

Attached: plugin-container_2018-03-09_07-24-53.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: death.PNG (496x490, 294.99K)

Attached: heres a suggestion.png (306x615, 224.86K)

early af

hold up

rager = tak right?

Attached: 1331953960-16680-914.jpg (604x602, 39.82K)

i cannot believe loafie didnt even say goodnight to me

sad day
anyways goodnight my favorite posters

Omae wa mou shindeiru


Attached: Dumb partner.png (828x793, 434.78K)


nana peegirl

Attached: babyserval.jpg (480x360, 32.23K)

peegirl holding it down

Attached: imagestrurti.jpg (202x249, 9.74K)

ye boi


this is respoonse from last thread

hi tp

today was a long day at worrk got an hour behind and that shit sucked

also I woke up exhausted and sory from rolling last night and my throat is still sore from getting choke ;~:

how are you doing tonight

Attached: dragon.png (862x351, 266.09K)


also ty posters for using my real name
i appreciate the notion

life sucks

my laptop is trying to black out rn

Attached: Bambi-bambi-5777942-1280-960.jpg (1280x960, 72.7K)

Pretty gay.

Attached: 67591653_p0 - 五十鈴(5)ちゃん.png (1447x2047, 1.62M)

fuck you laptop i hate you

that sucks whats wrong with your laptopl?

Attached: c87163e9a05e4b82492f98c0621c75a0dc354105823b292c5c1c28d48baec53f.png (328x294, 154.81K)


tbh no one was paying attention BC


aesop is tittys

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)


so much so


Attached: pft.png (500x394, 171.86K)

my boys

Don't let him smell the pot stickers he'll stick around for summer

he'll stick around for cheese cake then
three days
then the summer

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

wish can i talk to you for a second?

most underrated aesop work go

I say it's Gopher Guts

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

I'd probably say Lazy Eye
Gopher Guts is Solid

Like fuck It'd be harder to name a track that's not good

Attached: oof.jpg (953x960, 107.83K)


Mega gay.

What's up?

Attached: 67737375_p0 - クイーン・エリザベス.jpg (750x1200, 452.54K)

lazy eye has some fucking tasty bass

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

were you serious about you having a donger

Attached: Bambi-bambi-5796983-1280-960.jpg (1280x960, 83.06K)


Attached: 64960780_p0 - 音々子ちゃん.jpg (1339x1800, 1.61M)

this was a fun and connecting back and forth

Attached: hirasawa_ui_and_hirasawa_yui_k_on_drawn_by_hahifuhe__87543078a470a0e7aad9dbf4f821ab9f.jpg (840x650, 115.41K)

is that sarcasm
you wound me deep, bard

how does your fans feel

like i knew echo was gay from the word go

but grimy?

no it's genuine I just idk anything else ot say : 3

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)


He's in denial.

Attached: 67730333_p0 - チアガールチノちゃん.jpg (989x1468, 797.15K)


i fully accept that you lied for 8 years

let's be real

you don't come back from that

It hasn't been 8 years.

Attached: 64245283_p0 - えりりと夏休み.jpg (700x850, 427.24K)

oh good
how was your day bart?

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

you and i both started 2011

7 years of you bold faced lying

i hope you feel shame but a fake girl feels nothing

liars don't even realize when they do it

Attached: bambi__thumper_and_flower_by_spartandragon12-d54jlml.jpg (1024x768, 110.25K)

Near the end of 2011 really, and I stopped "pretending" before July 2017

Attached: 67768608_p0 - バス待ち.png (697x1022, 724.25K)

another lie


Attached: Bambi-bambi-5777942-1280-960.jpg (1280x960, 72.7K)

I know when I'm lying.
If I don't then it's because of my shit memory or I don't know any better.

Attached: Shinobu 2065.jpg (993x1214, 425.56K)

Which part is the lie?

