♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

Canonize the Scootalooo Edition.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't like Bard's stories of being repeatedly physically abused

Neato, thanks doods

Not many communities can say they've sucked each others dicks as many as ours can. Spec doesn't count, but we all knew he thought about it.


Lose me like the ocean, Feel the motion


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bad song

bad lyrics

It's good you got in practice
maybe i just need to suck my shyness away

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Do you.. regularly look in on the totality of the individuals that participate in the American Democracy?

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It is the only song you ever need. Recite the lyrics. Pay homage to the Scootalooo. RENDER UNTO SCOOT!

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Meet new people.
Hang with them often but be yourself completely when meeting them.
You then wont feel the need to be receded.
Then go back to your old friends and they wont say you're different, they'll say you're happy.
Worked for me.

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I watch RT.

*renders unto*

wanna be witty but i am tired and cant think of anything

hehe have a nice night spegtre

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That would be nice

a little hard in a smalller town but maybe this summer will bring some new friends : 3

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Be like the lobster, stand up straight with your shoulders back.

carry a flask of your favourite whiskey

alcohol is a proven social lubricant

i cant stand the taste of liquor
I drink wine occasionaly but liquor is gross

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The hardest and easiest part is being yourself.
Ive been on a pursuit of happiness for a while now. Theres been too much drugs and alcohol and a whole lotta other crap.
But shits cool now.
also this

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wtf, I ain't goin nowhere.

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how does loneliness taste?

I'm bi edge

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me neither but i feel like a baka just linking random pics without talking about something and my brain is working on 5 percent

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Bart x colored horses OTP

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I see what you did there

but its okay
i have good friends who give me physical contact so i am still doing okay

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Aight, well... fair enough.
Goddamn Bard.

What color horse am I?

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they are cute

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I was messing with my ear piercing and I accidentally pushed the plug out and the O-ring disappeared into the couch and I think its fucking gone forever and I don't have any o-rings..


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Friendship is magic cunt

Acquire the best couch diving gear money can buy or give up hope

Idk, which horse did you post before you decided to hide your pony race in shame behind anime girls?

Yeah, cute subby bois

No one actually posts pones anymore and I kind of miss it

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bitter than backwoods moonshine.

just carry the whiskey, bard.

maybe you'll stop getting into fights, and start getting along.

maybe now people will be able to guage you for who you really are.

I do, just not here.

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It's fucking midnight everywhere is closed oh god I don't want my ears to close up

That was lame

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I know what you may be thinking, but a dive with no gear....nobody has ever come back....they fall to the depths of the couch and never come back man!

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would you be disappointed if nobody noticed?

oh hey is this you?

I'm going in. Don't try to talk me out of it.

If nobody noticed what?

Regardless, the answer is no.

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the communities have a diffferent prevailing attitude among them and the pies are generally very friendly here

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then why wear it in the first place?

You're a mad man.
Im going to wipe all information that links you to me.
I dont want the feds knocking at my door.

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...White, Yellow, and Pink.

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There are still MLP circlejerks? Nice

Yeah, Casper calls people cunts but that's just because he's Australian

Cute :3

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Because I like the way it looks on my body.
Because I enjoy getting pierced.
Because personal expression doesn't have to be "For" anybody.

Why do you shop for the clothes that you shop for?
Wouldn't a burlap sack and wooden clogs achieve the same ergonomic result?

If I don't make it back....

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I would call ours more of a line to line jerk now.
Shits dying like my granddad.
Difference is my granddad wants to die.

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RIS handguards are efin' gay, so no.

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You never knew me.

But spec its guns and anime and when I see guns and anime I think spec

I was going to ask you to delete my browser history.
Better yet, just trash the whole hard drive.

...Better smash the entire machine, just to be safe.

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ok just dont tell the feds you knew me though

Filthy turncoats leaving

Actually, are you Casper? For some reason I thought you were but now idr if he was Australian

-pets your mane- :3

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I'd smash my hard drive, but the treasure trove of Trap dicks is too great a wealth to destroy.

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Who would spend all that money on plastic dolls tho?

Erio, no.

