Best girl

best girl

Attached: 1521478616001.jpg (1500x2121, 438.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Better than you

Attached: 1521482656001.jpg (3242x4543, 1.25M)

Ofk, because i'm not a girl

If that's an option, go for it!

I wish we had decent rail here. To his credit, Rick Perry tried.

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Attached: Duck bites girl's crotch.webm (200x360, 197.47K)

Attached: Open your....webm (478x360, 439.22K)

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Attached: 29007381_2090096497937535_7828759347973849088_n.mp4 (400x400, 291.48K)

Attached: Fuck The Police 211249390.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

Attached: penguins.gif (480x360, 9.8M)

took a hot shower now I feel lively!

who is this?

Attached: 1497980687078.jpg (1280x720, 76.13K)

Attached: .jpg (156x192, 15.19K)

This is so beautiful. Oh wow.

Attached: Crazy Train - Ozzy, Randy Rhoads (Live, After Hours).webm (224x172, 7.97M)

RIP Randy

The Tribute album is still wonderful to listen to.

Attached: japanese friends.gif (480x360, 883.19K)

Attached: .jpg (791x499, 45.38K)

It's the best way to travel. Fast as heck. Quiet. You can sketch or read on it because it's so smooth you don't get motion sickness. And you get nice scenery out the window.

Attached: 2016-01-17 23_20_05-Photos.jpg (265x237, 48.97K)

this image

Attached: 1497364926025.jpg (1440x810, 98.58K)

Or Ichigo if you're a weeb

Attached: 1520363230001.png (1254x1771, 1.07M)

what show she from
darling in the franxx?


Attached: 2017-05-18 03_49_43.png (259x275, 100.53K)

it's so...specific

Attached: 1497365303255.jpg (1440x810, 110.24K)


Attached: it's gonna cutcha.webm (1280x720, 3.01M)

Yeah, she's the one who's getting cucked

Attached: X.jpg (2002x2400, 597.35K)

Are you doing anything fun today, Bep?

Not really. Just some reading, a lot of nothing, some self-hatred for wasting my time off doing nothing.

Spent a little bit watching an interview with the lady who made You Were Never Really Here. That film is so good. Go see it if you can.

Attached: 2016-04-05 00_17_20-Dresden Codak » Archive » Dark Science #62 - Lilith.png (180x270, 62.24K)



Attached: 1521552263184.jpg (1080x1350, 230.8K)

She'll never get that glorious cock

Attached: 1520363231001.jpg (1000x1409, 201.79K)


Attached: 1520363242001.jpg (1828x2551, 955.89K)

That pic is Hella lewd.


Attached: 1521522300663.jpg (893x1200, 92.59K)

Woah. The trailer is intense. I will have to look it up on Amazon. :O

Have you read a book called "Things Fall Apart"? Someone recommended it. I may stop by and pick up later.

but is it eva tier


Attached: 1498758857514.jpg (1280x720, 95.46K)

I ate a baconator and I feel fat now :(

by chinua achebe. yeah. I don't own it though.

Attached: 2016-01-17 23_00_07-Search.jpg (196x327, 55.41K)

have you tried their mushroom burg combo

omg sho gooooooooooooooooood

youre fine tho
doesnt hurt to indulge once in a while


Attached: 1494902295873.jpg (800x946, 794.69K)

not as lewd as this

So mean

Attached: 1520962144001.jpg (1200x1522, 971.43K)

just puke it up.

Attached: 2016-01-17 23_04_33-Photos.jpg (215x156, 27.62K)

What did he mean by this?

Uh huh.

Attached: 1521519106460.jpg (357x357, 28.89K)

Life's too short not to binge on some Wendy's once in a while. I kinda want a frosty now!

It seems like the sort of sad story I love subjecting myself to.

Attached: BIBLE.jpg (640x960, 354.09K)

bio mechas

Evangelion etc

nah I don't trust ff mushroom sauce cause it looks really gross when it's frozen in the bags x_x

I really want them to bring back their quesoburger.

That's really not funny loco :/

I always forget the frosty ahhh

I'll only drink soda on my days off so I kinda go overboard and get a meal with it lmao

Attached: 1431392173345.gif (650x666, 498.71K)

Your waifu is bae!

