Heard someone say "New thread"

Heard someone say "New thread"

Attached: 1521482656001.jpg (3242x4543, 1.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: ayeayeeyes.png (490x388, 42.41K)

Attached: durst.jpg (447x350, 79.17K)

blue hair an cute

Kissing boys♥

Attached: Zero_Two028.jpg (1280x818, 147.88K)

yuri is pure

Did he ask yet?

Was it lewd?



Regular keyboard does it too, but what good does that do if you always mistype words, and when you try to correct it, you type the very same thing one more time?
You'll then end up completely broken suggestions

Attached: 1521437048001.png (1018x1440, 1.4M)

Hi Grim

Attached: 67805368_p0 - 【ラノベ】魔王の娘は世界最強だけどヒキニート!2.png (1579x2167, 2.26M)

but you've been here longer than I

well if you don't like me then I don't like you >:(



sounds good.

ok its time for me to bbl
probably in the evening


Attached: 59736446_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 3.38M)

ye but not long enough to earn the senpai title

Attached: antarc58.png (1657x2160, 696.1K)


Super yucky.

Attached: lolisimdev where are you.png (671x807, 257.29K)


bye Grommmm

nah it wasn't as bad as he made it seem lol don't worry about it.

Attached: cheekpuff.png (428x584, 119.66K)



no, woafie
i do not believe that is something you can do

the reddit upvote system

a legendary reinhardt player


Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-17-59.png (625x921, 675.88K)

I knew I shouldn't trust someone who had a tilde in their name

just let me call you senpai will you please

thank goodness

Was it the sort of question I'd just ask in thread?

Attached: 754824cb3545029d9e170f2aa6dd87b617189e26f9d88f6c2c9e85dbf9000b2d.jpg (700x996, 110.41K)

ok, ok!

Senpai sinni is here 2 stay

Attached: antarc64.png (690x978, 109.13K)

Kissing boys is gross.

Kissing girls is gross.

Don't be gross.

Attached: tumblr_njvxmdrP351t5g4i0o1_1280.jpg (556x788, 54.44K)

Have a good day!

Attached: 1520726741627.png (899x506, 363.14K)

Why would you trust someone you don't know in the first place?

I mean idk about you specifically, but it was a threadworthy q in my opinion.

On the other hand I enjoy receiving texts, so it all worked out.

Attached: cheekpuff.png (428x584, 119.66K)

Truly the madman. That is my player profile across all games. It would seem. I am the madman.

I want dat SMOKER bbq foods

Attached: Zero_Two038.gif (268x150, 182.64K)

Kissing boys is sweet, and romantic and totally not gross.

Attached: Zero_Two041.gif (268x150, 291.78K)

I caught a jumping spider (wolf spider) of lycosa genus to add to my terrarium to hopefully catch some of the gnats that have been invading and breeding, leaving their larvae near the roots of plants and killing them from the roots up;

I lost a chlorophytum (spider plant) because of the flies' voracious behaviour, and now I want to eliminate them.. so I am going to employ spiders.

Attached: chiri_laugh.jpg (122x130, 19.05K)

All's swell that ends swell.

Attached: LOOK I HAVE PROOF.png (500x333, 236.56K)

can I stuff a bunch of children into my clothes so I look absolutely hench

congratulations on your establishment sinni-senpai look at that it's even alliterative

I don't know that's a good question
maybe it's the idea that if I trust someone that trust will eventually return towards me and then I'd have friends or something


How's your game going? Did you finish any more pixely art?

Attached: cheekpuff.png (428x584, 119.66K)

no, that's just how you get used a lot dummy.

Attached: (42).png (591x398, 117.03K)


i wuv pulled pork ;w;

i think you could give a try tbh

Attached: firefox_2018-03-08_21-21-41.png (341x305, 215.38K)

I made a spooky girl with a shitty wordplay name I dunno if you saw. Quite like this one.

Attached: marie anette 4x.png (256x320, 3.13K)

blessed be
sinni is she
senpai to be
something something lyrics

Attached: antarc59.png (13536x2176, 6.92M)



Nnnnn the pulliest pork! And briskets! And ribbies! I want to make them all! ^w^

Attached: 1360987167610.png (400x533, 193.03K)

btw Scoots

if you look up any of the mecha names from Darling, they are all flowers- Delphinium, Argentea, Genista, and Strelizia .. except Chlorophytum which is a spider plant.

I kind of want to see if that mecha and team actually splits off from the main cast as an enemy/// would be weird, but possible. both of the pilots are very detached.

Attached: lucky tetora.jpg (225x225, 44.05K)

My body says 2 hours of sleep is enough.

Anyhow what is up?

Attached: tumblr_p4lmwmmb9z1vdgpnbo1_540.jpg (540x523, 51.58K)

kill meeeeeeeeeeee

Attached: antarc62.png (4700x2644, 2.26M)

Ssssssh, you know its right...

I had not given it a thought, but given this new knowledge I think that is pretty cool. More so given the green house.

Do it. NOW.

chiri likes dicks

I love her dress. How long do these take you?

Attached: (42).png (591x398, 117.03K)



nice image
omg brisket
nothing better than brisket

i should get ready for work i've been playing pubg nonstop and i kinda forgot i had work in 1hr15m


Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-19-21.jpg (1920x1080, 724.12K)

As I've said before the concept around Darling is sex, instead of clothing as it was in Kill la Kill.

