hot takes from hillary (this is from her new book)
Labor rights, healthcare and education are unrealistic, bernie promised too much
Other urls found in this thread:
In the framework of the current system though she's right, Bernie would just have been shut down by congress and unable to do anything significant.
Not surprised. Also, is Hillary delusional?
Even if Bernie did win and got his stuff passed, capitalists would likely go on industrial strike and outsource ASAP, and then say that it's "socialism's fault" that the economy failed. There's no winning without global efforts to achieve communism.
Hillary is probably single handedly responsible for the EU horse meat scandal.
Oh btw, did you buy that book or is that a screenshot you found? If you did buy it, is it basically hundreds of pages of "its everyone else's fault that I lost except mine"?
I almost physically hurts to say this but, she might be right. The US is just too fucked to for even the most basic socialist implementations. That still makes her a piece of shit for so desperately wanting to be captain of such a shitty ship. Fuck all career politicians.
As everyone else said, the US is extraordinarily class cucked and there is no real labor movement to speak of. Corporations and politicians have literally no incentive to implement these kind of reforms.
isn't a nationwide McDonalds strike going to happen soon?
That's not really an excuse when you're pushing for president though.
Exactly. As the old saying goes, aim for the stars and you'll at least reach the moon. You have to tell voters a vision of where you're trying to go, not just some compromised version of what you think you might get from the other party. Obama kind of did the former in '08, which is why he won, but then always did the latter once in office. This is one of his failings. He always started negotiations with the compromise. When you do that, the compromise becomes the position that gets widdled down to an even further compromise.
Nothing Bernie was proposing was "a pony for everyone". It was things that many countries all over the world have already. He might not get all of these things from a Republican congress but that doesn't matter. You stake out what you want and fight for it. Then if Republicans block it you blame them for blocking it and try to flip the Congress next election.
For example, Bernie was proposing a $15 min wage, Hillary originally a $12. The Republican congress wasn't going to vote for either of them. They basically want there to be no min wage. So was Hillary also offering "a pony"?
And as for "how will you pay for it", Bernie had plans to pay for everything he was proposing. Hillary was proposing escalating the war in Syria. Donald Trump has increased the military budget by about $100 million per year. Funny nobody asks how that will be paid for, but when Bernie suggests tuition-free public college (costing about $70 mil per year), everyone says "How will you pay for that?!?!?!" as if it's some kind of impossible cost.
Good post, only correction I have is that it's whittled, not widdled. It's a woodwork reference, to carve from slightly.
I can't find anything on it. Do you have a source?
No, of course not. I was 100% behind Bernie, I'm just saying that his platform was objectively not feasible in the American political climate. He would have been a lame duck president.
Yeah, but so is Trump. How would this be solved? The only way I can see it is by a minor top down revolution involving a nationwide state of emergency, purges, and showtrials by an entryist candidate.
There is no immediate solution to this political climate. We just have to organize the best we can, educate and agitate when viable, and wait until an economic crisis revives the labor movement and its associated radical wings.
That doesn't sound like as much fun as deploying the army against the deep state.
lol, yeah. Tbh, I am a little surprised America has never had a military coup. Maybe we're due for one.
There was an "almost". But it wasn't for the proletarian.
Extra reading:
Mhm aha yes I concur my good man, career politicians shouldnt be in politics, nor career doctors be in healthcare, nor electricians be involved in electrical wiring of houses
As a replacement, people should be put into fields they have no knowledge of and lack the technical expertise to appropriately do the job
I for one anticipate my surgery done by not a surgeon but rather a chef
On the topic of free ponies, let's talk about the election's other free rides.
Donald was a mistake.
Hillary would have allowed us to go to war with the slavs at least
We told you fam. We told you about the bourgeoisie.
What the fuck is going on here
They do this shit all the time. Just ignore them and treat them like the schizoid teenagers they are.
Gas yourself. The point of Trump was to shift the Overton window. Anyone who isn't a retard knew he was a jew lover, he never hid it.
Make me nigga
I've changed my ways
My man I've been reading leftypol for the entire day, I decided to give a few books a read, and well,, I no longer support nazism, I'm reading "wage labor and capital" and it's making quite some sense,
First of all, in the wikileaks emails, one of them literally gave hillary the debate questions. Not only that, but one of her staffs memebers or something idk pressured msnbc to give hillary more postie coverage. In other words, she can fuck right off with her lying shit.
But as an fyi leftypol does not support Hillary, not even remotely
Shit nigger what are you doing!
I wish the administration here wasn't so hostile to Asserism because it would be a fair compromise between Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
According to every definition I come across Reactionaryism is a defense of the status quo, and Holla Forums's qualms with Reactionaryism lie with its defense of Capitalism so how is Asserism Reactionary if it opposes Capitalism? If it doesn't oppose Capitalism, that's not okay and I'll gladly call myself something else that does while still valuing the holy Swastika.
Anywho, I'm certain this post will be deleted and I'll be banned again. Just know that I'm an anti-Capitalist Fascist. A CommieNazi - unironically. I want to both acknowledge and address the evil status quo Capitalist cuckery and I know for a fact that both Holla Forums and Holla Forums are dissatisfied.
Holla Forums gets what it deserves. They think they're being original for a week, witty for a fortnight, and by the end of the month they're ramming the angle down everyone's fucking throat and waiting to cry victim when the admins take action against them. Same reason race realism is banned. Certain people could have been civil but they refused to and spammed the board for weeks on end exploiting every nook and cranny in the rules. They're fucking faggots and their personally types are the reason why so many interactions over the internet involve a tome of autistic rules that seem strange to any non-sperg. Essentially. these fuckwits are the people that turned the internet into the no-fun rulesfest that we now all have to suffer, and they should be persecuted at every turn and given no other option but to side with us or fuck off.
