Why is the alt-right so obsessed with

Why is the alt-right so obsessed with

Family is important in either Fascism or Socialism. Read Stalin.



Because they don't have one and don't see any practical path to having one

Because muh family is tied in with muh traditions.

people fetishize that which they don't have

Because their alienation breeds a desire for closer social relations that aren't mediated through commodities.
The interest part is that they tend to focus on nuclear families, which really are a consequence of capitalism breaking up multi-generational households.

Because having a permanent masculine and feminine role-model is good for children's development. Even if you think capitalism is the cause of the modern family unit that doesn't mean it was a negative development. Claiming everything single capitalism causes is universally bad is un-Marxist.

But the interesting thing is that the family, even the classic nuclear family, is kind of a new institutions historically speaking that was developed in the ruins of the muh traditional world.

Fuck off. Family is extremely important in any social situation (proper extended families, not the "nuclear family")

Even if rightists are obsessed with it because they can't find a virgin white girl to marry, that doesn't mean it's not important

Also fuck stalin

ebin meme brudder X-D


It isn't, though. Family is a social unit that serves a material purpose, it changes with the time and the conditions. And the way we currently arrange it isn't even doing a great job at managing capitalism, so I don't understand the obsession with keeping it the way it is and talking about family value all the times.

Nuclear families allow for the accumulation of capital and they feel that in order to fulfill their role in society they must pass on capital to their offspring. Most of the alt-right are alienated and they feel that by having a family they can participate in the traditions of their society and overcome their alienation.

Why? Because it teaches, cements and ultimately subconsciously legitimizes the class hierarchy? The idea that every person has "its place" and they need to "stay there"? Why is this relevant to a society where capitalism has been abolished?

Claiming capitalism is 'bad' is 'un-Marxist' anyway. It just is, and it's contradictions sow the seeds of its own abolition.

And that can't make it important to individuals? It definitely can be useful, and as far as necessity is concerned also important.


People against family can explain to me what's wrong with it? Isn't naturally speaking reproducing and protecting the family what we are on earth for? What's wrong with natural hierarchy when are not used for dumb argouments?

because some of us are lefties to rebel against our conservative parents

What are you even talking about

t. totally not Holla Forums

he's not Holla Forums, he's italian, the mediterranean societies are more oriented towards family-based lifestyle


Why are you so obsessed with tearing it down?

Holla Forums thinks we are liberals Ep. 13313134891718737513873153875

it's the first step toward ending sexual reproduction