Attached: 1520363210001.png (800x1200, 532.71K)

You Were Never Really Here is really good for that. There's a scene.

go see it so I can talk about it.

damn ;~; its yum tho

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (728x523, 600.4K)

There's influences from every popular coming of age mecha anime. Watch it, and you shall see.
The story is very much better planned out than EVAs, but to some seems a bit more stale for some reason. Most of it is very predictable, but good.

Aren't they all...

Attached: 1516845075486.jpg (480x271, 31.03K)

Attached: Imma Pee On Sabrina.webm (716x404, 3.05M)

Sometimes u need
sheer chaos

to create the best of the best

ill def check it once its done airing, at least s1

Attached: 1496752754721.jpg (620x349, 62.57K)

where were you when Dragon Ball became the subject of a diplomatic note?

Attached: bah.webm (664x480, 281.01K)

Yes, all your waifus are

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Attached: get the fuck out.png (458x860, 419.3K)

Contrary to popular belief among teenage girls many things taste better than skinny feels.

Attached: You disgust me (165).jpg (1920x1080, 135.79K)

Attached: .jpg (480x480, 18.65K)

"treat yo'self?"

Attached: you got a purdy mouf.png (448x490, 294.15K)

Maddie, I will occasionally get a few chicken nuggets and dip 'em in a frosty. I know it's really bad for ya, but it's bliss. lol

What kinda soda do you get? I quit sodas a long while back, but...I still sneak in a Big Red or Dr Pepper once in a blue moon.

Ugh, the mics are so warm and lush in this. Whoever set up the sound is a hero.

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Attached: bark 04492.webm (704x396, 552.69K)

Exactly. It isn't living if you never indulge a little.

Attached: You disgust me (62).jpg (773x745, 82.98K)

I got a Dr. Pepper no ice :p

In highschool we had a shake machine and we could get bagels so i'd dip blueberry bagels into the choco shakes^^



Attached: EXTREME HYPER IMPACT OROCHON #3.png (510x288, 270.5K)

What do you wanna indulge in~?

Attached: Maybe I could be your Gray tonight~.png (360x576, 249.02K)


Yay! Reppin' that DP!
That sounds luxurious. lol
Guuuuh, I really, really want that frosty noowwwwwwwwww.

Attached: send nudes not nukes.jpg (768x960, 69.75K)

Suuuure. If we're going to keep with the EVA comparison though EVA is nothing BUT sheer chaos, written by a chaotic nihilistic postmodernist.
But DitF is incredibly structured and purposed, written by someone who obviously seems more inherent meaning in things.

If anything, DitF borrows only the nostalgia of EVA through vapid visual references, while keeping the story premise of Eureka 7, if you've ever seen that.

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Attached: 137.jpg (507x650, 48.84K)

I thought it was pretty good lol

Get one. YOLO

Attached: I comma splice all day, nigga.png (333x328, 142.69K)

ive only really touched eva in terms of mecha but you seem experienced enough so I shall take your word for it


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That is utterly revolting. Please never show me that or anything like that again.

I'mma go after work and get my frosty nug on!

Attached: 599 09 879887.jpg (480x480, 21.08K)

who's the hot new anime girl this season
have I asked this already I forgot


Attached: beach bod.png (540x540, 59.05K)

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that wasn't to you.

Attached: suck my cock 2.mp4 (1280x720, 495.47K)


it's you, loafie

Attached: 132.jpg (1280x720, 239.04K)


Do I have you on discord.

Attached: 1d30fe23b92a55f726b625086bfe4a151f68e3daea4b03cba02607da65dc0e5b.png (195x257, 59.52K)

the girl here
Cause they're all homosexuals furries who doesn't want to admit it to themselves

Attached: 1520363242001.png (699x989, 768.8K)

How's stuff, btw? Are your hands doin' what you want 'em to?

Attached: .png (398x420, 180.14K)

I can do... $4.75 and some light hand-holding.

Attached: no.png (240x240, 114.02K)


your flattery will in fact get through to me, provided it is not interspersed with bullying

Steal microphones from your job and mail them to me.

