Redpill me on why Not Socialism, White Nationalism and every kind of Nationalism is bad and communism and internationalism are good instead.
Hello, Nazi here
Let's start with a very simple fact. Every core concern of the Nationalists:
was resolved by the communists, while the Nazis and Nationalists quickly failed or got cucked by capitalism. That is because all those problems arise from capitalism itself, and Marxism adresses the problem correctly, while Nazis screech autistically and Nationalists get cucked by Porky.
Why do we have a thread like this every 3 days now? Use the catalog.
These are the best threads, they allow us to do something slightly productive for a change instead of jerking off to anime catgirls or going full armchair.
Stop playing Pokémon GO
Shit taste tbh
My Tastes Are Very…Singular
Along with what others have said in this thread, it is also incompatible socialist internationalism. Proletarians of all countries must unite in a global struggle against capitalism, that is the only way they can win. Just look at how petty nationalism enden all potential for a world wide socialist revolution during WWI. The second international could have usherd in a mass insurection all over Europe, but nationalism tore them apart.
Nationalism serves the same purpose within capitalism as religon; its just to distract from class struggle.
'red'pill stash
Nationalism is bad because it makes you think that everyone in your country has the same interest: the ruling class and the working class have the same interests because they are united by nation, tradition, culture etc. is what it makes you think.
I reject this, because as a Marxist, I think the interests of the ruling class and the working class are opposed to each other. In other words: nationalism makes people cucks for the ruling class in their own country.
Internationalism is important because all the workers of the work have fundamentally the same interests. All working people of the world share the same oppression by their ruling class. We should therefore help each other out by smashing the ruling class. Socialism in one country is pretty hard, because other capitalist countries are hostile too it. Therefore you'd likely have more socialist countries to at least trade with or form a defensive block with against other capitalist nations. We should therefore not be hostile to other people because we depend on each other.
Oh hey, that seems smart! Not only does it appeal to my sensibilities and what's cool and hip around here, but the problem you've underlined has a solution!
I guess we'll all agree with whoever speaks the loudest, posts the most, and has the coolest images and says the wittiest things to the newfags. That seems to be the way it's done around here, so I've gathered.
Checkers, is that you?
This is also a nice red-pill for fascists:
Excuse _? Did _ just assume ___ pronoun
take your meds dude
Because it's utopian as fuck. Even long before the USSR was a thing and fucked up socialists realized you can't have worker ownership and authorianism. Not only that but rampant miltarism is not a good way to build a nation that last longer than a decade either.
If we're having this thread I want to know if Holla Forums has any serious arguments as to why eugenics is bad.
The following are non-arguments
The intrests of those conducting the eugenics come before actually doing anything worthwile with it for starters. Secondly why would you even bother?
because having sex pleases me, wanting to have some goverment officier to allow you that is ultimate cuckery
Holla Forums consider themselves 'to smart' to need group identities, so don't care about demolishing them for everyone else.
they idolise atheist murderers who demolished churches, imprisoned priests, etc just don't bother with them, hopefully when they grow up they will realise what disgusting people they were
Because we've achieved a point where it's possible for virtually anyone to survive and reproduce which would only become even more pronounced if we achieved socialism. We're going to need to clean up the genepool somehow when nature isn't able to do it for us anymore.
You could still have sex, you just might need to be sterilized first.
And genome editing is quickly becoming a possibility so conventional eugenics might not even be necessary anymore.
Oh yeah.
White Nationalism will see you cucked by porky, you will replace the homegrown Jewish porkys with Hans and Hans will keep fucking you over just like Schlomo. Then Hans will go golfing and shit with Schlomo and King Jamal on weekends for diplomacy while you work your ass off to pay rent for your shack. To top it off, European culture will be destroyed and only a heavily edited shell will remain to appease larpers. Communism is the only way to ensure you aren't getting cucked and to preserve culture.
What part of the genepool needs to cleaned exactly? The whites and their constant warring and inferior intellect compared to jews and east asians?
please fag, that's dystopian af. Again, would I, if I want to have sex, go to some bureaucrat and bribe him so he will alow me to put my penis into vagina? That's literally definition of cuckolding.
yes, this is why eugenics doesn't make even sense outside of fetishizing state-enforced cuckoldry.
evidence you aren't actually too smart, you just don't feel like part of your country because you were bad at sports
Eugenics is another nail in Porky's coffin.
No, but your spawn may have to be have to be aborted, you would have to be knocked off a few social funds or sterilized, if you do not care about the future and well-being of your society.
Manlets, low eye-que, antisocial behaviour, retards, haemophiliacs. Very many things.
