship an illiterate piece of shit. I wish i could crack his skull open
because he's an immature, effete idpoler who masks his personal fear and insecurities with sarcasm and trendy internet sass, who in any sort of conflict (vocal or otherwise) would be quickly exposed as the spineless coward he is. he's exactly the sort of person who should not represent leftism