Attached: 67755044_p0 - ずっと待ってたの!.jpg (724x1023, 701.41K)

wish do you have the capacity to know when you are lying or not

Attached: doki_doki_bizarre_club_by_korbelus-dbrnx6t.jpg (1024x576, 139.96K)


Attached: 67746597_p0 - 恒常衣装すき.png (978x1400, 597.03K)

Phil, shut up.

the date

you lie so much

Attached: Bambi-bambi-5777942-1280-960.jpg (1280x960, 72.7K)




Attached: 3682416066_1aeac4c24a_o.jpg (2476x1624, 1.01M)

Yes, though.

oh hi darbear

Attached: 160541393693.jpg (400x365, 18.21K)

June 6th, 2017.

Hi, babe.

why because you say so

you are trash

good bye

emma u fuck stop pretending to be a guy

Attached: huhuhu.jpg (324x395, 16.24K)

like how this bitch fake made a female profile

she went deep

I'm not going anywhere :^)

This didn't kill me cuz I still get more attention than you~

Grim, I...

Attached: 66726300_p0 - 千石冠.png (1000x1420, 969.4K)

grim still believes emma is a girl



Attached: huge fukn anime tiddies.jpg (1551x2135, 418.03K)

wow you are legit evil you whore

i don't care

Attached: how-to-draw-flower,-flower-from-bambi.gif (452x520, 37.06K)


I'm a boy btw.

Yeah, I'm pretty shitty.

Good thing I have money :^)

Attached: 66102495_p0 - 綾波.jpg (1414x2000, 1.47M)

how fucking sad do you have to be to pretend to be a girl for 8 years tho

oh hi dar

Who do we believe, Phil?


I am unable to make decisions by myself.

there's no solid proof besides some leaks and your apparent reaction to them on your gender but

ily anyway

even if you're a fuckin plant

Attached: thixx dragos.png (540x714, 565.26K)

i certainly do not believe dude emma

Attached: colbear.png (619x960, 563.25K)

I am sure she is very gorgeous.

i am starting to think she has a dick larger than grim's

Attached: kiss gif.gif (500x245, 441.22K)

All carefully planned though.

Want me to post my arm or something? :^)

Attached: 67579526_p0 - 姉弟子(かわいい) その2.jpg (1000x1412, 734.29K)

Attached: 56814411_p0 - ナツどこ~。.jpg (2362x1710, 956.74K)

She can probably fit more of Echo's name.

face is fine w timestamp

hi c:

Attached: 48667654_p0.png (1694x1100, 1.8M)


lol harsh

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 7.64K)

Good luck with that :^)

Attached: 67720441_p0 - アイドル.jpg (2508x3541, 2.34M)

What have we said about this "hi" business?

Attached: 56766458_p0 - まちとなつ.jpg (1200x1200, 155.53K)

I dont recall anything said about it

how u been fam

pff ok
you doing alright?

Attached: no pubes.png (633x726, 143.24K)

post that Canadian bacon


@grim do you still think wish is a girl?

Attached: Flower-bambi-6334689-360-270.jpg (360x270, 27.28K)

The dick calligraphy slam

Attached: NOT furry (13).jpeg (840x1200, 294.47K)


I am not sorry.

Yeah, I'm doing okay I think.

I think I might have a pack of Costco bacon, none of that fancy shit though.

Attached: 67628880_p0 - 春の三日月.jpg (1155x1678, 248.36K)

u fuck

why whats wong

Attached: sonika.gif (557x1149, 123.47K)

thats good
remember to indulge in the smaller and finer things occasionally

Attached: sad tokai.png (720x1280, 1014.35K)

he is not only not a girl but he's a nasty fuck

Attached: kiss gif.gif (500x245, 441.22K)

Probably the most hygienic person in this thread btw :^)

Oh yeah, I'm all good fam.

What about you?

Attached: 67665059_p0 - なでしこちゃん.jpg (860x1214, 791.74K)

oo lala

Attached: bird up.gif (400x224, 9.4M)

wish is actually a terrible person it turns out

yeah i'm sad too

i used to talk to that idiot

Attached: imagesiuyopo.jpg (259x194, 7.29K)

really busy
but making lots of good relationships so its good
trying to set in monumental life plans and goals so its a lil scary

stuff like homes and maybe moving out of state

Attached: cease.jpg (530x507, 39.74K)

You asked me how I was.

Attached: 56787397_p0.png (1024x1024, 472.07K)

Nor should you be

Attached: NOT furry (20).jpg (736x1288, 58.28K)

Oh yeah?

