

Attached: 1488939398853.jpg (1920x2173, 1.62M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: DoD254.png (1600x900, 855.25K)

Attached: 1250840101919.jpg (230x192, 41.69K)

where'd everyone go ;-;


Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Attached: handy.gif (365x150, 197.42K)


Attached: Kirishima_Touka807.png (600x696, 310.43K)

oh dear that's very unfortunate
I hope they all un-die fairly soon

Kill everyday~

Attached: Asakura Ryouko.gif (800x450, 697.47K)

Attached: 7.png (318x384, 187.09K)


I forgot to buy cigarettes when I was out buying alcohol.

Attached: chiri_unfocused.jpg (167x156, 21.03K)

Attached: ohfuck.gif (365x200, 388.52K)

expertly done chiri

kill this dumbdumb

Kill loafie

Attached: Kirishima_Touka826.png (359x348, 136.01K)

I forgot to do the thing.

I was excited to buy the alcohols and conversed with the girl at the til about the weather. I didn't ask for a pack.
I'm not a smoker, I quit last year and only bought like around 5 packs and bought one this year in february. It's not habitual and I completely forgot to ask.

Attached: fuchiri.jpg (256x194, 46.12K)

Kill all of us tbh


Attached: Kirishima_Touka501.jpg (1299x918, 1.3M)

please do not kill me

Strawpoll to kill Loafie?

Isn't it funny how one of the commandments is 'thou shalt not kill' but christians are like, 'now we are going to kill you in the name of our god'

Attached: chiri_sun.jpg (414x400, 79.74K)


Isn't it funny how Islam is a "religion of peace"
But in the Quran it says to "convert infidels by the sword"

Are we voting Loafie off the island?

Attached: lookingup.gif (365x183, 529.2K)

and the only one with a nude scene
in the manga

ayy lmao


Attached: Kirishima_Touka827.gif (540x540, 1.84M)



delete this user

clearly we're all men of propane

Except ONE

Don't kill was given as one of the commandments.
So anything before then was fair game.

Attached: [email protected] (400x400, 41.54K)

Getting ready for bed soon.

Do you have any bedtime stuff you look through?

I listen to HP Lovecraft stories before bed.

I tell ya whut.

I'm actually reading some Lovecraft stuff right now.

Attached: 1432921745.zororisama_zozo_unleashed_sm.jpg (800x629, 74.9K)

Sweeeeeet. Which story? :3



Attached: chiri_creepy3.jpg (345x357, 53.42K)


Attached: Hai.jpg (184x203, 15.83K)

But they did it after


I fall asleep to my neighbors arguing.

It's a peaceful kind of reassurance

Attached: boyishlaugh.gif (364x243, 726.72K)

Pool of the Black one and just general Old One pages.

And God was like "bruh".


Attached: chiri_aww.jpg (270x270, 42.05K)

Hi Elma

Attached: sup.gif (365x192, 476.87K)

I loved that the kill loafie poll went exclusively to propane accessories as it was an option.

Attached: chiri_excited.jpg (241x241, 48.13K)

yeah that's because I'm too valuable a person to lose
I am unkillable

I wonder if there is an audiobook of that on youtube.

How have you been?

Attached: he so made.png (470x502, 271.29K)

Yeah, let's see.


Not great
bad things happened last week
I cried a lot
Things will be okay though

Attached: Cigar.gif (364x270, 560.53K)

You know what's a great audiobook?

'watch' Clerks without watching the video, just listen to the audio- the dialogue is engaging and always has references to the current scenario so you can understand what's happening, even if you're blind ...
..as one blind person said that Clerks was one of his favourite movies

Oh, deja vu, this is around the time I actually die IRL and can no longer post.

Attached: chiri_scout.jpg (246x246, 38.04K)

what the hell Holla Forums I thought we were friends...

Attached: mpv-shot0001 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 176.66K)

when are you going to live stream it?

Attached: juuzou_by_victoriasty-d8y1fo4.png (1024x672, 157.56K)

The script of Clerks is like a novel because the characters keep describing where they are and what they are doing.

It's pretty brilliant, even if the movie seem stilted at first because the actors aren't quite able to pound out those paragraph lines, but they do eventually get into it.

Attached: chiri_angry.jpg (485x515, 102.83K)

Nooo. pls no crying, that's what I'm here for^^


Attached: ctrl v face.png (368x322, 152.08K)

neo elma!

Clerks is my favorite movie for a reason

Don't take it personally. Watch this.