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Casper is Swedish/Sweden

Embrace ur racial heritage

Yeah, that sounds right

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So I should delete the .txt file on my desktop titled "The Ausfag made me do it"?

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Nah im Herpy.
Aka Herp
Aka Herp Derpinson

A greater man than us spec. A greater man than us all.

Nah keep that there for the lols


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just like you, I wear clothes to make the right impression.

there's nothing personal about the acessories we wear around others.

I can't buy that vanity didn't play a role in this.


No, I'm immigrating and naturalizing here.


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Because you're the one straight guy so 1 man + 1 million faggots = 999,999th of a man


Time for breakfast, the memes are too stronk

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I'll be the first person to admit that I'm a narcissist, but if I took the piercings out, nobody would notice. My hair covers them.

This is... This is wrong though. I wear a ring on my right hand that was a gift from my dad that I never take off. In what way is that not personal despite wearing it publicly?

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Enjoy your dank memes and ham

I'd be more sympathetic if those were your dad's earings. as it was some sort of family heirloom that was given to him by his father, and his father before him.

Some people feel like a garbage bag when they wear a garbage bag alone in a dark room

You dodged my question.

I'll take it as you acknowledging your factually incorrect statement.

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would you call a wedding ring personal, or showy?

same answer.

I wear clothes

I don't feel like clothes

Some christians feel like christians when they wear their $500 gold cross under their shirt.

The two are entirely unrelated. One represents a socially established institution

The other I wear because it's personal to me, despite any impression it may leave on anyone who sees it.

Your statement is incorrect.

But arguing with you is akin to convincing a toaster it has the capability to love. Pointless and silly looking.

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I am conflicted as to whether I'm stupid, or he's stupid.
I think its me but I just dont want to say I am for certain.
Teasing smart stupid people is bad for your health you know

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I imagine Christian symbology in gold is hotter with Catholics than Anglicans.

so why decorate your earlobes

you've obviously never see The Brave Little Toaster.

Awww im the stupid one

And here I thought I was at least 86

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is that slang

I already answered this question. I like the way it looks. I think it compliments my appearance. To claim I had no intention of receiving any sort of feedback on them would be foolish, but to insinuate that the reason I would do anything, especially physically modifying my body, for the sole intent of receiving validation is short-sighted.

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What did he mean by this

Now I just dont know what to think.

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87 and under is the IQ range of counterproductive

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You shouldn't bring up iq while kanra is around

we humans aren't so simple.

but we often have a primary intent.

this can be determined by measuring the size and visibility of a given accessory.

In a low or high way because Im really basic and cant tell if he's really good at fucking with people or really good at fucking himself

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So you genuinely believe that anybody, literally anyone, who has large, flashy piercings, gauges, visible tattoos, exotic clothing

those people, all of them, had the primary intent of being validated in their choices?

And the size of the accessory directly correlates with how much they want to be validated for it?

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Nobody is that bad at symbology, right?

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it's a spectrum.

many Christians may wear a cross beneath their garment.
many homosexuals may have a tiny stud in their right ear (no pun intended).
some girls wear friendship bracelets.
the Pope has his orb, and the Queen has her jewels.

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...You made a claim
The claim was incorrect
And when offered a chance to simply answer a black and white
you offer "muh spectrum."

Stay woke, Kanra. Maybe if you study humans long enough you'll learn how to be one.

I'm going to bed.

Nite, Thread.

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not only can we tell something about a person by the acessories they adorn:

we're supposed to.

they're almost always optional, and almost always removable.

if the Queen wore her crown every day, we'd probably think she was a bitch.

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I have acquired breakfast.

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I say spectrum, but it's more like a multi tiered spectrum of cultural and historical influences, politics, and traditions.

but I wanted to keep it easy. and since you're gone, I guess I'll just reiterate my original point.

you wanted to say something by putting holes in your ears. and by letting me know you have superficial holes in your ears that you put pieces of plastic and metal into, that have no familial significance, I implied (I did not claim) that perhaps vanity played somewhat in a role in it, and a less sympathetic one than wearing a ring from your father.

Stop the madness plis


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im just so confused
I wasnt built for brain

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Im just gonna go have a shower and blow a load.

