Name one right-wing view you sympathize with.
Prove you're not a blind follower
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Heya Holla Forums watcha doing?
Forced 'diversity' is creepy and annoying.
Now you name a left-wing view you sympathize with.
Unfettered free-market capitalism has given too much power to multinational corporations, and I sympathize with the plight of the union worker
This is the sort of thing you hear from people who love saying that "both sides are wrong" and ejaculate at the sight of the word "bipartisan"
mass immigration is bad
lol I know. I see (what I assume to be) people from here post this exact thing on Holla Forums all the time, so I was curious what response I would get if I posted it here.
That some traditions are pragmatic to preserve. I can pretend that guy in a wig is a woman but I sure don't actually believe it. I also agree that islam is a cancer religion and these people have very backwards social opinions like wishing death sentence for muslims who leave Islam. I accept taking in actual refugees but I am staunchly against taking in economic refugees, because if we keep taking in economic refugees, we don't solve the reason why they are coming to west, the porky will exploit their labor and slap them with debt, and it creates more tensions in society that make it more difficult to make progress with socialism.
But that's about it. I don't sympathize with right wing views that much. Right wingers sometimes make the correct observation, better than neolibs do, but they reach to wrong conclusions, like "this happens because of the the jews/liberals/gay agenda/lizardmen/NWO" and become too autistic about it to be convinced otherwise. At least neolibs are sometimes decent people, while right wingers tend to have shit personalities to begin with.
Sage because OP is a Holla Forumsyp.
Mass migration is detrimental to all the peoples of the world.
"Diversity" isnt a virtue in itself. But it can be helpfull in certain scenarios.
Multi-culturalism as a concept is destructive because it puts people with different values and beliefs in the same area, which gives conflict and creates lots of social tension. Short term people should adapt mostly to where they move and long term cultures must merge and converge to become more alike, at least in the core.
Traditional clothing and architecture is worth protecting, is prettier and should be embraced.
People like op should die.
What the fuck is a "right-wing view?"
I was legitimately thinking about this earlier today. There are things the left and right agree upon, but I can't think of a position that is exclusively rightwing that I agree with.
Sure there examples of leftist being annoying or misguided, I acknowledge that but it's not the same as embracing a rightwing ideology.
It would help if you defined what you meant by rightwing, op.
Sage for Holla Forums.
We've never had "real" capitalism, only crony capitalism
Irrelevant. We don't oppose the emerging corruption, we oppose the underlying mechanisms of capitalism and belief they inherently produce corruption.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww You two are so sweet together.
Coming in to reply with no malice, sarcasm or ulterior motives. Just speaking from the heart on this one.
Holla Forumsanon here and I actually completely agree with you. We have a lot of lefties on our side that come to shit on the board but often pop over just to lurk. Holla Forums as a whole seem to be well adjust in the majority and it is nice to see threads like this where political discourse and discussion can take place. Many Holla Forums posters are actually left on the political compass, it's just the political correctness and the "triggering" of the left as a whole which pisses us off. That and communism and the bid to replace our people through the use of Perestroika Deception tactics (be it fictitious or not, a pattern is observed). However, reading your post gives me a lot of faith and i'd like to thank you for that. Not that my opinion matters, or anyone elses around these parts of the internet. But there's something lovely about it. There's something about you guys which still says you're critical thinkers and I like that.
Everyone should have a gun.
I'm glad there is something to Holla Forums you find accommodating. You are definitely welcome to lurk. I think in the end it doesn't matter where you are on the left-right axis or even conservative-liberal axis, it only matters if you want humanity to reach the next stage of development or you want the status quo to last forever (or in some case, even regress back to even worse periods of mankind). Progress is kind of inevitable, but sometimes, some reactionary forces can set back progress on the clock.
