Does anyone else feel a bit embarrassed?
Does anyone else feel a bit embarrassed?
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Why would we be? He's not Theravadin
We already have a thread on this topic:
Why? Holla Forums isn't buddhist and buddhism isn't inherently leftist.
How is this even possible?
Doesn't Buddhism has the concept of things like karma and reincarnation as a core of its doctrine and dogma?
If you commit unskillful acts of violence doesn't it mean that you are going to get utterly screwed in the future due to bad karma?
But by committing unskillful acts they are showing attachment to this realm and getting away from the path of enlightenment and nirvana.
On the topic of Time being retarded?
Time was always retarded. It's they who poluted the mind of americans with fake pices about life inside USSR.
Wow, Holla Forums. You don't think the evil deeds of these Buddhists have anything to do with Myanmar's status as a postcolonial state and a globally isolated one at that?
This is what I don't get, what are they even trying to do?
There are Buddhists here though…
Reminder that Myanmar is very close to anti-imperialist China and Russia, and both countries have continually vetoed UN resolutions aimed at ending the so-called "genocide".
It's not surprising, get a book fucker
This Tbh
I already have the Quran my angry brother. Stay violent.
Silly auto correct. I meant to say vigilant.
the logical conclusion is that violence is not related with religion. you probably misinterpreted what you've been told the left believes.
Unfortunately, Buddhism is very cucked in the West; barely anybody has any grasp on it. Just take a look at the fake Buddha quotes floating around Facebook.
Are there a lot of them?
I didn't know we had a whole lot of any particular religious groups.
Anyway, generally speaking, hasn't the Dalai Lama already had some historical role in the violence between Tibet and China? I heard he was basically seen by the Chinese government as their Bin Laden. I could be totally wrong about the nature of the acts, though - a lot of it is apparently just protest self-immolation, I think.
I guess it's not really the same scenario, though.
literally "da j00s did it!" tier.
seriously, do we have to genocide every race before we realize it's the fault of Capitalism and not the scapegoat of the week?
Correct, which is why all of these "Sam Harris BTFO"-type posts relating to this conflict piss me the fuck off.
Do Amerishits really believe history is only 15 years old?
nobody is actually talking about the conflict in this thread
The conflict which Rohingya insurgents started.
Or rather, the British started by moving Rohingya to Burma during the colonial era. The Rohingya are literally settlers.
Does it really matter to dead civilians who starts a conflict?
No, but it does show that a materialist analysis of cause and effect can determine why an event like this happened.
You could say the same about all those Syrian kids whom Assad "gassed". The blood isn't on Assad's hands but the rebels who provoked him.
The answer of why this happened is irrelevant at this point beyond the point it's happening, and people are dying.
All of you treating this as an off distance optics issue are bourgeois liberals speculating on the third world.
Uh huh
Flag related
We can't do anything about it. Anyone who gives guns to the Rohingya is risking being fucked in the ass by China. It's also one thing to take in Syrian refugees who are ferried across the Mediterranean to safety in Europe, but how the fuck is the EU supposed to take in the Rohingya?
Wanna bet "Stalin" is Roo?
god if you can't say anything useful don't say anything at all
Glad you see this the way our comrades running XHamester do.
Imagine being this fucking ignorant
good goy
It's not solely about religion, certainly. But that's still a considerable factor. When we get down to it, religion is used as a tool for goals related to land and power - but at the same time, that religious conviction itself is still often a driving factor. And certain religions seem to emphasize violence more than others - and I don't mean that in an "x holy book is evil" way, I mean it more in the way those religions are inclined to interpret the texts, because that's the actual way religion is usually practiced. And religions that emphasize righteous holy violence can do it in and out of the context of actual direct conflict.
Seriously, what a bunch of fucking vultures
Holla Forums is unsurprisingly saying muslims are starting shit and destroying Buddhist temples, and when Buddhists fight back the UN goes OY VEY and says these monks are nazis or some shit
I don't know who to trust because on one hand, Holla Forums is unbelievably retarded, but on the other, muslims are unbelievably retarded
Supporting the same side of Holla Forums doesn't make you always Holla Forums, supporting that side for the same reasons as Holla Forums tho makes you Holla Forums. In this case idk enough to judge
If I were to guess, I'd say there's probably been mutual violence.
That said, if some white guy in South Africa destroyed something and then the government started killing off all the Afrikaaners, who would say it wasn't genocide?
