>go to >>>/kind/ for my daily dose of kindness, good feels and anime girls
Why must Holla Forumsyps destroy everything?
Go to >>>/kind/ for my daily dose of kindness, good feels and anime girls
Look at this fucking shitty Waluigui costume.
Go kill yourself OP
This news is over a year old now. Ur a fag.
They're dumb as shit. They can't help it.
nice try, Holla Forums, trying to downplay Holla Forumsyps to make people complacent
Furries to the gulag (sage)
Kemono Friends is not furry.
We aim for victory
Why are you surprised? /kind/ is just an another opium den.
i aprov!
steven universe, aka SJW the show. sage again
it's worse
You may not have noticed, but this board tends to advocate civil war and the murder of a tons of people. "Kindness" is basically a meme as it's inherently passive and subservient. After all, you wouldn't want to be mean to the cops and your boss, right? :(
Do you mean this? One person in Varg thread saying that bullying commies is good? You are fucking pathetic, OP, If you can't overlook a little bit of shitposting and have to come here chans are not for you. Also, show them Varg videos, he explicitly says that bullying leftists is bad.
Chans are not for anyone. They're like honey: At first appealing and enjoyable, you can mix it with all sorts of things! Nice colour scheme, easy access - with just enough stingers to keep the undesirable and uneducated away - but sooner or later it's going to dawn on you that you aren't having fun, you're skulking around a series of mounds in a gimpsuit trying to eat bee shit.
get /revolutionary/ faggot
The only self-consistent way to be kind is to adhere to utilitarianism with a strong emphasis on minimizing suffering.
Yep, /kind/ is little more than a Holla Forums outpost at this point. Holla Forums just can't resist the urge to inject their cancerous, edgy pseudo-political views into every single discussion.
it's everywhere
make me fagt. Anti-furries are reactionary and will be executed after revolution.
But communists have to be bullied.
You see, communism is a conflict theory, that in general states that all progress is oppression -> radicalisation -> violence -> struggle -> oppression
If communists aren't bullied, communists will not win.
You should thank that user, for he makes you more eager to shoot people.
Moreover, /kind/ is not for communists, for you should know, that such a thing would be delusion and hypocrisy. Real world is anything but /kind/, and if someone would want you to think otherwise, probably wants to use you and steal from you while making you complacent.
Your understanding of both communism and Marxism is shit. I wish Holla Forums would actually read before false flagging tbh.
Gee Holla Forums, why does the BO let you have TWO baitposts?
come to Holla Forums anti-Holla Forums shitposting is everywhere and they always sperg out
I wish people would actually present their arguments before resorting to namecalling.
I didn't call you any names though, your understanding of Marxism is objectively shit. Marxism is concerned mainly with exploitation and domination, not oppression.
Gee Holla Forums, why does the BO let you have THREE baitposts?
You lying piece of shit. Holla Forums is one of the most Holla Forums infected boards on the entire goddamn site.
call me when Kemono Friends fans start leaving used adult diapers around a hotel
Waterfox and Pale Moon.
GNU Ice Cat
What did they do again?
just use surf like a grownup.
this, Holla Forums is a fucking shithole
They're even starting to win in ultra-mega-sjw-foxholes like Holla Forums.
Its over
hello Holla Forums
I'm just a pissed off Holla Forums poster tired of watching fags bitch about having black people in their comic books and movies. I just wanted to discuss comics in peas
all you do is shitting on yuri, but when someone posts gay stuff, you are completely radio silent. On the same fucking thread.
Not just on Holla Forums on Holla Forums as well.
You behave like triggered pussies and you are overstaying your welcome Holla Forums
Most Holla Forumsyps are American, and Americans are literally brainwashed in terms of communism.
C'mon man that was one time by one shitter purposely ruining the con for everyone else. Come to Anthrocon (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) instead, it's much more professionally operated.
my threshold for disgust is near infinite, my threshold for boredom near null.
penny drops
I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
Fuck off dude.
I finally understand why the image is exhorting furries to return to their ersatz Jerusalem of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which at first seemed an amusingly arbitrary location.
Fair enough. You're entitled to your differing opinion.
What did he mean by this?
It's Pittsburg. Have you ever been there? Not sure if it's quite a "Zion".
I woulda thought it'd be Omaha or Fiji.
There's furry conventions all over tbh, I'd be amazed if there wasn't a state or country that didn't have one. It just so happens that Anthrocon is the world's biggest.
Indeed, the guy who made that pic, Zearfox, is from Malaysia, I don't understand why he'd be into Zionism. He's just a shitter. Here's his FA profile;
But anyway, we are not "furry nationalists" and Pittsburgh is certainly not our "Zion." We are international, we are everywhere.
Me specifically? No. But my furiend lives there and that's where I got the pic.
I take it back, Zearfox is /ourguy/
they put adnauseam on the block list..not a big deal really, but the last straw for me
Your new home
I wouldn't want to be mean to cops or my boss. They're just humans fulfilling the role that Capital demands of them. To be kind you must be a Leftist so as to liberate them from Capitalism.
furfags in the ovens
looks mostly autistic, links to the guy that made the flag of Comrade Fritz tho?
Images don't load, no catalogue
“Sorry!It totally slipped my mind!”
Your new home
Jerusalem was just as arbitrary.