It's really straight up tackling sex. the pilots are stamens and pistils, the reproductive parts of flowers, and all the mecha are named after flowers. except chlorophytum which reproduces by simply leaving vines and growing babies without pollination

so that leaves me to wonder what the plot point will be; will those two pilots go renegade instead? instead of being pollinated flowers?

Attached: tetora scold.jpg (251x332, 81.03K)

I replied in the wrong thread


Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

I can't find any that are like cute cute
none that make my face squeeze with uwu, y'know?

Attached: antarc21.png (540x303, 223.06K)

Way to go, dumbass.

Attached: M9ExOb9.jpg (500x469, 16.17K)


alright if I go like a year without using this site assume I got shot by a paki

poetry is nice

Attached: mpv-shot0027.jpg (1920x1080, 165.47K)

But... ;~;

I think that one took 20-40 minutes? They usually don't take much longer than that unless it's especially complex.

;~; !!!

Have another smooch, and don't worry, you had fun goofing off. That is always a good thing.
Tonight will be a breeze, a walk in the park. You do your job, get home and relax. Play more PUBG, or Tekken, or FF, or MGS. Do a big relax cutie.
AND. The biggest brisket! I want to learn these ancient arts! ancient art of the BBQ!

Attached: 1362352168452.jpg (990x740, 121.87K)

*makes out with you*

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

what a faggot

Attached: tumblr_nq1vvoES5h1rfqcklo1_400.gif (300x168, 865.66K)

I used to be really good at poetry, my fav english teacher took us to louder than a bomb which is like, chicago youth poetry?

it was really good n I got a bunch of awesome stuff from it.

Attached: antarc53.png (800x814, 202.9K)


This truly is THE LAST OF US.

Why not grab some romance/slice of life anime?

I'll take a look again, i want to find ones that I can #commit to

get the 'cap all cute girls' project under control

Attached: antarc14.png (540x359, 91.36K)

We have already SEEN Chlorophytum's pilots Mitsuru (male) and Ikuno (female) be very detached and antisocial, and in the sequence when all the female pilots' bodysuits melted, Mitsuru simply gazed away, not to be among those who leered and ogled..

No, Mitsuru and Ikuno are going to be a plot device later on. They're the standouts, they don't want to be part of this whole sexual exchange.

I called it first because their mecha is a spider plant lol

Attached: tetora_anticipate.jpg (256x330, 61.55K)

I do like my boys

I already have a crush on a new one

yeah me too

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

what an interesting way to go
come visit me at work i leave soon and it's gonna be slow hopefully

what're you gonna do about it

sadly i'll be getting home right before stream
so i wont have much time to slack off before that but
we'll see
i have no clue what to continue with i've been lacking in the consistency department

if noctis releases at midnight for tekken 7 i'm playing tekken 7 though for sure 100000%

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-43-44.png (478x986, 678.7K)

How many sprites make up a whole game??

Start being good at poetry again, then

Your teachers didn't give you good marks for nothing, you have potential.

Attached: tetora_hmph.jpg (185x248, 49.58K)

I would but I don't have much of a passion for it anymore?

I used to be able to like sit down n right for 8 hours a day and fidget around in class and stuff until I could get home and CHURN OUT GREATS.

it's nice to listen to and to read but I don't think I could ever be like actually good nor do I really want to

Attached: antarc44.png (1181x682, 325.17K)

Dont even think about mugi!


there will be an uwu out there

Noctis, more like... YESPLS!
I am sure you'll find something to do. The community will like whatever you decide. Atleast the ones that matter will :3
I am doing a big scoot root and toot for liliana! WOOOOOOOOO :3

Attached: Kotobuki.Tsumugi.full.2161740.jpg (2429x3507, 1.6M)

I'm probably going to leave because there is no real reason to be here 'cause nobody seems to want to have a conversation.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

Will you dump them after a week too?

Attached: 1521478615001.jpg (1500x2121, 437.51K)

Depends on the game and how many shortcuts the artist/s take.

Attached: 091_1_vita.png (2048x1024, 1.31M)

I'm sure, it's just finding them is difficult!

Attached: antarc47.png (874x1280, 174.66K)

Alas, I feel like ive too many folders. BUT finding the TOP uwu is a big find. Takes time. Commitment. Patience.

Attached: Mugi_Chan1352.jpg (500x500, 221.94K)

thanks scootsy
two catfaces in one post


Citrus manga is so fucking awesome

Attached: .jpg (768x768, 94.17K)

Have fun with whatever it is you do outside of the threads then.

I don't think anyone plans that in advance

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

but how many shortcuts are you gonna take in your game~?

Attached: fufu.png (736x311, 78.78K)

fucking weeb

I bet you do

Attached: 1521009840001.jpg (728x950, 163.37K)

Well then you need to get involved in a rap battle to spark your talents.

See, I see you need to read my speech to cede I'm only,
Just a person who you met and I can solely
Say that you cannot forget the one who told ye
That it's all about connecting to an hombre
And celui qui peut traduire avec un mainstay,
hey hey someone sticking with you
through the Dismay,
no just kidding you will die later

Attached: lucky tetora.jpg (225x225, 44.05K)

aH! i DIDNT REALIZE! i DID NYAT realize!