Simple pleasures.
Simple herp.

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Have fun~


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I must get overstimulated when im hungover.

I had a dream earlier today (I took a nap after I came home from work in the morning) where I was helping my cousin peel up some bubbled paint on their basement floor cause water got under it. she also lost some specific makeup and was looking for it, I found a tube of something but then laid down on the bed because my vision stopped working.
She said, 'that's not it' when she came in and asked what I was doing. I said, 'I've gone temporarily blind again, sometimes this happens but it doesn't last long. all I can see is the curtains and the window, no matter if I open or close my eyes. I wish I had a reset button.'
Then I like, straight woke up but in the softest way one could ever wake up - I realized I had had dreams like this before and recognized it, so my eyes must have been open irl. once I was actually 'awake' and no longer dreaming, I could open/close my eyes normally, I had just been in sleep paralysis staring at the curtains and the image overrode what I was seeing/doing in my dream.
I had even gotten out of the bed and said 'well, I can still keep working on this paint, I can still feel it.'

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That sounds like a "huh" realisation but its a "huh" of, that was a cool realisation

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Yeah, I had experienced this state of `blindness` before, several times, so that`s why I said in the dream that it usually wears off; I am accustomed to it but now I realize more that it is linked to being in a stationary dreaming - sleep paralysis state where I think my eyes were open , staring at my curtains.. but guess that`s what I get for sleeping during the daytime.

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if anyone wants to be in my dreams, give me an object or place, or idea to use as a key-symbol and I will come visit you.

I`m about to go to sleep and do some travelling.

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Although rare, if I wake naturally from a long enough sleep I can get an overlap of realities.
Not sure how to explain it perfectly, one part of my mind is well aware im lying in bed, the other is still in dream-state. Overlap of sub-conscious and conscious I guess. Im not really sure how long it lasts because from what I have gathered time is a little whacky when it happens but to me it doesn't last long.
Like sometimes ive taken a quick peep at my phone and registered the time, lied back down only to pop back in and out with what feels like seconds and I end up oversleeping but 10 or so mins.

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Oh right and I can have my eyes somewhat open, see my bed and shit but still be in and also be seeing the dream....but not with my eyes....its weird as heck

I used to read a lot about dream states and it amounts to not that much at all, it seems.

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havin piza for bweakfasf :3
startin the day off right !!!!!

ur lucid

Breakfast of champions.

hello forum

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You've already won the day.

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Damn right, my existence is an ABOMINATION to reality itself.

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pls geif bak mai spaictiems

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a brief moment of relief before my first friday shift
not excited for today

I could cook anything in the morning at work for breakfast, so I cook chicken nuggets.

Your day will better than what mine was like.
At first it was nice and I was drunk with the head chef, but then after lunch my hangover hit me in the dick with a brick.

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lol hai


You might not know it yet, but you are gonna kill it, figuratively speaking.
You gonna OWN it!
You are nervous, but so are those cattle coming into YOUR domain.
DEFEAT THEM! This is Tekken, but IRL.

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Time to quickly nibble a snackette of toasted ryebread and cheese spread before getting ym shit together for the gym.

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ew why would you get drink

good speech I'll take it in and get pumped !!!!!

Hows goin nigga

butt i lieks itz

Being healthy is for losers

I didnt get drunk at work, we were both drunk by coincidence from our nights prior.
Mind you I was drinking when I left thread in the morning, which was two hours before work. Head chef was more drunk than me though. We both sobered around lunch but only I got the hangover to boot.

After tomorrow, plain sailing!
You'll have full experienced the busy days.
Knowing is half the battle!

Yeah? well dying prematurely to lifestyle related cancer or diabetes is even uncooler.

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not bad.. having breakfast. just starting the day. hbu?

why dont you just get a good metabolism like mine

Nearing sleep time.
Tis 11.10pm here.
Still faintly hungover but much less so than earlier today, thankfully.

Stream is kinda scuffed but mostly set up

idk how to from capture the oculus though

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swap capture and from

okay but thats still dumb n stinky

how long do you think youll be up today ?

...youve pretty much been here the whole time huh?

