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they';re all the best girls
You're meant to be Swedish now though
Goodnight friends
I'm back in Denmark now bby.
Ni ni Bardo
huh where you went
well sleepings
/puts you in a sleeper hold
Hows hu?
I visited parents and apparently 8ch thought that was Sweden.
Am good, finally having lunch.
Hope you're well
sweden annexed it
Yeah im ok.
Ive had a beer sitting next to me for hours and I only just managed to open it.
What does it feel like to be swedish? Do you feel better that you're a Dane again?
Toss a shoe at him
I can't, i'm at home.
Should open it while cool! Beer while they aren't ice-cold just tastes like piss.
I no longer feel like I'm about to be blown up soon, so that's nice.
Those guys need to toss putin in consulate
Should have undercooked it, the fucking retard
that man has had so much botox he'll need to be artificially aged to maintain appearances.
Mail a spring-loaded shoe to the embassy.
Let the refugees into denmark
Thats why the guy who was good at being an asshole was the millionare
Like this?
ever seen Joan Rivers make expressions?
ever seen recent footage of Putin making expressions?
Lol, they should marry. "Botox queen and king"
Got too many already
Yeah, must be the reason
You need more, and give them some of your rights, you have too many and they are people too or something
good afternoon lads
They have one right, and that is to leave
Good morning
Here cums the queer
Just let them rape your women, its not like the women matter.
hello hu
I'm about to have some breakfast how are you doing desu
There's a reason the fuckers work at asylum centers.
Want that refugee cock.
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote tbh
is frank in the darling good
Hope you'll have some nice and filling breakfast. Breakfast here is always so damn boring.
Am alright, not really up to much
I dont know.
But darling in the franxx is good
That bridge that collapsed in america was built by an all female construction company.
ofc not. It's fucking anime
Forgot to put name on............
Why the fuck here is so many vikings?
The vikings pillaged villages.
These guys pillage cock.
It's don't cancel my question
Maybe it was meant to fall on that person because that person was actually a ghost and when they cleaned it up, they werent cleaning up a corpse puddle, but rather sucking up a ghost
They dont want us to believe
All an elaborate ploy so the new world government can covertly deploy the all female ghost-busters to rid the world of a dying breed that to them, shouldn't exist.
We need to rise up.
We need to take back.
Somebody needs to destroy that rubble to show them a lesson.
my breakfasts are never that special either but I find that when I've just woken up food doesn't really taste all that good
just download S1 of TTOI, am feeling rather /comfy/ right now my friend
Is it possible for English people to eat eggs that arent poached?
fried and scrambled seem to be more commonplace actually I thought I was the only one who really liked them poached
I had a group of 30 english people at work and any of them who wanted breakfast with eggs wanted them poached. Which was all of them.
maybe they were members of the Poached Egg Appreciation Club
perhaps my small experience of preference of how the English like their eggs cooked isn't very representative of the whole nation, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who like them not to be poached
This morning I had fried eggs, yesterday though I had poached eggs and steak.
Shut it down.
No matter what, eggs are still good
I wouldn't call it damning
just like my limited knowledge lead me to believe that fried and scrambled eggs were more common, I don't think it would be accurate to base the theory that all English people like their eggs poached based on the fact that one Englishman had a poached egg, especially considering that he'd also had a fried one the day after
You bastards are going to deplete the worlds poached egg deposits
what are you going to do about it aussie cunt
I will start wars for those reserves in far off lands. I will compile secret dossiers. I will align myself with those of similar disposition for the Poached Eggs. UN Resolution or naught, we will have our favourite breakfast foodstuff. Along the way we will become maligned and disliked. But who cares. The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep. We take what is ours with fire and blood. Hear me roar.
Ill start poaching eggs at work just to toss them in the bin.
Cute cat.....
Monster! War criminal. I will make sure you swing, just like that damned Saddam!
If you do that... you'll be just like those you're trying to stop...
ura cute cat
Any Englishman whom orders poached eggs shall get fried eggs.
All poached eggs cooked will be tossed.
I will use the same vinegar and water for weeks at a time.
scoots genocide australia for me will you mate
That is it! Calling up the US ambassador, you will not like the outcome of this. Tongiht, we throw herp on the barbie!
lol u need the US to control ur own commonwealth git gud scrub
rape your own gf
I have no gf to rape
and I want to be raped, not to rape
wee woo this is the lolice
I'd rape you too
I'm gonna spamlink 02 your way now too
Tiddies are always welcome
Needs more tiddies
Anyway, pre-work wank and then some anime
later nerds. Probably see ya tomorrow.