Attached: Mugi_Chan0127.png (800x899, 455.86K)

Go fuck yourself, son of pig and zoophile
No u

Attached: .jpg (800x593, 90.15K)

Enough to make it possible to finish as a one-man-army. I've scaled it back enough so that it can be an interesting experience (hopefully) but not take me as long to make as I've spent learning to make it.

Attached: 055_1_vita.png (2048x1024, 1.28M)

A little shoot an scoot

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)


Attached: antarc54.png (700x1050, 610.74K)

it was a good touch

Attached: tetora kawaii.jpg (331x354, 81.73K)

Never fucked myself, and never will

Did you fuck him yet?

Attached: 1520363231001.jpg (1000x1409, 201.79K)

I'm probably just going to play FF or something.

Attached: tumblr_p3ujtwN98O1v86m8go1_500.png (500x660, 200.49K)

I am in a near constant state of Cat face!

Cyka Nyan!
give pets!

Attached: K-ON!.full.2216444.png (1500x1500, 2.45M)

Who the fuck you trying to cheat?

Attached: .jpg (1300x1500, 298.76K)

I used to be fairly decent at english too but unfortunately that seemed to disappear as time went on

you said you worked in a theatre right
I'll watch a play hopefully it's a good one

did I meet, beat, delete ?

No I haven't fucked him

I feel bad for saying I've never play one of those before.

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

It's a fun series depending on what one you play.
I'm getting back into 14 soon to play with a friend I met through Fuji.

Attached: DYaNUAJVwAEnUGV.jpg (768x1024, 133.73K)

I'm merely stating facts

Will before this week is over I bet

Attached: 1520874978001.png (800x1007, 914.05K)

>.< Um they mean a cinema, not a theatre theater


Rap battle me.

I'll make a special condition that pretty much anything goes for you but my condition is that everything has to be dry humor, so you can win this if you put your heart into it.

Attached: neiko03.png (171x171, 32.55K)

At least you still weeb

Attached: .jpeg (811x564, 55.98K)


pet pet


not like play theatre
you'd have to go to the city for that :p

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-22-32.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

Yo Name Big Scoot,
Sharp as a flute
been pettin dem cats, man hella cute


Attached: Mugi_Chan0364.jpg (550x450, 44.33K)

oh my mistake
I'll watch a film then
I'm sure there's a good one that's out today right
at least one

The most weeb I do, is post stuff here

Attached: 1521092729001.png (1280x905, 752.69K)

Whats a good starting one ?

they joked about me taking advantage of them the other day when they got drunk

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

cat fais intensifies!
it is pout of control :D

Attached: Mugi_Chan1251.png (788x703, 187.8K)

Just like everyone here

Attached: .jpg (600x800, 82.55K)

It's not taking advantage of someone if they want it

Fairly sure the vast majority watch the shit too

Attached: 1521273097001.png (1600x900, 1.48M)

If you like turn based I say 7 or 9.
Tactics is cool if you like games like Disgaia.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

I meant my handicap.

Scoot has no limitations, Chiri has to rap battle under the condition of dry humor or nihilism.

I can't hold a job as if I were Rwandan
But here in Canada we have some welfare; I'm a gonna
Eat these freebie cheez whiz sammiches and fuck if you don't wanna
Beats the dumpster diving, come on you just miss dose enchiladas

Attached: neiko hmm.png (282x295, 74.66K)

love, simon is the only sort of half decent looking one at our theatre right now

annihilation is still playing at the better theatre in the city
i still wanna see that

i wish i could make irl cat face

i watch anime
i read manga
i have a body pillow
im getting a cosplay soon
i have GUNDAM figures
i have lots of anime charms on backpack and phone and keychain


Attached: firefox_2018-03-14_13-13-33.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

And this... yes

Attached: .jpg (570x807, 79.43K)

the weaboo faggots

Attached: 1520363235001.png (800x1288, 203.77K)

Why is Ichigo a fucking waifu

Attached: neiko04.png (168x168, 32.16K)

How many times your mom tell you, that she regrets about your birth?

Fucking weeb scum

Attached: .jpg (1360x768, 80.64K)

anyone can be a waifu

Either way, still pettable! if you could do cat fais you'd be able do do a felix cosplay!


Attached: Zero_Two022.jpg (240x240, 15.04K)

I don't recall the last time I went to a cinema desu I generally prefer to watch them at home
I was going to watch that film about winston churchill about a month ago but then I remembered I'd have to get on a bus or something there so I was just like WHAT'S THE POINT

Attached: mpv-shot0008.jpg (1920x1080, 197.65K)

Because rule 63 is a thing?


You're the scum, nobody watched Girls und Panzer except the most militarist of weeaboos.

And it's not even realistic, it's the worst military anime ever made.

Attached: neiko grrr.png (207x294, 69.82K)

why is literally any filthy anime slut?
Cause some weaboos like them

Every single one of them

Attached: 1520363220001.jpg (636x1259, 88.64K)

I don't need to get someone drunk for that.

My favorite game of all time is turn based

I probably do

I've never played on like FF though

Fire emblem and divinity

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

but she's like barely 16.

jesus christ

Attached: neiko05.png (204x204, 50.43K)

You might like Tactics then.

