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Mandy, we should get a couple of XM42s and the big fuel backpacks. Would be fun.

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Oh fuck yes we should! What could possibly go wrong with an alcoholic, depressed bastard having a flame throw with gallons of fuel strapped to his back?

Well see, you've got the wrong mindset. Don't ask what could go wrong, it's about what could go RIGHT.

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aaand we're back

As long as me dying on fire doesn't happen, things will go right.

Anyway I gotta go to bed. Tell Maddie I had something for her but it's gone now. Good night, bud.

Sleep well man.

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if chiri is still here have this wonderful portrait

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mfw based tak is building this folder for me

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tak plz tell me u got monster hunter for ps4

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still waiting for that pc release fam

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aw SHIEt

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aite imma head afk for a bit

may or may not be back

godspeed my man

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you don't even know how fast I am

I'm fast as fuck BOIIII


on the bright side, it's the sort of thing you can hold over them for years.

Wait, is there actually a niche groupe of people like that? I want to meet them, pls.

Oh, nvm. Sleep and not being self destructive isn't really my thing during this lvl of my life.

It isn't hard to keep your tech safe from your relatively tech illiterate parental units you faggot. Try having your mom go through your shit every time you leave your room and she happens to have the time to spare to execute 'instilpainandfear.exe'. You won't leave your room, your one little box of peace, until you feel assured she wouldn't do it but then she still does at complete random when you least expect it. And she won't stop until her thirst for control over you drives you to suicide.

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yeah that's not invasive at all

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no, man. that is not worse. that's nowhere near as upsetting as obtaining a timeline of your most private moments, thoughts, and secrets. and drug purchases.


is it worth it?

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it's a silver lining to a mostly upsetting cloud.

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if anyone else did that, they'd have a fight on their hands most likely

relatives can get away with a lot more than a stranger, eh?

Well, I don't give my parents much of an opportunity to do so, BECAUSE of my fears of that very same situation happening. Regardless, I am not as concerned about them knowing my normal conversations with people, as much as I am enraged by the idea that she invaded my notebooks from high school and saw my personal thoughts only i am allowed to see. Like, my angry thoughts I just needed to vent to myself. I have been considering faking my own death once my cat and grandmas pass, I want to live away from society and the vapid techno-societal era we now live in. Maybe I can find some way to be a hermit like forest dweller.

Do you not have a password on your phone btw?
My lack of empathy is that you clearly fucked up.

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you can get away with more when you hurt someone that loves you.

I can't really blame society. I know other people in society that do well, or thrive. nobody is making you buy a phone or a computer. those things are optional. and you decide how much or little you want them to be a part of your routines.

society isn't some mass of likeminded droids. it is, and always has been, individuals, of whom no two are entirely alike. I can't see what problems fleeing to the woods will solve. try reading books by people who truly decided after the 1900s to make a life in the woods.

they all come back. and decided it was a nice experience, the nature and the silence, but not one they ever intend on repeating.

least I have liasons to get embarassed about, gil.


I suddenly feel less ashamed of everything that has been weighing down on my mind lately.

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oh well. lock your phones, and don't blame a society that the overwhelming majority of people exist and thrive in. if society is judging you by your actions, and not your religion or skin colour, it's doing the right thing.

Did she ground you or kick you out of their basement yet?

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ohey ur still alive

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Only on the outside.


Yeah, so why let your parents/mother have access to your routines, when you don't want her to know the shit you do therein. Furthermore, why would you keep an active record of shit you say and do on the same device you let your mother see. ALSO! Why do you think anyone should give a fuck about your bawww'ing due to your own willful negligence..?

To be fair, he has to have a pretty high IQ to leave his phone passcode unlocked for his mom to find his gay texts.

moral of the story is
trust no one
not even yourself

does it sound like I'm baww'ing?

just expressing disappointment over the betrayal of trust by a loved one.

you seem to be baww'ing, though. doesn't sound like you're taking it on the chin, sucking it up, and making your situation better. sounds like you're here to nurse your emotions, and blame society. sounds like you're telling me things you should be telling yourself.

Yeah, you're right, I can't hold a candle to you when it comes to 'taking it on the chin' and 'sucking it up'.

no, you probably couldn't.

goodnight everbody~

Night night. ILU :]]]]

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that was pretty funny though

Can we all just accept that we all hate our parents, except me, and move on?