Enjoy your poached eggs while you can.
Then start posting 02.
Ichigo dont got tits.
And nah, I don't want to save much xeno scum
y-you too
Thanks, me too
whole lobby calling cheats on me
don't judge me im reliving my childhood
MW2 or 3?
well done nezi
Makes me want to judge you more, really.
the best
thanks cutie ^^
nope, not yet
Never really played it
Who is that?
it is genuinely the greatest, most beautiful mess of a game.
what is the most aesthetic weapon in mw2 and why is it akimbo uzis
Pouting won't help you know.
akimbo uzi sucks though
what if I compliment you
sure they're not the most effective but if you position yourself properly they can actually be very powerful
I have no positive qualities, so you'll just be lying.
nezi... don't tell me you're one of those LOSERS who use a silenced UMP with marathon stopping power and ninja...
some immature girl who's being cucked by an alien. Her name's Ichigo
I used silenced TAR-21 with Slight of Hand, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim
haven't unlocked Ninja yet but I will use it when I get it
ran out of ammo cause no scavenger, had to use glock and then picked up a famas when that ran out
now akimbo 1887, those were insane before the nerf
Hahaha, victory is mine.
y'all never had a good ass whoopin
good boys use stinger missiles on all their classes
and I don't know about you but I'm very willing to forego efficiency with the akimbo uzis if it means having some fancy shmancy looking guns
amazing screenshot
She's a real cute
also there's the whole I'm not good enough at caw a doody to get a killstreak any higher than 7 so there's not much point me tryharding
Very much so
CRT tv yo
it's literally a joke
that's why you take stingers my boy
just akimbo g18 marathon stopping power and steady aim
riot shields tho
riot shields
i bet none of you scrubs can 720 YY ladder stall no scope silenced shot
Shut up, Nezi.
Grant me your motivation
So I can clean my room
Good morning friends!
Did any of you sleep?
yeah I slept
alone >:(
okay ( ._.)
do it
and stuff
not one wink
I've been locking my cats out so they don't knock shit over while I sleep cause they're AWFUL
but at least they cuddle with me in the morning.
the truest suffering
but also the comfiest vibes.
I wish I liked cats
maybe then I'd have a life form that I could cuddle with
That didn't help at all
ur a comfy vibe
I hope you slept alright
:O They're cute and make cute meows and stuff, they're extra soft.
As long as you're watching it together
ye, so he gets to suffer with me
I doubt he thinks watching a show with you is suffering
I just don't like animals some reason
I wish I did, but I don't
:C I'm sorry to hear that. I'll look around to see if I can help your sleepin problem
thanks sinni
Dead thread.
how u do
Everyone is asleep
In this moment, I am comfy
snow is the comfiest!!!!!!!
when do we have endless winter
We're in Illinois.
We already experience endless winter.
I'm doin' aight.
Holy shit, is there more of this?
soon it'll be 90, almost 100 and I don't want to melt.
/struggles to snuggle
Are you in front of a fireplace
And I identify as a tugboat!
no it'd be a bit silly to place one right next to a window I think
Tugboats are funnier. Also it's a reference to a song I like.
Being a tug boat is less stupid than being an attack helicopter because at least then you can always have a tug.
Hu thought Holla Forums told the truth.
But you're slow, and don't fire bullets, and you're full of seamen.
Sounds about right.
Fair nuff
Holla Forums was right?
His point of view wasn't wrong, but he took the figures from Holla Forums literally.
What's the rest of the context here?
I'll put my shrimps on your barbie if you know what I mean
Im not totally sure if its safe to say it here yet.
We dont even do that and shrimp....well...dont say shrimp when it comes to sexual and Australians. To us, shrimp are prawns.
Australia is strange
Nigga Ive been here for like a week.
Jews though.
He thought Holla Forums was srs about Auschwitz only killing 60k jews.
At least our women stick to their job and dont try to make bridges.
Not a topic I know enough about.
explain the meme
Bridge that collapsed in Florida.
The meme is that people are blaming it on diversity and progressive women hires that the company was "full" of.