Probably some sjw fucktard and nobody else.
there you go.
what? are you gonna claim the atrocities of the south american colonizers was because of their degree of Catholicism? I totally disagree. Less religious non-catholic colonizers of the North were responsible for genocide in the same degree.
Religions are interpretable, as the relative pacifism of Christianity today compared with its bloody past proves.
The same way religion is and always was used as a tool for political violent goals, so it is the interpretation of said religion.
Islam puts an huge emphasis on violence against infidels. Read the Quram and see for yourself.
Of course it can still be interpreted but in comparison to other religions Islam seems to be more blood thirsty.
I think this had as much to do with power being wrested from dominant Christian groups. The interpretation is obviously fundamental - but those interpretations can end up being kind of self-perpetuating. Like, Wahhabism and Fundamentalism would still be awful ideologies even taken outside of their contexts, and both have prominence within their respective religions.
The Jews have the old Testament and no lovey-dovey Jesus-oriented New Testament. It really is mostly down to how the religions are preached and interpreted. People who talk about how violent the Quran is - and it is, I agree - often allow themselves to forget that that's not really how religion works. For Christianity, this was essentially the central point of the Reformation and most other offshoots and splits.
Would you happen to have a torrent for this book? Can't find it on sites or #bookz.
Buddhism can be just as bad, and even worse sometimes, as Christianity and Islam. People who Buddhism is a hippie peaceful chill philosophy and not a religion are ignorant westerners who like it because it's more exotic and therefore edgier than Christianity. Or they're just LARPing liberals, and most """"Buddhism"""" in the west is a bunch of new age bullshit branded as Buddhism.
nah. buddhism is gay as phuck anyways. its all about 'muh life is suffering' bullshit, and really, it isn't. life is pretty fuckin' good, and buddhism just makes you believe everything has to be shit like some sad little pussy
there is a reason libs love dabbling in 'buddhism' and 'eastern philosophy' .. its bourgeois as fuck
Am I retarded for believing that anti-Islamic violence is not that much worse than anti-Fascist violence?
The core of Buddhism do enforce peacefulness tho and in a different way than other religions where you can do bad shit, regret, repent and be forgiven by an almighty god.
In Buddhism if you do shit you will pay for it 100%. There is no forgiveness, no end justify the means, no fighting a sacred/jihad war. If you cause suffering to a living being you are fucked in proportion to the amount of suffering you have caused.
Those violent monks are obviously aware of this but they probably think that what they are doing is a cause noble enough that it's worth of passing the eons of time they'll pass in hell. Which makes them kinda of some badass muthafuckas tbqh.
Life is suffering.
It doesn't mean it can't be improved. But suffering is a constant which drives people to achieve.
You're a fucking retard if you examined this image for more than a few seconds and concluded it was true.
I want to live in this utopia the graph depicts.
The actual source:
Only covers individual attacks in which 50+ died (which exempts a number of massacres, mass murders, etc.) by non-government agents (I think). I don't know how comprehensive it actually is, even within those parameters, and it seems to start in the 20th century.
Ie, it's not a source on general terrorism at all, let alone ideologically-motivated violence.
weird how "us government" isn't included on that chart
Well looks like Islamists are generally most effective at killing a shitload of people at once at least
Why did the Brits do that?
Well, it would be a sad, depressing little religion if it told you that life is suffering and that there was no way to do anything about it. But it does tell you that there's a way out of it via the Noble Eightfold Path.
That would depend on the percentage of their attacks that are successful vs those of other religions. I'm not seeing any information on that. The sheer volume of attacks, however, is clearly something they are outpacing everybody else in by a long long long shot.
All Abrahamic religion is. The OT and Jewish tomes are as fucked up as Islam is.
I was in Kachin State, Myanmar last year and basically what's happening there is a Buddhist-Burmese supremacist military faction has had control over the country for the last 50 years. Their unofficial slogan is something like, "1 language, 1 religion, 1 people" aka "kill the ethnic and religious minorities". Very recently the military has lost a little of its power to a democratically elected civic government, but the military is still in firm control of its own affairs and continues persecuting ethnic and religious minorities around the country.
Kachin people are Christians and the Kachin Independence Army is the rebel group working to carve out their own Kachin state nestled between India, China, and Burma.
The government has made it illegal to build a building in the shape of a cross. The Kachin people I talked to thought they were doing it so they wouldn't need to demolish the building when they eventually wiped all the Christians out of the area.