You're a good person, Elms

Attached: anothersmile.gif (365x194, 529.44K)

how am I supposed to commit seppuku
I don't think a butter knife will cut it

yeah hold on a second rager
you're bullying me >:(

I cant wait for loafie to DIE

I don't know why I said that

I even voted no in the strawpoll

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

See, Loafie. At least you get enough attention to warrant death wishes

Attached: shame.gif (365x292, 1.57M)

I figured

Anyone want to hang in call?

Attached: 4.png (205x321, 121.43K)



but I didn't complain I wasn't getting attention
I was complaining that people wanted me to die


but the proposed method of suicide was seppuku, not hanging

heh, well you know too that the first ten minutes of Clerks are pretty hard to listen to, but it's because they never went back to re-shoot it.. it's stilted, the actors have trouble memorizing those huge paragraphs of dialogue even though it's witty. It feels like uncanny valley for at least 15 minutes into Clerks because of the unnatural dialogue, but then it just kind of clicks into place and works.

I believe it's the introduction of Randall Graves. He is the only individual on set that seems to bring the confidence and legitimacy that the shit he says isn't just straight scripted, he drops that shit, and Dante becomes the wingman after that and his lines become monumentally easier to pull off.

Attached: chiri_glasses.jpg (444x580, 88.11K)

No such thing as bad press

Attached: drawnoutsmile.gif (320x240, 1.44M)

Get it, becasue loafie is gay

Attached: Kirishima_Touka808.jpg (640x1136, 246.86K)

I'm sleeping goodnight friends and have a slightly less good night bullies

Attached: mpv-shot0021.jpg (1920x1080, 186.38K)

that, sir, is the parade float I ride on

Attached: chiri_mean.jpg (350x319, 58.14K)

I could sit here and talk about this movie all day.
However, I need to be leaving soon and don't want to leave you high and dry

my only comment is this: If half of the directors in Hollywood took cues from Kevin Smiths dialogue, there'd be a lot fewer shitty movies coming out.

Attached: retort.gif (365x219, 488.14K)

Apparently I was so sleep deprived and tired last night that after I fell asleep, I slept through the following things at 9:30am:

A) The siren for the alarm system going off and wailing for a long time
B) My phone ringing at max volume
C) The police ringing the door bell (plays through a speaker system upstairs, very loud)
D) My aunt coming to the house and knocking on my door repeatedly for a while

wew lad

maybe I actually died in my sleep and none of this is real

are you real?

Attached: I am also a white cat 1.png (294x240, 132.68K)

If I told you yes, could you prove it?

Attached: Heart.gif (246x180, 346.29K)

will be getting a sleeping pill Rx at my next doctor's appointment btw

shit's gone too far

Attached: I am also a white cat 4.png (294x240, 134.16K)

I real

I'm also listening to a rap artist now and enjoying it

I'm 99% sure this is all a dream

Attached: I am also a white cat 74.png (294x240, 134.15K)

I can leave you with this;
at least Kevin Smith wrote out the whole script ahead of time and went with that during shooting.

Attached: chiri_happy.jpg (232x232, 36.22K)

I have no way of doing so

*spins the weighted top and waits to see if it falls over*

Attached: I am also a white cat 12.png (294x240, 134.15K)

My rap name is


Try jumping out a third story window. If you fly, it's a dream.

jk dont suicide ily nezi

Attached: inhumansmiling.gif (246x290, 1.33M)

the fuck mate
people stepping loudly wake me up

Attached: chiri_surprised.jpg (372x372, 55.75K)

Except when they were like
Chill God, this is for you


Mandy said that too... Sorry not sorry xd

Nezi is an insomniac, i do not think it is difficult to bleieve that when they do sleep it is like comatose.

You been drinking scoots?

Attached: rightokay.gif (365x249, 779.9K)

you're elma just new elma. or old elma.


Attached: wanna get out of here.gif (365x225, 788.73K)

Sober. Ive had 1 beer in 3 months.

Attached: Kirishima_Touka545.jpg (690x690, 506.63K)

Good job

Superman Steve :D

i was really tired

the thing that kinda triggers me is when people get mad/annoyed at me for sleeping a long time or having trouble waking up

like yeah sure nigga I'm having a ton of fun being awake for 30+ hours and feeling like I'm dying

insomnia has probably hurt my body and stress/anxiety levels I'd imagine

it's not good for you

Attached: I am also a white cat 11.png (294x240, 134.13K)

I'm a super light sleeper, I'll wake up to any noises at all. But, I also dream a lot. I tend to stay up very late, and sleep during sunlight hours- today I woke up at 3am, still going for now, gonna sleep whenever I feel like it.