By the way, I understand completely what you mean, because I've only been to Holla Forums for since this spring. Before that, I was a Holla Forumsack myself for one year
Yeah this is what all right wingers believe
Thanks for the kind response. It's appreciated. To be honest, i'm more of a nationalist, but believe that nationalism needs to be controlled by the correct governments, same as say, socialism. I do believe in race realism and that accepting that there are different cultures out there. To ignore this seems foolish and the media tends to paint only one side of the picture which is filled with SJW's and mentally ill people. Not trying to be mean when I say that, but there is truth to the fact that cultures cannot be forcibly integrated, at least not without violence and I guess that's why I dislike the left from a media point of view. On paper, they're great. Do agree with what you said but the problem is also… How does one change society? The only possible manner at this stage is through violence and the saddest part about it is that the violence will only affect those who deserve it the least if that makes sense? It's hard to put into words what i'm trying to describe, but I have seen a lot of violence in my life and sometimes one has to be careful for what they wish for. The path to hell is always paved with good intentions. I don't give a fuck who you are or the colour of your skin, but i'll be always be proud of my own identity and seek to preserve that. I do not see why this is seen as racist or hateful.
There are cultural differences, absolutely but this is not the same as racial differences, which are mostly superficial.
Take pride in your heritage, weather it is Scottish heritage, German heritage, Norwegian, or whatever you are. There's nothing wrong with any of that. No one reasonable calls St. Patrick's day racist.
But people who call for white nationalism defiantly have a different agenda.
sorry for samefagging as a guest
But I realise my response wasn't exactly on point. To get back onto discussion, it's nice to have a calm, non-aggravated discussion about politics for once. It reminds me of the old Holla Forums before things went to shit. One of the wisest lessons i've learnt is this. If you always surround yourself with people who agree with you, you will never learn anything. You need people to challenge your views in order to concrete them, or shape them into improving your own argument. Ego's are a big problem with lots of posters but we all have to remember that we're all wrong at some point in our lives and we learn from our mistakes. I by no means represent a whole board but I think the one thing that differs between the supposed "right" and "left" is that the one wishes to be fully independent and self reliant, whereas the other depends on community, social upliftment and globalism which can be excellent when you look at the depravity of people living in 3rd world countries. When you witness the murders firsthand and when you see what gets done and how the social upliftment is applied and used as a crowbar to further an authoritarian power… that, that is when things get very scary and it does not matter what one's political orientation is at that stage. This is by far the best experience i've had speaking to an user on Holla Forums so i'll thank you for that. Have a lovely day further.
Can agree with you on that one. But i'm weary about the media painting all people who wish have conservative values as nazis. Nazi in itself is derogatory and no white nationalist would call him/herself that in any case. Can understand your point of view though. A lot of it is psyops. May I ask what your opinion on ANTIFA is? As for racial differences, I do agree however in the most part, race and culture go hand in hand. So you may see the odd couple irrelevant shit and that's their business, but if you're a race or tribe as a whole, and are constantly being pressured to agree with it, then that's where I feel it becomes excellent. The authoritarianism is what bothers if that makes sense? The USA is still a great country regardless of its political orientation and the loudest voices don't have a clue on what it is like to live in hard times. There's a lot of virtue signalling which occurs on both sides of the fence. However, i'm no fence sitter which is why I will love my own people, but show respect to my enemy. I will also not dismiss anybody out of my own tribe for simply being racially different, but I will accept our differences and we can celebrate those differences in a free society. To enjoy that free society while we still can as we live in a series of cycles. My apologies for the bad english.
Neolibs are right wingers.
I know that saying what you say gets you mad opposition from liberals and SJW's and such, but difference is that Holla Forums is not "triggered" or opposed to "race realism" because it's shocking or hateful. For example, me personally, I have people in my extended family who are conservative and even far-right, and I have no problems getting along with them, because there are some things we can agree on. There are also some things that me and some liberals agree on. So it's not that I am emotionally opposed to "racism" or "homophobia". I'm a straight white male so these issues personally do not affect myself.
Problem is that people who claim to be proud of their race, heritage or history of their nation tend to define their pride in opposition to some other race or nationality. I am eastern european, and I've witnessed sharp tensions here between my fellow countrymen and local russian minority. It's easy to begin to think russians are inferior, since in my country, they are more likely to be thugs, they tend to cause more public disturbance, they speak loud and sometimes walk the streets in gangs. But I've also met russians who have been decent people and told me this confrontation between them and us is baseless.
