Do you believe official news maybe aren't real and are just propaganda and fake news to share information between the...

Do you believe official news maybe aren't real and are just propaganda and fake news to share information between the elites?

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they're called "capitalists" Holla Forums, stop being such a fucking idiot

it's the jews

If the elites wanted to share information between themselves they could just call each other on encrypted phones.


capitalist jews serve the interests of capital, proletarian jews serve the interests of labour

global elites are not capitalists they're simply power hungry Jews




Not clicking.

so, capitalists, then.

this video explains such symbols on one MTV show.

they literally broadcast their messages to the population in simbolic form.


To reduce the mainstream media to mere "fake news" is populist, conspiracy theory-inspired drivel. In order to properly understand the function of the media under capitalism, you need to approach it in terms of bourgeois hegemony and how mass communication — both as an array of mediums and in their featured content — is shaped by social and economic forces.

Seriously, dude, learn some nuance. Radicalism isn't about portraying "elites" in the most morally unflattering light possible, it's about being aware of the systemic roots of dominant discourse.


here, another satanic ceremony on a public infraestructure.

wake up sheep.

And through what economic system do "the Jews" maintain and exert that power?

Here's another link I'm not clicking.


Not all news is fake news, but a good portion of the big things going on are twisted and skewed to benefit a select few. You only have to look at the amount of steins, bergs, or weiners in any major news outlet to see who is running the show. The jews dominate all positions, and the reason they do this, is to protect the big capitalist jews. If you own the news you can keep yourself out of it right? As well as keeping themselves out of the news they also like to promote all of the bad things that will break a society down as positives. This is why Antifa have been praised by media for fighting facism, when the reality of it is they haven't been punching nazis', they have been hitting everyday conservative folks with bikelocks on the head.


Weren't you the one questioning if young earth creationism was true.




Honestly we should be more honest about this. Jews do have very disproportionate influence in banking, venture capital, publishing, media, and Hollywood. They've replaced WASPs as the ethnic group with the largest share of America's ruling class.

Clearly they don't all coordinate as an organized unit, but there probably is some level of networking there. I think a reasonable person could believe rich Jews are responsible for America's neoconservative Zionism and many of the last century's advances in Civil Rights.

Are all Holla Forumslps this retarded? Is it too much to ask you to read a single book in your life?


They all need to be in Israel, and not meddling in our financial systems and spreading propaganda through our media at detriment to the nation. I honestly wouldn't be bothered by them if they just conducted business without harming others, but they have no morals and destroy everything for their own profit. If it was a bunch of Australians doing it then I would be calling them out on it. It just happens that every time I see something untoward going on, you can guarantee you will find Jewish names and people at the top of it.

Which right wing governments and politicians you shill for conveniently support the most.

There are certainly fake news, but I think most of it is just omitting information that could actually make the news useful.


You have a point: While all Nazis are antisemites, not all antisemites adhere to Nazism. However, to pretend you are just an "everyday conservative" when you make use of the very same narrative and rhetoric espoused by neo-Nazis is incredibly hypocritical.

Countries in the abstract don't hate, individuals and organizations do.
"Russia" doesn't "hate the Jews". Russian neo-Nazis and Orthodox fundamentalists do.
"Iran" doesn't hate the Jews. The Islamist-inspired theocratic government and its agencies do.
"North Korea" doesn't hate the Jews. In fact, I know of no major strain of open antisemitism within that country.

And, it doesn't make me a nazi, I don't want to kill them. I just want them to leave countries to their own devices and stop screwing everyon over.

I'm not a nazi.

I'm a capitalist.



Yeah this fucking idiot didn't even authorize his feeble complaint through rendition in the standardized stream of circumlocution and shibboleth prescribed by the prestige media adjacent and interlocking institution of professional academia in order to maintain the latter's aura of ecstatic distance from the systemic milieu as the question of its legitimacy is an existential condition and so beyond question for you see,


don't bother they know they just want their own whyte zionistas in power

Punctuation is a thing that exists you know, I could almost feel you holding your breath as you tried to get that out. Longest sentence in history, your English teacher would be proud.


First of all, those aren't mutually exclusive. For all intents and purpose, Nazis were perfectly fine with capitalism and even objectively served the interests of the (German) bourgeoisie.

And then… How do you justify your economic antisemitism while supporting the mode of production and distribution that Jews supposedly operate?

do you realize markets and free trade can operate inside a socialist system, right?

Nazbols, everyone.

Good luck subsituting your "cabals"

wew, I love my ideology.

Markets aren't capitalism by themselves


Capitalist media sees its strength in mixing genuine news with propaganda and nonsense.

No, they can't, because socialism implies the abolition of the commodity form and production for profit. Nazi Germany was a capitalist country who didn't touch private property.

There is no such thing as a "free" market, capitalism relies on the state in order to properly function. So-called cronyism is a feature, not a bug of the capitalist mode of production.

I'm pro free market.

crony capitalism is not free market.


dude, come on. it's a commercial. it's funny, in a way.