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morning hu awoo

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Heyo muh nigga how you doin?

Good evening Bardo

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hehe did you have a nice day ? : 3

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hi hi.
Am alright, just woke up.
How's you?

Same as usual, really, which is nice.
Did you?

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Suck it nerd

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had to go in early to work so that was lame
I'm gonna buy an xbox tomorrow so I can play sea of thieves and I am excited
it looks good : 3

Spegdre : D D D

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i don't hate my parents at all and i'm glad i never talk about them on a place like this

You can suck on 02's then

Aww.. Hate when you have to do that.
Hope the game will be worth it

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'Bout to pass out I'm afraid..
Alright is always at least alright, an alright place to be! I am aproaching alright status myself, many a battle with the depress but I am a fighter. Sorry I haven't seen you around much, time zones and shit.

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yeah ait's really super lame but my brother already has one and one of our friends has one too so we might be able to play together!

do you play much wwith friends or more solo in runescape? (CAUSE i KNOW that's all you play :p )

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Just don't pass out in your chair!
Yeah, timezones + responsibilities is a bad mix

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I play everything solo, unless LAN is possible then it's okay. Otherwise it's just meh

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why would you be concerned about talking about that shit, unless you have family members who are equally as prone to being 8ch tier fucked up?

because i fear the sort of devolved conversations that could be contrived be such fucked up degenerate members of society and i'd rather not drag family through the metaphorical mud


I like the sound of that

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you would you hipster little megaqueer, i bet you aren't even an immigrant from Holla Forums

No, I hate you now.

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you better add me when you get your stuff set up I swear to god

but that's where we came from, you damned fool.

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Girls are bad anyway~

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At least spend the little extra for the One X. It's kind of worth it at this point.

;-; I know, right?

Xbox One is worth about as much as the trade-in value you can get for it at Gamestop for a PS4.

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can't play any weeb games on the xbox one

case closed

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i was thinking about it but idk

I dont think its' worth it cause im probably not gonna play anything else on it

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yes gibbe your name on discord

also get sea of thieves desu

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Xbone is fine if you only want to play like... Halo... or Forza. Or you have a Mac or a shitty laptop or something.

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Just go.

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I still like you Bard
Even if you're retarded

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i want to play sea of thieves and its not on ps4

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So play it on your PC.


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And don't come back.


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I mean, if you're buying one already instead of just getting the S. Same as the PS4: no reason to not just get the Pro if you don't have one to begin with.

I havea shitty laptop

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what are te benefits of the steup up and is it really worth the extra one hundred bucks?

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Me trying to win over Spectre

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just spend time picking out PC parts and build a decent PC for 400 dollars that would blow any console away

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I dont know anything about pc parts or how to put them together

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Literally impossible to do. You'd be lucky to find a GPU capable of outperforming the consoles for less than $250, and then you only got $150 for everything else


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Me trying to get rid of Bard.

I HATE that emoticon, and you know it.

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And yet you use it often

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spend 400 dollars to make a PC that can play games from 10 years ago

That you can.
But cannot spend $400 and get console-like performance. If you want to play modern games, you're better off with a console for now

This is not true.

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It's very true neko

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unless of course you already have a good PC or funds to make one

Speccy be nice to Bard or else

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Then you'll still end up paying more to get similar performance.
And Bard doesn't have a good PC, so console it is

hehe yay

console it is

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bard is a good boy and you should not say anything negative about him

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Well can't post that anymore...

No, he deserves it.

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So you post something just as neko? Silly

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hmm what neko?

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PC also generally has better access to free games things but thats another topic entirely

but yea, if they don't know much about PC's to begin with Ps4 it is

now let's see, hugbox or Dead Space

sea of thieves isnt available on ps4 or I wouldnt have to worry about buying another console desu

Attached: DARS.png (650x559, 22.4K)

no, xbox it is. And free games is irrelevant.
You what?

But those are foxes...


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I-I dont know

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i didnt know they already had a ps4, and that it wasnt on that

and free games is never irrelevant


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When you only want to play a single game, it is

Uh huh.

Fox & Wolf sluts are the best.