Attached: 190.png (405x381, 217.35K)

kind of. other issues though.

Attached: tiny dildo 092d1c8fea3f1.webm (800x450, 3.87M)

not yet
I've found you already

that's a thing of that past, sweet loafie

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I'll never forget the first thing you said to me

wise words, truly

Attached: 109.gif (480x270, 1.71M)

best for bullying maybe

no, that's Satania

thanks my good friend

Attached: mpv-shot0012 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 209.05K)

I'll put 'em in a sack and fling 'em at a plane headed that way!

I hope you're at least feeling a little better overall.

Attached: 536.jpg (637x411, 47.92K)

I like the hand holding. Deal.

Attached: disk overloaded 100%.png (480x448, 265.96K)

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I can make my own decisions, alright?

Attached: 119.png (500x448, 153.5K)

Attached: i actually fucking hate holding hands.gif (500x281, 992.64K)

Why is "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" so catchy? It's really jarring when you know what Eva's actually about.

Attached: it's full of puke.jpg (1280x719, 148.11K)

Attached: WHOA.png (376x434, 198.27K)

was probs trying to get to pm directly via server lol

Attached: 1498592828487.jpg (1280x720, 431.29K)

~cute ♥~

yes I believe you can

I'm up to 150 images and like 10 webms

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

shhh x///x

the bpms and great range of vocals ofc

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Attached: 1497547692290.jpg (1280x720, 91.93K)

No, I mean for what purpose. You fucking arseclown.

Attached: baka.png (380x588, 247.21K)

a little here, worse there.

Attached: goin to the gloryhole 31820.webm (704x396, 7.89M)

new year new us

that's not counting the porn
which I haven't gotten to yet

Attached: giant titties.jpg (2560x1440, 131.86K)

Attached: snuggles.png (339x427, 93.04K)

it is not the new year though


I want to sell them so I have money and I can quit my job and study music.

Attached: ribbons_by_robotmichelle-d8n4ela.png (600x827, 629.51K)

why not write what you mean, ya greaseball

for what purpose you say?
to reel in unsuspecting viewers

oh shid
gonna be wild

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Attached: aw, i love you.png (249x166, 72.62K)

Attached: 142.jpg (500x334, 42.22K)

Surely "how" would be the question you answered.


what is causing discomfort my friend
it's not the new year, that's just a fact

Attached: mpv-shot0011 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 191.59K)

Attached: can I sit on your lapʔ.jpg (322x455, 59.54K)

unless you're iranian or something

You study music and I'll study film and we'll make a cool musical film thingy.

Attached: .jpg (540x700, 56.76K)

it was a few months ago!

Attached: 124.jpg (422x550, 43.19K)

Attached: 4 bunnies, 4 cups 4143238.mp4 (640x360, 155.34K)


i am studying film also so just

give me money

you can be a producer

Attached: 107.png (226x264, 93.08K)

Of course. Hop in~

Attached: jasmine.jpg (600x540, 87.11K)

I think that's enough spaghetti for a bit bb

Attached: nyaa.png (600x529, 551.3K)

Hey Ioco do you like this song

Uuuhggghhhhh, fine.

Attached: buttacup.jpg (540x320, 158.75K)

It's shit

I wanna be creative too, though. ;__;

Attached: ilu.png (600x590, 317.42K)

Oh. What about this one?

I love refrigertrrsr

What about this one?

Also trash.

Good enough.

So do you only get to have one ship in NMS? I'm reasonably sure it was that way when I played.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (500x281, 26.1K)

People say music is subjective but they're wrong.
Literature has objectively good and bad works and so does music.
And all Ioco is doing is proving that.

What about this one?

Attached: *smirks*.jpg (1340x699, 227.55K)

Until you can get a freighter, you can only have 1 ship at a time :(

But then you can have like a fleet of regular ships I think.

Attached: bow ears.png (366x515, 180.27K)

Do you have a freighter and a super sweet space canoe collection?

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)

Not yet, but I just restarted my circuitboard farm so I should be able to get a shitton of units to buy one soon.

