"the fascists of the future will be antifascists" and the like

This quote seems to have been attributed to fucking everyone recently, and it gave me an idea, which is to attribute it to a ridiculous amount of people to discredit this already fallacious quote. Here are some I finished, please contribute more if you are interested.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like this one better.


mussolini would unironically do this tbh fam



Alright, I'll say it.

Inside every anarchist is a failed dictator.
- Benito Mussolinni


Will anti-fa ever learn?

1984 was a fucking fiction book, I hate how people use it as some kind of political science book

Today I heard someone say "I'm a fascist because I support personal freedom, the left are the real problem". I'm done interacting with people.

I mean tbf, it does have a pretty accurate thesis in the middle of it about revolutionary class dynamics.

We brought this on ourselves by redefining fascism as 'mean people who disagree with me'.

Writing about having sex and saying ''fuck the governemnt" is not anything special

It's almost like they were closet fascist the whole time and are pretending to be outraged


If we were just responding to people who said horrible fascist things then nobody would associate fascism with freedom.
What happens is you get these free speech people who defend everyones freedom of speech as a point of principle. Even when they dont agree with what is being said.
We attack them because they are defending the free speech of people we dont agree with and we want to shut them down.

However, normies from the general public see us attacking freedom of speech people calling them fascists so thats how you get an association between the two. Which results in misconceptions like this:

How do you miss the point so badly to such a simple book?

actual fascists brought this upon themselves by refusing to have any actual defining political theory, the only consistent among fascist societies is anti-Soviet and dumb salutes

I don't know him, but fighting fascist violence is different to using violence to suppress fascist speech.

Fair enough, we just gotta wait for them to start attacking us before we defend ourselves from the people who state that they want to use violence against us.

Have you never been to high school?

If they had no debating theory then the best thing to do would be to let them speak and then people would realize they are morons.

By preventing them from speaking we are antagonizing the freedom of speech people and creating an association between fascism and freedom of speech.
Also we give the general public the impression that we want to silence them because we cant respond to their arguments.


Yes, because just stating a desire that violence be used for a particular end is not a crime. That would be absurd.

I mean I don't know his ideas much.
I read 1984 and Animal Farm

Dude "freedom of speech" is a dogwhistle for fascists to come out of the woodwork. The general public already knows why fascism is bad, Hitler is still #1 historical bad guy and will be for the next few hundred years

I don't know how to tell you this user but threats to do harm/death threats are without a doubt crimes.

I know.
Im just saying that we created that association by trying to deny their freedom of speech.

Not the same thing


Durrr authoritarianism and brainwashing is bad
Wow how deep

…are you implying those aren't bad?

It's also about controlling language and controlling the past, which I thought was interesting

What in tarnation

It doesn't load sometimes. The site is in the middle of shitting itself a bit I think.

Reading things like that makes me lose all hope for humanity.

Yes, mate. Keep telling people that demands for basic human rights are literally fascism. This will not end badly at all.

Their speech needs to be suppressed because we both understand the game we're playing; if they get their precious "free speech" they'll organize and once they get into power they're going to take away OUR free speech. We wouldn't allow fascists to have guns, so we shouldn't allow them to have ideas either. From an self-interested perspective it's important to think about what we're doing: what does upholding free speech for the sake of itself serve any purpose to us? None. It's useful insofar as it supports us and we should therefore not support our enemies. Never give em an inch, they'll demand a mile. This idea of "liberal tolerance" and "all opinions are equal" is downright ridiculous. If all traces of leftism were eliminated tommorrow, we would stand to lose a lot of insight, philosophy, and culture, and the world would be an even more hellish neoliberal shithole with no one to stop it. Now, if all traces of rightism disappeared tommorrow, what do we really stand to lose? Some ramblings about muh feels in obscure books no one takes seriously and stupid looking icons like statues.

Hello Holla Forums

The only part of this thread that isn't cancer are the pictures.

Make more quotes plz

Would it make sense to apply this logic more broadly to the totally-not-a-nazi/cryptofascists? Like, false flag their media by taking their dogwhistles and making them blatant and ridiculously overstated? I mean like using the myth of Jews sacrificing Christian babies and drinking their blood.

Hell, maybe if a couple of us went into the alt-right/alt-lite communities and took all of this stuff out of subtext and made it overt, we could sow discord between the people who aren't comfortable with it and the people who feel compelled to defend it. The reason why shifting people to the right works is because people are gradually acclimated to racist myths.

Dude you should enter the olympics for mental gymnastics.

Sounds interesting. How would it be done though? I suppose if we posted a few fake quotes to Holla Forums they would catch on since they don't check if they're real or not anyway.