Attached: chiri_candlelit.jpg (140x181, 21.1K)

Unlike you to misspell and fuck up capitalization when you're not memeing. Just making sure you're okay.

Attached: miss.gif (365x205, 427.23K)

am tired
no cawfeeee

Attached: Kirishima_Touka586.gif (1000x1250, 96.09K)

I once missed an alarm because I was really heavily sedated with alcohol and I surmise the only possible way I turned my alarm off is that drunk-me turned it off and went back to sleep.

Which is a real dick move

Attached: chiri_look3.jpg (203x248, 43.56K)

Don't drink coffee dude, shit is awful

Attached: compliment.gif (365x201, 295.17K)


Attached: Jalepeno-neesan 24.jpg (175x203, 15.04K)

Remember that you don't include the 'i' in an 'ing' when the last letter of the word is a vowel, so it would 'memeing' and not what you wrote.

Attached: chiri_scold.jpg (223x345, 56.12K)

no vote, buy a Midi Fighter

Okay everyones been drinking the fucking punch

I just wrote exactly what you wrote you hockey-idolizing goon

I've turned off alarms and slept for hours later than I should have before

I always wake up mad as fuck seeing the switch turned off on my alarm clock

I even put it far away so I'd have to get out of bed, still happened

fuckin LUL

who are you?

Attached: chiri hmph.jpg (141x169, 23.76K)

hewwo friends

Attached: sophie39.png (600x560, 67.54K)



Your dream come true

Attached: staring lustfully.gif (365x265, 590.53K)

owo hewwo dere sinni

You had better reset your brain so that you take that shit seriously from now on.

Attached: chiri_candlelit.jpg (140x181, 21.1K)

YEah but he was turning people to salt.
Maybe as well brown nose.

Attached: 18.png (279x340, 143.76K)

what do you mean

I don't understand either part of that

idk, her forehead slopes a little back. I like a certain type of cranial structure.

Attached: chiri_concern.jpg (256x256, 38.3K)

hewwo! how are you doin?

Attached: sophie41.png (578x600, 51.58K)

bye dinner time

exhausted but gotta go see u in a bit

Do people actually use this thing for fighting games??? I've never seen this before.

Attached: Gasp!.jpg (314x203, 26.71K)

I should probably get going.
I have normal people stuff to do

Hi sinni. Tell George Hi for me, too.

Attached: wave.gif (365x205, 150.97K)


be safe

Hi! will do!!

Attached: sophie40.png (420x900, 199.37K)

Attached: 19.png (720x411, 346.77K)

but I'm right here

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Drunky I mean.

I will, I promise

Attached: Gun to a knife fight Mov 190847-193396 360 38-08.webm (640x360, 3.99M)

What game are you going to be playing tho

I'm low on sleep. Forgive me.

Attached: 61220327_p4_master1200.jpg (1200x1200, 397.35K)

Nezi, I mean you need to actually get involved with your own brain and determine the need to wake up when your alarm goes off like it's a matter of life and death.

You're probably too accustomed to being a lazy fuck and using excuses why you were late to work, or to any place, or any reason why you're not waking up when an alarm goes off.

Me? Alarms are my failsafes.

I wake up before my alarms go off.
I schedule my sleep. I enjoy sleeping.
But not enough to miss work.
I wake up before it goes off, I turn it off, and get down to business.

If you are relying on a loud alarm device, and it isn't waking you, then you don't care if it goes off. You have no intention of going in to work, you want to call in with an excuse instead.
Take responsibility for yourself. Schedule your sleep patterns, stop relying on a clock to wake you up; YOU need to wake up naturally from a restful sleep.

Attached: chiri_glasses.jpg (444x580, 88.11K)

I'm low on cummies. Forgive me.

Attached: Kirishima_Touka073.png (1280x738, 790.38K)

Bye Squash I love you.


No, people use Midi Fighter for making music.

But in a pinch it can be set up for any application- why the fuck not have 16 buttons at your fingers?

Attached: chiri_blue.jpg (253x305, 55.66K)

(Historical citation needed)
Hard mode: Bible doesn't count

Just get gud, fucks sake.

Also good to see Jalepeno again.

Attached: DoD194.png (937x694, 671.96K)


gimme a sec i gotta install it.

Attached: 162.png (400x400, 13.68K)

The average Ginji main is a pillar of salt.
If that isn't an act of divine spite I don't know what is.