Attached: tumblr_p5afc3M25l1v9vb5to1_540.png (275x273, 59.66K)



I'll look into it

ty doggu

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

Tnx god i'm not a military weeb

Let's find some anime fans and beat them

Attached: .webm (320x240, 2.31M)

in some parts of the world, 15 is the age of consent

But you can do so anyway

Attached: 1520363239001.jpg (1912x1200, 1.68M)

my mom likes all the stuff i have
she thinks its cool :p

if only she thought me being a girl was cool l o l

im not a NORMIE no THANKS !!!! LOL

i luv to go see filmz
its one of my favorite hobbies
you should make it out sometime :p

Attached: xN0F7dl.png (532x458, 473.87K)

That sounds like a legit enough plan. I wanna see screenshots^^

Attached: M9ExOb9.jpg (500x469, 16.17K)

The DS/PSP versions of FF3 are good. Also FFX was fucking neato.

Attached: 102_0_vita.png (2048x1024, 1.43M)

Attached: neiko hmm.png (282x295, 74.66K)

Then 16 is not a problem at all

Attached: 1521052649001.jpg (600x1122, 388.32K)

Attached: [ss] 2018-3-15 - 12.10.8.png (960x540, 29.59K)

If you were a normie... COULD YOU DO THIS????? only 399

Attached: Zero_Two089.gif (268x300, 950.98K)

I could but that sounds dumb

*makes out with you*

good boy

*pats urhead and rubs behind ur ears*

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)


Attached: sgdfg.png (602x333, 398.6K)

Dayum. I like how the lighting looks wew

Attached: gypsy (29).png (500x450, 314.76K)

I watch films desu just not in cinemas
I choose not to because it's not a very comfortable experience :(

seems a tad expensive

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Ichigo is like 12 or 13 you guys
Come on

Attached: Hai.jpg (184x203, 15.83K)

My mom introduced me with anime when i was a kid. I have watched Evangelion first time in 2004, when i was 5yo

Attached: .webm (320x240, 5.61M)

Don't think anyone really cares

Attached: 1521273096001.jpg (868x1228, 459.55K)

Perfectly reasonable my friend, you'll find it is totally italian leather.

Attached: Zero_Two022.jpg (240x240, 15.04K)

The lighting took a while to get looking right but I quite like it now.

Attached: MUH DIK.jpg (1280x985, 245.12K)

I know. I just like to throw out big cultural banners.

Throughout humanity, legal age was puberty. People didn't have much of a life expectancy; there was love and dating, and sex, as soon as the humans involved were ready to do so;

Postponing the ages at which we are allowed to have sex, or to drink alcohol, are exaggerated in the USA in order to sell more sexual magazines; Television as well is censored, American media and life is completely different from European where none of that matters .. women go topless on beaches, nobody blurs our their nipples, and they let their children taste wine.

America has turned adulthood into a marketing scam.

Attached: neiko02.png (140x183, 33.41K)

Europeans suck American cock though. It's slowly becoming like that here too. I wouldn't be surprised if harsher laws were implemented in the foreseeable future

Attached: 1521092728001.png (2480x3508, 2.39M)

I'm not waifu material and everyone already knows that.

Attached: It's not real.png (248x164, 54.76K)

Attached: 1521028046733.png (384x347, 131.86K)

but can it do this?


Why is that

I believe that to be an incorrect notion. If the rumour mills to be believed.

Well... I do not know :O

Attached: Zero_Two072.jpg (540x304, 62.16K)

Attached: tumblr_p4mji5o4oj1vhq678o1_540.png (500x810, 422.62K)

Now you have to share. What rumors?

Attached: Now strip.png (417x203, 135.41K)

Attached: 1521099998579.jpg (950x1000, 133.08K)


Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Rumours of you snaring a partner in crime. If this is not true then I will be a tad disappointed in the source.

Attached: Zero_Two062.gif (499x249, 1.31M)

you've got people talking and using their phones
chewing too loudly
the space between the seats is too small
and I can't reposition myself or stop if I decide I want to stop and finish it later
sure it's not a bad experience but I'm paying for something I can get for free

I wanna play it.

Was today your day off or something? You just been working on it and chillin?

Attached: gypsy (39).png (500x500, 146.37K)

What in the world kind of movie theater are you going to I have very rarely experienced anything like what you described and I go to the movies at least 20 to 40 times a year

Time to grab a gun and teach those neigh-do-wells what it is like to PISS OFF THE HURRICANE!


Old news.

How are you scoots?

Attached: Mm.jpg (290x203, 31.62K)

I have very sensitive ears

you're alone there holmes

see the first comment

the first sentence of this comment, not the previous one

Mostly, yes. I spend most of my time either working on my game directly or doing planning/research work for it. It's been a passion project of mine since I first started learning and I finally feel ready to make at least part of it a reality.