You're making me feel like such a nerd rn.

Attached: Diggies do as a diggy does.png (518x600, 189.96K)

Attached: 1519281446730.png (1074x2210, 592.87K)

I could just... not take an interest, if you'd prefer.

Attached: heurgh.jpg (598x393, 54.58K)

Swing your daughter by the hand
But if she gets raped by a man
And refuses then to marry him
Stone her to death!

Attached: the solution to every problem is tea.jpg (1200x800, 101.3K)

Noo it's cool. I really ought to take more cool screenshots. Haven't been finding too many aminals lately.

Attached: Chutes and ladders.png (568x600, 398.37K)

you'd have to smoke an awful lot

Attached: 1.gif (500x281, 2.18M)

But seeing how fucked up the creature generation could get was the last thing I enjoyed before I stopped why would you not do more of it?

Attached: u wot m8.jpg (1920x1080, 105.88K)

I'm pretty sure it means with rocks.

well that's not nearly as funny

Have fun in Hell, heretic.

already there

Attached: 145.png (983x530, 244.88K)

No, I just mean I've been warping to a lot of places with just like no fauna :(

Really trying to work on my farm rn anyway.

I named my homeplanet my tripcode lmao

Attached: wiggle tiem.png (251x275, 100.18K)

shit that actually almost made me hard

Attached: 20 hiro ichigo.jpg (480x270, 21.58K)

oops wrong pic

Attached: 06cfc3f6b894b2f06d4eb4b28d8d8094.jpg (782x1164, 139.87K)


Attached: 1521053991929.png (255x524, 219.46K)

cuck gf best gf

it is law

Attached: 124.jpg (422x550, 43.19K)

Attached: ceiling fan 88393190.webm (540x540, 1.58M)

She too cute

Attached: 1521571373001.jpg (722x1100, 335.67K)

that's kind of impressive

Attached: .png (696x960, 400.25K)

but she doesnt look like that, she's flat both tit and ass wise

Attached: b564bc7cbf3eef0bf8bfd588c896100f.jpg (1414x2000, 2.33M)


Attached: 137.jpg (507x650, 48.84K)

But she have no boobs in anime

Your government really should do something with this

Attached: .jpg (1048x720, 94.35K)

Just like Momiji, but artists will always lie

You've seen it, you weaboo?

Attached: 1521005537001.png (1444x2225, 1.15M)

I didn't say the opposite

Attached: .jpg (800x1200, 83.44K)

they're incompetent and unwilling to make a compromise

god I love this country

Attached: 117.png (544x565, 347.99K)

I'm disgusted

Attached: 1521092728001.png (2480x3508, 2.39M)

ngl kinda wanna play it again

Attached: tumblr_o4u4xu33He1uieh50o1_1280.jpg (600x927, 141.35K)


Try to meet up with me in the universe~

Attached: 20180320151237_1.jpg (1920x1080, 379.82K)

yeah, you get it.

Attached: 134.png (867x1080, 506.18K)

You watch anime, you don't have such a feeling like "disgust"

Attached: .png (197x600, 247.13K)

I don't watch anime

Attached: 1521478615001.jpg (1500x2121, 437.51K)

Prove it

Attached: .jpg (385x385, 20.05K)


Attached: let's do something crazy.jpg (1124x601, 174.62K)


Attached: __yorha_no_2_type_b_and_yorha_type_a_no_2_nier_series_nier_automata_and_violet_evergarden_drawn_by_cellix__5875c4e99067301b61eb07527cdc5d27.jpg (1436x1124, 213.41K)

do you honestly think you're fucking funny?

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

Darling in franxx is anime..........

Attached: __yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_series_and_nier_automata_drawn_by_kaafi__1874e4cb9df36de0a22d2cefe359a694.jpg (1075x1518, 769.26K)

Fuck me Sam, what are the odds
That of history's endless parade of gods
That the God you just happened to be taught to believe in
Is the actual one and he digs on healing?
But not the AIDS-ridden African nations
Nor the victims of the plague, nor the flood-addled Asians,
But healthy, privately-insured Australians
With common and curable corneal degeneration

Attached: bored.jpg (1053x861, 383K)

How would I even go about doing this?
Like this?