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-03-22-22h35m43s787.png (720x482, 462.84K)

We should for a thread bible study group.

Attached: Kirishima_Touka150.png (1280x738, 808.91K)

oh, not elma


Who are you, user?

Attached: =w=.png (476x574, 309.11K)

Attached: 1432921745.zororisama_zozo_unleashed_sm.jpg (800x629, 74.9K)

Currently? Megaman X5

Attached: 8fc0ed02b6553b926d2a6bbf3f2f824d.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

oh, oops.

Midi Fighters have *64 buttons


based chiri

ok hi. i don't know about that old or new stuff

nvm the original midi fighter had 16 buttons :L

I heard they're making a fighting game with 100 buttons.

Attached: DoD16.png (1037x808, 850.75K)

Well, hi, okay.

You're using that av but you're not Elma?

Attached: chiri_concern.jpg (256x256, 38.3K)

Then you heard bullshit on the internet and are trying to reciprocate this false information onto us, don't you see this is how viruses spread? Thanks a lot for being stupid.

Attached: chiri_despair.jpg (323x323, 20.01K)

btw no, I don't understand humor, I'm a deity.

Attached: chiri_psycho.jpg (1600x1200, 82.66K)

Deities know what is real and what isn't.

Attached: chiri_suicide.png (512x384, 13.29K)

Attached: don_t_ask_me_why_i_did_this__by_sonicmcford-dau9rkh.png (636x474, 451.36K)

Oh my oh my, such hostility! So there isn't a 100 button layout as a prototype for a 1,000 button layout?

Attached: DoD206.png (608x609, 246.44K)

suicide is murder

you can be sentenced for life for committing it.

Attached: chiri murder.jpg (333x365, 51.23K)

Seems almost impossible to use for a game.
I'll consider it.

Thanks for the input.
Jalepeno is spicy

I think nobody here wants that.

Attached: Jalepeno-neesan 59.png (85x154, 13.76K)

Even the 16 button version is alright for making music.


Best big sister.

Attached: DoD127.png (583x649, 356.72K)

I want that esh

Well, seeing as how I failed the last 3 times I tried I don't think I'll try again.

Attached: ajapaa_by_neoxiii.jpg (600x600, 245.38K)

Really? Three?

I came to my senses after the first attempt.
I then learned more and understood how to better destroy my mind without the experience of fear or lingering mental activity.

One: shotgun to temple. destroy everything. no mouth vanity, no shooting face off and surviving.

Two: cliff jump head first. destroy head.

Attached: chiri1.jpg (219x206, 52.95K)

I used to be Elma, yeah.

Attached: if you can't deal, step to the real.png (564x566, 296.37K)

ohhh neat so you're Madeleine?

Attached: chiri_aww.jpg (270x270, 42.05K)


Attached: HIHI!.png (510x288, 263.29K)

I'm calling you Maddy.

Attached: chiri_laugh.jpg (122x130, 19.05K)

Most people do^^

Attached: Sparkly.png (432x432, 253.06K)

well, it's not like

I've been here


Attached: chiri_bloodyknife.jpg (205x224, 39.5K)

fair enough.


Attached: chiri_wtf.jpg (512x512, 98.14K)

this kills the thread.

it's a gift.

Attached: chiri_sure.jpg (280x335, 54.17K)


that doesn't describe me at all.

I'm never late for school or work, very rare that I sleep through an alarm like that.

tends to happen after sleep deprivation when I'm really tired and fall asleep, I can't wake up shortly afterwards, takes a long time.

I don't make excuses for being late to places. I leave early and get there on time or early and if I'm late it's my own stupid fault for not leaving on time and I'm mad at myself.

I'm a hard working individual, I just have problems with motivation with things that don't interest me and aren't very important.

Work and school are important though, I do them no matter what once I make the decision to start.

I was almost certainly the most reliable employee where i worked, i'd even stay late if they needed me sometimes.
99% of those kids would No Call No Show and other shit, I maybe missed one shift a year, and would call if I woke up late or something

I only missed one shift completely because I didn't know I was scheduled, they normally never put me on that day and I didn't expect it

Attached: 116oe.jpg (1608x1600, 770.18K)

not gonna lie though when i was depressed i was doing the bare minimum to skate by and not ruin everything

I'm not like that normally though just hard to keep going so strong when you feel like shit every day

I'm so glad I'm feeling better

Attached: 1405389041593.png (624x817, 475.58K)


didn't read

Attached: chiri_wink.jpg (602x597, 107.6K)

nezi rap battle me

Attached: matoi_pointing.jpg (174x184, 30.55K)

Snagglepuss is adorable.

