What's our gameplan for change? Revolution won't fly with liberals, and everything else going on doesn't seem to work.
What's our gameplan for change? Revolution won't fly with liberals, and everything else going on doesn't seem to work
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first off
top kek, especially all the bookchin on the bookshelf
As for revolution, its still viable. It takes time. The overtone window is shifting left, radical leftism is becoming more and more acceptible. There will always be liberals, naysayers, and reactionaries. However we simply only need a critical mass to inititate change.
If you are a burger, consider the American revolution, in which not all Americans, or even entire colonies supported revolution. Yet, with enough support, it was made to happen. The same could happen for us.
No, I don't think so. Americans love capitalists, (look at the Elon Musk circle jerk for example), and will never harm them in any way.
Radical leftism has been the boring mainstream for over fifty years. Your gay movement has no future because it can only destroy.
Will make excellent fertiliser for the farms of the people.
no you're gay
Do you guys have any post-2010 memes? Do you have any memes at all?
Also, not an argument.
Real talk: Does anyone?
As long as we live in a society that (re-)produces liberalism, ie. the ideology of capitalism, there will be no revolution, since there is no potential for one. But with time, as this becomes more and more difficult, ideology and the real conditions diverge more an more, revolutions become possible.
But this isn't done by "preaching" in the streets, like some Doomsday twat. Nor does it have anything to do with "The overtone window shifting to the left", as implied. Revolutions are fundamentally anti-political, since they exist in reference to a society with can't exist within the current political (ie. legal/official) conditions. A overcoming of the current conditions has nothing to do with these political positions, since they are always get caught within the current framework.
If on the other hand, you're talking about a revolution, in form of a "simple" regime change, then maybe you might manage to convince people to join you in nationalizing the MoP, again, and re-manage capital in a new and innovative way. Who knows?
Read edensauvage.wordpress.com
this one is pretty dank tbh
Revolution isn't something people do because they feel like it. It's a response to the breakdown of society, a mass realization in the people that things are getting so bad it's worth risking their lives to avert the commencing catastrophe. But that doesn't come easy. In Russia, it took millions of deaths in 3 years of horrific war combined with actual starvation in the cities until the people finally decided they had enough and rose up. When shit degenerates far enough for revolution to become a realistic option, it won't matter how anyone 'feels' about it - the real conditions of their existence will make it necessary because doing nothing would mean worse.
What fucking timeline are you from?
Well first off, I've been on the chans for awhile so yea a lot of my saved images are pretty old. My bad for not devoting my time to produce muh le epic may mays XD amirite?
Secondly I'm pretty sure simply calling our movement mainstream and gay isn't an argument to begin with, so I appologize about not really presenting a counterargument. Now kindly fuck off back to Holla Forums you fucking dolt
The nightmare one where the MSM constantly pushes radical leftist ideas like feminism, BLM, gay rights, mudslide immigration, anti-traditionalism etc.
Is this your first time here? The MSM are liberals, that is not the same thing as leftists. They are at best just left of center. They ignore the base.
Wait, so are you guys really doing nothing? This whole thread sounds really leftcommy.
You reds missed your opportunity for a revolution of the masses.
At this point, not only would you never be able to gain the support for such an endeavour, but western governments have never been in a better position to crush a revolt.
A worker led revolution is simply no longer good praxis and it has not been for quite a long time.
Thankfully my ideology lacks such a short coming.
The modern nation-state is utterly dependant upon the backing of its armed forces for legitimacy and authority; A weak point.
All one has to do is gain the backing of those armed forces and one has the power necessary to declare sovereignty in a quick and clean manner.
I would consider that the only praxis capable of enforcing to real change in the modern world.
Take your schizobabble elsewhere Howard
I don't know but I want to live in it
I'm only attempting to help you, friendo.
The idea of a revolution of the proletariat is an antiquated one that is simply not going to happen; That ship sailed long before you or I were born.
As such, I'm simply asking you to consider alternative methods for gaining power that are applicable to the neo-liberal states of the 21st century.
I created my own praxis for taking power that is applicable to both my ideology and the realities of modern society.
I'm sure that you would be able to do the same if you could move on from the idea of a revolution of the masses - it is holding you and your ideology back.
