You will never be some batshit insane person shilling cripto...
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Who? Also that chick be ugly
max keiser, some crazy guy who shills crypto and talk shit about bankers on RT.
Max Keiser is about as porky as it gets. The "anti establishment" angle is just so he can con the people who are skeptical of the establishment but don't understand how the system actually works. You're stupid if you fall for his shtick.
t. shill
t. classcuck
Here, buy the ticket yourself
Buy some more gold, cuck, I'm sure Max has no ulterior motive to be interested in gold as a commodity.
if commies use the is not real comunism excuse, I can say is not real capitalism.
Communism is a stateless, classless society in which production is for use and not for exchange. Under this definition it becomes clear that most "communist" countries weren't really communist. This is a rigid definition that can be applied rigorously, and it makes sense to do this because it's an significant distinction political/economic distinction to make.
So what makes "crony capitalism" different from regular capitalism, friend? Why distinguish between "crony" and "real" capitalism? What's significant about this distinction?
If someone's shilling gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies they've likely got a selfish motive for doing so. You're a cuck if you can't see this.
Don't you think that maybe what you call crony capitalism is just a consequence of capitalism?
under real free market bad bussiness that are bankrupt become bankrupt and are lost and the competing bussinesses (because economy is a zero sum game) would have risen to taken their place.
bailing out banks because they're too big to fail, is not real capitalism.
in real capitalism, people who make bad deals lose and the economy lets they take their loss so the alternatives take their place.
letting zombie industries to survive is even contradictory to free market.
t. capitalist guy
Do you consider genocide a consequence of comunism?
t. shill
Aaaaand this is the message to BO that it's time to close shop. When stuff like this is being said, Holla Forums is well and truly dead. Was a great ride.
It's funny how we vied for mainstream attention for so long and got it finally in the form of handwringing about the "alt-left", only for it to kill us by bringing in an influx of "anti-imperialist" retards who couldn't care less about fighting capitalism and idpol.
I'm a capitalist, fucking retard.
I'm against the goverment as well.
I 100% disagree with this, but for the sake of argument I'll accept this definition. How could we possibly transition to "real" capitalist society without forcibly redistributing wealth? Because currently we have a few massive firms in every major industry that prevent any real competition from taking place, and if any of them go down then it'll mean a collapse of the entire economy.
Actually capitalists have the monopoly on that and most mass killings.
There were no genocides by communists
rich people on dead industries make deals with the goverment (lobying) to keep their dead industry alive while suppressing the newer industries and punishing them by making new laws like minimal wage.
If something the goverment is the enemy.
But the real problem isn't properly capitalism, is the global elites, who hate real capitalism.
You're not addressing my argument though. To transition to "real capitalism" one of two things needs to happen first: either we forcibly redistribute wealth to create a truly competitive market or we undergo a massive economic collapse. The first one you'd probably denounce as "big government" and the second would kill billions of people. Which scenario would you prefer and why?
What the fuck else should I blame???
That's a bit of a strech mate
and also this >>2050570
Global elites also hate socialism too. Only issue with your "not real capitalism" meme is it ignores capitals tendency to accumulate, to aggregate among the few over time. Government regulations such as antitrust laws were passed as a response to this, not in spite of this. Socialism cures this problem, capitalism or the elusive free market will just lead to the same problems over again
In a free market scenario dead industries die to make space for newer industries.
Economy adapts rapidly to industries collapses because their space and market is taken by new more innovative or cheaper competition.
read more on capitalism, pls.
have you ever read about the history of the cabal?
The problem isn't that some guy make billions of making a service that millions use.
The problem is the cabal, lucifer worshippers who want the NWO.
yeah, is not like poor people today have better lives than middle ages rich people.
what a shame.
wtf I hate capitalism.
Answer my question, friendo. Currently our economy features massive corporations in almost every sector. The corporations are responsible for almost all of the production in their respective sectors. How do we transition from the status-quo to your ideal "true capitalist" society? I identified two scenarios here: , but if you have another way you think we could transition then I'd love to hear it.
and the problem is more goverment regulation.
under a free market system, the guys who wants to take the risk on a newer industry develops it and sell a competing service that is better and at cheaper prices.
generally the old industry wants to stop this from happening, so they make laws to stop the new guys from taking their share of the bussiness.
Just like the guys who made a cartel to stop black people from working, which were undercut by the guys from the same cabal who didn't care about hiring cheaper workers (blacks) because their profits would be bigger.
Always the incentive of bigger profits and bigger market share makes things like a monopoly imposible, because smaller competitors or some guys from the cartel would have big advantage from the other guys from the cartel by using the newer technology before their competition.
this is literally not preventable.
massive corporations still have competition from other companies.
even giants like samsung have to compete with sony and apple.
even the giant oil industry couldn't stop the green sector to take their marketshare in africa and the thirld world.
Under a free market system, old industries can't compete with cheaper and better services or goods, unless they use regulation to stop said newer industries from competing.