Attached: 3ae34a1bac665bb9be5a572233af6faa.jpg (800x797, 93.99K)

Complain to me in rhymes motherfucker, you have it in you.

Attached: matoi_happy.jpg (218x218, 38.09K)

They've a new comic where he's gay.

Made by the people who made the Flintstobes comic so it's probably pretty good.


Somebody....shoot me...

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

Attached: 1355087455626.gif (249x207, 9.6K)


I can pay you

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

How much?



Attached: Chiri.png (1280x960, 868.8K)

I have a large Barro's pizza and some jamo....

Attached: download.jpg (236x214, 7.36K)

I'm walking like a duck cause they pay
so I don't give a fuck I'm a vidya gay
look at all these G's in my hoodies
people paid to make me look good, eee
I'm the rapper, give me some notoriety
I'm not Mexican, so better tread lightly
make sure we get some whites in ninja hoods
as long as trap can sell the goods
enough emos to fill a fucking wagon
dang I'm almost old enough to bang him.

Attached: matoi_intense.jpg (263x220, 39.1K)



Attached: Why is your dick glowingÊ”.png (446x446, 289.66K)

Aww nezi you're always a good friend.

But I'm sooooo tired!!!

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

You can't pay people in Chiris.

Attached: matoi_disappoint.png (160x159, 51.36K)


Attached: 1521338515596.png (1490x1208, 753.6K)

My man! Do you deliver?

Attached: 385.png (600x544, 506.69K)

but you cant go around asking to be shot mmkay?

Attached: gonna wrap you up like a bean burrito.png (304x476, 202.52K)

Attached: matoi_stare.jpg (193x216, 40.47K)

Can I put myself in situations where I am likely to be shot?

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

no he was paying me, you dork

I shot you with a nerf gun

hope that will suffice

Attached: 1423021995268.gif (350x350, 275.84K)

Attached: 1507324052494.jpg (263x191, 11.34K)

30 Minutes or less, or the next one's free.

Attached: LU49WvQ.png (1241x2107, 1.52M)

god I would shit on the 13 year old me that thought he was good

Attached: Laughing Girls Anime.png (480x480, 154.98K)

15 year old, woops

game came out in 2009

14 year old holy fuck i'm tired aaaaaaaaaaah


...well not really no...

Perfect! Maybe I should get a two for.


Attached: DoD93.png (1600x900, 862.52K)

Please don't :(

Attached: kung fu an shit.png (332x440, 261.68K)

love the wakfu reference

I play Dofus

Attached: matoihou2.jpg (600x500, 69.38K)

Ok I'll try to avoid bullets.

Did you do anything on Paddy's day?

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

I worked. But I got wicked smashed last night instead.

Attached: fight me irl.png (510x287, 263.62K)

Hope you didn't drive!

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

so I threw my back out for the first time

so much pain

Nii Ni guys

get well soon grim

Attached: Me when I read the god damned books.jpg (648x767, 91.28K)

Nope, my roommate did I guess. I kinda teleported into his bed.

Whatchu do that for?

Attached: easy breezy.png (430x574, 317.67K)

Oh my lol. Did you enjoy yourself?

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

it's time for;


sauce? pizza, bbq, alfredo, ranch, garlic parmesan

MEATS: strawpoll.me/15320484
VEG/XTRA: strawpoll.me/15320504

Attached: chiri_freak.jpg (189x204, 37.52K)

thx hev good night


Attached: DoD12.png (515x722, 363.7K)

lol chicken pineapple you fucking asshole?

Attached: chiri_heh.jpg (141x147, 17.74K)

was lifting like a 15lb basket of groceries and then OOF

I had to sit on a bench for a good 10mins holy shit

it got worse when I got in bed, I gotta keep moving

just took some tylenol ;;

I hope its just a pulled muscle and not a herniated disk

I was moving some wide 50lb boxes yesterday

Attached: hanging out.jpg (600x566, 227.26K)

Attached: DoD218.png (614x652, 482.53K)

that avvy is fancy as fuck

boo hoo I hauled like 50 lbs of trash down an alley yesterday, no it was prob 30 lb each hand, and last week I had to make two trips cause they were heavier than that. never mind, you're just a pussy.

Attached: chiri hmph.jpg (141x169, 23.76K)

u no it bby

Attached: DoD86.png (1600x900, 855.64K)

dammit pick my toppings.