Not on 8/pol/ at least, they lurk here.

please make one with all of the prominent frankfurt school members, but don't label them as cultural marxist

Why not? It gives more cred in salt reich circles.

Don't forget to misname people whose faces aren't completely obvious. Also this is fun.

I was thinking less Holla Forums (where the racism is already overt) and more places like /r/The_Donald where mainstream right-wingers get suckered into nazism.

Saved. Been planning to stockpile all that can be made and gradually drop it on 4/pol/ after this thread is forgotten.


This is funny because it has several implications
1) Holla Forums is so poor at due diligence they got duped by Jews with the oldest trick in the book
2) Now we're supposed to believe their investigative abilities even though it's the lack of these abilities that has seen them fall for this
3) This is definitely not another episode of Holla Forums fucking up their research and blaming some random person in a phone book

pol/ has always been run by Jews. As with most "White Nationalist" websites.

Its an old story.

Thats the kind of dumb shitty false flagging Holla Forums try to do with shitty "leftists" infographics that isn't beliveable to anyone for a second.

these are too obvious

You underestimate how stupid the average right winger is. They themselves even. believe their own fake infographics.

while we're at it, post believable fake infographs you got

You keep posting this, even though it's fucking retarded and only serves Holla Forums. I may make some for anarchists if you keep it up.

this shit is dangerous
polyps have no cognitive decency and such simplistic propaganda is easily spreadable

Fuck off, Holla Forums.


I'd actually like that.

just look at the last source mentioned

He's a faggot doing it on purpose, he's been told multiple times. I'm going to take a big fucking shit on anarchists if he leaves it up or I ever see that image again.

That is very interesting in the modern context.

Particularly because the CHinese have a term 白左 (Baizuo) which means 'white leftist' to describe overeducated, naive Americans and European leftists who are obsessed with political correctness rather than real class struggle.

Sure but the neonazis really are that fucking stupid. The point is to go into Poe's Law territory where even though you're fake, it's still something they do or would really believe.

OK so make some less obvious ones. It's better to have a spectrum of believability to maximize the muddiness of those waters.

i made a thing

take that shit, bucko, I wanna see what you can come up with

you've already posted this a million times, someone who ignores class struggle is by definition not a leftist

some of your background choices are really bad, but the mark twain one is fantastic

Its the first time ive mentioned it actually.

They dont ignore it they just give it the lowest priority. Stuff like [email protected]* and letting in muslim immigrants gets top priority.

Yeah it's always a differwnt person posting it because every person who's found it out thinks it's a mind blowing discovery.

Also [email protected] thinking they're the standard for leftism.

I dont know whats going on here?
I meant to say LGBTQTTP+Q

Its not mindblowing. In fact it just backs up what we already know. People elsewhere think that people here dont live in the real world and when we invite ourselves in to their countries adn try to tell them how they should run things they feel belittled.
But on the other hand, you would think its more commonly known term considering it represents the feelings of way over a billion people.

I thought they're supposed to be dumb and shitty. One in the OP is quoting fucking Thor.


Well shit, I find this thread right after posting about the Verritifier.

Is this one real?


Nah I made it in MS Paint, I don't know anything about the Fallangists, is it really that accurate?

Isnt this here just creating right wing propaganda tho?

good thing

What thingy?

The thingy!!


Do you have autism or something? Yes they are.

American Antifa are basically militant democrats at this point and the democrats (like the republicans) have been arming fascists since summer 1945.

I'd respect them a lot more if they also did something to Peter "Lebanese Falange did noting wrong" Daou or any of the Obama administration politicians funneling arms to the Ukrainian regime.

It's worked before


You're mentioning this like it would make a difference in a bootlicker's mind.

Did it work?
If so, take the image.

Sides in orbit.

No. We're stretching it to make it look ridiculous by association. That being said, spamming them on twitter could work, but I'm worried that people will be dumb and take them seriously (which would be very bad indeed).
If you show this stuff to normies and make them laugh at Holla Forums, it defuses their ability to take fascism as a serious solution.
You're going to want to find postings of Holla Forums infographs on Twitter and respond to them with this stuff. Make it really obvious that the quotes are fake, though. You don't need nuance when you have memes.

Now this is rightwing propaganda. It must be stopped.

…that's the whole point.

If you're not scared of Antifa then you're not paying attention.

Anti-fascism creates fascism in the sense that fascism resides in those who oppose it, it is their fear, their obsessive word, their ideological pillar; this will always find something to attach itself to.

Reactionary movements lead to reactionary responses. The reactionary liberalism calling itself "anti-fascism" will, of course, lead to a reactionary anti-liberalism in the form of fascism. Of course, real solutions in the form of socialism is not on the table on either side in this reactionary battle for the culture, which is the whole point.
