Somehow I oscilate between democratic and revolutionary socialism. So sad that my equality percentage decreased for some reason :(
8 values test thread
Get on my level.
Look in the upper right corner of OP's pic.
I wish I could, at least when it comes to equality and progress. I am 100% in favour of internationalism, but I feel nationalism works as a tool to defend a socialist country against the capitalist world.
No worries, a few months in the gulag and you will be a brand new comrade.
Liberal Socialist
Feel the bern
Bernie Sanders isn't that peaceful.
I'd say the guy you replied to is more like Stein
No one's taking any of these meme tests seriously right?
Current Bernie is. Classic Bern was rougher.
If pol does it we gotta do it better
They're usually skewed one way or another, though.
The political compass one is so retardedly biased towards the center left that it's basically impossible to land anywhere other than the bottom left quadrant.
Even some honest to god Pepe spamming reactionary shitposters ended up there, just to give you an idea.
At least with this one they got loads of ultra capitalism, autocracy, facism and lolbertarianism. Seems pretty balanced/acessible and the best one I know.
Wew, I am the Ayatollah.
Wtf I love libcom now
At least say you believe in african gods or some shit. Anything but that mudslime crap.
what did it mean by this?
It means your face is full of acne but you're still cute.
This test is shit tbh
Why crypto-liberals like you are even here?
brings a tear to my eye, comrade
Holy shit dat perfect score S2S2S2S2S2S2
Uh, tell me a better one pls.
and that 50/50 looks badass. You might be a protagonist of a shonen.
I support the establishment of an artificially produced peoples folk religion that can be used by the state to subjugate her enemies.
cursed image
Hmmm, I'm definitely ok with praising that god of a man. Hoxha kind of was too, or so they say, but eventually people need to realize that spooky ghost stories are retarded and produce actual lunatics.
It is not a spook if you are using it to enforce the will of your Ego.
It is because of how progressive and liberal you are.
hmm probably. It's all about economic axis tho, the rest of them are means of how to reach that economic axis.
Anything else than socialist and communist must be purged
shit test tbh
Random question, is a demsoc still a capitalist, or is he already considered socialist? Sorry, but I'm brainlet, so I was wondering
I know you cheated, even the reddest anarchist can't get over 95% equality cause a lot of questions involve taxation and states.
was expecting neocon
pretty shitty but "social liberalism" should be at 30% equality, social democracy at 50%, and democratic socialism at 70% but whatever
wew, this is a joke right
demsocs like allende get purged, socdems who call themselves demsocs don't
Anyone else a conservative socialist?
This one was a few months ago, now pic related is a few minutes ago.
Not really, I just answered as 'taxation' would be 'expropriation' and 'state' would be 'free anarchist territory'.
Good result, comrade, oif your nazbol party would be like that, I consider joining.
My homeboy
nationalism considered harmful
authoritarianism considered harmful
tradition considered harmful
what did Allende do of wrong?
You took that "Jesus goes communist" episode cuz muh "feed the poor" way too seriously. It is clearly a one time only. YHVH is a class divisionist scum and is a sionist.
There's literally no way you can support capitalism in it's full glory and be consistently Christian.
Naturally this leads to socialism.
Anarkiddies stay mad
So why Church in Europe usually support fascists and capitalists?
why would they be mad? you are liberal on the civil axis.
Indeed. Because of the feudal culture that has survived the ages. Religion is not just the opium, it can be used as a tool to justify class division.
Well, true. Honestly, we should preserve your genes and purge theotarded capitalists. This way once your children are born, we can make sure they don't turn into reactionaries because some parts of the brible are pro property.
The Catholics have been in cahoots with imperialist interests since 451, this isn't news to me but that's my denominational bias
But what "The Church" did in Europe does not explain what The Church did/does in Latin America.
I'm pretty patriotic. I guess I feel for the jingoist chauvinism spook
Tbh for me there's in very Catholic doctrine something fascist. They create strictly patriarchal, repressive and hierachical structure that theoretically exist in the name of social justice and good of the people, but at the same time they perceive people as "sheep" and themselves as "shepherds". Therefore they have tendency to belong to and coorganize the ruling classes. Catholic priests don't really do any productive work, only propaganda which is aimed to silence the materialistic social consciousness.
Also their way of perceiving God is of demiurge type of the feudal ruler, the absolute patriarch. The world was created and established by Him, and all the power is coming from Him. If the rich didn't deserve the wealth, they wouldn't have it, (a Biblical story about talents, ie.) the Christian has a duty to obey legal power and pay taxes, ('to God as the divine, to the emperor as imperial' dunno if good translation) slave shall obey his master, woman shall obey her husband. just like husband shall obey his legal superior and as everyone shall obey the God (Paul).
Catholic Christianity is in its very heat antiegalitarian and de facto cult of material power.
sorry, should be more clear
I don't mean we should purge them, but they get purged by the forces of reaction for going too far in their reforms
This test is shit, it lacks many key questions and the questions are unspecific and/or vague.
I would be more satisfied with the test and my results if it didn't try so hard to be PC and uncontroversial and had at least 100 more questions.
This is close to the shitiness of those BuzzFeed quizzes.