What's your opinion on an African American separatist nation-state?
Black nationalist separatism
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As shitty as any other separatist movement.
I can understand the desire for self-determination, but without a proper Marxist, materialist basis for their theory it would probably turn out to be another Zimbabwe with some North Korea for flavor.
It will not further any attempt at trancending capitalism, it may in fact hinder it and is essentially reactionary. Aligning with pic related should give anyone pause.
Nationalism is really dumb, especially when capitalism is getting more and more internationalist
Marxism is inherently against ethnic self-determination as it argues such a social structure is only a result of resources+affluence read das kapital m8
I concur black nationalism would be loved by nazis/strasserists/nazbols if you removed their imperialist element (their 'w-well they don't DESERVE to be a nation anyway so they don't count' stuff). I was mostly curious given how some people on this board (fewer than I thought) like the separatism so I wanted to hear their arguments for how how Malcolm X and the likes align with their leftism and how this makes them anything but Not Socialists.
It had socialist elements but a lot more stuff than that. You can't blame their moderate socialism for the collapse at all. Segregating the wealth and skill was not a good idea now was it?
It's not that bizarre. They both advocated separatism and segregation, and both disliked the jews.
So are you saying that in your opinion internationalist capitalism is better than nationalist/isolationist socialism?
It's true - it's not that bizarre! Malcolm X was an idpozzed reactionary who's only considered "leftwing" in the USA because he stood on the side of the blacks and advocated violence. I had to read his autobiography in school and thought it was shit. Of course the liberals liked it.
I hate the politics of this country.
Mugabe tier shit
What do you think?
Cancer. Literally just segregation which we've had more than enough of in the south. There's a reason you see white nationalists supporting this kind of retarded bullshit.
maybe it seems that way but back in the 1920s the comintern did support black self determination
obviously things have changed a lot since then thouh
Fine, but Don’t take Louisiana. Louisiana is French Clay.
Nazbol is an anti-imperalist ideology. We aren’t Nazis.
It must be awkward to be in that room.
If it was going to happen it would’ve happened years ago.
They're based.
They have a right to self-determination, ideally within a federal structure.
"Neo-African Soviet Socialist Republic"
I dunno, Black America's "New Calonia" looks pretty comfy.
I dont support ethno states out of principles.
Anti-nazi principles.
I support every separatist movement.
I hope they do it as soon as possible, and it would receive my full support. I hope that following the creation of New Calonia as in we proceed to build a wall around it, and don't let them back in.
I'm down with New Calonia, but not as an ethnostate. Would love to be joined with my brothers and sisters in Mississippi and Louisiana.