I'm moving in with Dardar in a few months.
Going to be lit.

Attached: 62512786_p0 - えろまんがせんせい.png (926x1468, 881.49K)

arcade fire youtube awards


cuz i care

yeah sure

Attached: Anime-Touhou-Project-Izayoi-Sakuya-Remilia-Scarlet-4208296.jpeg (1083x1500, 911.24K)

Yeah, we will watch Mad About You reruns.

No but really we're meeting up at AX :^)

What's that

Attached: 64648853_p0 - チノちゃん.jpg (849x1294, 860.47K)

that is gretta gerwig

Attached: undeniable angst.png (348x362, 150.39K)

If Wish meets Darwin I'm stalking that shit

I know generally the vicinity of where Darwin lives

Attached: NOT furry (119).jpg (210x411, 17.25K)

A very wholesome show.


darwin and bern had the same bday

bern was a fake

wish is a fake

Attached: bambi_thumper_and_flower__1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 283.69K)

Attached: COWARD.mp4 (854x480, 245.94K)

I would have them over for wine fosho

Attached: blushuu.gif (512x288, 1.97M)

Attached: yuu-2017-11-08-01h40m44s704.png (1280x720, 504.45K)

i mean how long did wish expect it to last

Attached: bambi flower thumper-1.gif (812x603, 152.41K)

He probably could have kept it going indefinitely.

I watched a 30 second clip about turkey, it was shit.

What's the connection?

Attached: 67738173_p0 - 銀子ちゃん(天使).jpg (1000x1412, 1.07M)

it's just really sad that a human being can lie that hard for 8 years



I'm just gonna watch them from a distance.


Attached: NOT furry (11).jpeg (631x891, 168.59K)

It really was, but you need to suffer as I suffered through Re:Mind.

Attached: yuu-2017-11-08-01h52m52s379.png (1280x720, 566.17K)

dont be a pussy

No, do be one.

I need to be up in less than 6h


Attached: 13.jpg (370x750, 48.14K)


Attached: 67686946_p0 - モモチたまて.png (1131x1600, 829.47K)

penis btw


I ride the wave of awfulness until it kills me or I become too annoyed to talk to it for two months and it breaks up with me.

Or something.

Attached: yuu-2017-11-08-01h36m27s122.png (1280x720, 490.24K)

i kinda have a reciprocal thing for based grimu

Attached: imagesgrehuetuj.jpg (251x201, 9.39K)

Expand on that.

i like when i get him hype

i think he as a person is not a good one

Attached: imagesjhgkggkg.jpg (194x260, 12.94K)

What do you think about him being in love with Wish? How will you protect him?

Let's break up.

Attached: 67654536_p0 - だいろくばにーたい①.png (827x1169, 813.52K)

I respectfully refuse.

Attached: tumblr_oyv66lXT5b1tm1dgio2_r1_540.gif (540x303, 492.96K)

well shit until a couple weeks ago i thought wish was a girl

he's on his gay own

Attached: imagesytruyi.jpg (266x189, 8.02K)

Why you gotta do him like that?

because you are starting "trouble"

why you do this


Attached: 67736673_p0 - イチゴちゃん.jpg (600x1122, 388.32K)

To impress Wish.

Attached: tumblr_oy56hlDnVc1u0xk60o1_500.gif (500x281, 1.53M)


Attached: 5a0b8d04aee97d673e530c5136790b167b4e0c3b1560422541be6ee243b2f1a2.png (758x1025, 454.88K)

ok. post your dick then.

wishes new dude word is unlucky

like unluckily no one trusts or likes me anymore

Attached: imagestrurti.jpg (202x249, 9.74K)

also sorry to say wish'

even if dar says he trusts you

he does not

you do not come back from this

Well, the hurt does not show, but the pain still grows.

Forgive me?

your dick then.

I mean, I think you're the only one whose opinion of me got any sort of negativity.