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i would never ever recommend getting a second console for a single game, perhaps if they have a small library they want to explore

bard if you get an xbone check out titan fall

That they are

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yeah I really dont wanna get an entire console just for one game

but I really really wanna play

what is titantfall
its iek a mecha thing isnt it

isnt it free?

Attached: cockface.png (128x111, 14.97K)

i highly doubt its free but theres two of them and i heard good things about both, they play really actiony and unique

What's better, to buy a $500 unit that you'll have to replace every 5 years at the same price, or buy a unit for double that that price you might have to upgrade every 5 years for half the price of the console.

So are you.

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The former. Cause after 10 years, you'll have to replace the entire thing again.

Nah, I'm not best

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we can't just assume we will know how computer advances go over the next several decades but yes that has been the case so far

Hence buy a console today, since a similar performing GPU quickly sets you back $300+.
Either that, or wait for prices to calm down

What the fuck did you just say to me you little waifu stealing cunt? I'll have you know I was not asking.

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Hmm... they seem to match in price for a little while though. And the latter has more potential utility.
Both are a net loss anyway so.

Oh, no, I just meant you're a slut, not best at all.

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As someone who sucks the dick of PC gaming, consoles are the more economical choice right now.

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Even upgrading your PC to get similar performance is hardly worth it.

I'm not a slut, slut!

Pretty much

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no hu is right im just saying, my rash ignorant statement` was based more around a dated market that no longer exists

stuff changes quicker than i remember it thats for damn sure, its very likely tech will continue to improve for people like us that is layman civilians

Just get a Windows Vista machine.


Get a switch and wait for them to buy everything from sony and microsoft older than 15 years

Coming to the switch soon, HALO 2

I'll remember this.


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Hu would probably just advocate some open source™ LinuxBox shit.


its just a really good time for all three major companies to be competitive so you get good things out of it as a consumer

2 years ago, GPU's were like 33% of the price they are now.

How? How can a virgin be a whore?
They aren't very good at it then are they?

This is the comfiest setup

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I covered my steak in honey and it tasted amazing

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Goto bed 02

Thats where I got the idea.
It was a good idea.

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Random market bubbles have no relevance in long term planning.


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I like honey with everything else.
So why not meat.
I love meat and I love honey and now I found a symbiosis.

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i want to eat some food now and im happy i have the urge to eat

What if it's not a bubble?
And if you buy now, it does have relevance. It's dumb to pay twice or thrice the price for similar performance, don't be dumb


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that actually sounds really good

Attached: Fluffypng.jpg (1280x720, 102.75K)

But it is, and you know that well as I. I'm sure Nvidia would love it to not be, but that's not the case.

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The honey like soaks into the meat as you chew it, its wicked

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honewy fwavoured kisses

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Both manufacturers does, and both haven't really started producing much more, as one of them got hit hard afterwards. None of them want to have a huge inventory of old GPUs they cannot sell.
This is why prices are so ridiculous high, and why you'll have to look a long time to find shit. Supply is way too low

It sounds fucking disgusting

Attached: 1505220947886.png (702x900, 394.53K)

No liking honey should be terms for execution.

You forgot a dot between No and Liking


That's the problem with bubbles, it's all short term.
Once this one finally pops there's going to be thousands of useless burnt out GPUs that everyone's going to try to sell, and eveyone's going to end up with piles of garbage, or get scammed with one. Once it's over it's a lose lose for everyone, and the initial investment is no longer worth what you got out of it. So it becomes an even bigger net loss.

Sassy Hu~

Attached: akane1.gif (269x179, 1.03M)

This is the best song in the Little Mermaid

No, I did not.

I only love honey so much because my body craves energy like the cheapest of whores

Try it, its better than it looks.

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Or people have learned from the last time and won't buy them, and the manufactures won't end up with a fucking huge inventory of GPUs they'll never sell, as they didn't ram up production.
It's only a lose situation now for the consumer. Once the bubble bursts, they can choose to play the lottery or buy GPUs that'll probably plummet in price as resellers realise they cannot really sell them at this high margin. The manufacturers themselves won't lose too much

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see you hu chan

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god, watching Yuru Camp while snuggled in blankets on a tv with speakers, a whiteboard to write words and hiragana down, and iced coffee

pure warmth and bliss

people don't realize that consoles are often sold at a loss

PCs can't compete

best price/performance is console over PC

and I say that as a PC master race fanatic

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have you guys ever heard of KIND bars? what do you think, quality product or ripoff

I said I couldnt find weed but then I found weed the next day.

