
Post capitalist things. Because consumerism is the meaning of life and property is human right, right? Let's get agitated, comrades.

Other urls found in this thread:


Watching a man eat unhealthy amounts of junk food as if it was an important achievement to be able to eat bigger pile of greasy shit than anyone else



Anything that isn't biodegradable within the next 100 years, or doesn't die within 150 and its not a crustacean or microbe.

And definitely anything that people convince others matters, just so those same people can sell things like witty/political mugs and t-shirts, or books…

Trees are capitalist?

That picture is kinda hot tbh that guy is living the dream

The capitalist patriarchal dream, you mean?

After the revolution, everyone will have a qt3.14 state-provided gf to have sex with while playing video games. Including the women

Should be
if they're forced into it by the state.

When did we get so many redditors?

Stop hating turtles yo


You cannot do either very well at the same time.

Pic related

Not a redditor. Just not one of the disgusting neckbeard pedo woman haters who came here after they got banned from Holla Forums.

fun fun fun


Yes and no.








don't you Holla Forumsyps always complain about welfare? how can you come home and "have food to eat" when half of the USA gets money from the government to help pay for their food?

It's both adorable and sad how Holla Forums ancaps think they're gonna change anybody's mind by shitposting regurgitated cliches that we've all heard a million times before

Also for people who claim to have superior knowledge of economics, I don't see them saying anything above the level of a dumbed-down macroecon textbook at best



You're still a neet, faggot.

what was on those pics?

A white guy in a dark room playing video games on his couch while a blonde girl is fucking him. There's weed and alcohol and pizza and drugs and phones and jewelry and shit around him.

Ngl I actually really enjoy watching him eat spicy food but the big food episodes are garbage because he usually loses