I agree that multiculturalism only works in social alienation where people don't really get to know each other, or when they do, it's this superficial level of virtue signalling while still remaining ignorant. But when you take two people in different races who are very similar in social class, hobbies, interests, career, speak the same language, live in the same geographical area and share the same culture, I don't see why the difference in race should matter.
In conclusion, you can be "race realist" if you want. You can even be fascist and watch "Triumph of the Will" with Hitler posters on your room wall if you like and I still don't care. My issue is when people start to espouse rhetoric about wanting a ra.ce war or that niggers are inferior, gays should be executed or even that we need to put muslims in death camps. Shit like Charlottesville Tiki torch march is what kinda bothers me. Because this kind of shit put in practice creates a perpetual illusion of superiority and creates an highly militaristic state which will wage perpetual war with the world.
This kinda shit is what I mean:
SJWs are annoying little cunts.
Estonian? All the Russians in my cunt are like scientists and shit (Anglosphere) so it's funny to think of them as thugs.
Ambivalent. But I'm kind of warming to them. I'll need to read more about their positions before I form a full opinion.
You can check out the various threads here on antifa. They are still a subject for debate among us.
This is what I wrote in one of those threads (lightly edited):
The response I got was interesting and thoughtful:
Mosley had some pretty decent ideas about the House of Lords: but he came up with them when he was a Labour member so ehhhh.
I think that in FAQ it's said that we don't ban Holla Forumsacks and they are welcome to discuss, it's just our experience that most Holla Forumsacks come here to raid us with interracial porn or shitpost thinking we are run-of-the-mill liberals.
Again I'd like to emphasize that we do not think conservative values makes someone a nazi. Many socialists have conservative values, but the reason for this that they see no harm from them. What Holla Forums is most opposing is privatization of assets and anything else that gives more power to corporations. Again, we are not in favour of increasing state control for the sake of preserving the state but for the role of the state in redistributing the wealth, since it's not in the interest of corporations to do so, and they can't be held accountable for shit like exploiting cheap labour and wrecking natural habitats. You don't have to agree with this, but just know that "communism is when government does stuff" is not what we believe. We only recognize state for the role they can play that other entities can not.
I agree with you 100% brother. All i'm saying is just because you don't care, doesn't mean they don't and you have to be aware of that. Keep your head on a swivel. Just because you know good Russians, does not mean that there is no Russian Mafia. I think you get what I mean. Also, the fact that you're non US, means that we probably share a lot more political views than most would care to believe because these days, everything is so hyped up and sensitive. But I see your point and where you coming from. Understand that a lot of people, most people agree with what you've just said. And the whole globalist theme tends to overwrite your very words with others. I look toward who controls the narrative. For the ones who control the narrative have blood on their hands and cannot even be compared to chameleons.
When it comes to niggers or gays, well let's put it this way. My barman is a black gentleman from Zimbabwe. I trust him with my life and he will always be my loyal friend. I will do anything for the guy as a white man. But I also understand that he lives on the knife's edge daily because he can be attacked and necklaced for simply being a Zimbabwean.This attack will not be carried out by white males, but rather other black Africans.
My great uncle was gay. He died of aids. I remember being young and naive and not understanding anything. He played the organ at the church. Years later I realised how fucked up he really was, how the church allowed him to be there was alright to a degree, but homosexuality is as equally degenerate as fornication if you wish to single out sin. However, I have no time or respect for gays who force their agenda onto me. I do not wish to see public fellatio occur in front of children in public streets as an act against homophobia. Keep it behind closed door. The same goes for straight people.