I'm not a white nationalist so don't pull that card.
Have you seen my flag?
Do you know what sterilization is? It's not castration.
People in the western world voluntarily sterilize themselves all the time and continue to live fulfilling sex lives.
Genome editing IS eugenics.
Just because porky doesn't want it to be called that since "eugenics" is a dirty word and it might deprive him of the opportunity to make neofeudalism real doesn't mean it's anything but a new methodology for an old goal.
When you contribute to the success of a nation, being one of the many people who love their country and working together to push it forward to greatness. Learning about what the people before you did and knowing you are part of a long line of people living in the proud nation is beautiful.
Our nation is nothing to be proud of (don't know where you live but it applies almost everywhere anyways). Nations are just used by the elite to control the workers, maybe in a socialist nation I would understand being proud in a genuine common endeavour towards utopia but not this shit, imperialism, exploitation, inequality. Even in socialism I wouldn't think my countrymen were better than foreigners in some twisted moral math sense.
I'm sorry but you're going to have a hard time trying to convince 90% of the worlds population not to breed. I'm not even going to go into the resources needed to actually do any of that. Even then humans reach sexual maturity and breed long before most genetic diseases show themselves. You also need to ensure a good genetic mix remains while doing all of this so you don't invent diseases like haemophllia again but that might be somewhat easier.
All constant warmongerers untill they got eternally btfod by their neighbours
You need to make your nation something to be proud of, in our current materialist and consumerist system it does make it hard to feel proud of your country, national pride gives someone a sense of purpose which gets your country more unified and hard working. Its not uncommon in socialism to give national pride to the people either, it helps keep your country together.
Cool it with the spooks fam.
You don't need to convince them. You just need to have a government to force them. Western countries have instituted eugenics policies before, hell China's one-child-policy isn't far off either. It would only be a problem if the government is a literal Somalia-tier failed state that can't even control their territory.
In an age where genetic screening is advancing rapidly we wouldn't even need to wait until they show themselves.
churches and christianity should be destroyed because its virtually the same as marxism. Because of this, the NSDAP was fervently anti christian
To get redpilled on the NSDAP's stance on christianity read chapter 1 of the Hitler Youth Leader's Handbook. This is what they were teaching all the children in Germany. It should only take you about 2 minutes to read it. Its a short chapter but, extremely important in understanding NS. NS is 100% antithetical to christian morality. Link related
Read the table talks
I've read them, indeed the table talks confirm what I wrote and reinforce the Hitler Youth Leader's Handbook. The foundation of the NS world view is the knowledge of human inequality.
In the table talks he straight up says Christianity is shit and inferior to Islam.
Indeed and I have to agree. Islam at least has a warrior mindset though, it is also anithetical to the NS world view for the same reasons. It would have been more useful because it would be easier to get his people to fight hard if they were muslim rather than cuck christians thinking that PRIDE AND KILLING ARE SINS LMFAO
Because there is no such thing as "the white race"
too many people on earth, equality can never be achieved.
The nazis were fascists, not socialists despite their name- the only ones with any remotely leftist views were murderized in the night of the long knives. Fascism is, as Mussolini described it, a merging of corporations and the state- the working class people under such a system are born, live, and die according to the whims of corporations. You cannot trust the ruling class or some "glorious leader" to care about the wellbeing of the people beyond what is necessary to keep them complacent- what do you think is going to happen when more and more jobs become automated, and eventually even the military? Just look at how big pharma has pumped half the US full of legalized heroin and they tried to push a healthcare bill designed to cull the poor- these people are LITERALLY willing to let the world burn for the sake of profit.
Racism is just a tool the ruling class uses to keep the working class divided, it wasn't even really a thing until the 17th century when slaves and indentured servants were working together to revolt and their owners needed a way to turn them against eachother. I know Holla Forums loves to go on about how some ethnicities have lower average Autism Level, but this is largely due to whats known as the Flynn effect- intelligence is heavily influenced by access to proper nutrition and education. Just as an example, Chinese-Americans had considerably lower Autism Level than whites just a few decades ago, which would have deemed them "inferior" according to Holla Forums, but due to a massive increase in their quality of life, they now outperform whites by a significant margin after only two or three generations. Heck, black children over in the UK are actually starting to outperform whites academically.
There isn't even any sort of consensus on what qualifies as "white" anyway, according to some people Hispanics and Ashkenazi Jews are white while most white supremacists would say otherwise, and even some middle easterners were considered "aryan" according to the nazis. Even if you deported everyone who didn't fit your criteria it wouldn't actually solve anything and the ruling class would just further divide up the working class to find their next scapegoat, many white subgroups such as the Irish and Italians already faced a great deal of discrimination in the past and it could easily happen again.
