Anti-porn next generation

How can we teach the bright young minds of our future generation the dangers and ill-effects of porn consumption and to avoid the medium at all costs?

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By abolishing capitalism?

Prove me wrong.

What's the point of this shitpost?

Second note, what's the point of the things in pic related?

What's wrong with porn?

You can put it on your benis and it can be locked, do the math

Well, noted leftist and serious scientist Dr. Kellogg recommended circumcision to prevent chronic masturbation. In masturbating adolescents, he recommended that the procedure be performed without anesthesia so that they would remember it whenever they thought about touching themselves.

Since this is a totally serious post and we're all on the same side, here, I think we should consider his ideas.

Dude the world is burning, hundreds of millions will starve this century and we're collectively running out of cheap and accessible oil. If people jerking it to porn is in your 'top ten issues' list then you've absolutely lost perspective on the human condition in the 21st century. Please reevaluate.

Many things, I'm surprised you can't see them for yourself, yet again we're on the internet and I wouldn't be surprised if you're the textbook definition of an addict yourself.

Enough of that, here are the reasons:


And now, here's why I personally find porn distasteful to me, and the addiction effect doesn't work.

Tbh, I feel much less worse after masturbating to my imagination than to porn. Sure, porn gives you a 3-dimensional template you can imagine, but for me, it's just too explicit, and instead of imagining my own situation, i'm being trapped inside theirs. Porn gives me too many details.

Because you have no control over what you see in pornography, you are subjected to material you may find vulgar, overly detailed or just unappealing.

This is why I like to jerk off to clothed women, especially when they're not in a sexual pose, because them being sexual towards me is too much for me to handle.

What's wrong with also tackling minor issues? Especially on an imageboard for free-discussion on subjects big or small?

Their sponsored by the Mormon church, out here in Utah they'll throw flyers into your front yard advertising them.

On top of this, I cannot ignore in porn that I don't know these people and that they aren't real to me.

I just can't pretend these people are close to me. Also, I know that it isn't me banging the girl, so I feel like a cuck

And I know that the girl isn't attracted to me in the video, because 1, she doesnt know me and two, it's an "ACT"

Leave those sick illusions of lust, and instead dedicate yourself to using 2d or 3D animated Hentai, and reading Hentai manga to fully satiate your sexual desires.

Welcome to the real world

If you don't know the girl why would you feel like a cuck? It's the same as masturbating to anyone you don't know fully clothed but with a better view.


true but so can't virtually everything, including food

Fetishes existed way before porn did, it might accelerate you finding them, but it is unsubstantiated to say it causes them. Also, so what if it does

Sex does this anyway, with the exception of family members. You're fucked up if this is a problem for you

It can, but doesn't necessarily. Have you had sex before? Because porn has little basis on I how I have sex, personally
Define values btw, this is straight up Holla Forums posting

lol. First off, reptilian brain? You are referring to the triune brain hypothesis, which is simply a grossly oversimplified and outdated model of human neuroscience. You are likely referring to the limbic system.
Secondly hollowing is caused by the curse of Undeath, as the afflicted slowly loses their humanity, not by pornography:

In all seriousness though once again this is Holla Forums posting, based on morality and not objective truths

I'm engaged, according to your logic I could have never found my fiancee?

Turn them all into furries. They'll be so overexposed to it that they won't even really want to get into it anymore.

But you're imagining it, not seeing it.

My imagination is separate from real senses.

We don't

Yes, in one case you are imagining fucking a clothed woman and the other case you are imagining fucking a woman you have seen take a cock. The only real difference is in the view.

And this justifies addiction?

Sex and porn are different though. You have no control in porn, the film controls you. And since you don't know these people, it makes you kind of a slut.

Not everything in this world has to be explained in words. You can feel it hurts you, and sometimes, that's all that matters.

Science doesn't have to prove porn hurts people, people experience it themselves.

Good for you, you don't know what "can" means, do you?

Viewing porn is explicit, viewing clothed women leaves room for imagination.

Also, i'd like to point out that your wording is wrong.

You can only imagine fucking a clothed woman

But you can only remember a guy fucking another woman.


this threads should be banned.
literally at all times there are 5 threads on the catalogue trying to relate porn to communism. the mods need to recognize these are slide threads.

Why do you think this is a new occurrence?

The hungriest countries are the fastest growing. People have always been dying from diseases and starvation. In fact, more were a century ago. Now a greater percentage of people are surviving to adulthood almost everywhere (other than the middle East).

Also, do you really want to remember the porn you watched last night?

With sex, it's an accomplishment, but porn is something that just fixes the urges.

Why would you want to remember these, along with explicit content you didn't ask for?

Well I don't particularly like the way a lot of people are treated in the porn-industry it's rather awful

You seem to project a lot of personal stuff onto porn and those who watch it.

I'm worried people on Holla Forums might be actually that retarded.

Timestamp or gtfo

Failing that, why shouldn't we combat the commodification of our desires for another's gain? Why do we let ourselves be manipulated by those who wish to profit off of artificial desires implanted into our own symbolic universe.

We will never achieve communism if we keep treating pieces of ourselves as commodities to be traded, since we trade the whole rest of us with it, and are affected by it. Sure, you can make me work at a CNC factory for 8-10 hours, but making me do that exposes me to dangerous substances and a whole host of mechanical hazards as well. I want to be TOTALLY free, from being exposed to this shit all the time, so that I can grow into a healthy human subject. I don't want to have to rely on another person who will send me into danger for his own profit. That is the literal definition of a sucker, a cuck, and I won't let that happen to me.



What a terrible design. when you walk around all day you will have a 2-3 inch solid penis shaped piece of plastic sticking almost straight forward.
Plus the piss hole is so god damn narrow if you don't hit it dead on you're gonna smell like piss until you can get it off and cleaned.
They should have done it as a leg holster so it blends in better, maybe throw in a detachable Velcro strap to keep it secured to the leg, and then widen the piss hole up so you can't risk pissing yourself involuntarily.

Sex is natural, therefore porn is natural.