Attached: tumblr_o6e6exVux91ut7kl5o1_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 292.63K)


godspeed, cap'n

Attached: gypsy (53).png (549x600, 96.54K)

it was really hard not to bully you right there
but I resisted

Attached: 375644.jpg (900x732, 64.89K)

I am going to make AURORA look like a god damned orgy

I kind of figured. I had heard said rumour before and figured I would entertain the notion... Per chance it was still an ongoing thing. No worries.
I am doing pretty okay. So no complaints.
I am being a general ass and wasting my post work night here... and reading stuff(trash) and cropping manga.
Like a dilligent and worthwhile memeber of society.
How have you been since we last (you)

Attached: Zero_Two016.png (1280x720, 362.34K)

why though
I have sensitive ears
what makes that worth bullying it's such a minor thing

because Scootaloo does it to you all the time

and the king's decree is no trifling matter

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2052391.jpg (1000x830, 365.46K)


Attached: gypsy (51).png (450x600, 78.55K)


Attached: Cersei_Lannister024.gif (460x248, 581.79K)

oh god


Attached: gypsy (2).png (341x335, 187.4K)


Attached: Cersei_Lannister008.jpg (540x367, 51.34K)

scoots vs the thread

he murdered it with nothing but his bare hands

It is how it has always been.

Attached: Cersei_Lannister125.png (1920x1088, 1.62M)

So are you saying if I lick the edge of your ear would it be a good thing or bad thing since it's so sensitive would it be a nice tingly feeling or would it be really bad ow my ear

What's the plural of dingus?



You're a buncha dingi! ♥

Attached: .png (398x420, 180.14K)

Attached: sabbbbeeebbbbba.jpg (720x926, 53.14K)

If I'm a cap'n does that make you my first mate? Or would you rather be the booty?

Attached: tumblr_o4ko6cG8KP1vp66vio1_500.png (500x600, 381.48K)


Attached: .jpg (418x640, 106.42K)

a flock of dingi

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Do you prefer the term doofus or dingus I think I say doof more often than not but every now and then a well-placed dingus is pretty good

I am the ALPHA Dingi

Attached: tumblr_p2x2qkLQGC1r3i2gwo6_400.gif (268x200, 2.17M)


omg shuddup


Attached: gypsy (28).png (358x449, 76.51K)

Hello, Super Nintendo Chalmers!

Or is it murder?

A moida'a dingi.

Doofus is fun. I say goober a lot, or goob. But it's not what you say, it's how you say it, and I say it with l~o~v~e. ^o^

Attached: animus.jpg (499x380, 76.12K)


Attached: tumblr_n2r95cNyOo1rxej9eo2_500.png (500x700, 419.53K)

scoot phone in, I decided on a cute girl

Attached: sophie40.png (420x900, 199.37K)

Hey, have this...


also what you think of


Attached: tumblr_p3nnwwwQZG1wucr70o3_1280.jpg (742x1039, 222.31K)


Attached: sophie41.png (578x600, 51.58K)

Best girl

Attached: 010155fdd738fbb89558cd1464772d50.jpg (731x1024, 102.09K)

Love is and always will be the most important ingredient

Who dis? Spill!

Attached: citrus_ch01_151.png (514x811, 223.37K)

Time to work everynyan

see ya in a few hours :p

sophie from howl's moving castle!

I watched it a lot when I was a kid and stuff

Attached: sophie25.png (1280x1280, 353.68K)

I don't know if the sense of feeling is particularly sensitive actually, I should have said that it's my sense of hearing that's sensitive

well why don't you ask scoots my question then

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1920x1080, 119.55K)

Good luck!

-smenscheviks smesnh!-

This is a good folder. I can tell. With the emotional investments and stuff

Attached: sophie31.png (1101x1171, 314.31K)

*licks ear*


smonsh smonsh

nooo c'mon

sorry I can't speak baston

IVe been
Playing a lot more vidya nowadays than the past.
So like a lot of MHW, SFV, and whatever else I can get my hands on.
Just beat the 2016 Ratchet and Clank Reboot.

Attached: Say Ahh.jpg (286x202, 34.36K)

She cute

Attached: 1520271733001.png (1786x2473, 3.72M)

Attached: Black Dingus.webm (564x204, 69.14K)


Monster Hunter good? Yee?
And Whomst is your SF main?

Man loved platformers back in the day

Attached: citrus_ch01_22.png (1009x1001, 418K)

Attached: 9295afd78477a578d68459233317d7ccc9b52ee8b4a3cad6cd9172eda52efeb8.jpg (1280x1250, 146.95K)

Attached: sophie43.png (394x600, 36.49K)


Attached: one million kisses asap.png (410x548, 227.79K)

Monster Hunter is fun but tedious. No where near as tedious as the older games, but still.
Also the hitboxes are a bit wonky so that KO's me a lot.

Well I'm just getting back into it, but I've been enjoying Cammy. I don't have a fightstick though so playing with the Playstation Controller is cancer.

Attached: Jalepeno-neesan 24.jpg (175x203, 15.04K)

I really like the colours in this one. I could learn a lot.

Attached: 9295afd78477a578d68459233317d7ccc9b52ee8b4a3cad6cd9172eda52efeb8.jpg (1280x1250, 146.95K)

The hitboxes in World are the best they've ever been, scrub.

Fighting games too! MK was always a laugh.
But in SF, Gotta be the Chun Li. Thighs of fury.

Attached: citrus_ch01_08.png (706x708, 156.27K)

Whaddya mean?

Attached: Inga x Panda for best Scandinavian couple.png (298x338, 136.85K)

nah it's a dude, he has long leggy

sophie just wears heels uwu

Attached: sophie27.png (778x1100, 1.16M)

My use of colour is, at best, serviceable. It does its job. I want to be able to create something pretty, stunning or striking.