Its somewhat off on both sides.
Honestly being on the Holla Forums side is better anyway.
Hooray for memes.
When something happens so soon, I dont have time for facts.
o shit.
ye as a woman I know we aren't too good at bridge building.
herpy needs some dick
Herpy is quite asexual though
Holla Forums's generally only good for a few quick laughs.
The Syria generals used to be pretty good though. Called in a Russian airstrike on some dudes.
I know one more fact than you, therefore I am your superior in general intelligence.
Ive only been there a few times.
Most people are, I ain't no thinker
Capture the Flag
Neither am I.
I just so happen to have a single fact on top of you in a current popular topic.
what single fact?
Go there when anything big in the news happens and it's pretty lolsworthy.
I honestly can't wait to hear the full story and the excuses they'll give for all this.
I don't know I've never seen one placed there so I guess it just seems a strange thing to do
That would make my advantage pointless.
How are you?
I saw that image on the Holla Forums tho.
Also so many people tell me that blood is bright red like they know shit.
It seems like a strange misconception here because Ive heard it many times.
Ive actually been challenged on it, despite seeing my own fucking blood everywhere before.
Fresh blood is bright red.
And then it darkens over time.
my dad has given me some marijuana salve to put on my fingers for my arthritis
but i don't wanna use it
What, you want to smoke it? Use it as lube? Just take it
I dunno.
Why do you not want to use it?
Thats the misconception.
It is BRIGHTER when fresh, but not bright.
Unless you're only seeing a few drop.
I take it you've not seen blood en-mass before.
I occasionally clean bio jobs. Biggest one was when this guy came into his old job where he was fired and shot five people then himself. I didn't get the job to clean it until 2 days later so all the blood was dark, almost black.
suck his dick
So your frame of reference on fresh blood is?
The original pictures the cops took of the scene. and your mum when I smacked her with my dick.
Fuck, that's hot.
It's true.
Not that bad.
Smiles is a freak.
It's fucking terrible.
No AA at all on the letters. It's terrible
Like a Catholic schoolgirl.
Lucky I studied photography and can tell you why the image they took isnt a good representation.
Its not true to life photography for a start. Forensics almost always shoots with a higher or lower exposure (evidence matters more than colour). Seeing an image from forensics and assuming those are the light levels present are silly. And yes, they DO take pictures of 1:1 exposure, but ironically they're hardly ever needed, thus if you "just ask for the picture" they wont give you the 1:1.
Do you believe blood is the same colour you see on the TV too?
Ah, so the pictures they took of the blood that was brighter wasn't actually brighter, got it.
Blood color varies on tv, so, no?
What is that Motor City
Thought so. Hey.
It can also vary with the aperture.
A quick shot would make for dark blood.
But this is also influenced by how "open" the aperture is.
Liquid is an interesting thing to work with in photography as it varies much more when it comes to aperture. Where as a typical surface tends to be roughly the same when you have an equivalent with aperture and time, despite the ways they could vary.
Although no matter what you're shooting the smaller the aperture the sharper the image.
Debating on making beer today. You?
Ah yes I see.
As far as I recall fresh blood is roughly this colour.
Is it actually?
I just took a shot in the dark...
I wanna work on my game but for some reason I've gotten kind of shite at pixel art. It's really becoming a bother.
Lot of factors it depends on.
Smaller amounts are darker.
Just keep drawing until you're decent again.
Mine always came out quite bright and sweet tasting.
I guess there's no better way to get my groove back. Dang.
Looks close.
Gets darker when thick.
Thin and spread is bright.
I assume a small amount may seem darker because it it collects in a drop.
Legit amounts of blood be thicc
Hm. Not bad for working from memory.
Indeedily doodily. How long you had that avatar anyhow?
‎May ‎14, ‎2017
Wait so you do the cleanup after?
How dark does it go?
Is there a specific smell?
Very dark brown, almost black. I usually don't get to it very quickly. Have to go through insurance and whatnot.
Depends if the body's been there for a while. I wear a full facemask that generally blocks everything. Pain in the ass to clean in full PPE though.
I take it quickly is within a day or two?
I went somewhere something happened about a month earlier and it seemed the only place it really lasted was on wood (australian gum trees, which were pale at that time of year) which it was brown, but seemed to fading a tiny bit.
