What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

didn't read bordiga

He hated the bourgeoisie (as any consistent tradfag should) but wouldn't side with the proletariat, his only choice for finding his warrior caste was the Nazi SS.

he was actually pretty cool in some ways tbh

When traditionalists or fascists rail about "the bourgeoisie", they mean a very different thing from what leftists understand as being "the bourgeoisie". Evola was just butt-blasted that the ruling classes of liberal Europe weren't interested in his Hyperborean prestidigitation sessions, he couldn't care less about ownership of the means of production.



We need a leftist version of Evola. Is Walter Benjamin the closest thing?

AHAHAHAHA what a faggot

Gustav Landauer would clearly qualify. He was a scholar of metaphysics and incorporated sophisticated religious mysticism into his worldview.

Feels > Reals.

what does this meme even mean to you?

Pretty much what it implies.

Its literally gender identification but for race, if I "feel" Jewish then I am Jewish. If I "feel" Aryan than I am Aryan. Don't pick on me you sinner just because I'm an Aryan soul born into a black body doesn't mean I'm not Aryan.

what it seems to apply is "rock is real, rock matters, your subjectivity does not"

doesn't seem that unlogical. while the jews are a twisted race, history has shown that their vipers den has spawned snakes that have spit out the venom of their birth.

Funnily enough this seems like a common trope among early-20th-century "spiritual racists". Werner Sombart similarly stated that "the German spirit in a Negro is quite as much within the realm of possibility as the Negro spirit in a German". Which really doesn't make sense — if you're going to use racial taxonomy to describe and classify people then go on about how it isn't actually tied to their race, why use it at all?

If that was the case, and bourgeois respectability was all that he was after, why not pursue a career in academia like Mircea Eliade?

Spiritual racism actually undermines racism from within doesn't it? I am not saying that was the plan all along, but it really makes you think.

It implies in this case, right-wing SJW-esque nonsense, which you seem to adhere to.

I don't think he was looking for "respectability", he was truly faithful to his own retarded ideal of acting like he was the protagonist of some sort of Arthurian myth. It's just that he would have been perfectly fine with the bourgeoisie exploiting the workers if only they were in tune with his doubtlessly sound plan of returning to the aristocratic caste system of the Middle Ages.

When a traditionalist or fascist says "bourgeois", he doesn't mean "who owns the means of production and exploit the workers" — he means "who doesn't buy into my totally not delusional plans for invading Greece or reviving the Order of the Holy Sepulchre".

Germany did invade Greece tho.

You're right, he didn't have a problem with the bourgeoisie exploiting the workers, but he did have a problem with the bourgeoisie being in power, of course for a Marxist it is clear the later should be a consequence of the former, for Evola it was the result of some "occult war" waged against tradition.

I was thinking about Italian Fascists, they were the one who first emptied "bourgeoisie" of its original meaning.

Yeah, Evola was just a guy with a really old fashioned mentality. Nowdays the alt-right wants a return to the late 40's and 50's. Evola wanted a return to the absolutist monarchies for sure.

He thought Atlantis was real. You know, that fictional island invented by Plato. So he wanted to model his ideal Aryan man off of them.

And why? Why do you think he had a problem with that? Because the bourgeoisie weren't on board with his plan to turn Europe into a continent-wide historical reenactment society. They were chiefly interested in developing the industrial capitalist economy, not averting the advent of the Kali Yuga by LARPing as Knight Templars — and I can't exactly blame them for that.

It's dishonest to not post the full quote, even if you want to keep your silly photoshop


He arguably wanted the tick the clock back even further, back to the time of warring religious-military orders in like the 13th century. Evola's ideology isn't even that compatible with the modernist populism and nationalism of Fascism really, he's more like some sort of profoundly autistic arch-reactionary who believed secret societies of monk-warrior noblemen should rule over the unwashed masses. That's why though he hated the "materialism" of Nazi Germany, he was enamored with the Schutzstaffel because of its quasi-esoteric role-playing in Wewelsburg.

You call yourself revolutionary, comrade?

Who the fuck wants to do that

The Knights Templar literally invented banking.

Well Holla Forums apparently, even if for totally retarded reasons.

We should ask ourselves which psychological need this fantasy satisfies and how can we hijack it as leftists.

We should ask what specific pathogen can completely exterminate who enjoys doing that. Reverse enginered smallpox or a parasitic endocrine worm

The things I can think of are:

Holla Forums and petty minded religious sectarianists


A distraught Canadian imam whose student suddenly left for Syria to fight for ISIS recently remarked: "When you don’t find purpose and meaning in life, the only thing you look forward to is death."

That about sums it up.

Nobody dressing up like a literal white knight is getting pussy

Which is why the Nazbol battlecry happens to be Da Smert

He thought the were just the start but rejected bio-Id. Fun note: FG Freda, an Evolan did side with workers. Read "Disintegration of the System.

It's more the relationship between a man and his metaphysical environment.

I see that Gargoyle is back on his Neo-Atlantis bullshit again


Franco Freda is


Reactionarism is a pathology and that's all there is to it.



You mean

The same problem almost all traditionalists have.
A lack of poussy to fug

What problem? He advanced proto-nationalism, he cant control how regimes and dictatorships use ideology for nefarious ends,
do you blame the Khmer Rouge etc for tainting communism

butt of course


How unenlightened.