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I'm the good luck weed blankie monster

Attached: blankieoonster.jpg (1280x720, 618.01K)

Ive never tried edibles before but used a recipe for tea.
I thought it wasnt working 10mins ago so I just drank another cup but now im starting to really feel it. I used triple the amount that was in the recipe

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smoking gets to your lungs after a while but once every other day or so isnt too bad, im about to get really high too

Not too much of an issue for me. Ill binge weed for like a week but then not smoke again for another 3-5 months.

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yea it jsut really starts to build up on you if you dont take breaks and smoke it with a pipe

you can develop health problems from smoking ANYTHING

Your mother got lockjaw from smoking my pole.

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I like to use pipe because im lazy

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catching up on berserk and a few other things right now, what did the five fingers say to the face?

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I miss old berserk.

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naawh but really my boy rickert slapped griffith so hard he became a meme

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Bad dog is a bad meme

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i ate too many cheez its

L-liliana is cheez flavoured

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Tsuchi wanted me to call of you guys cucks and wanted me to remind you all to kill yourselves.

Any of you want me to take a message?

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Tell Tsuchi he smells.

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Bitch offered him the world, nigga gave that bitch a slap.

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I would love a teeny little room thats the bed room.

no one actually wants to talk to Tsuchi

He's popular.

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maybe i should just post the same image over and over and make inarticulate dull negative observations about people

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already did like seven years ago

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...I think Ive seen a cap of that somewhere...

I just got done playing sea of thieves wif my brother and its really fun
I am set on getting it

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Everyone I know has more of a life than me. Is it worth if playing solo?

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im sure im a part of many caps

I watched my brother play it and we were talking irl so it was kind of a group thing

I want to play by myself a bit
I want to get lost in it

but it is high maintenance to captain the ship by yourself

For me this game is the perfect time sync ither alone or with friends

I would personally reccomend it

if you have x box game psass it is free rn as well

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mornyan hudspza

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How are you?

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i play a fun game and hang out with my brother

how are you ?

Attached: akarin.gif (300x367, 114.04K)

Russian rolette?

Attached: .jpg (320x320, 12.29K)

no it is sea of thieves ;w;

Attached: blankieoonster.jpg (1280x720, 618.01K)

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Pff, boring

Attached: .jpg (640x640, 36.15K)



Guess I'll buy it then.

Attached: 8bd7e5bab6234912df3a1037ecf7b6f579efc948c66319f9902e4bceec07e17a.png (285x400, 52.51K)

heehe no it's fun

Lukie you should get sea of thieves

m-ma ybe we'll play sometime

it's cross platform

Attached: Jesus Christ how horrifying.png (850x476, 131.41K)

so brave

I hope you love ping.

Attached: 47b990dbe65ec929e0baefda5ef63b96063f61a0cc6d5eb2946600eec82c843a.gif (268x150, 60.93K)

: 3

Attached: Stocking 53.jpg (580x750, 237.59K)

They climbed on top of 4th reactor, this is really brave

Attached: .jpg (960x540, 60.74K)

gimme gimme

Attached: 2078aaba9e4de5800af42f4746b26909c666b6f8.jpg (700x1069, 152.46K)

if you et it ill pway wif you

Attached: Stocking 13.png (462x702, 163.2K)

I really should jump on the game pass bandwagon.

Doggo better than people

Attached: 8bd7e5bab6234912df3a1037ecf7b6f579efc948c66319f9902e4bceec07e17a.png (285x400, 52.51K)

if you havent used your free trial yet SoT is absoluteley free desu

Attached: Stocking 22.png (834x965, 2.3M)

how to get it?

Attached: 1521085583234.jpg (1000x1048, 232.02K)

Not on PC tho.
But mebe one day game pass will be here too.

tuck me in

Attached: 1343948639318.jpg (1920x1080, 266.85K)

**dabs u in

yay nini herpes : 3

Attached: 1367968123782.jpg (550x600, 173.93K)

Sleep well

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I always forget these guys exist.
I need to stop doing that.