If it's small we'll come within the day, but it's usually from a breaking and entering where the kid cut himself on the glass and bled a little bit around the house. We have to ducument what the blood has touched. If it went onto a porous material or fabric we suggest just nonsalvaging the furniture or rug rather than cleaning it. But if it's tile or laminate it'll clean easily enough. Unless it's a lot of blood, then the laminate or wood would have to be removed.
eww, scat fetish
Was the obvious choice after all
Russians is just a nation of slaves, and that's all
I take it you're not at not-Disney any more...
Been out for 3 years now.
Lods of emone
So you've gone from costumed mascot to clean up crew, huh? Neat.
Only do bio jobs on occasion. They're pretty rare.
So what's your normal job, highly paid janitor mercenary?
Job gave me a whole bunch of fluff titles. I'm a crew supervisor, but they don't hire anyone so I'm the only crew.
So you're the supervisor of a one man crew that does clean-up and sometimes you do bio stuff?
lf gf
Our company handles water mitigation, fire mitigation, mold mitigation, wind damage, board ups, and bio-clean up.
when's mummy may going to declare nuclear war on russia already
I want nuclear armageddon and I want it NOW
Where the Hell does the bio-clean up part come from? The rest all seems reasonably related but then outta nowhere you can to play with dried blood.
this p much
Just part of the mitigation process.
It's because you gay
At least, for war i have a bunker
no it's because I want this planet to cease existence
nothing gay about that
I just want to see nuclear detonations in the open air.
Imagine the HD 4k high speed footage we can get of this shit.
Jesus Christ it gives me a hard on just thinking about it.
If war will happen, as soldier of UK, you will be in a man company 24/7, absolutely without woman.Sounds very gay.
I probably am too beta to even fire a gun at a stationary target in an enclosed environment with proper protection, I'm not going to survive when london turns into STALKER
That is mean what you are a simple, peaceful person. In studying center, you will become a death machine in 2 weeks
Mitigating what? The chances of an AIDS epidemic being triggered by a particularly clumsy burglar?
London is already STALKER
I don't think it's okay to compare foreign people to horrific mutations, Loco.
Radioactive refugees become mutants?
maybe you're right
how do I buy a gun
The sandnigger invasion has only taken hold in the inner city areas.
First you need to earn money
You don't need to "buy" a gun, you can make a simple by yourself. Only thing you need is ammo
> Simple stalker Garold is trying to get to mosque kingdom palace to make a wish.....
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. takes place in mostly rural areas and small towns, doesn't it? Sounds like the number of wogs would be pretty low.
no I can't do that
I cannot make anything, and this is just a fact that cannot be changed
get out of here, stalker.
If only this didn't apply to making excuses and making yourself look like a faggot.
How old are you?
I wish I had the ability to break free of my probable neurological deficiency but I can't
19 I thought you'd already asked
loafie's younger than me somehow
but just barely
Piddly Gril confirmed for babby.
feels old man
yeah I'm just young
once I'm older I'll be much better off
Nah, you'll still be a pathetic manlet.
Yes, i remember, i'm just want to make sure about your age
this has been known u doof
I think i'm youngest person in here
Until last week I'd been away since before you got here, remember?
being tall would change nothing about me
I honestly couldn't care less how tall I am
I mean in terms of how masculine you aren't. You're like the meekest little fag this place has ever seen.
I am almost 21 years old.
I feel fucking ancient
You'll always be a qt little aspie stalker to me, Loco~
wanna celebrate your 21st by comin over
But you really ancient
I can't help it it's just who I am
besides how unmasculine is not being good at building things
Yeah, actually. Put up with me for a few weeks.
What is that thing on her back?
it's a rock.
Self destruct button.
a few weeks ? sure
the hardest part would be convincing my parents to let you stay
Tell them I'm your bf
Tell them he's your pet mole and that the human has to come with him.
Mitigating damage to structures.
that would only make it 1000x more complicated and worse
loco when is ur birthday
Fuck off.
Why you separate year with "/"?
ignore stinky heads
:O happy almost birthday
mine's 06/04
They're aren't 19 months!
of May
is that like
April or June
One month before me
april, the 6th!
And you'll be turning 14 iirc
No fun.
i thought you were younger
New thread?
New thread when?
i meant older
like mid 20s
How is your sand in bones?
Do it
I don't feel special anymore
thanks for taking that away from me
You win