How long until we're back to these days?
How long until we're back to these days?
Soon im afraid.
Lmao. This time a traditional workers party will the ones who are raided and you nu-leftists will be waiting to hit us with bike locks.
You can't claim that white nationalism is less taboo than socialism. Oh, how oppressed you are!
Perhaps before we go back to these days.
Your side just got done plowing over a bunch of workers and shooting a guy while the police stood by and did almost nothing. I'm defnitely waiting for that traditional workers' party to come along BTW. Got any signs of its emergence for us?
No, you really can't claim white nationalists are less oppressed than socialists. If you say you're a neo-Nazi online your life is over outside of being a YouTube personality.
Obviously neo-Nazis have a lot of violent retards who engage in counter productive terrorism, that doesn't mean the police act more favorably towards them. Charlottesville was a street brawl, police inactivity wasn't favoritism as much as fear or incompetence. Communism is more radical than white nationalism but not nearly as morally repulsive to most Americans. Humanitarian progressives write about 80% of the things people read, the average American citizen understands communism as suppressive and unrealistic while thinking fascism is just crazy and evil.
What did he mean by this
Think of the average creative writing or journalism major.
"Ban me mods I suck cocks" I assume.
A white nationalist organization, the KKK, exists in full legality and with full defense in civil society. If you try to do anything in the domain of wage-labouring life beyond joining a yellow union in most States of the US firms have the right to fire you, sew you for agitation and fiscal damages, and if you stand against them the bourgeois State will come in with its strong arm. How many WN figures underwent the same fate as Eugene Debs in the US, or if we wanna go a little earlier, Huey Newton or Malcolm X?
And stop trying to gain bonus points by bringing up the fact that everyone except a virgin classcuck like you thinks fascism is attractive. The fact that nobody likes you changes nothing about the legality of your beliefs, the amount of protection your ideology gets and how easily you can get away with your bullshit.
There is a difference between avowing communist sentiments and being in a union. You can claim to be a communist without much loss to your reputation. Meanwhile, claiming to be a Nazi makes you nearly unhirable by any company that doesn't want to be sued for discrimination.
Roughly 10% of KKK members are FBI agents. There are plenty of student groups which are openly Marxist, which exist in full legality and with full defense in civil society. Three figures being assassinated (all over 50 years ago) does not mean communism is always and forever the least acceptable ideology in America.
I'm not a Nazi, by the way. It's just childish being butthurt that your ideology is not the most persecuted. Nazis ARE edgier than Marxists, if you're only in it to be an edgelord feel free to LARP as an Aryan with all the other retards.
Maybe that's because the governm byent doesn't give a fuck about what a bunch of University kids are doing in college.
Just like they don't give a fuck about what a bunch of University kids are doing on an image board. Don't be a self important LARPer.
you never gave a fuck about workers and never will. you people wouldn't care if we lived in 1984 so long as you're surrounded by white people.
Yes! Now you're getting it!
Now stop posting.
Yeah, the latter is often illegal. Being in the Klan is not.
You realize this was their modus operandi at the height of the Klan, too, don't you?
Having a government and law enforcement presence in the Klan is actually to their advantage, because it generally means that there is a Klan presence in government and law enforcement. While the Klan was using loyal agents to influence policy in the 20th century, socialists were being infiltrated by agents and were being kept out of office by the combined power of the Dems and GOP.
White nationalists have something in America that leftist movements of the past 27 years largely don't - a body count in the hundreds. Yet a union can be harder to join in many states than the KKK. The "lax treatment" (mass arrests, crackdowns) that leftist* groups receive is largely over vandalism.
This post is kind of dumb.
You can organize a communist party, you cannot organize a bunch of employees and threaten to strike if demands are not met. Both Marxists and Nazis are free to organize, neither is allowed to unionize. It's dishonest to claim that you can't join a socialist organization in America while you can easily join an ethno-nationalist one.
What the fuck?
How is the same thing not to the communist advantage? Why is it that both Marxists and the Klan get infiltrated by agents, but only the Klan can influence the ideology of FBI agents and police officers?
This is flat out retarded. Both were infiltrated by agents and neither enjoyed serious political success. There have almost certainly been more legislators with socialist ties than legislators with KKK ties, at least in the 20th Century.
WN groups may have greater membership, because there are far fewer of them, but it's hard to say whether there are more socialists or Nazis (this has only really been true in America for the last three years out of the last forty). Most people with socialist or racist leanings are probably not members of political organizations.
Read above.
I don't know what cases you're referring to and I barely care.
You can make communist Facebook posts without it permanently fucking up your employability, you cannot do the same with racist or anti-Semitic posts.
Anyone who seriously thinks that being the edgiest ideology is the right one should catch a molotov. I feel literally no sorrow for morons who actually think this way who get beaten with bike locks.
A declaration of fascism is saying to the world "I don't care for laws or the social contract, I want to kill you if you disagree with my racist nationalism, join me or die". That's what fascism IS. It is inherently 100% violence and coercion. You don't get to then say "oh I'm fascist but you gotta hire me, it's my right". Fascists give up their rights by trying to take everyone else's rights.
What is this?
Holy shit this revisionism is amazing. The communist party was decimated by McCarthyism in the 20th century. Allegations of being a communist sympathizer were career ending while there are plenty politicians like Robert Byrd and Hugo Black that used KKK support to get elected
Those law enforcement agents are often Klannies to begin with. While the police force infiltrates socialist groups, white supremacists often decidedly infiltrate the police force.
In theory I could say it was exactly the same, but historically it would probably be inaccurate.
The Klan had massive influence in the south in the 20th century.
When I said body count, I didn't mean membership - I meant people they've killed in America.
You make a fair(ish) point.
A union with bargaining power can be harder to join in many states.
Inauguration in the US post-G20 crackdown in Germany, subsequent FBI reports, etc. Keep in mind that I was contrasting this the body count (clarified above) of white nationalist groups. The government monitors groups whose prominent lawbreakers tend towards trash-can-knock-overing in about the same way they monitor groups whose major illegal acts are more frequently homicide.
But I've made lulzy Nazi Facebook posts in the past and nobody ever gave a fuck.