Attached: b75daa228281bbd5fe5a9fd5a2c72e87ce343ccdbb990631af75a33511c30b5d.png (887x901, 563.43K)

Weeeeellllll, fuck

Attached: .jpg (600x500, 25.89K)

What Happened to Monday was lewd

Attached: hatsune miku00283.jpg (850x850, 97.19K)

Attached: 1497997702631.png (1600x1120, 991.51K)

Now if only the lewd were to happen to revy

Attached: hatsune miku00335.gif (560x420, 64.78K)

Alright. Who wants to get dicked?

Attached: gfdhgfdh.png (538x393, 254.38K)

Attached: c8f7a7b02407b67a1cd21d60710cdd442fb7e1779724628c760c8b631a548062.jpg (1280x720, 112.24K)

Usually the answer would be maybe but if it's you, I'd be worried about getting dog infections

Attached: hatsune miku00171.png (583x776, 366K)

Dw Revy I gotchu

Heavens to Murgatroyd~!

Sorry. As a gay man I only fuck real girls.

Attached: 9a5c107a231eee6bc38ce2f52b29e898.jpg (568x800, 84.96K)

my back feels a little better today, just a bit stiff. parents felt guilty as fuck for not visiting yesterday, im like shit happens its k
they might come today tho

hows u

Attached: 1498006920705.png (801x961, 796.24K)

Not bad. Just got of work an hour early. Might grind some 3v3 ranked.
Beyond that I might just hang out.

Attached: DYaNUAJVwAEnUGV.jpg (768x1024, 133.73K)

I need a goddamn massage.

Attached: 1497977372837.jpg (1280x720, 121.11K)

I gotta leave for class soon but i'm here

Attached: 1521557956139.jpg (1045x1068, 511.1K)

fuck school.

Attached: 1498629122125.jpg (1280x720, 421.75K)

I can't skip anymore classes

I can only miss like 2 more days before I get auto dropped

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

I was being sarcastic. School is as if not more important than a job.

I remember one of my lab profs, he was also on the board of directors in the IEEE.

He was such a fucking douche. Refused to teach us properly. The class had to go to the next lab section's prof to learn how to do the Wheatstone bridge config. Fuckin lunacy.

You can be a pro, but that doesn't mean you can teach. Admins need to realize that.

What classes you have today?

Attached: 1497579947350.png (377x354, 180.91K)

Good morning friends

Attached: sophie25.png (1280x1280, 353.68K)


Attached: 3ae34a1bac665bb9be5a572233af6faa.jpg (800x797, 93.99K)

My teacher just doesn't do anything

its several weeks pasted when we should have taken our midterm and we still haven't

idk when its going to happen

all my classes are fitness and nutrition stuff

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

omg fine

hi sinni

bye sinni

Attached: 1497944236471.jpg (675x1200, 121.03K)

fuckin screech at the prof then his boss


Attached: sophie40.png (420x900, 199.37K)

I need to study for the test still

I don't know what its going to be on though

He said he was gonna send out a study guide a few weeks ago and that never happened

I guess I'll just start reading everything

Attached: 1521491628677.png (182x228, 73.5K)

aww shit

I just got modded in my gangs discord

now I actually have to do stuff

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)


ring ring

Attached: 116oe.jpg (1608x1600, 770.18K)

speaking of discord why's mine giving me an error message every time I start it up forcing me to restart
if only I screencapped it :(
also good afternoon

Hewwo Loafie!

you should open a ticket or somethin? Discord customer service is usually pretty nice

Attached: antarc5.png (540x426, 217.76K)

Its kinda needed when we keep having new people join

Attached: hitto de sicario verga.jpg (572x462, 56.76K)

♪Banana phone! (Doo doody doo!)♫

I just invite people I like.
Everyone else can get fucked.

Attached: 03276e8712b30f5ff45f110da44cdbde.jpg (800x725, 82.38K)

have to restart my computer to get the error message


Attached: 87ea5fdf3a104fdb2cef75104735f9c59e13f95d[1].jpg (1350x1236, 595.21K)

Which one am I?

Attached: Misaka 2203.png (830x923, 625.39K)

da fuk u think nnibba?

Attached: tumblr_p4lmwmmb9z1vdgpnbo1_540.jpg (540x523, 51.58K)

the one that is the same with me

Attached: ! Alice and the.jpg (700x980, 401.33K)

If I knew, do you think I'd fucking ask?