Attached: Selection_999(810).png (1241x635, 264.54K)

It was funny picture.........

Attached: __pod_and_yorha_no_2_type_b_nier_series_and_nier_automata_drawn_by_pekeko_pepekekeko__32b957a9cf103007ee18a92fea77607b.png (1200x1009, 491.92K)

You trying to say, that cs instead lessons isn't the next lvl?

Attached: .jpg (604x403, 27.62K)

I know, but I've not watched it

Attached: 1520363227001.jpg (1343x1900, 180.77K)

You must to sit down in basin

Attached: .jpg (759x635, 43.79K)

I didn't mean you
2b is 2cute

Seriously. You're a fucking ugly little cunt mate and if I ever see you I'm going to slit your fucking face wide open yeah. You're a fucking angry little fucking spastic.

Right I tell you what you what you fat little cunt. You're boring, so go fuck yourself. Go and fucking crawl in a dirty dank little hole where you fucking come from you dirty dragon-eating little fucking spastic.

Right, okay, so the dragon comment was probably a little bit fucking over the top, but at the end of the day you're fucking boring. Every single person who watches your videos are fucking stupid, they're fucking ignorant little cunts. And you're just a fucking retard.

Attached: 135.jpg (363x409, 26.11K)

Attached: I dont watch anime.jpg (1280x738, 97.76K)

Attached: volcano eruption 24241220.webm (960x540, 800.85K)

What does that mean?

I don't though. There's nothing more cringy than nippon, so I won't watch it subbed. And everybody says to stay away from dubbed, so I'll follow their advise and do so

Attached: 1520363239001.jpg (1912x1200, 1.68M)

Mmmm. Yummy~

Attached: why the fuck you lyin.webm (480x480, 728.15K)

Zero two is best girl.

Attached: E4CD486F-6760-474B-90A1-A7945A089F65.png (503x419, 201.78K)

What is this dancing monkey webm meant to imply?

Attached: 1520962145001.jpg (990x1400, 246.62K)

I have read this copypaste when i was a kid

If bubbles will come up, this mean that you watched anime

Attached: .jpg (156x192, 15.19K)

Attached: 138.png (744x768, 721.31K)

Why would anyone need a reminder?
Oh that's right, because Nana is actually best girl.

Attached: 1521558427394.jpg (880x1040, 107.98K)


If bubbles come up, does that mean I'm a girl too?

Attached: 1520363236001.jpg (850x1200, 119.07K)

It would be kinda difficult.

Your waifu is a slut

Attached: 131.jpg (1280x720, 236.12K)

that's not a monkey, that's a black male. listen to his message, he asks a very cogent question


No, only that you watch anime

Attached: .jpg (759x635, 43.79K)

I'm gonna go lie in bed for a little while. Catch you later bb~

Attached: aw, i love you.png (249x166, 72.62K)

Attached: dildo butt big cock big cum 2988080.webm (272x480, 899.1K)


This is an image board, not video board.
Sound is forever disabled on videos

Doesn't work like that

Attached: 1520363227001.jpg (1343x1900, 180.77K)

Attached: Screenshot_176.png (1103x295, 58.17K)

but this isnt halfchan?

nini cutie.

Attached: hand ovals.png (512x512, 205.5K)

No, that work for a 100%, try it

Attached: .jpg (908x960, 119.61K)

Attached: .jpg (618x718, 333.42K)

He has audio disabled on his end is what he means.


Literally turning off my data because terrible opinions

the fuck is halfchan?


Attached: 1521571372001.jpg (2048x1661, 407.83K)

I got caught in a hailstorm?? In florida?? And it's 65 degrees??

RIP mustang

Attached: xTCwXst.mp4 (720x720, 957.03K)

uh oh
what happened?

