
Here's the plan, we replace all the yellow with red, make the hammer and sickle with the ancap flag, and erase commie and replace it with ancap. I've already erased the c and E, and fended of an attack, I need your help. We will win!

lets do it

help me out here

it'd be easier to just turn the water white


sage denied

I will never forgive the Brazilians for what they did.


did you look at my post for more than 5 seconds?


Do we make the entire thing red or only the yellow part? is this a trick to make me support ancom-ism?

This doesn't accomplish anything. It isn't even fun.

It's more of a united front thing

pixelcanvas was dead the day it fell on BR hands. let's keep it his way.

this is a huge waste of time and isn't even fun. do something useful instead

and also we get btfo every time anyway

What the fuck lads. I really don't want to sound defeatist, but do they make up the majority of the entertainment category on the internet?

they make up the most amount of NEETs with free time on their hands.

The commieflag was up for forever. Let's just not do this guys. It's pretty lame.

At least e-archaeologists in the future will immortalize as the only people who weren't gigantic bootsucking faggots.
Who am I kidding we all know the aprims will kill all the Posadists in the nuclear apocalypse, before destroying all the computer data

It's the alienated masses with internet. Internet is the new opium of the people. The soul for the soulless.

Many websites are American-centric, so their autism infects most websites with their wacky political attitudes

Because you faggots spammed "FIGHT LE E-WAR XDDDD" so much that even people who think ancaps are absolute faggots started drawing Swastikas just to make you sperg out.

Impolite sage, only posting this to give some actual background to some of the reason why.