I don't mind being on this boat, then.

Attached: Misaka 1966.png (1364x1080, 825.67K)

Attached: .jpg (700x880, 62.23K)

Take a guess.

Attached: x2c2kcdq3fbz.png (1920x1080, 2.57M)

I'm at the level that I can walk in an out of option one or two whenever I want.

Attached: Misaka 1306.png (611x792, 303.56K)

You lie comfortably in the "get fucked" side.

Attached: 6k9QM1r.jpg (700x525, 52.95K)

you don't have to worry about other things, all you need to know is our own paradise, everything else dont matter

i'm just kidding, I do want to say this to someone in romantic setting

Attached: !Alice and the.jpg (970x1491, 732.47K)

-yawns and rolls over on his cot in the broom closet. He sees the shelf stocked with bottles of lemon pledge. Today is inventory day!- \^-^/

help me out chaps

Attached: Untitled.png (696x348, 16.69K)

Don't really know what I did to you to make you feel that way but if that's how you feel.

You just did say that to someone in a romantic setting.

Attached: Misaka 619.png (691x1080, 755.78K)

Try reinstalling it

Reinstall your windows

I .. didnt mean it.. i'm not actually that possessive
and it wasnt romantic enough!

Attached: Alice-1.jpg (805x400, 267.84K)

use this:

Caustic ribbing.
I have no issue with you, but the server is just for my friends specifically.

Attached: 03276e8712b30f5ff45f110da44cdbde.jpg (800x725, 82.38K)


Attached: .jpg (500x554, 54.8K)

You Were Never Really Here is a Very Good Movie

Attached: 156.png (206x273, 59.1K)

It's too late, you already own my heart.

Oh yeah well you're gay.

Attached: Misaka 1756.png (772x995, 806.84K)

it works and all
I just have to restart it

I guess a system service wasn't yet up and running when Discord started, and it crashed due to it.
Does Discord start automatically for you?

Is it about e-dating?

ha. ha. exdee.

Attached: Misaka 78.png (484x780, 409.77K)


Attached: 594c1b92c33e783a54af5d1a73a0a1fdd717475c.png (888x1110, 452.71K)



It's Iranian new year now...... Yaaay.......

Attached: 6857a44861db0d8c5429e1dfba0b0ed4bac513b9cf2d0990685477c2a814c3d9.png (2274x2964, 4.47M)

This is kind of my favourite thing. Ever. Everybody can stop doing things now because this will never be topped.

Good afternoon, Yams

Afternoon, Miss. How are we today?

Attached: eye see you in the icu.jpg (1280x1749, 338.21K)


but good. I just woke up. This mashup vid is really good. Usually don't really dig them too much.

Attached: sci an faggot.png (600x560, 132.1K)

I thought of you last night 'cause this episode was on. :3

How serendipitous.

Attached: MUH DIK.jpg (1280x985, 245.12K)

That's how these things work, Yams. I have no control over this situation anymore~

Attached: DQt.png (258x287, 33.36K)

they're doing an Ingmar Bergman season at watershed

Attached: ava_s_demon_by_robotmichelle-d5okc3l.jpg (800x1035, 141.04K)

he said Luka
do you have a wife yet?

Attached: __aira_fire_emblem_and_fire_emblem_seisen_no_keifu_drawn_by_nana_mizukas__010f7ca5ebacb235816d83bf0eb1d510.png (1200x1470, 959.78K)

Shush before I start chucking up rainbows, dang it.

Attached: tumblr_nuw0pvKt2d1tgj25do1_1280.png (1280x983, 1.22M)

-carefully counts how many there are, and gives each bottle a hug so it will feel loved enough to clean the floors when its time comes-

sry sry^^

Do anything fun last night?

Attached: Also, I piss excellence.png (434x600, 252.04K)


I went to bed early like a fucking old person and I hate myself for it.

Hope yours was at least a little more interesting.

Attached: tumblr_nvkivr9hF41qg9q4ao1_1280.jpg (1080x1080, 101.66K)

pfft. going bed early is responsible, why would you hate yourself for that~?

hmm I got really smonked and ate taco bell and played my space game.

