How we will eradicate consumerist culture?
Isn't cultural capitalism already too much into our daily lives?
Are the people ready to accept a world without nike, corporate pop and junk food?
Consumer Revolt
Even if it has a lot of great points, that first pic is pretty tankie. There is no state in legitimate communism, it would have withered away after the evolutionary transition from socialism. Everyone ought to know this. Claiming there is supposed to be state at all in communism only further perpetuates the burgertards' insufferable "gommunism is when de gubberment does stuff!" meme.
When are we going to eradicate your posting?
Isn't your posting already too much into our daily lives?
Are the people ready to accept a world without caring about which hole guys stick their dicks in?
Governmental policies.
Why shouldn't there be a state? The last thing we need is for Communism to fail due to decadence.
True but also it kind of is a good couter meme to the Kultura Marcksism meme
Name one thing wrong with this thread
Isn't that stupid as "Let's go to afghanistan and spread secularism even if they don't want it" ?
Honestly, I'm still scared that those retards blame cultural marxism for the fall of video games when communism IS THE ONLY FUCKING SYSTEM WITHOUT DLC.
I lie, even gay ass feudalism doesn't have it. Classcucks aren't even people anymore after a certain age. They are reptiles.
Lower stage communism bro.
If we're "lucky", capitalism will solve the puzzle for us: if we're all reduced to the minimum amount of commodities needed for our own reproduction, that leaves little room for brands etc. You can already see that happening with hard discounters, or big box stores. For the proles, off-brand is all they will be able to afford.
Or you can turn it around and start with a gradual communisation of various use values, at which point you should see the brands melt into nothingness as their monopoly pricing stands naked in front of state provided goods. I'm not super worried, these things will change as our relations to production do.
Here's the updated version fam
Also, that makes no fucking sense. Decadence is exclusively a product of capitalism. We won't have that shit in either socialism or communism. Besides, didn't the USSR collapse due to the inevitable failure of state capitalism?
State is a problem. It is our duty as leftists to abolish state altogether, or at least lessen it so the people are more autonomous.
Go fuck yourself
Fine. You want a real answer?
- You focus on the superstructure over the base
- You display the fascistic pathology of obsession with purity and sexual matters
- you don't acknowledge the historically progressive nature of capitalism like every other leftist and instead adhere to reactionary beliefs because your beliefs are the same as Holla Forums, only with "the jews" replaced with "America"
- you outright praise the state itself, something which not even Lenin did.
You're easily one of the worst posters that I've ever seen. As bad as Afroplasm, but with spam-level quantities of posting.
Holla Forums-tier. I've been on Holla Forums since early 2015 and have never seen any posting this bad. I remember when piratefags were the worst we had to deal with.
U wot m80?
this. Blackbeard did nothing wrong.
Damn straight me
This is actually a true statement, no shitposting. Blackbeard never really killed anyone during any of his raids on other ships, and when he blockaded Charleston harbor, what he demanded for its release was not booty or liquor, but medicine for his sick crew.
Edward Teach was a far kinder pirate than history leads us to believe. Wasn't a rapist, cared for his crew, and only killed members of Lt. Robert Maynard's crew in the Battle of Ocracoke.
Blackbeard genuinely did nothing wrong whatsoever.
Support Comrade Teach and his struggle against British Imperialism!
Daily reminder that this movie is a masterpiece of anti-imperialism. Paid critics only dissed it to quell the masses and maintain the status quo.
Same deal with Batman v Superman
>Property is owned by the people who put in the effort to generate and develop it
what is it with Holla Forums and wanting a traditional family and insular culture
like, who gives a literal fuck
But it was capitalism because you don't like it so that means it was capitalism.
Leftcoms are children.
They're brainwashed and think the freedom to choose your lifestyle is somehow a secret plot to force "degeneracy" on them.
was this made by Holla Forums?
Decadence is a product of liberalism and individualism, be it under capitalism or socialism. In the case of the later, it results in regression back into capitalism when people stop caring about work in favor of pointless obscenities.
The pic is wrong. In communism means of production is owned by the society-community, means of production is owned by workers in socialism.
so reactionary
Individualism is by definition reactionary. There is no room for individualism in the proletarian society.
Luckily communism is about abolishing the proletariat. And more.
People used to shitpost with the pirate flag all the time.
they want to shove their ideas of "culture" down everyones throat, because that's what they think porky (cultural "marxists) does