Its good sometimes.

You didnt lie.
Bready didnt say a thing lol.

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I told you so

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Why dont you be NOT australian like me

Twelve to thriteen hours. There or there abouts. That good for you baba?

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nah this
read last sentences


I dont really know why I doubted you.
I can be a cunt when im drunk.

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cute pic
i want them

yeah ill be gone about 7-8 hrs depending

Because so many of you guys seem to be coming here anyway.

Works out rather well, super well.
Better, than well
Ah yes, having to clear up after your hours should end? or something. Dastardly!

Did oyu just assume my gender???????

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has that kid that killed himself on livestream made national news yet?


gimme nini's


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No I assumed your entire nations gender

I saw pretty much everyones dick at one point.

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yeah essentially if i have to stock things, clean the lobby, stuff like that

hi im not scoots but
nini wuka !!
rest well sweetie :3

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I know this.
Drunk me did not.
Fuck I forgot to copy my old puk folder.

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ni ni

lol there be undercutting the nini game

I hope its not CGI puk

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Eh, that sucks, alot of jobs do that, get you with the shit they never tell you ya have to do.
Like, building a BBQ or being an electrician. Jej.
Just sneaky some of that tea! :3 bweheheh tasty

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Im not a masochist

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I watched it all.

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hello tea id like two
thank u

You're a masochist

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i'm supreme.

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Then again being a current day Berserk fan is masochism anyway I guess.

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Gimme that tea, I need the tea Lass!

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Scoots, how accurate is this?

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This is accurate.
There is so many english people here I know these accents.

The unspoken implication this image makes is Mickey raping Daisy Duck

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err i didnt mean that sarcastically either


I cannot hear shot captain.

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It is accurate. I had my speakers in a weird way.

Somerset boys are funny

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Australia no.

Which one's you?


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I'm not featured. This would be me though.


More Tees than Geordie.

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I noticed that Audy's wasn't really in there either.
2 many.

Well that's just plain rude.

also this

Oh jeez fine, I thought you were my mate but nah cunt.

Demo took a page out of Miura's book and went on indefinite hiatus himself.

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I could do that accent thing on vocaroo or something I guess


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-is surprised by the fact that, the longer he listened to this, the less certain he was that this is either an Australian accent, or a Boston accent- 0_o

Def not boston lol

I don't wanna go to work today :(

Neither I don't think.

Is drunky still here?

It's 6 in the morning here, so I doubt it.

My phone must be auto loaded a different thread then

In relation to these questions.

1. What’s your name and username

2. Where are you from?the world

3. Accent challenge word list: Aunt, Envelope, Route, Theater, Caught, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Coupon, Tumblr, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, GPOY, Lawyer, Water, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Iron, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, New Orleans, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Alabama.

4. What is it called when someone throw’s toilet paper on the house?

5. What is that bubbly carbonated drink called?

6. What term do you use for gym shoes?

7. What do you call your grandparents?

8. What do you call the thing with wheels used to carry groceries in the supermarket?

9. Be a wizard or vampire?

10. What do you use to change channels on TV?

11. Choose any book and read a random passage.

12. Do you personally think you have an accent?

13. Say any 3 words that come to your mind.

I shall do one now.





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Fucking internet turned off last night.


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yeah nah

the whole wired network around here just goofed the fuck up, using phonenet

Time for the gym. Time for the big work out.


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I stopped reading HxH because of stuff like this

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You guys too, huh?

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I saved my team. again.

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Every time...


See ya.

Hey goggles is Vegemite actually good?

Same, but network has fall only in my house


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I fucking tired of this shit

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Morning, soto-kun

I never got around to getting into it...guess its kinda good I didnt.
Reading anything atm?

hooray for 4g networks

get new team


I sometimes like vegemite.. it can have a strong sour taste for casuals.

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im pretty sure any house connected to the node will be out by the seems of it

vegemite and cheese toasties are where its at

Or mb some homeless guys dig out the cable and sell it

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Nigga must be desperate....and has power tools.