Most people just didn't care at all :^)


Attached: 61179996_p0 - 『もう…仕方ないわね』.jpg (773x1049, 525.13K)

that's not your dick

you are evil

But it is your dick


Darwin I'm gonna be in your neck of the woods tomorrow afternoon so stay indoors

Attached: NOT furry (25).jpg (236x271, 12.97K)

I do. Thank you for tolerating my drug abuse and alcoholism.

Fine, I will order food.

i love dar so much

Attached: imagestretyteutu.jpg (256x192, 7.02K)

I am so happy I have you as my best friend, and I love Phil so much.

your dick as in wish's penis

i thought you were fake ordering food

This time I gave you the courtesy

This time...

Attached: NOT furry (48).png (319x750, 225.47K)

But I posted what you asked from me.

I was evil when I was a girl too though.

Wait, what?

Attached: 67768593_p0 - 姉弟子.jpg (800x1258, 85.82K)

it's like they wonder how

you taught me dickhead

Can I go to the Johnny Rockets?

It is what happens when you lose so much gambling.

i don't think it even matters anymore

you are null

Attached: Bambi-aaa0ee2c.jpg (2000x2270, 781.74K)

you can't go back and forth that many times

you are null

That was the guy who was in love with Kroni-senpai.

Speaking of.

oh shit

*pours one out for kroni*

You're safe there. I'll be near Hotel Indigo.

Attached: NOT furry (58).jpg (480x480, 45.97K)

What even?

Only to you, babe.

Attached: 67691890_p0 - 神風ちゃんバニー.png (1000x1611, 1.13M)

Come by next week. We can go watch the new Tommy Wiseau abomination at the Egyptian.

I would love to.

Attached: NOT furry (106).jpg (850x1178, 262.84K)

I need the cash for AX.

Attached: 56610039_p0 - だらしないまちちゃん【くまみこ】【描き方動画付き】.png (800x600, 249.74K)

yeah i don't honestly know how to handle you

i mean you are legit one of my favourite people

but that 8 year betrayal...

Attached: imagesghjkfjhdf.jpg (264x191, 11.93K)


Phil, did you ever jerk it to fake, hoop-earringed Wish?


Attached: bambi flower thumper-1.gif (812x603, 152.41K)

the deceptive is too much

I'll pay.

I'm still the same person :^)

Attached: 67534568_p0 - みみけ39.jpg (800x1065, 756.44K)

no hoops was never naked

Attached: 3svu6w.jpg (310x285, 24.02K)

You tell the angels in heaven you had never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who deceived you.


Attached: NOT furry (69).jpg (500x745, 102.66K)

wish was more of a bro

which is why it hurts even more that he betrayed me

I need all the money. Phil even sent me $40 last year.

You are a sweetheart. I will hold your hair while you throw up to pay you back.

Attached: 56854211_p0 - まち&ナツ.jpg (900x1440, 797.38K)

i mean if wish can betray someone he's known for 8 years

he will betray anyone


Attached: NOT furry (121).jpg (308x548, 42.62K)

colbert you got chase?

Why would I throw up?

Attached: 67588279_p0 - ねこ響ちゃん.png (800x1000, 460.96K)

I think so? I bank with USAA but I think I have a Chase account

Attached: NOT furry (51).jpg (700x1259, 215.57K)

because you you have an emotional disorder

Being in my general vicinity?

Attached: 56881556_p0 - まちちゃん.png (1200x1600, 1.38M)

I really don't though :^)

Hopefully you never go to the market square if that's the case.

Attached: 62518620_p0 - エロマンガ先生.jpg (900x1273, 827.63K)

you need some cash?

Attached: imagestretyteutu.jpg (256x192, 7.02K)

i need some cash

Well, they have worse people there.

Attached: 56911175_p1 - くまみこ.jpg (2059x1544, 268.65K)

you are garbage and you will die as trash

no shit>?

real shit

Attached: Fry 00218.jpg (253x363, 58.14K)

dude when my tax refund covered my next months rent i was really feelin it

But they'll all puke.

