Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
What should I do to convince my friends that radical centrism is an awful idea? Most of them are the enlightened rad centrist fedoras that browse reddit? Any suggestions?
Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
What should I do to convince my friends that radical centrism is an awful idea? Most of them are the enlightened rad centrist fedoras that browse reddit? Any suggestions?
Murder them to death.
You could try to explain them that even though they are satisfied with the world they live in it has always room to improve.
"In a conflict between change and the status quo, neutrality is de facto siding with the status quo."
See how they respond to that.
What even is "radical centrism" exactly? Seems like it could be a wide range of things from classical liberalism to fascism.
It's less a position than an attitude. "Both sides are dumb. I'm the smartypants because I'm in the middle."
How do I find leftist friends?
Join a local organization
but what if there are no left orgs in my area? and my country :(
how do i get a gf
where do you live fam
by going to leftytrash and posting there
keep on frogposting. It'll happen eventually.
There was a thread a while ago about art and someone posted an artist who did sort of semi-erotic paintings and a painting of a young man looking at himself in a mirror. Does anyone know who the artist was?
Ben Garrison
For those concerned - are the base-community of users on this board majoring/minoring in economics, history, and/or political science?
Am I missing something here? Is it really possible that these many people actually give this much of a shit about something so complicated and controversial when we aren't arguing about games, lifestyles and interests? Or is this all just an elaborate think-tank funded by some private intelligence agency or something?
Say he gets elected next time, or even the time after that, do you really think he could implement UBI in the US?
I'm an econ grad that hated every moment of memorising neolib dogma and sought an escape. We had one token leftists lecturer but he never fully revealed his power level for fear of triggering all the wealthy international students.
I actually have one
On the topic of labor vouchers:
If you're given 8 labor vouchers for 8 hours of work, would this mean that all (useful of course) labor is valued the same?
What're the best articles / books concerning labor vouchers? Or are those just a meme?
Non-brit thoughts on Corbyn?
That's depressing as fuck fam
I have a Master's in philosophy. But since my background is in the analytic school, Lacan, Hegel, and those guys are a bit foreign to me. My undergrad was BSc philosophy + compsci
Entering into pol/sci this year. Also doing Russian from scratch.
Was the Draft Riots justified or no?
I hate myself for not seeing that joke coming.
No, the civil war was justified Marx said it himself that it was important to see the end of slavery.
I dropped out at 17 then did an apprenticeship in IT. If I was to go into school now though those would definitely be some of my top choices though. If it is a think tank I haven't received my cheque yet.
Oh, totally. Conscription is slavery
Are gorilla shit threads going to be banned now?
I have a HND in accountancy, a bachelor degree in administrative law and a 1 year master degree in sociology/management.
Bachelors and masters in physics. Currently first year phd student in physics. Plasma physics to be exact is my area.
lol why?
I don't get it. Does cost of production determine equilibrium price like marx says in wage labor and capital or does value determine equilibrium price like marx says in capital?
If you give the same amount of labor vouchers for the same amount of time for everyone, then yes, all labor will be valued the same.
Dude what? Im studing fucking software engineering. Being politically involved, caring about and understanding the world is the most important thing you can do in your life.
This OC is great, I'm going to make a polished version at some point.
The cost of production is the value in equalibrium.
what about surplus value then? Thats not included in Cost of production.
Are traps gay?
What is the actual difference between keynesianism and social democracy?
Hero. Best succdem ever. If
any tankies want to weigh in lysenkoism? is it right, is it wrong, did it even happen?
so is Holla Forums just an economic thing or a cultural thing too? do you support the ethnic replacement of natives of first world countries via decades of mass immigration? where do you stand on Nietzsche's slave/noble morality?
but socialism is a rightist thing too?
also individualist tendencies arent discourage by a rightist traditionalist state/conditioning but are simply not considered, personal emotions and personality traits are the business and responsibility of any given person and not for the state to meddle with unless they prove themselves to be overtly detrimental to the group, thats the idea.
also what does leftypol think of replacement levels of immigration? even if your opinion differs, what is the general concensus of the community?
No, it is pure bullshit and this is undeniable.