Attached: 33.jpg (850x759, 118K)

Apparently snow may fall too

Attached: 1519211908035.gif (438x567, 1.52M)

It rained ice

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 85.2K)

cesspool of the internet. a place full of pedophiles and snuff filmmakers

Attached: I cant even.png (1870x912, 107.54K)

Attached: 141.png (540x689, 318.75K)

Attached: __five_seven_counter_strike_global_offensive_and_girls_frontline_drawn_by_yellowseeds__7ebaf259b1520b4e70fcc8d8528b06d6.jpg (1658x2134, 1.68M)

Sounds like the right place for anime-loving trash

Attached: 1521005537001.png (1444x2225, 1.15M)

Attached: 1521035608724.png (2770x1429, 660.76K)

I pulled into the Wawa gas station and every section between the pumps was 9 cars stacked together 3x3

it was nuts

Attached: cqkNaal.mp4 (720x720, 4.31M)

Attached: 144.png (500x500, 147.9K)

so you been there? since you watch anime?

Simmer down

Attached: 1520913941054.png (431x539, 170.7K)

If I knew of it, would I have asked?
But you know of it, and you watch anime. It makes sense to me

Attached: 1520271734001.jpg (2000x2000, 372.08K)

There is only one best girl.

Attached: Best_Girl.jpg (500x571, 29.03K)

never said I watch anime, nice projection

aww hell yeah
that's more like it

Attached: 111.gif (600x338, 682.84K)

boys aren't girls

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Attached: .jpg (768x768, 94.17K)

Attached: caution sissy fag.jpg (480x655, 78.78K)

nor did I, yet people throw around that accusation a lot

Attached: 1520363231001.jpg (1000x1409, 201.79K)

Traps are gays

Attached: .jpg (461x800, 122.75K)

Checks out.

hey friend I really like your image and I thank you for posting the truth


Attached: 308a0ab63fbbd729fc6117eb0afa5b683ce6617382948af60b01e6b23d02960b.png (739x748, 311.76K)

Cause this is Holla Forums. Anime goes there.
Unlike fucking weaboos, I won't go and force my shit down others throat. I could just post ponies you know

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Rarity best pone


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Is 4chan..........

Speccy agrees with you. He really would love to fuck that horse

I thought it was ½chan

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told you so

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So you watch the MLP TV cartoon series? Show me your MLP folder.

Attached: diagnosis-butthurt-1-250x279.jpg (250x279, 20.76K)

Plebeian taste in equine.

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If some person post pony, he is approved faggot

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So better use Momiji as avatar

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I used to. Stopped in the beginning of season 2 cause I realized it was boring as fuck and that I generally just dislikes watching stuff.
Eh, that'll take some time. Here's a comparison between animus and ponies though

Attached: Selection_999(811).png (1007x578, 47.5K)

post ponies then wtf

I'll revert to her eventually

Nope. I hate shitters who post anime in pony threads, so I won't be like them and post my shit here

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simmered as fuck bro

you like horses too?
you deviant

Attached: 146.jpg (720x428, 29.72K)

i just got FOUR "thanks for reporting we banned that nigga" messages when i logged in to overwatch

was only like 12 hours ago? LUL


Attached: 1521469677564.png (707x1000, 777.22K)

Well yeah. I am a faggot

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Big Mac is the only good option.

Attached: 345343637.png (764x516, 801.37K)

thanks, me too

he must've been a supreme fuckboy

You two belong in other box.

Attached: 1512120928520.png (600x600, 529.52K)

If you wanna box we can go kiddo, square up!

Attached: 1521343903120.png (460x463, 342.14K)

no like

that's four people banned/silenced from my reports in a 12 hour time span since i logged in

i don't even report a ton anymore, just when people blatant break rules like being super toxic

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I can think of one reason why

wow nezi
you ban bully

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You dislocated in "faggot" box

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not my fault people can't stop themselves from typing "nigger" in team chat

back to lurking frenchie




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O-okay, fine. I'll leave before the other mean girl beats me up.

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Post-modernism. Pushing art to the limit of its potential. Pop art, Conceptual art, Minimalism, Fluxus, Installation art, Lowbrow art, Performance art, Digital art, Earth art. These movements are about skepticism, irony, rejecting grand narratives and reason and instead embracing the idea that knowledge and truth are the result of social, historical, and political discourse and subsequently are a subjective, social construct. It's irreverent and self-referential. It's avant-garde pushed to 11.