Nah, I'll die comfortably surrounded by my loving friends and family~

Attached: 67671519_p0 - エリちゃん.png (1417x2000, 2.93M)

i'm very tempted to blow my entire tax refund but i may leave it in savings

i'm getting my new PC in May

Attached: Fry 00217.jpg (725x409, 99.67K)

i bet you even lie to those people

the people you think like you

Attached: bambi__thumper_and_flower_by_spartandragon12-d54jlml.jpg (1024x768, 110.25K)

fucking trash


but i still want his dick

i got a vegas trip in may so it's actually in prep for that

and calling wish a fake

Nah, probably not

Attached: 67526446_p0 - マヤにゃん♪.png (600x807, 499.97K)

Yes pls

Attached: NOT furry (10).jpeg (654x639, 159.03K)

i'm very underwhelmed by the reveal.

i thought it was common knowledge.

Attached: Fry 00020.jpg (188x472, 45.79K)

you are trash

Attached: imagesgrehuetuj.jpg (251x201, 9.39K)


That's okay, at least I'm rich

Attached: 67609538_p0 - 06.jpg (2100x3600, 2.11M)

well i thought i was friends with him

was why the betrayal hurt

I hope Phil does not find out I conspired with you all these years.

Attached: 56935022_p0 - 都会で流行りの構え.jpg (900x1200, 714.83K)

you knew that there are no girls on the internet though

Attached: Fry 00326.PNG (414x382, 178.89K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ito Junji Collection - 01 [720p] - 00_09_37.577 [2018-01-06].jpg (1280x720, 239.12K)

it just stung man

Attached: wave gif.gif (500x356, 1006.2K)

it will pass

Attached: Fry 01748.PNG (210x313, 109.78K)

the fact that some idiot can lie to your shit when it wasn't even that important

fuck you dude


the other day best buy didn't honor my price check and i felt pretty betrayed too

Attached: Fry 02215.PNG (214x191, 70.99K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 01 [720p] - 00_15_19.252 [2018-01-08].jpg (1280x720, 352.53K)



best buy is dying anyway
but it's going to cling to life for as long as possible as an emaciated husk

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2228129.jpg (566x800, 475.87K)

because you lied to me for 8 fucking years

Attached: bambi flower thumper-1.gif (812x603, 152.41K)



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 08 [720p] - 00_05_09.100 [2018-02-26].jpg (1280x720, 361.46K)

Phil right now

you think it's funny?

their CEO was just in the news talking about completing a "five-year turnaround" and starting to tackle amazon. good fucking luck.

Attached: Fry 01772.PNG (357x321, 133.47K)

did you not even give a shit at all?

you just witnessed a death
how do you feel?

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2229106.jpg (1535x2126, 508.78K)

how could this happen to meeeee

don't remind me of the r9k video

Attached: Fry 02186.PNG (246x313, 90.54K)

I mean, no not really.

It wasn't a big deal to me at all.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Citrus - 07 [720p] - 00_03_55.109 [2018-02-18].jpg (1280x720, 342.7K)

i mean he fucking flipped

Attached: bambi flower thumper-1.gif (812x603, 152.41K)

TP right now

I wasn't trying to
but wow thanks for bringing it up

Attached: Suzuya.Juuzou.full.2199304.png (1203x1920, 869.16K)

so you have no emotion

or are lying like you do

i believe you are not a robot wish

you have to not be

toys r us though
that's where i bought my first gameboy

it's been on my mind since i saw it.
really upsetting.

Attached: Fry 01426.PNG (336x281, 93.89K)

i mean it turned out he was just a cold motherfucker

it's just really sad

It's not like I have no emotions or anything.

But pretending to be someone else like that was just a sense of relief and a lot of fun for me and it's not like I was doing it with ill intentions so I just never thought of it as a big deal.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku - 05 [720p] - 00_06_19.837 [2018-02-08].jpg (1280x720, 444.36K)

I always knew Wish was special. Maybe this is how. A child of woman born, pushed into the world, wanted, loved.

you're being a real buzzkill
I still love you

Attached: 24886.PNG (360x190, 35.28K)

the fact that someone can got through so many steps to pretend to be a girl

"I'm a girl."

Countless steps indeed.

like accidentally "drop" images

from 2006-2009 all my runescape friends thought i was in high school

i was like 9

how can we turn this ship around?

