Why haven't you led a revolution against the bourgeois class?

Why haven't you led a revolution against the bourgeois class?

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don't worry, it's coming.

Because it's just me in a state filled with reactionaries, centrists, and boot lickers. But I hope to make some speeches soon.

I still need to develop my vision for a socialist society applicable to my country that is consistent with marx and implements all the best things from previous attemps and fixes all the problems.

I'm just really busy. I've got this newspaper quota to meet and I don't have much time for anything else.


Because normies.

Because I'm not an influential, charismatic, persuasive, socially skilled or popular person.

Why do communists even pretend to give a shot about the working class? It's hilariously obvious your true goals

Im sho shweepy….mebbe toomorow…

lol as if they weren't enough cults of personalities under capitalism to provide a path to power mongers.

Incidently, if somebody only wants power and authority, the safest way is to become a demagogue and target precisely people like you.


I can never trust you people. Why the emphasis on leading the revolution if you don't want to lead afterwards too?

but user, I am the bourgeoisie

Dude what?
You are the only one bringing up cults of personality all of the sudden.

Wow now that's some escalation, I didn't see a single post this extreme. But even so half this board is anarchists, so not sure how exactly people who espouse destruction of heirarchy want to install themselves as "supreme" commanders

Fun fact: Castro hated the cult of personality thing. After he died, Raul Castro stated that there would be no monuments, buildings, or streets named after him as according to his wishes.


We are all leading it together. :)

What a guy.

Thats sad, Fidel is pretty much the only ML that would deserve a monument.

lmao Holla Forums btfo!

Because I live in America where everyone is a stupid, selfish asshole and thinks they'll be millionaires one day with their soul-sucking minimum wage part-time job.

because i'm a depressed jobless prole with nothing to do but shitpost and cry