I got a new ship and started a new farm in my 2nd galaxy so that's neato

Attached: floating points.png (500x740, 155.44K)

Awww! Go see them all! ♥
But 'specially Seventh Seal and Fanny and Alexander!

Nope! No waifu, and no laifu. :3

Attached:  .jpg (639x500, 29.39K)

What the fuck is wrong with names of your pictures?

Attached: .jpg (300x167, 32.92K)

most of them were quotes from the good old days of threading, circa 2012-13.

Attached: and we care becauseʔ.png (419x600, 204.17K)

As much as I enjoy sleeping I've always viewed time spent sleeping as time wasted.

Attached: tumblr_nl68hqWM6J1rjqwzso1_1280.png (992x1441, 586.28K)

Attached: .jpg (300x167, 32.92K)

mmhm, I know this feeling. It's not as wasted when it's next to someone.

No follow up q? Good.

Attached: gengtly hids on ur dick.png (376x600, 221.69K)

♪My name is Luka! I live on the second flo-or!♫

Can't get it out of my head now.

Attached: VK3t7c394KJgb2g34A_-gB4wEpE=.gif (480x360, 438.87K)

they're not doing Fanny and Alexander, but they have Wild Strawberries

they're also bringing back CMBYN and Moana, and they're doing a Q&A + Screening with the guys who did the soundtrack for Ex Machina

Attached: ribbons_by_robotmichelle-d8n4ela.png (600x827, 629.51K)

Now that's just cruel.

Attached: tumblr_o7scogJwwi1tyl7fto1_1280.png (600x800, 46.3K)

Get used to it bb

Attached: green-haired vixen.png (422x600, 355.48K)

-hugs Luka, too!-

Not an experience I've had too often, sadly.

Attached: tumblr_o3zq1egwQ51qj0qimo1_1280.png (1280x1600, 313.1K)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaams ;(

come sleep over~

Attached: I've got something to put in you.png (562x600, 436.23K)

That's a cool theater. I wish I had a cool theater around. I mean, the Drafthouse is cool, but not as cool. Jelly.

It is not for want of wanting that I've yet to do so.

Attached: 754824cb3545029d9e170f2aa6dd87b617189e26f9d88f6c2c9e85dbf9000b2d.jpg (700x996, 110.41K)

I know. It makes me want to not move away.

Attached: 181.png (216x314, 94.4K)

sleepoverrrrrrrrrr before I move farther awayyy

Attached: Baroness.png (419x600, 216.81K)

I'm saving my pennies. Just don't get bored before I'm done. :x

Attached: tumblr_o847oqviKw1uo0fqno1_1280.jpg (1280x1579, 534.19K)

:3c youre cute

Attached: 20180320124016_1.jpg (1920x1080, 282.02K)

No, that space canoe is.

Attached: tumblr_nj6kkpSQ2n1riqmv2o1_r1_1280.png (859x1252, 648.8K)

My guess remains that then

Attached: 1521523140001.jpg (1506x1698, 1.36M)

I've got myself just a little bit of love that I wanna spend on NOT you
Cuz baby, I'm afraid you'll say, that it's not okay with you
Oh, Oh, cuz
You're always laughin', chuckle and jokin'
You look like a clown,
But I hope you mean what you say

Attached: You disgust me (170).jpg (663x447, 65.96K)

It's not a canoe! It's a Class A Fighter with 36 inventory slots and 10 tech slots x_x

I named it K.I.T.

Attached: 20180312215749_2.jpg (1920x1080, 386.15K)

I didn't know Bergman made a Magic Flute movie. I wanna watch now! :D

And you gotta move away so you can go to art school and follow your passion and meet cool art friends. ♥

Attached: .png (398x420, 180.14K)

Don't mind if I do~

Attached: You disgust me (165).jpg (1920x1080, 135.79K)

yeah but.


maybe I can get the train back on weekends. idk.

Attached: tumblr_oa5gplu7j31u4y92fo1_1280.png (907x1080, 757.12K)

I mean I was mainly doing a throwback to Knight Rider, but that works too haha

Attached: sorry in advance.jpg (800x536, 82.72K)

Pfft, yeah, of course, I totally knew that.

Attached: You disgust me (167).jpg (235x366, 25.48K)

Attached: shoe fap bprq.webm (640x480, 1.22M)