Coal couldn't stop the oil from overtaking, and now coal doesn't exist.
People simply stop using the services from the older industries in favour of the newer more cheaper and better goods.
There have been ancaps, liberals, and Nazis running around for as long as I've been here.
which the problem is more goverment.
the solution is less regulation.
how is that a solution to anything? sorry, but out criticisms of capitalism don't just amount to "big, bad, meanie monopolies"
You're not getting it. Giant corporations like Samsung have an advantage due to their massive size. Companies like Sony and Apple just can't compete, and innovation can't sustain profits enough to remain competitive indefinitely. Eventually the bigger firm will win out. Under a free market these companies will only get bigger and more powerful. Doing nothing isn't a solution.
And these companies die when a newer industry appears.
coal was big.
then died.
oil was huge.
then will die to green energy.
Trains were big industry.
Then it died to trucks.
Naval travelling was king.
then it died to airplanes.
mail stores was big.
then it died to brick and mortal stores.
then it died to malls.
then it died to amazon.
Big industry aren't the problem, because innovation kills them in the end with newer industries that replaces them.
So, do you miss when 30% of the women jobs were cloth washers?
or when most of the jobs were farming?
who are you quoting?
What the fuck do you think is going to replace the tech industry, dipshit? Huh? The tech industry is literally swallowing entire industries whole, from transportation to retail. How the fuck will competition supersede these giants? Do you even understand why monopolies were broken up in the early 1900s? You're a fucking retard if you think that a more free market would just naturally appear if only all regulations were abolished. Fucking hell.
big corporations aren't the ones funding the wars in afganistan and syria.
last time I checked samsung wasn't bombing syrian kids.
he's right actually. if real™ Capitalism were actually sustained those companies would disappear during the next 1929-tier recession (which will happen). Austrians just consider it a system that works for some reason.
they control congress so they control when, why, and how we go to war.
Clinton and bush families != capitalism
neocons != capitalism
China is capitalistic as fuck and don't engage in wars.
Clinton families != capitalism
Yeah, it's totally the billionaire that makes the goods and services, not his workers.
most modern Russians are counter-revolutionary bastards, and most of their grand-parents would of shot them
nobody stopping the workers from making their own coops or making their own company.
We have capitalism right now you fucking idiot. The Bushes/Clintons are capitalists, they're acting according in their own rational economic interests. China doesn't engage in wars precisely because their economy is less """"free"""" than the US's, friendo.
it's much much more than that. jesus christ you are so blind. do you even know what lobbying is? why do you think so many GOP members were willing to sell us out to net neutrality?
except they would need the tools and imported materials to actually do it and nobody will give them :^)
Except people's inability to compete in the market against giant firms is something that stops people from making their own co-ops/companies.
80-90% of the top 1% is first generation, fucking retards.
Bill gates, carlos slym, and most of the 1k riches man are first generations.
In fact, 50% of biggest fortunes are lost in the second generation and 90% are lost in the third generation.
jesus christ.
Actually, banks are highly discriminatory towards cooperatives. Even if this wasn't the case, it still isn't enough.
We must take power away from the bourgeoisie, and they gain their power through their properties, businesses and capital. If we want our freedom, we must seize these things for the working class and manage them democratically. There is no peaceful class war.
because Cabal != capitalism.
China became a superpower after embracing capitalism.
There's no shadowy cabal running the world, it's just a bunch of rich capitalists acting in their own self-interest.
[citation needed]
Even if this is the case, and I highly doubt it, it is still meaningless. Slavery wasn't justified because of plantation owners may have worked hard and saved up to buy their slaves. Exploitation is still exploitation even if there's high turnover among the exploiters.
you didn't even read my post. are you trying?
how is this relevant to what I said?
It actually started it's sharpest rise during the tenure of Mao Zedong. Even then, China's capitalism is heavily state capitalists, with most of their growth driven by SOEs.
workers are paid what they're worth.
Everytime workers become too expensive for a bussiness they get replaced or automated.
most of the 1% are people that started from non rich families.
you're trolling, now. maybe later on you'll actually respond to anything I said.
"non rich families" is completely arbitrary. the reality is that the majority of those "self-made" people were better-off from the beginning.
Lmao, even if the people running our society were satanists that wouldn't be the deciding factor in what their economic and political policies are. They're capitalists you fucking retard.
Yes, labor power is traded as a commodity on the market by capitalists, but the value of labor as a commodity on the market is not the same as the value that labor produces, which is usually far more. This difference, the surplus value, is the institutionalised theft of worked by their employers.
Actually, workers exchange their labor power, capitalists exchange commodities that are crystallized labor power.
It takes 20 years from savings and investments to reach the top 1%, my dear friend.
but people rather live on credit than saving.
then why the bankers still financed both england and hitler?
their goal is NWO, not capitalism.
they agree voluntarelly.
also, you seem to forget a worker with experience is paid a lot more than a new one.
most seniors live pretty well off of their wage, nobody exploits them.
who exploits engineers who want to work for google and make 70k a year?