Mussolini liked Stirner too. Milk is the lifeblood of ur-Fascism.

i meant do you blame people like Roxa Luxembourg for advancing specific traits of left libertarianism, socialism whatever its called

Why? There like complete opposites. That’d be like an ultra liking Regan.


An Italian edition of The Ego and Its Own has an appendix of rightfags who list objections to Stirner's work, read this excerpt real quick:

"Rather, it took a genuine associate of the Herrenklub of Berlin, a ferocious ghibelline like Julius Evola (never registered to the [Italian] fascist party, which he despised for its “feminine” flaccidity), to come to the true conclusion, for which one and only was possible: Stirner is a Jew. Thus, without any foundation (but whatever could factual evidence matter in such a grandiose design?) we find again Stirner, as “father of integral anarchism”, included by Evola in the list of instigators whom brought forth “the destructive endeavour” of Judaism' “in the properly cultural field, protected by the taboos of Science, Art, Thought.” They are, in the order they are evoked: Freud, Einstein, Lombroso, Stirner, Debussy (whom it is conceded to be a "half-Jew"), Schönberg, Stravinsky, Tzara, Reinach, Nordau, Lévy-Bruhl, Bergson, Ludwig, Wassermann, Döblin (introduction to The Jewish International, The “Protocols” of the “Learned Elders” of Zion, Roma, 1937, pages xix-xx; this is the slightly changed and updated version – and the name of Stirner is part of the update – of another list of the great co-conspirers, which Evola proposed a few months earlier: Marx, Heine, Börne, Freud, Nordau, Lombroso, Reinach, Durkheim, Einstein, Zamenhof, Offenbach, Sullivan – evidently he must have viewed The Mikado as a document of Jewish infilration - Schönberg, Stravinsky, Wassermann, Döblin, in Julius Evola, Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Roma, 1936, pages 38-39)."

Evola accused Stirner of kultural marxism before it was cool.

are you goys genuinely ignorant of history? Templars were bankers >:(


The Nazis weren't really racists like Americans are. They believed in maintaining genetic purity for Germany, and they wanted to eject Judaism from their lands, but aside from that they were fine with any other race so long as they acted "honorably"

Tell me if you can spot which picture portrays an American Nazi.

probably thought he was too enlightened and aristocratic to be hit by something as vulgar as a bomb

got a better nazmao logo

That's why they were in the process of - and planned - to slaughter dozens of millions of Eastern Europeans?

Yeah which is why they planned to kill millions of slavs to settle germans there: because they just wanted to unite the German nations of central europe…

Nazi idiots should absolutely read Evola because if they actually understood his arcane writings on Hermeticism and Tantra, they would stop wasting their lives shitposting about SJ_Ws and attain higher consciousness

he wanted the german speaking parts of europe to be part of germany

Oh, my sweet summer child…

most of the other Perennial Philosophers are Evola without the baggage

Even David Irving didn't say that the Nazis never wontonly slaughtered Jews. Has a single one of you edgelords actually read about the Third Reich beyond jpegs in Holla Forums?

most people on 4chin pol are all cancer. only like 10% of pol are actual nazis
ive read 2 and started reading another but it was horrifically biased . as it turns out if you read books from kike ghettos they didn't exactly admire the third reich
also im not saying nazis didn't kill jews
tbh they deserved it

explain this meme

Danzig (now known as Gdansk) was one of the main reasons for Hitler entering Poland. Due to the treaty of versaille after world war one, Germany was made to cede west Prussia to the newly constructed Poland. Danzig was mainly populated with Germans and this left them cut off from mainland germany and isolated. Hitler wanted to build A transport link through to Danzig so germans there could have a connection with mainland Germany, but he was denied this. In the end as the Polish population grew, and Germans migrated away from Dansk, the ones that where left remaining where severely oppressed and persecuted.

there was also the fact that Bolshevik communism had failed in Russia badly and 66 million died due to execution and starvation, leading to the bolsheviks being chased out of Russia. The people who brought about bolshevism happened to be about 90% Jews, and they a lot up in Poland. Hitler didn't want them to spread communism in Europe they they had Russia so he sent the wehrmacht to round them up. So invading Poland served two purposes for Hitler.

Hitler signed a treaty with Stalin so they could initiate a joint invasion of Poland for their own respective purposes.

Where's this from?

He did, although they had nothing in common I guess it made sense to have a big dog on his side in the fight seeing as England had said if Hitler sets foot in Poland then it's war.

He actively collaborated with Italian fascists and German Nazis when he saw fit. He disagreed with their populism but fully embraced their militarism and palingenetic rhetoric to the point of calling himself a "superfascist".

wrong thread? the fuck does that have to do with anything?

He would've really gotten along with Pol Pot

I remember reading about Freda and Nazi-Maoism. It's arguably the most retarded ideology I've ever come across. Basically, it's Evola-inspired revolutionary traditionalism with a lot of obnoxious "anti-imperialist" rhetoric.

ousted aristocrat at the end of his era. natural reactionary opinion of ousted aristocrats is that the next form of government be as punishing and absolute as possible so peasants don't get to live the decadent, absurd lifestyles aristocrats are accustomed to.

The more I learn about leftcoms, the more I hate them.

Wrong fucking board nazi

Yeah but the genes part is what is Nazbols critique. Soil Uber Alles Kamerade.

Not even ironically. Book 4 is my favorite the rest can be a bit dense.

Don't forget Sorel aka the Godfather of Nazbol.

Did you read "Disintegration of the System"?