Nationalism is based around the power of the state, and the ruling class cannot be trusted to care about the needs of the working class. If anything it goes directly AGAINST the interests of the working class, who are expected to sacrifice for the sake of the nation which really just means for the profit of its rulers. The only ones who can be trusted to consistently act in favor of the working class are the working class itself.
Communism is about eliminating the class system and letting the people control society instead of just a small few, where society is based around cooperation instead of competition and profit, no more bosses and rulers- in the words of Huey Long, "every man a king, but no man wears a crown". Technological advancements would serve the interests of all people instead of just a small few: imagine if some industry discovered a way to double their productivity- under capitalism, half the workers would be fired and wages lowered due to increased competition for the remaining jobs, while under communism the workers could just work half as much. With all of people's basic needs met, there would be far less crime and a far greater level of trust between people, and they would be better able to achieve their full potential. Culture would be positively impacted as well, it would return to being a genuine expression of the people's will instead of the mass-produced, consumerist McCulture we have now- there would be no Emoji Movies under communism.
Next you will be telling us that there is no such thing as "genetics"
Indeed this is true. The "White race" as a specific definition does not exist. However, it is self evident that human population groups genetically differ from other human population groups and the foundation of identity for most humans is in that most basic of collective groupings, their shared genetics. The fundamentals of a people's natural culture come from their genetic predisposition to certain behavior.
The "White race" does not exist but, there are certainly lighter featured people and most of them could be considered native to North Western Europe and their culture is vastly different from those in other parts of Europe and especially from those from outside of Europe. Forcing them to mix with incompatible people leads only to bloodshed.
The only ways for the "races" or, if you prefer "biological groupings distinct enough to form an identity around" to live in peace is to either have each "race" or "biological grouping that is distinct enough to form an identity" live separately in their own ethno-states or, to homogeneously mix everyone into one single "race" so that there are no differences or, if one "race" exterminates all the others.
Deconstructing everyone's idea about "race" or, "collective biological grouping distinct enough to form an identity around" wont prevent racial conflict. As we have seen Whites still have their racial identity despite 2,000 years of christian universalism trying to stamp it out and despite post christian atheistic universalism that shares every single fundamental morality with the neoliberal status quo while simply not literally believing in the mythos of christianity trying to stamp out racial consciousness.
You know, I don't really care for race but, all the current and many of the past (see christianity) forces have totally denied its existence, or admitted it exists but, denied any meaning to it, that a core population with close enough genetic grouping to get along on a decent level or, "race" if you will, is the foundation of any stable and healthy society. Therefore, race becomes an issue. Its only important because its the base and all the powers that be right now deny it and fight against it.
I'd really much prefer to not have to deal with race. When I'm around my own kind race isn't a factor because that base prerequisite for a functioning society is already met. I'd much rather be striving for glory and building rocket ships and exploring the depths of the ocean but, now I have to deal with the fact that my "race" or, "collective biological grouping distinct enough to form an identity on" is trying to be mixed by international capitalists to destroy all native culture and turn us into cultureless, rootless consumers who are only defined by the products we buy.
This is why the internationalists HATE Juche and Best Korea. They don't fuck with irrelevant shiting and they are open about it. No way to turn Best Koreans into good wage slave consumers when they have their own real identity and culture
Sounds like an efficient plan you will get many on board with, good luck.
wew lad that word filter for Rayse Migsing
user has a point. "The white race" is largely an arbitrary cultural designation rather than a genetic fact. The best example of this being that Greeks are considered "white" while Turks are considered "not-white". "White" as a concept is basically just a secular reinvention of the medieval concept of "Christendom", and it is no less spooky.
What is the case is that there are groups of people largely localized to certain areas that are genetically distinct. But our current understanding of races does not do this truth justice. In reality a "white" Englishman and a "non-white" Iranian are genetically closer than a "black" Nigerian and a "black" Namibian.
And ultimately the preservation of ethnic groups "just because" is retarded. Even if there is a scientifically distinct white-race it doesn't necessarily justify white nationalism. The only distinction that matters is between the strong and the weak, who can and do appear in all parts of the planet.
"Totalitarian" is not a pejorative.
Not to mention negative-eugenics isn't the only kind of eugenics. Culling negative traits is only one goal, the other is propagating advantageous ones. Of course eventually we may be able to advance science to cure genetic diseases.
But eugenics also sets out to make future generations better than the previous. Smarter, stronger, healthier, more beautiful. If we're serious about advancing humanity there is no reason not to use all the tools available to us. It's not like we're moralists.
