Why democrats are so evil and repulsive in their dirty tricks and cheating for power since 2004 using even race baiting and only making the lives of everybody worse just to get a election, power, democrats party would increase racism if this means a good strategy for power while pretending that they are not racists in use race every day in their baiting and manipulation? All their websites, industries, media who were proven to be fake in videos, are on wikileaks, democrats party even try to invent excuses and try to make everything to become easier voter fraud because they are the ones who take advantage of this.
Why Democrats are deeply triggering and problematic male biased, racist pretending to be not racists but democrats need too have racism and someone polarized for their systematically race baiting for them get power, baiters by default? Why Democrats even support racism of loser asian men and democrats is obsessed in try to create deeply triggering and problematic male racism, so they don't want non-white women with white men but celebrate white women with non-white men in their same repulsive websites, media, and industries?
Why democrats are obsessed in try to shilling against white men and non-white women and celebrate white women with non-white men? I know the answer! Remember all the industries, websites, media owned by democrats since 2004 and social engineering different for white women and white men
Why loser beta asian men invented a deeply triggering and problematic male meme and call white men loser and who support this meme if are these minority of vocal beta loser asian men on internet from USA, Canada, Australia, UK and New Zeland the insane losers who invent fanfics, pretending to be mixed, inventing some retarded hapa bullshit in hope to shaming asian women in not dating white guys to protect the racist jealous ego of loser asian men on internet shilling and trying to manipulate?
Do white supremacists like David Duke who looks like a sack of shit, pig, pink, disgusting, old and try to talk like young?
So are vermins like david duke who are useful idiots and are part of the "white losers" who are only useful to keep deeply triggering and problematic male garbage?
Why you can't be normal right wingers? Why do you let the DNC exploit this old ugly davidduke pig?
Seriously, the sadest thing is that the American media, establshhment, democrats owned websites, media, industries, wants white men trashed, polarized and alone, why white supremacists wants to have a femdom beta loser culture around racial worshiping of white women and racial trashing of white men? Why white supremacists and democrats want white men trashed, polarized, targeted?