Or a sharp shovel

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Attack of the copper hungry hobo army

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I read One piece

nothing else rn

I did read dragonball multiverse

that was more as a joke though

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lol gross

Mornin Elma

How'd ya sleep

I like to buy physical copies so don wanna spend all the money on something like that.
Been reading black clover and blue exorcist which are alright.

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Good morning friends!


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How are you doin?

Good morning........

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Morn!!! how are you both uwu

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Reading everything online is much better to me.

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Sleep time beckons.
I shall heed my beds call soonish.

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Tired and hot.

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I hope you sleep well! Bein cozy and getting plenty of sleep is always the nicest.

It's so early tho, how can you be tired
and why hot??

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If I have to I will, but for the most part I buy em.
Also started deadman wonderland, but undecided how that is.
Enjoying Claymore.
Loving the shit outta Monster.

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Sometimes the right level of sleeplessness can be nice. Im not hungover anymore and I feel that way now, but I know I have to sleep because I didnt last night.

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Been up for 26 hours, and it's like 85°+ in my room already.

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ye I suppose you're right. and yea goin too many days without sleep is awful.

Usually if I'm gonna stay up late I try to watch the sunrise before goin to bed.

Jesus christ & Jesus Christ.

What's keeping you up so long???
and what's making the earth so hot???

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Johan is one of my favorite villains of all time. He's just so nihilistic and irredeemable.

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I on and off have an issue with sleep (not why I didnt sleep last night) and its shown me how long I can go during my work week without meaningful sleep.

Definitely one of my most favourite reads and I'm only like half way.
Also spice and wolf, the actual novels (not the manga) are really damn good.

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Uh- it's really embarrassing if I say RPGs, 4chan, and anime, but uh... yeah.
As for the heat that's just spring time in Southern Arizona.

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Less embarrassing than when I do it. I normally just do a single thing the whole time.

hey it seems like a relaxing way to spend your time!! what anime & games are you into atm?

that's mortifying dude, I hate the heat and 86 melts me.

I try and be like that but every time I think I can ride 4/5 hours every other day my body decides to make me sleep 18 hours straight

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Bored and gay......

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Ive only slept that long a few times in my life...
I cant even sleep that long drug assisted
I think my body makes me wake after about 12.
But I can function fine on around 6h a night.

Alas I guess I should get going lest I stay for too long. I lose track of time very quickly.

Gnight all.

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I don't know what Monster is.

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Goodnight! Sleep well!!

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Pfff, I mean it's still pretty bad.

Catching up on Dagashi Kashi S2 at the moment, as for videogames been playing a lot of MW:LL.
That's nothin'. Just wait till about mid June, early July rolls around, and it'll be 115° - 125°, in the shade, that's when it gets fun.

What's your Friday Morning like Sinni!?

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G'night Herp.

Sini guess what

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You're lucky I need to fap first.
Its about a doctor who saves the life of a child over a politician and the kid grows up to be a serial killer and detective times are had.


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Sounds pretty relaxing!! EXCEPT FOR THE HEAT
bless you spec, I'd melt.

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get control over yourself

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no guess

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My mom sneezed without covering her mouth

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Kill her

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i want to

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Do it

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oh also I'm brain dead and forgot to answer your question!!

Friday good! hanging with george and laying with kitties n stuff, was getting a drakengard folder up and running so I can post pics now

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I told her if she does it again I would beat the shit out of her

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KSG yourself.

I noticed. For all the depressions?

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Lol, more like she would beat the shit out of you

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Nah, I got no idea whatcha mean~

Speaking of Grakengard though, if you've ever got a few hours to lean and nothin' to read, this is worth a few good lols: lparchive.org/Drakengard/

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I can't afford a $1000 gun

She stopped beating me when I was 10 because I fought back

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Lol, this time she will use baseball bat

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$740 from Atlantic Firearms.

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She tried, I caught it and took it off her.

She used to hit me with anything she could find, tv wire, belt, broom stick, wood, etc, etc. One day I punched her so hard in the nose she thought her face was broken


Google blocks a lot of gun shop websites in NY state

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It's not Jew York legal I don't think.