But what's next? Post-postmodernism? Metamodernism? Hypermodernity? Who knows? Only time will tell.

This is where memes are headed. They started off slow but have picked up so much momentum they're evolving at an exponential pace. They used to hang around for a couple years at most. Then it turned to months. Then maybe only one month. Suddenly it was a week tops. While some particularly great memes do still stick around much like the masterpieces of art in the past, new memes are created every day, every few hours. New movements of memes are being created all the time. Anti-memes. Dank memes. Abstract memes. Wholesome memes. Surreal memes. Deep fried memes. Nuked memes. Even black hole memes, time travel, and dimensional memes are now a reality. What's going to happen next? A return to the classics? A new format so brilliant it steals all our hearts and then starts a whole new movement? I'm excited for the future of memes.

memes r dum

sorry pal you seem nice and all
just don't be posting gay stuff ok

Attached: mpv-shot0009 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 177.6K)

got some quiznos

Attached: antarc57.png (608x900, 251.97K)


what a homovan faget

Attached: .jpg (480x336, 33.72K)

Those don't exist here anymore.

I'm not gay

hello ?????????????????????????????

Attached: 078b892a373d60c7b618414c1a866b5d99a0524a.png (760x640, 155.03K)

Insert joke about micro penis thumb drive at Nezi's expense.

Attached: sgsdf.png (536x261, 200.08K)

tfw loved ones come thru and drop a care package for u ;_;

Attached: 1498574649367.jpg (1440x810, 102.26K)

no but literally

help me

i don't understand

There's like one that's 20 min from my house and my mom was headin in that direction to pick up stuff from a woman off facebook.

it's tasty.

Attached: antarc64.png (690x978, 109.13K)

micro penis

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

all penis sizes are beautiful

Want to hang out with me?
Nobody is responding.

Attached: tumblr_static_93of5ylbkvgoogkckw4w48goc.png (398x309, 155.59K)

And you say what you not gay after this?

you're on a 4 kill streak? :O

bullying people for their penis sizes is never ok
people shouldn't be ashamed of their penises

FAT32? Files larger than 4GB aren't supported on that file system

ancient dusty meme
* for effort

why is everyone bullying you?

ok I need to apply this icy hot to my back somehow tho wait

Attached: 1497420748553.jpg (1280x720, 99.61K)

I like FireHouse instead.

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where the fuck is hu or squashie to apply balm to your back when you need them

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Firehouse is generally better, but it's the rarity of having quiznos that makes it good.

Attached: antarc41.png (676x847, 1.12M)

Why them specifically

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I have large hands.
Can hold a lot of balm.

Attached: fhzdfhzj.png (500x343, 138.48K)

because they're special


Attached: tumblr_os0vy02nqr1uai7t6o1_540.jpg (540x731, 390.35K)

So whatchu got on that?

He's gay for them.

Attached: sample_ea9615e0fa91fbd05afd63dac14fae9de601a2b3.jpg (850x815, 116.12K)

3 pounds of black olives
and the rest of the sammy >:)

idk it was just some like cajun chicken stuff

Attached: antarc65.png (700x1000, 378.28K)

ur gay for one

i'm gay for Hu too

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

that hurts grim

Attached: 120.png (1280x720, 463.16K)

Am I the one he's gay for?

Attached: tumblr_inline_or90ycr93G1s53msj_540.jpg (540x472, 53.16K)

Wait a minute, don't you be knockin' black olives, that shit's good on sammiches.

Was. ...maybe am.
That's beside the point.

Attached: sample_17d2a947b3364c9d4d807eaaed16bbbe823dd166.jpg (850x1117, 155.54K)

But that's just a theory.

A game theory.

Attached: 55475226_p1_master1200.png (500x500, 266.01K)

If somebody says "gay theory" they will be taken behind a shed and shot.

Attached: 56080060_p0.png (926x2094, 572.32K)

Ban-chan did you see the DBS movie PV?

Attached: 67803142_p1 - はむはむまんまん.png (800x1131, 654.14K)

Gay theory.



Do me Old Yeller style.






I saw it

I bet something weird is going to happen at the end of super

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huh? about what

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