Ending DACA Was a Good Thing.
Ending DACA Was a Good Thing
Is that a real quote?
Marx was a total Yankeeboo, so was Trostky.
Last time we had this conversation no one could prove it was a real quote. So, I'd say its fake until proven otherwise.
It's Engels iirc
Do you have the collected works in your computer? Give me a second I'll find in which one it's on
Engels also has some stuff like this about the Irish
But Marx had "jewish nigger" refering to Lassalle, and although I think whatever the 19th century equivalent for nigger was probably not as bad as "nigger" itself, in the end both of them were excellent af.
Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit about any of it. Some of it is hilarious.
wtf I love Marx now.
It really shows you that contrary to the Holla Forumsyp view of Marx as indirectly responsible for modern political correctness, he was very much a product of his time and his cultural attitudes were more or less typical.
Proudhon said even worse shit about Jews and women.
It is because it’ll cause a shortage of agricultural workers in California. This’ll make unionization and demands for better wages easer during a labor shortage.
that's not a picture of George Lincoln Rockwell
is it?
r/socialism would ban marx for that
they would be right in doing so; marx is outdated and trash tbh socialist theory has evolved past marx. Not 19th century anymore.
well Prussian virtues and hard speech laws made communism.
Found it. Volume 8 page 365. Although to be honest it seems that he was being a bit sarcastic:
The point made shouldn't surprise anyone, but the mention of Bakunin surprised me because this is 1849, years before the First International. I didn't they had been sperging out at each other for that long.
And it's Engels btw not Marx
Wtf i support the Mexican-American War now.
I mean, they wouldn't be compleeeetely wrong in doing so, or at least telling him to chill. Marx was a man of his time like any other, not a saint who stood above circumstances. We like his theories, political strategies and worldview, but we shouldn't agree with every little single position he had.
I recall that Marx explicitly said that imperialism was good for the long-term development of countries that were victims of it.
The sperg being exposed to Marx for the first time, probably through smashculturalmarxism.blogspot.com and going "wtf I love __ now" is hilarious. Imagine how much his little mind will be blown if he ever decides to actually read him.
Not really fam.
wtf i hate the "wtf i love_now" meme
Take off that flag.
OK but read bordiga
I think I just lost a few brain cells right there
nothing to lose when you're already a brainlet tbh
Reading theory is good, unless it’s Bordiga.