Yes it did (to a certain extent), but you have to undestand two things:
1st. At the moment science was not as advanced as today, so it was not really easy to prove if things were right or wrong.
2nd. Most importantly , the soviets were desesperated to produce more grain ( as the people were starving in Ukraine, Southern Russia, Uzbekistan….).
And Lysenko methods ( probably by pure chance) actually increased grain output, so the soviets, accepted his theories as correct.
What is your guys stance on Israel? please explain
Israel is an imperialist apartheid state. No we do not hate Jews, and yes the PFLP is the coolest.
do you know where the original to that webm is?
Socialism is not a rightist thing. The right wing, traditionalist state government DOES care what you do in your free time at least in practice throughout history. Immigration is a ploy to enlargen the shrinking workforce in the Western world, to use them as debt mules, and to create divisiveness between the working class.
fucking retarded answer
to my understanding it doesnt yet if you disagree i would hear your reasons/evidence now.
it is, mussolini studied marxism. ancient rome had alms. fascism is socialism.
Classical fascism was not socialism, the workers do not control the means of productions, the slave masters do, and the emperor controls all.
does use value change as the result of technological and social development?
i.e. is the use value of coal is increased by the creation of the steam engine.
more controversially (since it relates to commodities mediating human relations) does social signalling, etc, count towards use value or is this to be ignored. (i.e. is part of the use value of an iPhone the fact it signals you are with it)
Warren Buffet studied Marx. That doesn't make him not a capitalist.
they were owned by families/clans who mostly "employed" family members (as well as slaves who were treated like worse family members)
ok bud, sounds like your prefer the whole victim-wank meekness is goodness aspect rather than the actual multi-beneficial empathy
Right, so that's why gays, Catholics who didn't want war, pacifist groups, were arrested and killed in Italy and Germany.
Alms is not socialism. Mussolini was part of a socialist party before he decided to twist Nietzche's work into fascistic theory, and he used A LOT of socialist, populist rhetoric to appeal to the lower classes before he decided to murder left-wingers willy nilly. This does not make a socialist you brainlet.
Read. A. Book.
They were owned by the slave owners, and the slaves were the means of production since machine was not widespread back then.
thats because it was decided that those traits did in fact actively harm the group. whether you agree with that is besides the point, what matters is the (elected in germany) state decided that.
We need to make this thread a cyclical.
Wasn't there a thread today about other leftist (image)boards? 420chan's pol was mentioned. I can't find the thread
are you stupid?
No but he'd implement some nightmare-tier policies
Starting with using facebook as the basis of a new national identification probably.
If Germany hadn't attacked first, would Stalin eventually have started the war himself? Was he interested in expanding westwards?
bump for interesting question.
WTF is Mikey Saakashvili up to? How can that absolute clown still be alive lmao?
Can someone awnser this?
there is fair reason to think this considering USSR's attempts at expansionism into Finland (although it can be argued this was an attempt to bring Finland back into Russian territory), I highly doubt stalin had any notion that the pact with Hitler would last, and was likely trying to complete the industrialization of his army for a fight when Germany struck, Since the SVT40 was unable to phase out the mosin nagants when Operation Barbarossa was launched, and the T34s had yet to roll out in substantial force, the question of whether or not Stalin would've struck at Germany when the chance had shown itself, is different, since Stalin's advocacy for the Kuomingtung over the CPC in China had shown he did have some pragmatism, It is likely stalin would know the danger of letting a fascist ideology gain strength and becoming a power bloc (which fascism mercifully never did), and would've struck at some point, but likely only after the Soviet armory had been properly upgraded.
As to Finland, it had been part of the Russian empire from 1809-1917 so it can be argued that it wasn't really expansion. Russians had legitimate fears about Finland as its borders was very close to Leningrad and it was firmly in the German sphere of influence, a German king was almost installed in 1918 after the civil war.
t. a Finn with relatives who died fighting the Soviets
Is it theoretically possible for capitalism to become fully automated, and people paid to do dumb service shit like smile?
Why the fuck do the KSA and similar states fund groups like Al-Qaeda?
Yes because the draft was NOT in the material interest of the workers.