Attached: chiri doesnt get this.jpg (361x389, 129.25K)

my body doesnt like it at all

I should srsly work out after I get better

Attached: confus.jpg (1000x1200, 133.95K)

I need a proper kizuna ai folder

You're a skinny bitch who's never worked.

Attached: chiri_scold.jpg (223x345, 56.12K)

mmhm I got my cuddles in^^

a herneated dick?

yikes, grom

nice image too btw

Attached: He capitalized just for me~.png (324x287, 143.65K)

oh yay


MEATS: strawpoll.me/15320484

VEG/XTRA: strawpoll.me/15320504

Attached: chiri_intensifies.jpg (512x390, 188.36K)

which one of you sick fucks

Aww I wish I got some cuddles in. I just ended up walking a girl home and then hanging out with her and her brothers.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

What's the fucking point?

Attached: 1521315708428.png (479x479, 293.21K)


Attached: chiri_repulsed.jpg (275x275, 51.73K)


tx tx I like it very much too

is this you accepting the mission?

im a fatty
5'8 220lbs
I dont do much physical labor

Attached: doki_doki_bizarre_club_by_korbelus-dbrnx6t.jpg (1024x576, 139.96K)

Attached: DoD162.png (1600x900, 1.02M)

brothers are a total cockblock amirite?

mmhm I

Attached: I comma splice all day, nigga.png (333x328, 142.69K)

chicken and mushrooms slay

omg no that was hours ago

I think I hit that point in my life where I really am not doing anything with it.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

Well, I guess you can' dance or ride a BMX then.

Unless you tell yourself you can. Then you can.

Attached: chiri_sure.jpg (280x335, 54.17K)

btw cuddles are t h e b e s t

my god, chicken and pineapple..

Attached: chiri_look3.jpg (203x248, 43.56K)


will I receive any GrimPointsâ„¢?

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

youre living it up as far as I can tell

also help what do my back gave out today
was lifting heavy things yesterday

Attached: the gif.gif (432x223, 2.3M)

I picked pineapple and ham.
I did it.
And no one could stop me.

Attached: 1521372285091.png (713x743, 395.17K)

what kinda q is that

you get 39 million for completing this mission

Attached: 052.png (680x383, 360.73K)

I'm not sure I would have fucked her anyway. I don't really do one night stands.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

I dont dance unless im fucking wasted
too embarassing

bmx I can see myself doing

but not as a fatty

Get a tennis ball and lie on it and roll your back over it.

Attached: tumblr_p5esaolvwg1us6uo4o2_540.jpg (540x405, 49.28K)


You're fucking repulsive!

why would you do something like that?
it's sickening

that's good enough for me

Attached: db8bdf0bc19a9fdb7dd31fbe370dc07e.jpg (500x500, 57.84K)

And I'm hardly living it up.
The con was the only thing I've really done in ages.

And don't you forget it.

Attached: 1521317259602.jpg (1280x720, 53.96K)


I say YEET

if thats not an option, will occasional sets of back stretches work?

Attached: wow2hu_38710768_p7.jpg (900x1292, 653.3K)

the last time I made the thread pick my toppings they were okay.

but seriously

chicken and pineapple?
do you have a grudge against me?

Attached: chiri_vintage2.jpg (204x245, 36.44K)

Get a hot pad.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

p u n i s h e d c h i r i

not an option

She... Is my next ex wife.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

This is what you get for not letting me select multiple toppings.
This is the future YOU chose.

Attached: 1520761111013.jpg (1280x720, 82.36K)

so you chose the bad ones, ok

Attached: chiri_creepy3.jpg (345x357, 53.42K)


Attached: tumblr_p5aglr8guE1s9c6nao1_540.jpg (540x540, 24.15K)

Slate wipe after 5 hours?

mmhm you feel so safe and warm and loved^^

Me neither :/ There needs to be a connection.

Attached: pretty pleaseÊ”.png (517x288, 346.96K)


Attached: 1521343903120.png (460x463, 342.14K)


and yeah I love that feeling and I love providing that feeling just as much if not more

Attached: monikapng.png (2000x2000, 526.79K)


I voted for pepperoni and black olives
I tried to help
I really did

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2229106.jpg (1535x2126, 508.78K)

ill keep u updated

Attached: wow2hu_38710768_p3.jpg (1600x1151, 1.54M)

Fuck 'em

Attached: DoD108.png (903x752, 450.06K)

dont make me jelly rn pls

i'm an insatiable cuddle slut

Attached: melt in your mouth, not your hand.png (589x574, 348.03K)

Yea..... Like a penile connection ;)

Shoots relatively well. Seems somewhat fit. Has fairly decent legs. ...