Don't forget gay rights.
I never understood how you figured you were going to be able to convert the army when it's full of brainwashing, corporate loyalties, and an ever more rightwing bent.
I think Milo's cock in your mouth is blocking your view, friendo
fap to anime
I always wonder what Holla Forumstards who try to shit up leftypol threads with shit like "HURR no the mainstream media lol MSM ur ghey" think they're accomplishing. Like seriously, what do you think you're actually doing apart from irritating maybe five people on the internet? Nobody takes you seriously here, and you're sure as hell not here to "listen to both sides" or whatever halfassed appeal to liberalism you think you're managing to hide behind.
We have memes galore. Also, I wasn't trying to argue, I was simply telling you to go back to Holla Forums or whatever political board you normally browse. The closest thing to radical leftism being prevalent (At least in the United States) was the hippie movement and the Black Panther Party. To say that radical leftism has been dominant would mean calling LBJ, Nixon, Kissinger, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Both Bushes, Quayle, the Clintons, Gore, Obama, Trump, McCain, Ryan, Schumer, Warren, and Sanders left-wing, and with the possible exceptions of Carter and Sanders, none of those people are even remotely left-wing.
Well I have tailored my ideology and its accompanying religious element to be appealing to those with such a mind-set.
For anyone familiar with the rather standard recommended reading lists put forward by the various armed services of western nations.
They will recognise many elements found within those books, in my ideology.
Much of the underlying philosophy of Starship Troopers, the Stoic philosophy found in Meditations and the general operating guidelines/procedures taken from numerous service guides to give a few examples.
Even those in the armed forces that are not receptive to my philosophy, I'm sure would be open to the idea of throwing off the shackles of an incompetent, corrupt civilian government.
Pragmatists can be just as useful as any true believer.
At the same time, the instrument(s) to crush any kind of popular movement have gotten only bigger also. People getting their news through their smartphones, drones, militarized police, and so on… If the powers that be want to crush the movement and are not afraid to get their hands dirty, the radical left will quickly disappear into nothing. Don't underestimate how much this "radical" movement is entirely dependent on the existence of so many bourgeois freedoms.
That's hardly leftism, it's liberal idpol.
sorry for the nitpicking, but it's Overton window, for Joseph P. Overton.
Oh yeah? Then how do you explain the undertone window.
But… that's what the Bolsheviks did. There were a million complicating factors, but a central point is that they won out among the soldiers.
The average Joe hates revolution. Leftists promoting revolutions is how you get fascism.
And if communists are able to steal the loyalty of the armed forces away from the existing state.
Do you not think it possible that an ideology that is tailored to appeal to military folk could enjoy the same success?
What about those who have been through the military and spat on? I'm planning on trying to appeal to the homeless veterans of the US, which there is no shortage of.
Well who exactly do you think is responsible for spitting on them?
Not able to access a military pension? - Civilian government.
Unable to secure a spot in a veterans hospital or retirement home? - Civilian government.
Limited opportunity if you leave the services? - Civilian government.
I would say that my ideology would hold quite an appeal to such people.
The wrong doings against them simply need to be properly contextualised.
Now you see that is a legitimate and workable strategy for effecting change in the modern world.
Good job.
Those are the sorts of ideas that make an ideology likely to see the light of day.
That pic is literally me, I've always been baffled how few conspiracy theorists have concluded capitalism is the problem, and instead advocate ancap crap.
You should be organizing with other likeminded individuals for when things do begin to change. That means making plans in case of emergencies, scheduling time with experts to learn vital skills like first aid, weapons handling, agriculture, how to make water safe, how to make or repair electrical equipment, engineering skills, carpentry–everything you might have to do yourselves when there's no one else to do it for you.
As the economy deteriorates you're going to see private and public services curtailed as profitability disappears and the tax base shrinks. You and your friends/allies/comrades/whatever need to be ready to step in and organize replacements. It'll be up to you to make sure school children get the food they need when schools stop their lunch programs. It'll be up to you to make sure the elderly don't freeze or cook to death in extreme weather. In short, it's going to be up to you to find ways to make sure your community gets the things that it needs.
