Thank you, Capitalism

Here's another great gift of capitalism: broken families.

My family has one old truck. It eats gas and breaks down all the time.

My family cannot afford electricity. We use a generator that also eats gas. I've tried to offset this by building a solar array, but it's pretty much useless because the charge is so slow and it holds so little.

Everyone in my family works two jobs, except my dad who is a paraplegic. We don't make enough to survive, let alone climb out of poverty.

My family screams bloody murder at each other over the lack of funds every single day.

My family just discovered my sister has bern stripping for extra money. Enraged, they are kicking her out of the house.

It's time for me to go to work now. I don't want to right now but if I don't we will lose valuable dollars.

Thank you, capitalism.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I want to commit suicide more than anything else, but that would be selfish of me, so I just live in a constant state of suicidal depression.

So there's that, too.

wtf, I want communism now

My condolences dude. You've probably already tried this but do some investigating into what kind of aid you're eligible for. Maybe it's just right wing lies but there's like 20 programs and you can sign up for all of them. Also, maybe a windmill would work better than a solar array but I actually know jackshit about it.

If you can (depends on where you live) you could go live in a third-hand caravan to cut down on living costs

best of luck, user

I love you, user, and I wish you all the best.

What the fuck do you live in Saudi Arabia or some shit?

i hope you get into a better situation soon, user. :( keep your chin up

Forgot my shitposting flag.

Stay strong, user.

n-no thats not it at all! it's the jews! I swear it's really the jews! Believe me! The jews wanted your sister to strip because of their evil master plan of spreading fun! Take the red pill. Capitalists are good boys they would never do that.

ancom is not a shitposting flag

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Sorry but how is using a generator cheaper than buying from the grid? Or do you live in buttfuck nowhere that doesnt have lines?

How about blaming your dumbass parents?
Lets be honest here, under capitalism if an individual is poor is usually due to bad decisions they made in the past. In your case it's either your parents didn't financially prepare before having you or one of them did something stupid ended up with them unemployed or blew off their money. But for you I send you my best wishes that you won't make the same mistake they did. Take your current suffering and learn.


Oh fuck off you boring faggot. Did your father not give you enough attention as a child?

You ridicule me but you know it to be true.
Think about it, capitalism is a "free market" correct? If You're free that means you make your own decisions what you do with your money, but just like life actions have consequences. If you are careless with your money or use it for bad intent most of the time you are gonna be met with misfortune and this may be hard for you to hear, but that was your fault and your fault only.

Fuck off retard, I'm not getting involved in your hundredth or so autistic circular logic shitposting spree. OP and the rest of his family bar one work two jobs, and you're a faggot.

Yes except the all land has already been claimed before you are born so you are dependent on capitalists and the state to survive.

This. Have you considered pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, OP?


Sargon is that you? Did you get banned from twitter again so you need somewhere to shitpost?

Well looking at it that way you could say that. But I see the whole consumer and producer thing as a relationship of sorts. You buy their goods and they supply you with them. So yes you do strive on them but at the same time they live off you. For example why do you think McDonald's workers are trained to treat the customers so well? Because the business knows it needs you as much as you need it.
Well no, clearly you haven't searched hard enough or haven't even tried. Land is bought and sold everyday like food. Alternative is an online business.

Notice how you've now made this thread about yourself. What compelled you to do that? Do you have a significant other in your life?

Read fucking Capital dumbass.

You sent me out of arrogance. You are the cause of why OP will suffer. You are encouraging him to continuously blame everything else rather than take responsibility for his own actions.

Fuck off retard

You don't actually care about OP, you just want an opportunity to talk about yourself and to boost your self esteem. Were your parents abusive as a child, is that why your self esteem is low?

Wait what? I by no means did I want to make this about myself. I want to help OP, the reason why the spotlight is shining on me now is don't due to the fact everyone started attacking my viewpoints, so I just wanted to defend them and show reason.
Please don't pull that, it was completely out of my power you chose to respond. By attacking me you brought attention torwards me. You can blame yourself.

Interesting, so you think everyone should take the blame for their actions, but it was my fault that people are now attacking you? I think this is pretty interesting. Is there a reason you feel the need to project?

Don't nitpick I was speaking in general to everyone.

My first thought to be honest. Is this pasta?

Neoliberal logic, folks.
Don't feed the troll kids.

You sound like this guy

Mods, please ban the Holla Forumsyp trolls ITT.

OP, is this for real? Because i don't know where you live but this sounds very possible in modern America.

Should I post my pasta about microdosing LSD or ketamine or others for depression?

A solar array? What kind?

Also how can you afford a solar array but not be able to afford electricity?

You really don't. If you eliminate private property rights, nothing stops you from getting your food elsewhere now that the resources are unclaimed again.

You have my sympathy, but to be honest your family sound like typical unethical, unsympathetic humans who rely on gut feelings and willful ignorance to make decisions.
They certainly didn't give a fuck about your sister's happiness or wellbeing, so why not return the favor and save yourself further suffering. If you won't do that, at least take your sister's side and go scrape a life together with her.

Probably the second best bit of advice in this thread the first being stop using a fucking generator you retard

Your wish is my command.

He probably lives in america or some shit. You guys are third world, never forget that piece of shits

I should have long ago started saving links and histories like these, to compile into a big "Capitalism doesn't kill people?" lis.

is it third worldist to be US antifa now

If you live in a first world country then you should look for outreach programs through churches or community centers. The fact that your community doesn't come together to help those in need like yourself speaks to a much deeper problem which has less to do with capitalism and more with moral decay.

Probably. Petrol in those gulf countries is like $0.15 to $0.25 a gallon.

Nice false flag but a lot of the problems with international banking and wealth hording and other forms of higher up manipulation stem from certain groups of Jews. I'm not your search engine but you can look around a little and find out more about this. It's not just garbage from TDS either. A lot of people here would do good to realize that the Jews aren't their friends and should all be deported to Israel where they can mind their own business.



those hypochristian feels

The guy is stuck in a shit situation through no fault of his own, and it's going to put him in a position where the cost of living is going to set him back significantly no matter what measures he takes to better his life, and you're acting as an apologist for the forces that make it that much harder for him to pull himself out of this hole while putting on an act of smarmy concern. Go fuck yourself.

Things wouldn't be better if the commissar sold your sister to jews for nuclear secrets they stole from the U.S.

And we haven't had capitalism since the Federal Reserve was created. Jeez. Holla Forums is right there.

And this story is fake. 50 million Americans figured out how to get on welfare. How is your family dumber than niggers?

OP what the fuck are you even doing

it's almost as if the exploitation of dependend nations by the imperialist world doesn't negate the internal antagonism of imperialist societies, and that third worldism is nothing but defeatist slander against the working class

really makes you think

Why can't you get better at this pol

You have it better than most people eat shit.

There's no getting through to retards.