Attached: starbucks.png (243x243, 91.83K)

oooh I see. I have prismacolors for that sort of thing :p

Attached: this guys retarded.png (356x332, 165.69K)

That pic made him look very feminine

Attached: tumblr_o59kubnGay1vpo36po1_500.gif (500x281, 1.71M)

Scoots, ur so kissy today. you okay?

he's very kissable

Attached: sophie21.png (1280x1280, 450.24K)

Sure, but I'm knocked down by an Anjanath making a forward charge and I'm well behind it. Like taking a megapotion in safety type of behind it.
Better but not great.

I can't stand Netherrealms games. Injustice and Mortal Kombat wonky looking games full of ass.
Chun is love, but I just don't click with her well. Maybe when I get the fightstick/joypad it'll change that.

Attached: Hai.jpg (184x203, 15.83K)

This leather gear outfit I got put together is actually very comfy

Attached: tumblr_p5afc3M25l1v9vb5to1_540.png (275x273, 59.66K)

I tend to use really unsaturated colours in everything I do both on paper and digitally. I'm not sure why that is.

Attached: 113.png (310x352, 151.27K)

Attached: ayayayayayayaya (kind of pedo) 9034418.webm (960x540, 5.73M)

To be honest I've gotten so decent at dodging that I generally don't run into problems. But then I start fucking around and not paying attention and quickly get flattened.

Attached: 76.png (526x387, 220.32K)


Verily! Indubitably!

I mean, the older generations, not the current state debacles
fightstick and geddem all! pro gamer!

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-01-15-23h27m18s242.png (1920x1080, 1001.65K)

Attached: sophie35.png (422x600, 73.29K)

if you truly believe the older MK games were better

you're a liar

Mario Kart was goo until 4.

I cant say ive seen much if any of that studio! That is indeed a intriguing picture


Attached: vlcsnap-2018-01-15-23h35m30s729.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

I've never played an MK game but I have to say MK2 had nice spritework

bb brighten up a lil and have some fun^^

Watching something with bright colors
helps for inspiration. I liked Superjail! for its technicolor properties and gratuitous violence

Did you see a cute boy at the gym or something?

I prefer 9 over X, but I think you're talking about the really old shitty ones.

That RPG one was kinda shit too imo but I've heard people think otherwise.

Attached: uhhm.png (306x306, 148.04K)

studio ghibli does really lovely movies

Attached: sophie29.png (960x1280, 228.04K)

It was pretty good at sprite scaling.

Attached: tumblr_p3ujtwN98O1v86m8go1_500.png (500x660, 200.49K)

I think I'm just going to start lounging in my leather gear even when my room mate is home.

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)

Heh, well, cute boys are always around, of course, elma, you know heh.

SO i have heard, urgh i jsut need to get around to watching em all, was watching that princess one not so long back, the bamboo grill

Attached: Yuuki_Asuna0786.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

IRL that pun would have earned you a slap.

Attached: 202.png (656x457, 314.51K)

Attached: .jpg (868x714, 89.35K)

I feel that. I mostly play MH with Tsuchi and I always get distracted. We're taking the game very slowly though.

Um... well. I enjoyed Cage in most of the games, but the issue is that I never really enjoyed the games. See Below.

They all come off as overly edgy look at me *teleport behind you* nonsense with Cliche characters. The story is meh and the animation and pacing for all the games are just kinda bad. Climatically the newer ones look great, but then you get into the actual gameplay and it looks like non of them even know how to fight. Limp-Noodle Animations or just more gross edge shit because reasons.
I respect the franchise but that's about it.

Attached: Jalepeno-neesan 18.jpg (213x203, 16.24K)

More memez

Attached: .jpg (807x807, 124.88K)

yee that one's good! I'd recommend spirited away or kiki's delivery service

those are probably the most popular ones.

Attached: sophie16.png (900x1170, 331.1K)

I got to the HR grind after the main story and decided to stop there. I'll probably go back eventually.

Attached: 17.png (482x345, 195.19K)

9 and 10 are much more than that
not like you would know
you ancient bastard

Yeah, I'm talking about specifically the shitty 3d games that were made before they knew how to make games in 3d
so like every game between 3 and 9

I don't like street fighter because all the characters feel like they weigh nothing
I prefer NRS because the characters feel like they have actual weight to them and can't perform 10 animations per second

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Attached: .jpg (583x960, 53.7K)

So anyone want to hang out or something?

Attached: tumblr_p5afc3M25l1v9vb5to1_540.png (275x273, 59.66K)

I am way too busy downloading art to steal ideas get inspiration from.

the biggest problem mortal kombat has is uninteresting characters IMO

who gives a fuck about Bo Rai Cho, Tanya, and Tremor?

nobody, that's who

Attached: db8bdf0bc19a9fdb7dd31fbe370dc07e.jpg (500x500, 57.84K)

Y-you are edgy... >:3
Heh, naw all legitimate critiques.
Cannot argue against that really.


Attached: vlcsnap-2018-01-16-00h17m11s222.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Lame. Nobody I usually hang with is around right now.