Absolutely epic lmao

"Crony capitalism" is inherent to the "free market"

> And, it doesn't make me a nazi, I don't want to kill them. I just want them to leave countries to their own devices and stop screwing everyon over.
Most Nazis too "just" wanted them "to leave" at first, but their antisemitism grew increasingly radical with time. How exactly would you deal with Jews who do not want to leave and would rather resist your attempts at deporting them?




So china is capitalist?

ayy the ideology.

Without a state to defend it, the market would be destroyed.

Absolutely capitalist, thats not even up for argument

god shut up

So what you're trying to say is it wasn't real capitalism?


Of course it is. Have you been living under a rock for the past decades or what?

I kind of want to establish aynarcho crapitalism just so the market collapses in a few decades and we can have communism overnight. Hi


So china became a superpower thanks to capitalism?


communism has never existed
socialism are just attempts to achieve communism
there are many different proposed ways to do this
so you have many different types of socialism.

"Libertarian capitalism" cannot currently be created so far ass it would require a state to perpetuate its very existence.

Unless you're some baffoonish cheeto stained ancap chud, I have no idea how you think you'd get your precious Oryx and Crake style, RejoovenEsence and OrganInc with private CorSeCorps security firms.

What if the population doesn't want what the logical conclusion of American capitalism is.

and some version of socialists use free trade and markets to operate.

They have been chased out of well over a hundred countries for their meddling, I'm sure it's something they're used to by now. Besides, they actually have somewhere they can call home now to run to this time.



in the commercial they're very explicit in saying they're making fun of people like you
In that ceremony, I don't know what you're noticing, but i'm pretty sure there's nothing to it. Do you ever considered that it could be a troll too?

So have Americans, but they declared the Cold War to fix that.

Yes, similarly to how the Kingdom of France became a superpower thanks to absolute monarchy.

you're too bluepilled to see the symbols.

All brainlets shall perish during the revolutionary holocaust.

Nobody is suggesting they didn't, what's being suggested is


Why do you think population under communist countries make black markets?

wow, they hate so much capitalism they make illegal markets.

Every time.

Not the user you're replying to, but I've literally incorporated references to BOHO Grove in my own material because I find this stuff fascinating. I always read (and agreed with lots of) Jeff Rense's site regularly when I was 12-13. Not everyone who doesn't buy this bullshit is unaware of it, I've been well-exposed but realized that the hokey voodoo black magic shit attributed to elites is completely irrelevant. They do evil out of greed, not devil worship.

Black markets are really the same thing as supporting an enforcement of a gigantic mass market on the level of America.

That's not the same thing as wanting American capitalist control of the world and its logical conclusions.

Corporate capitalist culture is a cancer that has to be destroyed.

Ok, let me ask.

Do black markets in north korea makes north korea a capitalist country?

That's like saying Stalin is the only way to do socialism/comunism.

Do you see how retarded it sounds?


No it's not. American capitalism cannot exist without a state, what you benefit the most from Capitalism, cannot benefit without a state.

The logical conclusions of American capitalism write themselves, you will never have "Libertarian Capitalism" in the 21st century, you will never be satisfied. As far as I'm concerned its a myth to get Americans out to vote for perpetually far right politicians.


You're pulling insinuations people are making out of your ass because you can't defend America.

I'm not talking about american capitalism retard.

I'm talking about free trade and markets and price systems.


We're saying what if people don't want the logical conclusion to American capitalism, and you just gave a spewing list of non answers to the question like a cheeto stained chud would

What the fuck is this guy on about now?

Who the fuck are "the elites"? Are you talking about the bourgeoisie?

Co-ops are efficent but not profitable under capitalism and aren't communism in of themselves

It's kind of a sliding scale of reality and unreality tbh. They certainly report real facts a lot (some complete bullshit too though), but they'll select which facts to present and how to present them. It's not so much "fake" news as it is extremely tailored news to engender false consciousness. This is worse than outright lying too, because you can catch someone in an outright lie by presenting contradictory facts. The news is reinforcing a particular context that colors facts. You can't just debunk that by presenting things the right way. It's a lot like religious apologia that will rationalize an excuse for any troublesome facts. Anything that challenges the worldview gets recontextualized as propaganda or worse they do mental gymnastics and explain why up is down. All this would be bad enough, but different news sources each present different false realities, many of which conflict with each other. This is done to divide people along political lines further than normal. How can two sides even communicate when their basic understanding of the world is fundamentally different?


1. Correct, they don't.
2. How the fuck are those things not bad on their own merits?
3. I doubt there's much child sacrifice going on. If they're killing children (besides in foreign lands), it's probably to hush them up and prevent them from telling the world about their experiences. The closer you get to stuff that claims satanic/pagan/whatever rituals, the dodgier the facts become. And frankly, that makes it all quite murky.

Even I go out in the woods and do pseudo-pagan shit. It's fraternal. What differentiates me from the elites is I don't bring hookers, underage victims, or a desire to conspire against workers and the world with me.