Thank you for your input. Unfortunately, the government conditions make it impossible for nationalism to succeed (We're using the USA as an example for this talking point.). But at the same time, we see communism as the answer and this is where I will always disagree. I cannot get behind it no matter what one tells me and this is what I struggle with. As I said before as well, most Holla Forumsacks actually lean more left on the political compass. We're also against the corporations. The rich get richer, the poor get children. I'll admit that the jew meme is a big deal, but the next time you lurk just replace jew with big corporations. I also believe that Capitalism is not Capitalism, for it is crony capitalism and the USA has never ever been a capitalist state but rather a corrupt system . Just because this is the case, does not mean that I wish to kill every jew, or make me think - "fuggid, lets just become commies" because it's the opposite. One needs a balance in all things. Moderation is the key and sadly the west is losing its grip on the terms of moderation. Be it culturally, socially, economically, everything is fucked and we're all in the same boat regardless of our opinions or leanings. Would you agree?
Also noticed that you guys have some word filters here?
Because the brightest of them don't stay in eastern europe. In 2007 because government decided to move some soviet statue dedicated to unknown WWII soldier, and our russian community responded to this with a violent riot. Our fashy police came down on them pretty brutally but to be honest, it was quite a useless riot based on some idpol bs, there was no "class consciousness" involved. I don't see how poor russian proles deserve more sympathy than poor estonian proles. Pic related, dey was mad.
I see, but I feel that the violence is being perpetuated onto the wrong people? I have the same problem with them as I do with skinheads. I follow the money and I have multiple questions. Revolutions are and always will be violent, but the latter or aftermath thereof is always a shithole and the conspirators and firelighters get off lightly. I guess, that's just my opinion but it's an opinion based off of experience.
The TLDR version is this:
You get niggers and you get black gentleman.
You get homosexuals and you get faggots.
You get brits and you get chavs.
You get white gentlemen and you get white trash.
You get developers and you get indians.
You get jew jews and you get kikes
You get sjw's who are left, You get sjw's who are right.
So every race/tribe/breed has its vices and those stereotypes exist based on statistics and personal experiences that come from a collective.
Anons… I have to love you and leave you. I've had a wonderful discussion with my enemies (you) but we have pushed our petty differences aside and developed a wonderful standing of mutual understanding. Now we are to embrace life and enjoy the good things when we can. Things are difficult guys. Difficult for all peoples and do not let those who tickle your ears tell you otherwise. Do not judge without reflecting upon yourselves. I have a feeling you have all done this. I bid you a friendly and happy farewell. The broken system we live in will never be conquered by the overlords who rule us. The blue skies are our friend when we look back to the friends we lost in combat, when we saw the empty bodies of the dead, when we missed our loved ones. God Bless all of you and Godspeed. Thanks for the interesting discussion.
Screencap if you wish. Perhaps we may come across it again within a few years.
This is always the problem with righteous violence isn't it?
As I said I do have qualms with their violent approach.
I agree. Revolutions might be needed at times but they come with a huge price in terms of human suffering.
I advocate reform first, and if that isn't enough to solve the problem then yes, overthrow the system and start again. I guess I'm somewhere in between a liberal and a radical.
Happy trails.
Interesting thoughts.
Public fellatio in front of the children in my opinion is simply wrong because kids at such young age do not understand what sexuality is, but if you hint towards acts of sexual freedom in public, like at gay parades and such, I know that many liberals are opposed to it anyway because of "public decency". America to me looks like a predominantly actually reactionary country compared to europe, so their socially liberal behavior is always some kind of over-exaggerated reaction to social conservatism.
Btw if your great granduncle lived today, he would had less chance to die of aids, since condoms can prevent this.
For your other reply (was also my post) I need to add that I know that Holla Forums sometimes speaks of jews like what we mean by capitalism and corporations. But you can also notice they can't stay on topic too long. For every time a Holla Forumsack says something profound or on point, the thread derails into some meaningless petty conflict between "which nation is more cucked" and the worthwhile point is lost. That's why I think it's sometimes important to call things with the right names, and point out it comes from the way capitalism functions. Mass immigration wouldn't occur under marxism.
You advocate a final point there about reaching some middle ground, and I think that is what democracy was actually invented for, but I don't know yet how that middle ground would look like. Centrism for example doesn't represent that middle ground much at all.
Varg made a good video about leftists but I can't find it. I would've recommended you to watch it.
Sure is idpol central here