Attached: tumblr_p3qxfm8eMd1vq6j60o1_540.jpg (540x490, 80.87K)

what's the deal with mortal kombat palette swaps
how many different colours of scorpion do you need


Attached: Kirishima_Touka004.png (1280x738, 685.86K)

Scoots what's wrongggggggggggg

Like a playful slap or like a mean slap?

oh yeah. those ones x_x

Attached: This isn't where I parked my car.png (414x574, 292.99K)

that was a thing of the past
all the scorpion clones got their own personalities and designs
it took several years but hey

I didn't mean nothing by it!

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2229106.jpg (1535x2126, 508.78K)

I'll rekt ur face with Mileena/Reptile

Nothing, just... liking cute boys as all, OwO

Sure it isn't! that is why you used it! >:@

Attached: Kirishima_Touka056.png (1280x738, 820.01K)

couldn't they have just not put them in the newer games though
like it doesn't matter how hard you try when your character is just an existing one but with a different colour uniform there's not much you can do
might as well pretend they don't exist desu


Attached: I wonder.png (332x331, 180.68K)

either this is bait
or you have no idea what you're talking about
either way, knock it off gayboy.

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Depends how proud you were of it.

Attached: 146.png (391x387, 207.02K)


Attached: Kirishima_Touka577.png (481x655, 142.92K)

What if I did it to purposely annoy you but also I was proud of it?

Attached: I thought that was a one player game.png (342x320, 149.53K)

I can think of one.

Attached: pweaseʔ.png (582x570, 384.23K)

Same. Really. Hence the kissu kissu.
Currently looking at meat cuts.
Baby Bck Ribs.

Attached: Kirishima_Touka030.png (1280x738, 819.65K)

I- hrm. Probably a medium force slap and then I'd apologize through my laughter.

Attached: 63.png (392x385, 194.78K)

Attached: tumblr_o73673S6ve1ttnc2fo1_1280.jpg (600x838, 430.17K)

I wanna cook something fun tomorrow.

Ribs sound good, but I don't like the messiness :(

hmmm. worth it. sounds fun^^

Attached: Blood tributes now only 4.99~.png (380x372, 196K)

That is half the fun, but I get you. What are you thinking?

Attached: Kirishima_Touka666.png (1099x1075, 816.49K)

Did you remember to take your afternoon dose of SCANNER recently?

honestly really scared smiles is going to assault me with a wall of text

pls don't

idk. I could go oldschool Maddie and make a mega dank stir fry

Attached: hair's extra poofy today~.png (426x468, 250.23K)

Wall him.

Attached: tumblr_p4lmwmmb9z1vdgpnbo1_540.jpg (540x523, 51.58K)

Forgot my dose

Why not! Add some prawns and BAP

Attached: Kirishima_Touka123.png (1280x738, 990.12K)



Attached: 340px-XY_Hex_Maniac.png (340x216, 63.59K)

The letter "S" has more words starting with it than any other letter in our alphabet, even though "E" is the most common over all.

Attached: hahaha her legs look furry.png (362x615, 109.2K)

We still gotta hunt Nergigantie or however you spell it.
Going for a Greatsword being my main but I also use the Longsword and Heavy Blowgun.

That's the reason I actually liked Johnny Cage. He was an actor just looking for some good shots and got sucked into an interdemensional battle of the Gods that he just sarcastically fights through while complaining at what he got himself into. He either never gave a shit or pretends like he didn't give a shit.
The rest of the rooster is dumb. Like I don't even know how Eren Black fits into everything in MKX.

Also I understand where you're coming from with the "weight" of the fighters, but to me that matters less than if the fighters are doing shit that conceptually doesn't make sense. None of them actually put their weight in any of their attacks ironically enough, and all the key-frames are so boring it's like NRS was trying to save money on animating a Fighting Game.
Basically the same can be said for Injustice as well.

I can understand where you coming from with SF, but you have at admit that SF is at least a visually more interesting game with a more interesting Rooster of Characters than anything MK has put out.
It's a fucking issue when I feel like Melty Blood Actress Again is a more well put together fighting game than one of the biggest Flagships in Videogame history.

What other fighting games do you play?

Attached: It is!~.jpg (218x202, 41.42K)

tear down the wall

*pink floyd here*

Attached: sophie39.png (600x560, 67.54K)

Well now you need to double down on your prescription.

How are you, SCoots? I'm bored as usual and y life isn't exciting as it was once upon a time.

I hope SMiles hits with the wall. I miss when smiles and Loco would go at it. Made me so intellectually horny.

Attached: Kirishima_Touka062.png (1280x738, 841.86K)


Attached: Jalepeno-neesan 25.jpg (175x203, 16.87K)

Attached: 345343637.png (764x516, 801.37K)

I did, once upon a time, play alot of tekken and SORU CARRIBA, but that was years and years ago. I mean, also some smash, but that is barely worth throwing out there,.

Might be boring, but you arent in a looney bin so that is something

Attached: Kirishima_Touka079.png (1280x738, 771.41K)

AHHHHHHHH that would be perfect cause I've been wanting to do something (anything) with seafood!

AND it's something new technically cause I never have made a seafood stirfry at home. We had it on the menu at the last restaurant I worked at tho. wew

s,t,a,r,l,i,t,e are the most common letters too. Watch it in action on Wheel of Fortune, weeknights at 7pm EST

Attached: I cut myself.png (498x476, 225.73K)

Why did that suddenly turn into a WoF ad?

Attached: tumblr_motl7k6bW11qmm87po1_500.png (500x694, 242.74K)


GOOD! boom! good eats!