As people, they're pretty fucked. India and China on their backs and both don't want anything to do with the conflict. China keeps trying to arrange peace talks, but obviously peace talks that enable China to keep building it's massive hydro-electric dam (that will flood and destroy a huge swath of indigenous Kachin villages and send all their residents to already overcrowded and under-supported displaced refugee camps) and allowed it to keep the flow of jade coming.
The Kachin people have the blessing and curse of sitting in some of the richest lands on Earth. The best jade on Earth comes from Myanmar and all of that jade is being mined in Kachin lands. The best pieces of jade are fitted into the back of a truck at the mine site and that truck drives towards the Chinese border and disappears on all records, yet all the elites in Beijing have the finest, natural, neon green jade stamp seals and jewelry. China will not allow Kachin people to stop the flow of jade.
Modi couldn't give a fuck and treats the situation like he treats most uprisings, with guns. He sent a huge weapons shipment to Myanmar to deal with the Kachin Independence Army.
The KIA are interesting in that they have civilian political offices in the government controlled city of Myitkyna. They're opposite a public park and labelled "Kachin Independence Organization" in big red letters. The KIA is their military wing, yet they operate in the government controlled city freely. I never quite got the answer to why that was possible.
When I was there, a US diplomat was also making the rounds just after me with community leaders to basically say, "wow we are so sad about this guys, so sad, sucks for you, shit man, oh well, cya". Everyone has abandoned them because it's politically and economically inconvenient to intervene.
From what I've seen, Buddhism suffers from the same disgusting corruption we see in all religious institutions around the world. From genocide to blatant fraud, Buddhism isn't immune to any of it by a long shot.
Further bullshit in Buddhism:
In Japan I did this Buddhist pilgrimage where you emulate Kobo Daishi, the Buddhist scholar who brought Buddhism to Japan from China (and invented the alphabet and invented his own sect of Buddhism and engineered a bunch of public works and wrote famous poetry books and carved wooden statues that are still visible today, etc etc) by walking in his footsteps to all of the 88 temples he founded on Shikoku island in Japan.
A major thread in the teachings of his sect is about giving charity and support to those who need it, using his own experience on the pilgrimage path and being denied shelter and food to illustrate the lesson.
To this day, if you go on his pilgrimage to the temples he founded as a pilgrim in his religious sect, the monks and priests in the big, rich temples will turn you away unless you can pay them about $75 per night (and that was 10 years ago, so it's probably even more now). If you go to the small temples in the mountains that get almost no visitors, they'll for sure let you stay with them and give you food and shelter, but the big rich ones with tons of space will turn you away.
In addition, some of these temples are very wealthy, but fading and in dire need of restoration which is supposed to come from temple donations. Yet, no restoration comes and you see the priests driving off the temple property in luxury sport scars in the evening.
Buddhism is definitely not immune from its share of greed, intolerance, and corruption.
Lolno, all religion is shit, and I don't have a problem with violence being used for the right ends.
the same as egoists, work around the spook dependancy
You can't blame anyone for not wanting to be conquered and fighting back against would be conquerors.
It's not like the military leaders and Buddhist clergy alliance has other motives, like consolidating their state power with 1 nationality, 1 race, 1 religion.
Buddhism is anti-leftist.
For what?
Im not a fucking spooked religious person.
Still though, blaming Buddhism for this conflict is as retarded as blaming Islam for Hamas.
Time's logic in nutshell
The eternal :CN::CN::CN:HAN:CN::CN::CN:
The Burmese military purged the buddhist monks of any sort of resistant element decades ago. Iirc the monks threatened to cease performing any rites for the generals as long as they kept up their brutal dictatorship, so the generals eliminated all the monks that opposed them until there was a docile little clique left.
This. Christianity is the most leftist religion tbh.
Imagine falling for this shitty bait that crops up in every religion thread like it was automated.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums Stalin you insufferable whining faggot. Over half the posts I see from that flag on this board are you crying tears for nationalist movements and getting butthurt over Islam.
they don't say that. they refer to the 969 Movement.
it's a cover from 2013 and features the self-titled "Burmese bin Laden"
The Dalai Lama hasn't done most of what China blames him for, but pre-revolutionary Tibet was a real shithole. Majority of the population were serfs, mutilation a common punishment, the government was a mess that couldn't even raise the revenue to build a competent army, faced serious threats from rebel monks, and the current Dalai Lama took power as a teenager because the regents kept killing each other and he was the Tibetan aristocracy's only hope to keep shit together long enough to resist China.
Is this pasta? If not, thanks a lot for the sitrep.
Shit, so was right.
clearly yes, have you not learned our own history?
Literally, unironically the same shit over and over