In the 21st century Capitalism, as you do and do not respect its existence, cannot exist without genocide.


You're so full of shit.


shut up


I don't think this is going anywhere, guys.

Get out of here Rosa killer


There are lots of fake stories on capitalist media. Also many stories which are just sponsored content desguised as news.
Still the worst about capitalist media isn't the fact that everything they say is propaganda, because it most certainly isn't. Their worst crime is not telling flat out lies, it's omition.

A recent and very good example: Capitalist media feed us all about DPRK nuclear tests and rocket tests, and how dangerous DPRK actions are, but they will not say a single word about the US navy in the area performing all sorts of drills which have caused the death and injury of fishermen in the region. Google it motherfuckers it's true.

All three of those are capitalism, except socdems and market socialist sometimes frame themselves or intend to use the system as a transition, not a permenant state of things.

Currently as it exists, yes. You don't even have a real way of pushing for "free capitalism" without liberal electoral politics, and these capitalists have no reason to fulfill your list of "free market" demands, you have no idea what it even looks like.

American fucking health care is a market, what more do you want? Fucking the cops to become private?

The market currently cannot exist without the defense market, this is correct.

Of course…IMF headquarters are in the US, World Bank headquarters are in the US, the biggest stock market exchange is in the US, the biggest banks are in the US, the biggest credit rating agency are in the US.

Barbarian country will always be barbarian.


You clearly want neither of these things.


I don't even get CNN.
I've seen the "evidence," believed the evidence, then been exposed to more details about it and about the world in general and realized the "conclusions" don't line up with the evidence.

I really and truly do not give a fuck about Satanism. I actually have acquaintances who were all-but run out of their hometown in the late '80s during the Satanic Panic. For naive, sheltered Christians it may seem convincing, and they make shitty decisions based on opposition to a being that does not exist. With further investigation, it becomes clear that these decisions are based around irrational fixations.

Child exploitation, on the other hand, is wrong - and something the bourgeois do engage in, along with various other kinds of sexual debauchery which contrast their supposed morality. I've met rich people who engage in rape, and I've met poor people who listen to Venom and love Satan. I can tell you which are worse and which are running things.



are you a market socialist or a social Democrat?

I'm a free trade guy.

I see markets as a really efficient system to optimize the resources of an economy and I see profits as enough incentive for the hard working innovative to innovate and make better goods and services.

Basically, not so sure, clasical liberalism (maybe?)

So, how does it feel to be wrong?

Markets have organized things so that goods circle the globe multiple times before reaching a market that could have easily produced the final product locally and created situations where it makes more economic sense to throw goods away than distribute them to a consumer. That's not efficient by any measure. You need to learn that in the jargon of bourgeois economics "efficiency" is just a euphemism for "profitability".

That's not how human motivation works.

central planning is less efficient than markets.

Market are efficient. That is not a euphemism. The misunderstanding here is what "efficiency" is. Efficiency is a quality that has to be applied to a particular outcome of a system. So an incandescent lightbulb is inefficient at producing light compared to a fluorescent bulb because it loses so much energy as heat, so it's worse if you want to light something. But it's much more efficient at producing heat than a fluorescent bulb, so it's better if you need a heat lamp. Markets are not efficient at distributing resources evenly, or fairly, etc. Markets are efficient at maximizing the profit of businesses, which is the point.

Notice how the phrase "central planning" has an adjective in it, almost as if it's a specific form of planning or some shit.

bussiness depend on profit.

how do they make profit?
by selling products.
what happen if they make a product society doesn't want?
they lose money.

so, the biggest profit is in the place of biggest necesity.
markets serve to allocate economy resources from uses that are not needed or don't have demand to uses that are in high demand.

Econ 101.

How a farmer decide to farm rice instead of wheat or potatoes?
by the price and profit.

human don't depend on business

by hiring workers and paying them less than the value they add to the product
no that's how they make revenue
they lobby government to subsidize or buy directly
they lower prices to undercut competition and make poor people "want" it more
only if they give up and don't do any of the things they could to hold onto their share
not even close
profitability is a function of how much value is not paid to workers
you mean revenue
and you're not even accounting for things like rigid/elastic demand which is econ 101 you tard

demand =/= need
not all needs can be expressed through the market because not everyone has money and not every need can be met with a product that can be bought
no u
usually based on what will grow in the fucking climate you retard
rice and wheat require vastly different conditions for growth

t. butthurt commie

Usually they manufacture demand for it through ad campaigns, which they can afford to pay for. Risk is reduced, often to the point that they can still profit off of something for which there was not much pre-existing demand.

In some cases, the results are catastrophic - drug corporations in the '90s, for instance, actively encouraged doctors to prescribe more opioids. This has created a tremendous opioid epidemic in America, which kills more 'Merrikans in a year than the Vietnam War did.

Not realizing this is a good thing for socialism as it is a necessary development for socialism

but all the books are printed by jews

outside mein kampf obviously