That is behavior I oppose, but I understand their opposition to Communism. I just would like open, civil conversation if not for the rest of Holla Forums then for myself because I'm willing to see things objectively.
If you are here to legitimately discuss left wing pol the there is no reason to be banned.
That being said though I don't think it's possible to be both fascist and anti capitalist. Do you perhaps mean authoritarian anti capitalist? Nationalist even? It may not be standard socialism but I don't think it's inherently contradictory although I'd personally disagree with it
This thread was made by someone in a similar position less than 12 hours ago and could save us both plenty of time, it's well worth a read for someone that is new here.
Let me break it down like this because it is a challenge to define. I'll just list off some things that I believe and I think we could build from there.
I believe in having a somewhat dispersed power of government to emphasise decentralization but at the same time have a central government with a little more power than local/state-level governments to ensure that agreements between the local powers are enforceable in a way that isn't tyrannical. I believe in the existence of biological realities such as sex and race but that legislation shouldn't be written up to enforce a hierarchy among them, aside from perhaps some mutually agreed-upon anti-Miscegenation laws to preserve the current ethnic boundaries, and give benefits to those who create traditional nuclear families/families capable of raising children in a stable manner (Single motherhood damages all of society), with traditional sex roles being a socially accepted reality. Generally, I feel like a less strict social policy is the way to go, so long as nobody is harmed by certain practices, like drug dealing for instance.
Economically, Capitalism is unacceptable. We can't have our peoples' bones ground to dust in the name of ( ( (Profit) ) ) and our resources squandered to the detriment of our environment in the name of a ( ( ("For Profit") ) ) Mode of Production. A "For Use", Socialist Mode of Production (Correct me if I'm not understanding Socialism enough) Is the way to maximize our efficiency and minimize our use of the planet's resources with a sustainable means of living being the goal. No more wage-slavery. Fill in the rest I missed with Socialist economic policy. Politically, I don't want symbols like the Swastika to be suppressed, in fact I want the Fascist aesthetic to be embraced on a national level. I want a cooperation between groups representing both Fascist and Communist though to work in collaboration with open conversation between the two when deciding policies and both with equal power in our "Senate" or whatever governing bodies we have.
I can't think of other points to raise but ask me anything you like.
Uh sure. I'm not going to copy and paste what I wrote but I'll make a post and see you there I guess.
he coulda used the bully pulpit to put the fear of god in congress over reelection
You'd be surprised (inb4 tankie shitstorm) but your description of governmental organization isn't all that different from that of Murray Bookchin. Might i suggest his short work Politics of Social Ecology: Libertarian Municipalism. Basically democratic power centralized around population centers, with there being a confederation in which delegates are sent to deal with "national" matters, representing the population centers.
Otherwise though I'd say you'd most likely fit in fine here, welcome to the fold. Time for some reading comrade
If you can't find a PDF of this work I can link one in the reading sticky tomorrow after I wake up, heading to bed
I made a post in this thread:
(My post is )
I wonder which ghost writer had the honor of writing Shillary's excuses. Bitch thinks way too highly of herself.
Anyway there wasn't a chance in hell of Bernie winning anything so it's pointless to pretend there was a real contest. He was just there to sheepdog and try to convince people that the Democraps still matter.
I'm positive Bernie isn't running in 2020. If he does, he'll get screwed again and they'll crown fucking Zucc.
Socialism isn't about muh fairness or retarded idealism, it's about the inevitable failures of capitalism as a system.
Also, no one except edgy idiots want the swastika or cares about your race/sex ideology.
I don't intend on forming an ideology around race or sex but keep thinking as much, friend. And I'm not ignorant enough to call Socialism anything other than a correct progression from Capitalism.
Sage for off-topic.
why are the democrats so fucking insufferable
there's this really palpable feeling of a sort of even-worse lisa simpson that just runs right through them.
That's not Bernie, that's Vermin Supreme.
Vermin Supreme should be up there debating Hillary. /ourguy/
Like, seriously. Let's make this debate actually happen.
I saged because I want my stuff to be in this thread:
Sage for off-topic
Stop fucking around in this one then. I'm not going to thread-jump to give you attention.
Take the lesson on idealism or don't. I hope you grow out of fascism and don't go down the anarkiddie road.
Hillary doesn't "debate", she repeats talking points. Vermin would crush hard but the media would say Hillary won.
Do you even have to ask?
fuck no, I just found the screenshot
wew, I wouldn't even pirate this garbage
Because the military already controls what it wants to control
That didn't even matter when she actually did eventually win debates on the merit of having an opponent too incompetent to lose a debate to.
fuck off
I meant the asserist should fuck off, not the other guy
yeah, just invite the fascists in you fucking piece of shit
Even against Trump she just repeated talking points and said "read my website, trust me I'm smrt". She had a wide open opportunity to call out his bullshit for what it is in front of the country, and she didn't. Instead she did just about everything possible to turn off anyone who might be genuinely in the middle and making a choice by sticking to her talking points. Worse, if she made the debate an actual debate, or even a smackdown of Trumpism, the media would fawn less because the goal of the media establishment is to make sure political discourse in this country is as vacuous as possible.
I don't think she could have won regardless - most people effectively made up their minds as soon as the primaries were over, and there was probably rigging to make Hillary's loss look closer than it actually was.
As far as the Trump debates though, there wasn't really a "winner". It was just two people riling up their respective bases with soundbites. The loser was Burgerland. It's pretty bad though when someone like Clinton can actually lose to Trump for the purpose of gaining votes.
Only now do you understand that the true red pill is socialism. The colour really should have given it away.