Yes, workers sell their labor power and capitalists buy that labor power in the production of commodities that are then traded away as dead labor.
LOL! your evidence is purely anecdotal. 99% of the time "20 years from savings and investments" doesn't do jack shit.
Because capitalism in Germany was on the verge of collapse and the bankers didn't want the German left to gain power. Fascism is just corporate state capitalism. Your spooky NWO boogeyman is a bullshit fantasy.
and nobody stops kids who study CS from being exploited in a videogame company to make less money than working in some bank.
how do you explain that with your marxism?
lurk moar.
wew, sure is ideology here.
You lurk more. This isn't your board, and you're not saying anything that we haven't heard before, faggot.
literally pick one.
Free to choose between starvation and wage slavery, what a choice. Here's a better one, being able to choose the framework of your society.
Most seniors live off investments, not wages.
And Google exploits those engineers, as much money as they make, Google still has to make a profit from them at the end of the day. Whereas if the engineers had ownership of the products of their labor, that would be theirs.
"Voluntary" is a meaningless buzzword. Were peasants that gained freedom of movement not exploited by the feudal lords because they could technically choose which lord to toil under?
And exploitation isn't "work that makes me feel bad". It's whenever you produce more than you're compensated for. If an engineer earns 70k a year, but produces 140k a year for his employer, he is exploited, whether he's happy with his situation or not.
Skilled labor is a commodity you fucking idiot, and like any other commodity there's a limited demand and a limited supply of it. Lrn2BasicEconomics
trully a mistery.
explain that marx.
and yet, trade blue collar workers make 60k a year in plumbing and welding.
wew, I hate economics.
Hey it's not like marx wrote books upon books describing how people are working animals and we instinctively want to take pleasure, meaning and control over our work.
Not all people.
some personality types love manual repetitive labour.
You didn't respond to my post at all, you just repeated a bunch of things you've said already.
That much is clear.
That's exactly the thing though, they had to work in order to not starve. And not work for their own self, but for a capitalists profit
last time I checked 60k is not poverty level and is among the highest wages in the world.
what's their own self.
some welder would be proud of their work and would be proud of the building he helped to make.
Great, they can do that in any society. Most people want to be artists, writers, athletes, philosophers, scientists, however
You're fucking retarded. My post had nothing to do with retirement.
I don't mean in a metaphorical sense, I mean they work to produce profits, that is the logic of capital, that's why they are there.
that's false though.
not the majority, otherwise poetry would be more popular than tv.
most people rather listen pop music than being musicians.
most people lack the Autism Level.
Kill yourself.
That chick looks like a tranny tbh.
most people want just to be consumers of the goods capitalism produces.
why are videogames and tv more popular than being a real artists, like literature and poetrhy?
why only 2% of americans are fit?
most people are mentally and physically lazy.
98% of people are lazy mediocre fucks.
Imagine being this out of touch.
I spend 80% of my paycheck on rent and transportation. Am I supposed to just not eat?
And what's even funnier is that if we really did do as you propose and save every penny we earn and live on grass, the fucking economy would collapse due to lack consumption.
That's still not a response, faggot.
get a better job.
there's 3 million high paying jobs nobody wants.
look up welding or carpentrhy or other blue collar works.
brainwashed commie.
have to sleep.
see ya commies.
sorry for my ideology winning the cold war.
Wow, another non-response.
he literally hasn't directly responded to anything I said. I'm not that guy but half of the shit I say he retorts with something that's not related to my argument.
in short, neck yourself
Night, bud. Sorry you haven't anything better to devote your time to, but since you're just one of those 98% of "mediocre fucks" I'd suppose that doesn't amount to much for you. Enjoy work till you die, I guess.
Yeah, welding pays shit.
The welding that does pay well is roaming temp contractor work constructing oil pipelines like DAPL which will dry up once said pipelines are completed. Solo, basically have no long term plans and have no conscience about what you're actually doing.
The other is underwater welding on oil platforms so yeah, don't have friends, family or a community and go live half your life on a fucking oil rig in some God forsaken stretch of ocean and you could make as much as 100k a year for as long as they'll have you. Just hope there isn't another major crash again like there will inevitably be.
You fucks are like the guys who were say that people should go work on a fucking oil derrick in North Dakota to escape poverty before that went to shit and now you've conveniently gotten amnesia about that whole debacle.
Telling people to be a rootless, migratory herd mindlessly chasing money is not a solution to poverty.
hi engels.
Here's an example:
In 1954 the company United Fruit (now known as Chiquita Banana) lobbied the US congress to overthrow Guatemalas democratically elected government. The CIA got involved, funded right wing rebellion, murdered lots of people, all to protect UFs profit and prevent the spread of socialism in Guatemala
Neoliberalism? I thought you were arguing against it, saying real free market doesn't exist, ect. Why the direct contradictions?