Greeks and South Italians at this point are not white anymore, they have been constantly getting blacked for millennia. When I see a white person or a turkroach, I know which is which. No, it's not cultural- it's genetic.
Indeed. There are non White Europeans such as Greeks and others but, Holla Forumsyps think that the phenotypical expression of Whiteness in and of itself is what is important. What is important for a functioning society is for people to be similar enough to get along and do something other than fight. "Whiteness" is really a NorthWest European/Nordicist idea. The White race is an effective term when used as a general term for a general identification. Its not a hard and fast super specific definition with clear lines. Yes the lines are blurry but, the term Species suffers from the same faults as do any and all biological, cultural and linguistic grouping terms do since culture, genes and language all have blurry lines and loose and not agreed upon definitions.
We don't say that distinct languages don't exist even though linguists can't decide upon specific definitions of what defines a language VS a dialect VS merely an accent. Just because there are different dialects and blurry lines and a bit of crossover within the German language specifically with different dialects from North to South and other Germanic languages such as Dutch and Swiss-German and the whole Indo-European language group as a whole doesn't mean that there isn't a German language specifically. Same reason why just because a "White" or, "North West European" or "Nordic" genetic grouping has blurry lines and not agreed upon hard and fast definitions does not mean that it totally does not exist.
Same can be said for groupings of music. The issue is really with words, definitions and grouping things with our human words. Any kind of grouping whether its human genetic clusters, languages, music genres, animal species, colors or anything else ALL have these blurry lines and not 100% hard and fast definitions and they have crossover.
It does not however mean that NO distinct groupings can be made or that NO different genres of music exist. The same applies to any kind of grouping.
Distinguishment should be made between leftist social policies and leftist economic policies. Today, leftist social policies are supported by many major corporations because it aids them in their pirsuit of capitalist world domination by blurring the lines of national identities, outsourcing of government capabilities to multinationals, etc. Leftist economic policies are often generally similar to those of nationalists, and are also unpopular amongst the elites: protectionism, regulation, etc.
Leftist social policies are wholly compatible with globalist capitalism, leftist economic policies are sometimes not. Why only sometimes? Welfare measures are used to appease people and make them less likely to rebel or turn to a Trump, in which case they are compatible. Far lefties believe in going a step further to address the root problems of capitalism.
Reminder that these are entirely opinions.
Dont forget IBM
This is what a Greek person looked like during the Roman empire. They were never "white".
Yes, user. Hundreds of years ago before anyone even knew what a "gene" was people managed to accurately identify genetic groupings of people based entirely on what colour they were.
If we must insist on continuing with any concept of "race" then we're going to have to seriously reconsider what that means. Either the "white race" should be expanded to include places as far as India, or should be divided into a multitude of smaller racial classifications along with all of our other current racial classifications.
Alright then, look at this picture. Identify which one is white and which one is the Turk and explain how you reached that conclusion without using any outside information.
There is no such thing as "not engaging in identity politics" because the people here largely identify with THE WORKING CLASS. Libertarians and Anarcho-anything largely identify with THE INDIVIDUAL. Both of these are identities with their own collective self interest (even in the perspective of the Individual) perspective, wants and needs.
There is no such thing as not engaging in identity politics
Class isn't an identity. Why do we have to keep telling you people this everyday?
Just so you know, the "Turks" who live in the country of Turkey are genetically more similar to Greeks and other non-semitic Caucasoids than they are to the "Turks" who still live in central Asia. The country of Turkey is not a racially homogeneous place. There are many people who live there with very little Central Asian dna and still have largely "Pre Arab, pre Turkish, non semitic Middle Eastern DNA". Just because someone is a Turk by Nationality doesn't mean they have Central Asian "Turkish" dna. Yes indeed I agree that the definition of "The White Race" is not a hard and fast one but, so are ALL group definitions and they can all be deconstructed in the same manner. That doesn't mean that they don't exist at all but, many people's ideas of these group definitions are certainly incorrect
Also, there are many British people who have Mediterranean phenotypes such as the man in your picture.
It is an identity. You should check the definition of identity.
Atkinson is the roach in this case obviously. Idk who that girl is but she is white (I assume the catch is that she's a turkroach).
Brits blacked themselves with their colonialism; some turkroaches got white genetics thanks to enslaving European women for centuries.
But on a AVERAGE turk is still less white than a native brit.
If you're thinking about posting a nigger with blue eyes, don't do that, it's still a nigger.