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

being the little spoon like this to break the monotony of having someone on your chest is also nais

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (500x525, 230.12K)

Placed order for:

14" Hand Tossed

Whole: Cheese, Ham, Chicken*, Pineapple, Mushroom, Garlic Parmesan Sauce*

Attached: chiri_blue.jpg (253x305, 55.66K)

Check Discord.

Attached: tumblr_inline_p5lfjvIAxc1rbgerg_540.gif (200x200, 1.94M)

OH! The video. Yeah, he's pretty cute. Posts on /k/ a good bit.

Attached: 1520890200709.jpg (600x700, 354.8K)

holy shit nice catches

my gf loves tororo

better post pics eating it u fucker

I secretly like every topping and nobody trolled me.

Attached: tetora hue.jpg (327x321, 71.33K)


Aww. Oh well, I'll try anything once.

Also the forgotten weapons guy is pretty Koo.

Attached: captain-kirk-found-a-new-alien-species-must-fuck-it-for-science.jpg (400x400, 29.42K)

will do stalker.

pineapple and garlic tho?


Attached: lucky tetora.jpg (225x225, 44.05K)

im gonna get outside food
ill do it too if it makes u feel better u little bitch

It was 20 bucks.
I need to get a good pick of all the shit I got.

Attached: 3ae34a1bac665bb9be5a572233af6faa.jpg (800x797, 93.99K)

lagia and tigrex are lit

I would have gotten a jho and gore magala :D

Attached: ayeayeeyes.png (490x388, 42.41K)

go ahead, not stopping you.

If you want to challenge yourself, stop eating for six hours instead and see how you feel if you drink only water when you feel hungry.

Attached: tetora kawaii.jpg (331x354, 81.73K)

They were in random boxes.
I was going for Zine.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

I do that at my second job
im perf fine

oh shit

Attached: Anime-Izayoi-Sakuya-Touhou-Project-Moneti-(Daifuku)-4217517.jpeg (712x1000, 534.55K)

I get grumpy but im fine lol


butter stick challenge.

Attached: tetora_anticipate.jpg (256x330, 61.55K)

I blew 600 bucks at the con on room, food, and other shit.

Attached: tumblr_p3ujtwN98O1v86m8go1_500.png (500x660, 200.49K)

The biggest thing up her skirt is the fresh mag she reached for.
Gun Jesus is a cool guy, puts up with a lot of shit.

Attached: 1521367079490.jpg (834x834, 101.64K)

wow, I didn't know that many people cosplayed as deer.

At least you got the free room.

Attached: tetora thoughtful.jpg (371x348, 83.51K)

What are you on about?

Attached: 03276e8712b30f5ff45f110da44cdbde.jpg (800x725, 82.38K)

Oh nevermind.
I got it.

Have you seen all the mud tests and shit they've done? I would hate to be the one to clean all the firearms they use.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

blowing ~600 bucks at the furry convention

Attached: lucky tetora.jpg (225x225, 44.05K)

pfft maybe.

I like that one too but def prefer little spork.

Striping and cleaning rifles is fun though.

Attached: 1521452232272.jpg (1396x940, 152.71K)

I need a nap.

Attached: zhfdhdfh.png (1363x695, 2.17M)

I have to wait for my pizza

you assholes

Attached: tetora huhu.jpg (424x359, 72.41K)

A pair of handcuffs is also a good connection

Yeah not when it's full of fucking mud!

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 12.95K)

I got a tote bag in the mail and my stupid whore mother took and started using it without asking


put it in a sep subfolder tho

half as much as me on AX

Attached: kizunalewd.jpg (1573x2480, 1.63M)



Attached: arizna.jpg (640x640, 89.1K)


smite her

im about to get wings


Attached: it all comes tumbling_s.mp4 (640x360, 6.79M)

ESPECIALLY when it's full of mud.

Attached: 1520878367577.jpg (1920x1080, 174.18K)

aww hell yeah

Attached: 21.jpg (850x1133, 177.62K)

fuckin AY

You're weird.

I like you.

Attached: FB_IMG_1483740963209.jpg (478x395, 10.47K)


that's not a first date type thing.