Attached: Kirishima_Touka678.png (1589x1077, 1.07M)

Black was my main when MKX was popular, he could've used a much better backstory. In the game he was actually just a hired gun. Pretty lame considering how he was, in my opinion, the best character mechanically.

I only hate street fighter because I can't play it nearly as well
it's scientifically proven the more asian heritage you have the better you are at street fighter

this could be us but you're playing

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2228129.jpg (566x800, 475.87K)

Is that your waifu?

Attached: 40a43c9a3af5606f150ef192ad862a9f.jpg (933x1080, 408.2K)

Cause I thought it would be funny.

Attached: does this gun make my butt look bigʔ.png (387x570, 288.67K)

that pic is really effing hawtu too btw

At least I'm not Taneem, my crack smoking, working less than minimum wage cash-in-hand, Uni failing Bangladeshi friend

Want to see me in my leather gear I got?

Attached: tumblr_p5lmsyMuGl1sqnsado1_540.jpg (540x675, 95.48K)


Attached: Don't get upsetti, have some spaghetti!.gif (500x280, 1023.2K)

you what?

Attached: 2341124.PNG (204x463, 24.77K)

Attached: 20180316_174426.jpg (3264x1836, 1.83M)

You couldn't write any more?

Attached: i wish.PNG (591x759, 707.83K)

Attached: kazi'malreadysweating.jpg (400x403, 27.47K)

Ah that sorry fuck, atleast you are not.

No problem! also thros some chilli in dat give it some WOOSH

W-would you like to see?

Attached: 6k9QM1r.jpg (700x525, 52.95K)

Attached: Triangles-the animation.webm (480x360, 3.94M)

I'd rather be in the looney bin than spend a a day in the life of that poor fucker.

I got nothing much to shitpost about, just serving food up for these old people in a lunch club. I wish my life was a bit more exciting.

I usually cook in some good heat, don't worry.

You'll have to let me know how your ribbies come out too

Attached: I like fishsticks.png (504x576, 389.33K)

One day fam, one day

do penguins wish they could fly?

I know, right??

Attached: tumblr_nxtvmt6vsK1ulgs5mo1_1280.jpg (933x1280, 126.67K)

Nothing like having 9 days off work to make waking up impossible and remind you that you live in servitude.

Attached: sigh.webm (500x257, 64.64K)


One day I'll get my pc rig, then I'll start streaming drunk again. ;w;

What is even going on with smash.
Like is there a new one out?

I feel like he was underutilized. The first Cowboy Character and the gunplay just wasn't there and the story wouldn't be affected at all if he wasn't there.
Also D'Vorah.... just why.

I fingers started hurting....

Attached: Bad for your head.jpg (416x202, 63.8K)

Tak has now seen my glory.

Attached: 6k9QM1r.jpg (700x525, 52.95K)

store. brb

New one for switch(?) has been announced, hence the hypebeast

You don't masturbate?

Attached: trap.webm (480x360, 1.96M)

my biggest problem with the game was dlc characters and how lame they were
nevermind the newcomers in the main game

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

Nope, I got no waifus

Attached: 1520874980001.jpg (500x750, 350.98K)


Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

ni ni

Attached: 1520726741627.png (899x506, 363.14K)

You have to marry one of them...

It so lickable

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 459 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.47_[2016.07.17_18.11.04].png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

So you eat ass ?

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

goodnight hu

Should I go buy cigarettes at the store?


Attached: chiri_smoke.jpg (260x234, 53.84K)

yeah it makes you look cooler

Attached: 1521293822055.png (600x782, 335.38K)

I'm kind of reading it 3-0 so far with two yes and a Fuck You, because the fuck you I interpret as 'get cancer and die' so they would want me to smoke.

Attached: chiri_dafuq.jpg (190x190, 33.89K)

God I wish I was that stuffed animal

If the ass is right

Attached: Yuki claimed.png (1920x1080, 4.58M)

you want to die sooner?

Attached: 345345345435.PNG (387x243, 38.05K)

Think about that for a second.

You would want to be that stuffed animal?
For how long? only when she embraces you in her sleep? or forever, so when she grows up and fucks a real life man, you can watch before she puts you in a box or gives you to her daughter to chew on..

Attached: chiri_repulsed.jpg (275x275, 51.73K)

I'm working on it.

Attached: chiri_bury.jpg (425x331, 68.84K)

then yes go get smokes

Doesn't bother me, already got the cancers.

Attached: chiri_contemplate.jpg (397x285, 50.87K)

I just want to be held, nothing lewd, wtf

Attached: i wish.PNG (591x759, 707.83K)

Die sooner? Sign me up.

Attached: DoD12.png (515x722, 363.7K)

my first trollkill? Mine was some Pony boy at the battle of PuddiPuddi. My favourite pone took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born Mod, thinking he could end the meme'ing with a single swing of his sword.

I knocked him down with my memehammer, Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, memehammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted ‘Wait! Wait!’

They never tell you how they all shit themselves. They don’t put that part in the songs. Stupid boy. Now the Mods bend the knee like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with all the smart posters and today his waifu would be making him miserable, his discord friends would be ingrates, and he’d be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl... WINE!!!!!!

Attached: Bobby B.jpg (1361x1659, 108.36K)