Can you want Neocon foreign policy and still be a Marxist?
Can you want Neocon foreign policy and still be a Marxist?
Marxism is an analysis of capitalism. And of socialism/communism - the real movement that abolishes the present state of things.
You can be a Marxist and a capitalist. Just as you can be a Marxist and an imperialist.
But why though?
Tbh I would fully support a neocon type policy if it imposed actual socialism on countries instead of burger democracy.
Yes, just be trot
or even actual democracy for starters
Trots gonna trot
I hear you are selling newspapers.
Yes you can be.These people are called Trotskyists.
welcome to the club
if you live in any big city there's gotta be atleast 10 trot groups, most of them should have their own newspaper, go read a few
as usual nazbols have no reading comprehension
Another reason why cities are shit.
The revolution sweeping from one country to another is no more imperialistic than it sweeping from one workplace to another. What a great revolution it would be if upon occupying one factory the workers therein would sit around and revel in how they have cast off the chains of capital and not moving to action to do the same in other workplaces since this would be imposing, all the while as the agents of capital encircle them and crush their 'revolution'. Just the same the revolution cannot be contained by the borders of any country. To the revolutionary workers there are no borders, only more of their fellow workers to be unshackled.
Like father, like son
What do you think you're proving? You higlighted two lists of trots in the article and one of them was also a group of neocons. Congrats on proving Nazbol posters point.
It is imperialism if you've crushed the free organizations of the workers and reestablished capitalism.
Hal Draper's "socialism from below" claim is an absolute joke once you look at what Lenin and Trotsky said, even more so when he claims that anarchism is "socialism from above" and compare that to what anarchists have said.
Workers are not an oracle the decrees of which provide us socialism. It is entirely possible that workers' democracy could determine in the interest of capital or in some narrow self-interest of workers of certain groups of workers in a way that is counter-productive to the revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat which should have no other aim than the elimination of the bourgeois state on a worldwide scale. In such an event this absolutely must be stopped.
You also imply that at some point capitalism had been abolished, this is patently false. The entire point of a dictatorship of the proletariat is to seize the bourgeois state and use it in the interest of the workers against the bourgeoisie, capitalism thus persists. The DotP is fundamentally still capitalist.
Either way I'm not going to shit on anarchists on this since the CNT-FAI followed Trotsky's advice you quoted precisely in Spain, as well they should have.
Revolution is an authoritarian thing and must be carried out to objective goals of eliminating its enemies.
I never said they were. Socialism isn't some otherworldly truth to be emanated from a single thing and taught to people. You're not even wrong.
Nope, not unless they've been actively propagandized by a single group to the tune of its own preconceived notion of what is to be done, o chto delat. That is what is actually meant by the term "false consciousness" as it was originally used and part of why Marx spent so much time vigorously attacking other socialists, sometimes at the expense of time to flesh out his own views (if he had started Capital earlier, he might have had time to finish it and write a book on his logic).
Who are you to be talking? Socialism isn't some a priori process with a set method and everything. Once against, the Leninist misunderstands Marx and socialism at large - Marx never included a guide on "how to revolution" because that would be throwing everything that he wrote in the garbage and returning to a pre-Proudhonian socialism!
Modern anarchists are almost universally critical of the CNT's capitulation to the republic.
Trotsky claimed the USSR was socialist, albeit a "deformed worker's state" because it had been seized by a bureaucratic class (ironic given his earlier comments).
Whether it is libertarian or authoritarian is irrelevant - the question is, is it liberating?
Conquest would be the best way to destroy capitalism around the world, so yes.
Furthermore, I should clarify that when I say "workers' democracy", I don't mean "a bunch of proletarians getting together and voting". Whether they vote or not is irrelevant. What matters is who's giving the orders and what actions are taken.
Isn't it implied? How are you going to justify all that meaningless production to the outer party?
Neoconservatism is literally the best form of leftism. Turning conservatism into the shadow of radicalism rather than its opponent already played well to the conservative impulses toward pessimism and "fair play". It merely ratified an old standby.
If you're a Marxist, you know very the State doesn't care about what you want.
That implies that neocon imperialism has ever succeeded in bringing in liberal democracy
Imagine my shock
nonon is hot
Reminder that babies are lumpenproletariat.