Attached: fu.png (594x621, 197.96K)

this could take any amount of time from an hour to a week


Attached: 26.jpg (842x699, 44.8K)

Attached: kaching.png (598x723, 421.44K)

also that img reminded me of this

Attached: welmasmell.png (626x199, 45.63K)

take ur time

the more pics the better

Attached: bloodtypes.png (450x1012, 698.77K)


Attached: 180319_173721.jpg (1600x1200, 336.3K)


I need to get my food now lmao bbl

why would you actually put pineapple on it?

that's your fault.

Attached: 16.jpg (850x945, 178.98K)

now this


Attached: gore eyy.jpg (564x410, 21.13K)

It's usually my first dates.

Attached: FB_IMG_1485828569937.jpg (236x352, 18.8K)

Everyone chose the toppings; I delivered.

Attached: neiko bored.png (234x262, 71.26K)

80% of the time it works all the time.

.//////. stop embarrassing me lol

How do you acquire that much trust within 1 date?

Attached: You can't have your chunnibyou and eat it too.png (512x288, 157.44K)

smug: on

I'm not the one that has to trust. And I'm awful charming when I want to be.

Attached: FB_IMG_1487214025880.jpg (510x908, 41.49K)

Is this you? I finally get to see what you look like?

Attached: Go on.png (352x450, 234.53K)

yeah no that's click bait.

you aren't that fucking gay.

Attached: neiko04.png (168x168, 32.16K)

Well I mean you can't see much

Aww you think I'm manly. I like you. We can be friends. But if you change your opinion I'm going to rape you and put you in a collar.

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 12.95K)

Post moar then

Attached: show me.png (790x574, 460.82K)

Will you? Do you like having collared whores?

Attached: neiko07.png (168x168, 33.07K)

What? B-but I have no more

Yes. They are the best kind.

Attached: download.jpg (236x214, 7.36K)

W-wait.. You like collars? omg

Attached: I love crisco-twister~.png (440x446, 212.9K)

Not really no. But I am a sucker for chokers.

This was me at a ren fair some 5 years ago

Attached: FB_IMG_1487390776384.jpg (1224x1632, 348.02K)


oh yeah, you mentioned chokers. idk I like collars for pet.. stuff ;3

Attached: xoxoxo.png (318x290, 124.04K)


Yea, I've never actually don't pet play. Closest was an ex that wanted a tail plug.

Attached: cdb73fa2f1738e430da65024eef64abf.jpg (720x671, 128.35K)

I'd love to see the faces of the cooks.

Attached: DoD145.png (1161x814, 908.76K)

idk it's weeb for cool I think.

Did you get one of those mega turkey legs at the fair? I've kinda wanted to check one of those out tbh

Never actually don't haha Those are pretty good ^~^

Attached: how embarrassing.png (333x365, 89.74K)

It means "amazing".

an amazing

Attached: 26.jpg (842x699, 44.8K)

thanks weeb


oh my god maddie

you can't just expose people like that

Attached: 38.jpg (590x590, 266.97K)

i sowwy

Attached: (47).png (418x400, 284.6K)

i am okay with elma exposing people as long as the people is herself

Attached: V9303Yq.jpg (1069x1376, 168.54K)

pls x//x

Attached: (45).png (271x355, 69.11K)


You know I'm not really a fan of turkey or chicken. But yea they have those legs all around.

I'm on a phone, don't you make fun of my auto corrects !

Attached: FB_IMG_1492643327254.jpg (1192x1374, 75.21K)

you don't like eating birds????????????????????????????///

Attached: were you into fur or fag first.png (454x574, 460.44K)

Squab is good

give u a good squab

le tildes

Na, I prefer cows and pigs. Maybe a fish here and there.

Attached: 0806161209.jpg (4160x2340, 3.73M)

Dead dead. You still here Maddie?

Attached: bah.webm (664x480, 281.01K)

Well that's just an unpleasant gif

Attached: t3_7lutec.gif (1299x570, 10.46M)

Attached: 118.jpg (640x300, 27.29K)

I enjoy watching things burn.


Attached: 120.png (1280x720, 463.16K)

Kaguya Luna is better.


Attached: 1368066787362.gif (1280x533, 1.94M)

unworthy bait

So am I.

We should go catch buckeye on fire.

feeling frisky with my dick

Attached: 77dcc77d92f58271915a336285fe45ccdd41e500.jpg (942x1200, 119.63K)

That's a lot of cotton and alfalfa to burn...

It's alright. It's dry. Should be a good blaze.

I refuse to bite

Attached: 126.jpg (806x640, 59.35K)

Good girl.





the chan is strong in you