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tfw sini never guessed

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I remember I spilled some soda when I was 7 and my mom started beating me. I ran away from her to my bedroom that my brother and I share and she wouldn't stop hitting me. My brother told her to stop but she kept going and then he threw her against the wall

...Why is it so expensive?
Do you like guns? I actually don't know anything about them. My state governor banned all rifles

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People really don't like to play guessing games btw

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I know one person who used to play.

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I think your mom is responsible for your mental disease

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That's actually a pretty reasonable price for what it is, and how "rare" they at least used to be.
I mean obviously you could get like a Mossberg 500, or a Maverick 88 for like $200 - $150, but there's nothing special about that compared to this.

I like firearms a lot, yeah.

Your state is dumb. I hate your state.

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Are you sure they actually did ?

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She hit me because of my mental illnesses.

I saved the link, my sis lives in NC, I'm going to give her the money and make her buy it for me lol

Do you own a lot of firearms?

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I'm pretty sure that counts as a strawpurchase. Try not to record and broadcast your felonies~

Do you count nine as a lot?

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No, she hit you because she angry dumb slut, and it's nothing you can do about this

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If it was me

I did not

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It was not you.

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At least you have someone then.

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Huh? no, i'm a drummer, I only know how to count to four...

She was just frustrated with me, some of the beatings I deserved, but that soda one was over the top....

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Huh, huh?

You very weak person, physically and mentally

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They must have really liked it then.

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feelin bad. goodnight whoever cares.

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I should too...

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What do you mean by me counting to nine?

I don't understand...

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Fun song

It's ok for you

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...I think I'm gonna go lie down, and sleep.
See you BC.

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I can hold my own in a fight.
I'm very laid-back and most things don't get under my skin...

-joins you-
please come back soon! I want to learn more about guns

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I don't give pity replies or attention.

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Fck, you still a kid

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I'm totally going to make my sister buy me that shotgun right now

I don't understand...
Well my mom stopped beating me after that. She went on and on about me not being her child, and about how I shouldn't hit my own mother. I just locked myself in the room and kept talking to Erio online

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You better live single and break all contacts with your mom

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I live alone now. That all happened when I was 14, I'm 19 now.
She always thought I was doing homework on my computer so she liked when I was in my room all day. She didn't like when I was in school all day...

We get along now though I guess

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Dude, your mother is a pretty evil person, and now she can't hurt you, because she physically can't. I think what you shouldn't contact with her, but it's must be only your decision

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She is evil and I shouldn't talk to her anymore, but she's my mom...
She's old and she can't take care of herself...

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So what?

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hello friends I'm back!

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I dreamed of you last night sinni

We made love and I was pregnant

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jesus christ

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I have a question, you are real girl?

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I am!

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Don't let her fool you
She's an Alien with similar genitalia to a human female.

"She," tried to probe me once..

Also tfw loco doesnt dream about you

That's hot

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Hi Drunky!

also I'm not an alien :c

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If you were someone's mother, will you beat your child, because he spilled soda?

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that's just what an alien would say


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My parents used to beat me and it was LAME
so I wouldn't want to do that to my kid

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Sinni would you like to beat me

I'd let you

Attached: IMG_0133.PNG (619x991, 78.56K)

That's the most Russian thing I've ever seen on this board. The grammar mistakes only add to the hilarity

Hi Sinni

Seems like it's ok to beat your children in murrica

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It's BC story.
Correct me, when i write something wrong

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nah I don't like that kind of stuff.

Hi Drunky! How ya doin?

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Colloquial "If you were a mom would you beat your kid for spilling soda?"

Formal "If you were somebody's mother, would you beat your child for spilling their soda?"

Did George say anything to you?

I'm confused, what? Was there something he was suppose to tell me

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Got it, tnx

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In that case
I'm doing well. How are you?

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Today has been uneventful

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I'm doing pretty great! With the love on my life >:) got a polygraph comin up to maybe get a good job, etc. etc.

How's the teachin been goin?

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Are you at Georges?

It's Spring Break

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Drugs, rly?

not yet!!!
not until may qq

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My dad has cancer, my sister doesn't live with my parents anymore, my brothers are lazy bums

I'm the only one who takes care of my parents, but once I start school I won't bother with them anymores

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