He Made another one……
George Orwell Believed That Communism/Antifa Number One Threat To Humanity
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From the comments:
These people are beyond saving. I finally understand the need for red terror.
You already posted it retard.
its a different one
instead of mr "muh libtards" its mr "buy my fucking vitamins"
archive? I'm not ruining my youtube recommendations
Took you long enough.
When I first became a leftist, I naively believed that gulags were one of the horrific crimes of the Soviet Union that we should strive to avoid if at all possible. I have now embraced the revolutionary role of gulags and have accepted that, indeed, a revolution could not be truly called revolutionary if gulags are not a relatively common sight.
just watch it
one video wont fuck the recs mate
a comment
i hate life
another awesome comment
Relax, they're just kids, that means they're impressionable.
Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950),[1] better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist, and critic. His work is marked by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism.[2][3]
Oh look, the last two words, u lala.
amazing comment
I disagree
gulags are too merciful
I like how he literally goes out and clarifies that his thinking is black-and-white so nobody has to accuse him of it.
This. He was anti-totalitarian, period. That means he would be against him , him and him
Nobody really knows what he would think about modern politics, but like any intellectual that stood the test of time, it is to be expected people to claim he would side with them; 100 years from now, I'm pretty sure Noam Chomsky will side with pretty much every political leaning of the time.
I reckon he would look at us and would recognize many of the things he predicted, in some things almost perfectly like the simplification of language (with the effect of allowing doublethink), the perpetuation of war in remote places of the world, always in the name of peace; in other things he'd recognize he lacked vision in his distopia: for instance he would look at smartphones and wonder why didn't he think about it, why did he limit big brother's personal survuillance to a TV in your living room, why didn't he see we would allow big brother to follow us and watch us everywhere.
About Antifa, I doubt he'd notice them
How can people be this unwilling to do a tiny bit of their own research.
How are any of those posts totalitarian?
My recs are mostly alt-right crap or communist/socialist lectures. Yin yang, check mate.
what do you mean? they advocate for red terror/gulags, presumably for crime of thought. That's something an anti-totalitarian would be against, as thinking is in the realm of the individual, not of the state.
Maybe I'm wrong, you tell me.
Alex handing out the red pills.
Totalitarianism is when the government strictly controls all aspects of life, not when you get rid of your political enemies.
that's one of the aspects totalitarians want to control.
sorry but killing people you disagree with during a war isn't thought policing.
how is that not "thought policing"?
Are you trolling?
…you do realize we advocate the violent overthrow of the ruling class, who themselves violently enforce their conception of society?
You do. Not George Orwell.
You are a real idiot. What was Orwell doing in Catalonia then?
Orwell fought in the Spanish Revolution with the fucking POUM, a revolutionary marxist party you retard.
Orwell was in a revolutionary militia, you fucking dolt.
relax, why so upset? follow the discussion. starts here:
that's his thinking, anyone who disagrees is just wrong.
About POUM:
thing is that statement isn't true. Orwell wholeheartedly advocated this and killed people to try and achieve it. He had nothing against violence and killing people who disagreed and opposed this concept such as the spanish nationalists. Naturally he didn't appreciate was people working against him in this such as the PCE and PSUC.
Stop trying to educate people on things you're looking up on wikipedia right this minute.
Yes, but he didn't become less of a socialist: for example after he came home he stayed with the Independent Labour Party: which was a group that was TO THE LEFTWING of the Labour party and was openly marxist.
He's either trolling or legitimately too stupid to argue with.
So boring. Those antifa guys have no proactive agenda. They are reactive as fuck. And that abbreviation is stupid: in ancient Greek "anti" means rather "instead of" and not "against" e.g. Antichrist (impersonator of Christ), antimension (instead of a table), antidoron (instead of the gift) etc. One can say in a sarcastic that those pals want to replace fascists. Now the media's focus is on them and some months later every law abiding citizen will know that antifa are worse than Black Panthers spreading around Islamic communism. I thinks they might as well conduct guerilla ops and bombing campaign, because they will be demonized by the media anyway.
Literally this. All they've done in burgerstan is punch a few idiots with MAGA hats and they're being tracked as terrorists.
You only really hear about their reactive shenanigans. I saw a youtube video about them mobbing a prison and ripping a fence down and that's the only time I've ever seen the event referenced.
I imagine reporting on them being proactive against the state rather than reacting towards spergy internet people would make too many suits hot under the collar.
the discussion is about Orwell's thoughts on totalitarianism, specifically the use of violence to silence political opposition. Starts here:
user, wtf?
I didn't say he became less of a socialist, did I? I said his thinking is anti-totalitarian, and if anybody today has any legitimacy in claiming Orwell to his side it's the anti-totalitarians of today.
Holy fuck how do you read animal farm and 1984 and take that away from it? He's so obviously a socialist you'd need to be a child to miss it
Twitter was a mistake
Youtube was a mistake
So much stupidity and a smug kind of stupidity at that. Its fucking depressing
argh…why is this board filled with threads about this talentless ahck? Aldous Huxley was the superior writter. This hack simply plagiarized him and changed a couple of things. It's a joke how people read his books.
I don't care about your 'discussion' fag, you made a blatantly untrue statement claiming Orwell did not advocate the violent overthrow of the ruling class and i pointed it out.
But Orwell was against both extremes watch the video
Orwell was the pioneer of radical centrism
he never even read Huxely until after he wrote 1984, retard.
never change leftycucks, it's gonna be hilarious when shtf and you start getting crucified on the streets by rightists
What a horrible, horrible meme. The guy literally advocated for class war, principled anti-fascism and international socialism.
He wrote a review of Brave New World in the early 40s
Holla Forums I know you have brain damage but don't you notice how your flag and post don't fit? We're not pussies like you so we have a nazi flag available, use it.
Orwell was against Stalin's USSR. He was still extremely far left. He never stopped being an anarcho-communist.
Orwell was a snitch anyway, pansy ass bitch
he was more of a trot than an anarchist
How about let's not watch the fucking video and fags like you and whoever is in the video stop regurgitating each others vomit all over the internet.
Because socialism = Stalinism at all times in the American public's mind. Except when you bring up communes then they'll think of hippies.
Because he keeps ban evading.
In homage to catalonia he says that he joined POUM because it was the party his union was affiliated to or something like that. He also says that he was going to join the international brigades to go to Madrid, but if he could go there with any militia he would have choosen cnt-fai.