Attached: 1103602.jpg (1920x1080, 113.41K)

[Rich Evans as Ryan Gosling intensifies]

Attached: NOT furry (35).jpg (480x585, 197.79K)

how he did the bank thing


I would rather have Ryan.

Attached: 57045708_p0 - E-4クリア&高波ゲットしました.jpg (1600x898, 601.74K)

my only remaining question is if grim still believes


with a girl image ava?

just talk about the last time you had fun or something

Attached: b2376dd85cb564f543ac3de0184b05be-davc8x7.jpg (749x1066, 80.72K)

you are so dirt

Who wouldn't?

I still have not seen 2049 I'm sorry I'll watch it soon please forgive me

Attached: NOT furry (21).jpg (547x700, 263.79K)

i saw weird al on sunday, that was fun

Attached: Fry 02302.png (114x289, 68.02K)

i really hope you fucking die a horrible death one eye

There wasn't any girl images on my bank account.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku - 10 [720p] - 00_17_03.439 [2018-03-15].jpg (1280x720, 487.6K)

Do it now.

I don't have time tonight! I will tomorrow, remind me

Attached: NOT furry (47).png (1024x1480, 736.16K)

I will have Google remind me.

Attached: 57117342_p0 - 落書き.jpg (1200x1697, 175.98K)

Do you have a Google Home DarDarin?


No, I just used the phone.

Attached: 57209880_p2 - 熊出村の巫女さん.jpg (3500x2450, 2.28M)

wish you better believe dar doesn't respect your horshit

Do you have an Echo? :)

Attached: [CyC] No Game No Life Zero (BD 1080p Hi10 x264 FLAC) [198E97DE] - 01_14_54.782 [2018-03-03].jpg (1920x1080, 949.62K)


Attached: 57352081_p63_master1200.jpg (626x885, 229.25K)




nee eisen

Attached: wave gif.gif (500x356, 1006.2K)

You should watch it with me.

Attached: NOT furry (122).jpg (290x472, 32.81K)

wish you can't post boxes to solve your problems

were you raped as a child?

get a better computer lmao

wow your dad did things to you

These are the real questions.

I rewatched it not that long ago.

Attached: 57333991_p0 - くまみこ.png (833x923, 381.61K)

someone show this image to 4m for me

Attached: meme.jpg (800x450, 110.15K)

Are you saying it's not good enough to rewatch?

Attached: NOT furry (26).jpg (860x1100, 358.51K)

no thanks you are trash

I don't think I was raped

Attached: 67558336_p0 - 卯月.jpg (700x1000, 746.28K)

why the dysmorphia

I just have to wait a bit longer.

Attached: 61765000_p0 - 雨宿まち.jpg (3541x5016, 3.56M)

you what

you were touched by your dad and mom

it is so obv

You just don't want to watch it with me :(

Attached: NOT furry (152).jpg (424x549, 22.29K)


it really is obvious that wish was raped by a family member though

i am sorry

Attached: imagestretyteutu.jpg (256x192, 7.02K)

I do not commit in case I am going out once you have left the city.

Attached: 56649753_p0 - ナツもふもふ.jpg (1653x1695, 891.53K)

not bad
what did he perform?

Attached: 112441.PNG (605x307, 71.81K)

Well TIL I was raped

When did I ever ask you to commit? I even put the impetus on you to remind me when you had time

Attached: NOT furry (91).jpg (800x800, 169.5K)

What did it feel like?

I remember a long time ago I mentioned some trans poster to Wish and he was like "i don't understand why someone would want to be a girl... we're not that great o.o"

Attached: Matsuri 10.jpg (270x325, 53.19K)

wish it isn't your fault

you were a victim

Attached: imagesytruyi.jpg (266x189, 8.02K)

Attached: meme.jpg (800x450, 110.15K)

It must have been before the Holland trip.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.34_[2017.01.15_03.45.57].jpg (1280x720, 85.82K)

nor gonna lie this dickhead deserved to be raped

I might feel differently tomorrow. I have not seen movies with people here in a while.

Attached: 56419381_p0 - く ま み こ.png (587x1021, 370.75K)



Help I fucking cant

Luv u btw

Good job on surviving TP's onslaught; not every gril who's been revealed to be a guy has managed to stand their ground against his fury

Attached: Matsuri 9.png (366x374, 122.74K)

It is even better when you are spectating.

