Redpill me on trump.
Is he controlled by the cabal?
Redpill me on trump.
Is he controlled by the cabal?
He's already won. :-)
Ruling class is ruling class, Holla Forums. He was never your guy.
better than Hillary tbqhwyf
Amen. May he stay as the US president until 2024. Hopefully civil war part 2 will be a reality during his term.
Seriously though see . It doesn't matter who is in control, the owner's of capital seek to enrich themselves, and it's the workers that get fucked.
Porkies gonna pork. He only stands out in that he's arguably the most porcine president yet.
He was a fucking game show host. That's as Big Brother as you can get.
His whole job was to keep the masses pacified with TV.
That's Bush Sr. you're thinking of.
Trump wins. He always was a mogul first, who got the damn prsidency almost as a side project. His field was real estate, one of the filthiest, most revolting in all of capitalism. He embodies several aspects of America's CEO worship, such as narcissistic personality disorder, "you can get rich with hard work too!", general Spectacle bullshit, starting out with family dosh while talking about bootstraps etc. etc. And last but not least, he's by far the richest president, worth 3.7b, with Kennedy as a distant second at 1b. And all of that without even counting the usual Republican starter package of tax cuts for the rich, muh dead fetuses and so on.
He isn't controlled by any cabal. He is the "cabal", a member of our ruling class.
Trump is more stereotypically porky, yes, but when I say Bush Sr. is the porkiest I'm taking into account both his business life and his activities as Director of the CIA.
There is no cabal, just class war, and Trump ain't on your side.
He's /ourporky/
The fuck is this shit?
Of course he is you fucking idiot. Just pay attention and you'll notice how heavily influenced he is by those around him.
There are a million photos of Trump with everybody that's ever been rich and famous.