You need to be making yourself as physically fit as possible in order to be able to protect yourselves and each other. If you live in a working class neighborhood, you need to be ready for the day that the police stop coming when you call them. You're going to need a strategy for organizing your own neighborhood watches or militias.
They don't have a choice. Revolution isn't a matter of willingness, it's a matter of necessity. If they try to preserve the current status quo that means they are your enemy and should be treated like it.
Import Taylorist scientific management from the US and kill gays and Poles.
Do absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Break as many windows and trash cans as possible.
red flag
Make a State and secret police without calling it one.
Define socialism as worker management of capital but only pretend to actually give workers management of capital.
Taylorist scientific management but without stopping when it becomes obvious it doesn't work anymore and you as the only one lose control through economic collapse while building a lot of bunkers.
Kill the early Chinese proletariat and pretend to have discovered the revolutionary communist subjectivity of the peasantry. Also kill sparrows.
Explicitly and in every instance be a nationalist but it's okay because you wave red flags sometimes and you made America look pathetic.
Make everyone a capitalist, establish a "socialist bank" and repress strikes because that's not legitimate now guys.
Ostracize every single one of your peers for being filthy utopians by being a gigantic asshole to them.
Survive in a squat for 3 months while trading a few babies for crack and dying of dysentery.
Exclusively exist a flavour of shitposting on left social media websites spouting ironic reactionary ideology until it ceases to be ironic.
Subverting the masses by drowning them in newspapers
Is not possible because it requires:
1- monetary reform that fits the labour Theory Of Value
2- Infrastructure for working central planning
3- Replace the current governmental structure with commies
4- Make sure that the population produces more than it consumes
Have all of those elements and bim bam badaboom you have your leftie paradise.
The most likely scenario is that it will fail because the commie paradise structure is a house of cards that if you sneeze too hard will starve you to death because someone somewhere was ambitious and corrupt and gave favors in exchange of the resources they were supposed to redistribute in Not-true-communism(tm).
You can live under shitty capitalism, you cannot live under shitty communism.
Stop trying to install your dumb ideology and get everyone killed.
Everyone would be killed by private armies for violating the NAP in an ancap society you fucking moron
You are missing the part where the workers are supposed to control the economy, and the state is not supposed to exist.
"The military" isn't a universal class. The Bolsheviks captured the military because it was overwhelmingly composed of peasants and workers fed up with imperialist wars and a social order that they finally realized did nothing but ream their asses. In different times and places, a military would be more patriotic, or racist, or religious or otherwise spooked in a million manners, so a different faction would win out, instead of the Bolsheviks.
The Bolsheviks' position wouldn't win them the bulk of all armies, but then again, neither would your position, or anyone else's. Sure, any faction tries to, and does, move the army towards their own position, but they're ultimately like nudging a skyscraper. You don't really convince them to change their opinions into the same as yours, but rather that your faction is the one that best represents their opinions.
If you want an actual response you need to articulate your thoughts rather than just meme at people like a dullard.
Shill co-ops, unions, and syndicates to show normies that capitalism isn't human nature and just the way that it works. Shill labor reform to put pressure back on capital, improve people's lives, and push down the rate of profit. Use the previously mentioned organizations to start massing strength in weapons and combatants. Produce revolutionary agitprop and distribute it. When our vigorous attempts at reform stop working because they very quickly will, people will get more desperate. Use this to move them left and show them reform was never really an option. Build ranks and prepare for inevitable collapse so people will be ready to pick up the pieces and pick off the remains of the crumbling empire.
Also, friendly reminder that many Wal Marts sell guns right in the store. If the workers really wanted to they could just go take them and arm themselves. Granted, these are hunting rifles generally, but they're also right within reach.
Fucking what. No mainstream media is left of center, that would involve opposition to capitalism. Some are left of center within the mainstream overton window (left wing of capital), but even in that case the number is shrinking as everyone marches steadily rightward. Pretty much everyone with a name to speak of is shilling for the establishment and bought into the idea that history is over and it's all just a spectator sport between the major parties.
confirmed brainlet
ayyyyy lmao
Yeah, but is there anyone doing any of that?