Attached: 56325102_p0.jpg (2139x2673, 571.25K)

honestly i talk a mean game but am just sad that someone i've known for 8 years can so readily throw me in the trash

it scares me that someone can be so robotic

I'll forgo this weekend for next week.

Attached: NOT furry (86).jpg (289x428, 31.4K)

This weekend works better.

Attached: 56180552_p0 - くまみこ.png (746x1000, 554.97K)

I mean, I really just couldn't give a shit that he feels betrayed or whatever.

I explained why it's not a big deal to me so /shrug

Kill me.

What it has literally nothing to do with you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.15_[2017.01.15_04.55.28].jpg (719x720, 96.39K)

Porque no los dos?

Attached: NOT furry (53).png (649x800, 595.83K)

you have that next level ability of just not caring

about anything

ur just drunk

I'm sure he'll still talk to you when you stop raging

Yeah, you'd think people would be able to handle it, wouldn't you? 🤔

Attached: Matsuri hug.png (582x470, 387.57K)

i am sorry i care about people and the world and things

Phil will gladly do it.

Eye surgery.

Attached: 49351632_p0 - くまみこ.png (802x1171, 568.43K)

wish is maybe the coldest motherfucking person i've ever come in contact with

shut up dar go back to your priv chat


I have no idea.

shut up dar go back to your priv chat

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.16_[2017.01.15_04.42.44].jpg (630x720, 84.76K)

wish is maybe the coldest motherfucking person i've ever come in contact with

Attached: 39383267_p0.png (752x752, 414.98K)



Attached: imagesutriyio.jpg (321x157, 8.23K)

I mean, it is pretty cold in Canada.

I'm pretty disappointed in someone who couldn't and had to leave forever

Anyway, how're you? ^^

Attached: Matsuri 148.png (436x477, 185.07K)

Which is why you are moving here.

it's just really sad that everything someone has said to you in 8 years was a lie

like what the fuck

Attached: imagesgrehuetuj.jpg (251x201, 9.39K)


like how perverted do you have to be to do that

Who left forever?

Attached: Hai.jpg (184x203, 15.83K)

you are serioustly fucked up dude

Wish likes pee


Attached: Matsuri 107.png (319x370, 124.69K)


Throwing shade at Bern?

Mmn, I can't complain too much. I have a pretty wicked headache though. You?

Literally just the one thing.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.48_[2017.01.15_04.28.21].jpg (1280x720, 115.95K)

like for real

no like you should not be allowed to teach

the fact that this bear is teaching our kids


Yeah I just thought he was stronger is all

Aww, do you have any pills for that or anything? ^^

I'm pretty good; still kind of weirdly pumped up from exercising several hours ago

My arms are going to hurt like hell tomorrow probably

Attached: Matsuri 108.png (530x392, 183.25K)




Attached: Laughing Dougie.jpg (1200x799, 119.75K)

you know you are not qualified and it takes one person blowing up your creapy spot

You did say you were going to teach

Another fucking LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, I don't really see why he left tbh.

I took some advil for it, but it isn't helping.

Oh yeah? The weather is starting to get nicer so I can finally start going for walks more.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.40_[2017.01.15_03.50.54].jpg (1280x720, 115.24K)

i am not a creepy person i just pretend to be agirl on the internet

Oh shit, two lies I guess :^)


again you are fucking trash

Oh right.
Forgot they even existed.


Attached: Hmm....jpg (201x203, 13.86K)

You also lied about another thing.

Attached: 56421009_p0 - くまみこさん.png (700x1060, 460.25K)

TP I say this as a friend

You need to calm down

Attached: NOT furry (42).jpg (500x500, 57.42K)

No, keep going.

God damn it Darwin you little fucking harpy

Attached: NOT furry (150).jpg (484x737, 129.29K)

Oh lord, what's that?


Yeah, like LAVs / AFVs

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girlish Number - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.16_[2017.01.15_04.42.44].jpg (630x720, 84.76K)


Attached: smug reply.png (695x606, 633.56K)

ok sorry i got a little hot