I fail to see anything regarding material relations in that definition. It says that an identity is qualities, beliefs, personality, looks, expressions and since class is based on material relations and none of those things then i guess class isn't an identity based off of that definition.
Pic related.
Or maybe read a book.
That picture makes me want to kill myself
holy shit dude
I'm not saying they don't exist, they absolutely exist. But they exist as social abstractions rather than scientific facts, if we're building a scientifically grounded society then things like race and nationality should not matter. It is absolutely pointless to consider these when they only give a vague suggestion of a person's quality. We instead should consider things that give accurate information about a person, their actual genes. "Race" is only a primitive shadow of actual gene-theory.
Things like intelligence, health, fitness, virility, pro-social behaviour. These are what we should be aiming for.
Race, nationality, "culture", these belong in the dustbin of history alongside religion.
That's precisely the point I'm trying to make. Turks from Turkey are about as actually genetically Turkic as Brazillians are actually genetically Portuguese. Turkey, and probably most of the middle-east for that matter, is actually very diverse. Likewise, Brits are very often very swarthy.
"X country=White/not-white". Is all well and good for /int/. But really modern nation-states can't really be described as being decisively one way genetically or another.
And here's my point. It doesn't matter. We can't do anything with this information. The knowledge that someone from one given place is *probably* of a darker complexion than someone from another doesn't really tell us anything at all. What are we expected to accomplish with this?
And more to the point this isn't even a particularly reliable at guessing what complexion someone might be. As we have just seen.
This is what happens when burgerland is still a thing.
America needs to be nuked tbqh, only then will we be free from this degree of idiocy.
Plus we might attract intergalactic liberators at the same time.
What Fascists said and what they did are two different things. The reality of Nazism's relationship with Christianity is that they were perfectly okay with accommodating it if that got them popular appeal among the largely Christian population of Germany.
Who is this cute little turkroach?
No need to discard love for your race; just adopt spiritual racialism so Euroboos, Bi-racials and Mischlings can play too. If you want theory read "Hitler, a German Fate", "Approach of Communitarianism", and "What's behind the Hanging of 12 Jews in Prague?"
When the shiny jackboots of the police and army are done marching over your face to keep from getting their uniforms muddy, you can get a little shiny gold sticker that says "I helped!"
Rolled 8 + 12 (1d20)fuck it, im just going to make dinner
1. Nationalism exists, therefore it is (as) rational (As anything else). Nationalism's reason for existence is group defense. Communists love PLA's but hate the nationalism of the imperialists because "third world" nationalism has been seen as a resistance to capitalism.
2. Like all things, nationalism has become a fetish. Human society has congealed around the signifiers that dominated our consciousness around the time we developed our shiny new tools (industry). Like so many things, we grasp for something which no longer exists and which cannot since it had its own time and place.
3. It is no more necessary to renounce the nation than it is to renounce individual identity. The nation existed, and still exists in a wax museum form, and was instrumental in history. For this it can be appreciated. People actually need to reconcile that in our timeline, it was only colonialism and brutality that paved the way for the theory and practice of industrial socialism and communism.
4. For all the talk of "degenerates," we all know that we all do weird shit lol. It has always been like this. Humanity is what gives rise to our gross quirks and even evil as well as every positive potential we have (probably at least one of your ancestors is a rapist and at least one sacrificed their life for someone else (after reproducing obvs)).
5. If you want to rep your nation, go for it. But some up with a currently relevant contribution that meaningfully addresses a problem instead of just repeating the same old shit. I mean, no doubt lots of people are disrespectful toward white people. It's just most others don't give much of a shit because there are way bigger problems in the world. But it's still a problem. So if your pet project is defending white people, go for it.
6. The rational pursuit of the interests of white people, like all human pursuits, ends in (the supercession of) communism. This is because politics is really not a zero-sum game unless everyone loses. The only people who should want a war are the Big Bads who have actual bunkers and crazy technology and shit and even they don't want The War or else they'd have started it.
7. The threat is the technocrats striking us out of the blue (nanobots to control everyone immediately or something), and the only way to prepare and preemptively protect ourselves from our own technology is the self-conscious movement to protect all people. You can't afford to stay in your own nation because the Chinese might develop AI and kill you all, and you can't go to war because a real war will kill you. The only alternative is to try and band together and get a handle on our own means of destroying each other.
8. Is it dumb? Kind of, but we live in a world of longshots- it shows you that there is an underlying structural logic at work. PS: eugenics is pointless because we will be able to modify the genes of living humans soon. Then we can cleanse the gene pool all you want because people will sign up for it. You think people don't want to be smarter or not have diseases? You could literally make a black person into a white person, that shit will not matter except for aesthetics.