Other urls found in this thread:
fucking, finally
Sleep is for the weak.
i helped Maxi install the sims 4 on her laptop and i haven't heard fro her for most of the day, lmao
there should have been an episode where goku totally murders some random innocent person by accident with some stray blast or attack and they have to get the dragonballs and wish him back and talk to his lawyer
he get's sued for 14,000,000 but bulma pays it all off because that actually isn't that much yen for someone as rich as bulma
That's $132,000 usd.
I'm gonna need a source.
Here you go daddy
Goddamn it.
Get fukt, idiot :^)
Though I suppose he was originally asking you anyways~
Yeah, that's right, so FUCK you.
Unlucky that that's not the case.
L-Lewd... OwO
We got a bunch of people that got animosity against black guys cuz their dicks are bigger than em', you got guys out here that are jealous because they don't carry BBC. They don't possess that god gene that's involved in these black men out here. Keep gettin' jealous - keep gettin' jealous while your Wife asks for cuckolds, while your Girlfriends ask for cuckolds and wish that they can get fucked by these African Warriors with these huge BBC's that can pipe em down to the point where they could feel each and every last spectacle of their pussies gettin', gettin' vibrated and thrusted 'till the orgasm just spews out.
Keep saying nigger, keep saying black. Come on, you cuckolds. You love it, you love this shit! I'll be that monkey, I'll be that monkey, yup. With a BBC, enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick, she's imagining a huge black cock - why do you think your bitches get huge dildos?
Because you guys don't possess the BBC gene! That's why you're upset! No BBC = anger.
You're upset, you're mad at these African cocks, these rhino dicks.
That's why you guys like saying nigger so much, I get it!
there you go
I know I wish I had a BBC
Still waitin' on the Smiles vs BBC vid.
what does that even mean?
Actually that sounds even more interesting.
Won't happen, though.
You're such a self-loathing Wakandan.
You hate all white people, but you don't see me bringing that up.
Wakanda boyfriend are you?
The worst kind.
You're just cornrows shy of being Neko.
aggressive yui noises
You mean Rainbow Jakkajan.
my boy
i'm sorry Idk who that is dess
Post better reaction images.
That is what I hear about myself frequently.
Hi Darwin
Mellow greetings.
Nothing mellow about it.
Some kind of wonderful?
any good posters on?
All kinds of wonderful!
hey wish where are all the cute pictures at?
Mana deserves no cute pictures.
Lost forever
not mana though
why is drake playing fortnite with ninja lmao
what's your name
how are you
how's your life
die bard
i can't hear you from all the way down there you're gonna have to speak a little louder
Good morning awoo hu chan
Good evening Bard
Welcome back
you should go to bed
At 3:30 in the afternoon?
whats up with you big boi~
Sure :3
Nothing much, just relaxing in bed.
How's you?
My buddies hit me up to play fortnite : 3
And dinner was breakfast so that was tasty too :3
KY yourself.
Hope you'll enjoy.
Dinner was breakfast? Does that mean your dinner was what you usually get for breakfast, or the opposite?
no wait
Yes It was waffle and eggs : 3
do you ever do that in europe land?
Hey Bard
Fuck both of you
I ain't gonna be either of your friends
Too lazy~
Not really. Breakfast tends to be boring
Good morning
I'm sorry
idk why I have such a hard time controlling mysself
good morning hutzpa
How is your morning?
Are you Low Tier God??
If Goku Wins U Get a Free Lap Dance In Mexico.....
get that ass banned
I'm playing fortnite with some friends
it's a been a while
how is your night
They are gonna be real mad this weekend
Vegeta going bald.
Breakfast, preparing to walk to college
stay safe on the walk there :3
what is for breakfast
No thats just his super saijan Calvo form.
Oatmeal with some shit.
Why we talking about so boring themes?
Whats the ban counter saying today??
Have we at least donated the minimum 20 an hour???
he's turned the stream off after getting shitstomped by another Blanka
According to this ancestry test I'm twice as Irish as I am Finnish
I blame my grandmother
Potato nigger
Fucking alcoholic
That's much better
Doesn't that just make me a double alcoholic snownigger
i am sleepy tonight...
Well don't know you know that all rush characters are hot trash that only get used by cheap bad players that can't be countered.
That's why we don't see this op characters in evo, they are all avoided by people that know how to play the game.
Na, finns is ok
So go to bed?
yes of course!
seriously thought, how does he have a fanbase?
Does he even still stream?
last time I saw him was in february
It says I'm a third German, a quarter British isles, and 14% Finnish
Also 17% "broadly northwest European " but I'm pretty sure thats anglo-francic groups
team!? team!? hello?
what do you mean?
saved! O_O
You pretty ok, don't worry
sleepy but not tired..........
I don't even know who on my mother's side was Irish
Just checked
Latest video was 2 days ago
Do you not know about Low tier god?
Perhaps her client
that's some enduring cancer right there
i do not know of them.
goodbe friend
I was at 10% health and Sion was almost full health.
people were yelling at me ;~;
i didn't kno where to go....
tree man stole everything frum me....
when you find a new good band/artist
i like synthwave
That is what tree man does.
GG tree guy OP
no counter... i can't do anything
he stole everything
He's extremely weak if he tries to invade while his lanes can't help him.
Especially if you had, you know, AD. Then you could beat him to death in three autos.
Okay I forgive you
i like you
but he didn't invade (when i was around)
and he duo'd with the top lane guy...
he went where i wasn't.... i couldnt stop him...
slippery guy
AD wouldn't have helped... i woulda got one shot.
thank you and you too
Hey wait
do you still have the tophat yui I drew for you?
That's fucking old as fuck :U
yeah maybe near 5 years ;~:
Y'know now that I think about it that's more lawful good than chaotic, heresy implies religion and rules and maybe even theocracy if you're killing people for it.
Chaotic Good is like, peeing in evil's cereal and stealing from rich people.
im nuetral good?
Lol perhaps
I think it was supposed to be a burninng prison
bowing desu
found a cute pic of Hupony ready for his day
This is the last thing I drew and I just made it to make fun of how dumb and pathetic Tsuchi comes off as when he's posting instead of his intended vibe.
I've seen that posted once or twice
it's a solid meme
hope you are snuggly and warm
How witty.
I'll be sure he understands the offense he's supposed to take.
that pretty pic
makes me smile! ^_^
i just have a headache right now... because i havent eaten anything today or drank nothing...
haha me either
Itsa meme
Nah spare yourself the wasted effort if he ctrl+f's anyways.
she's sweating! *gives her a nice wipe off*
We all got sent home early for the day since there wasn't much work at all and I'm still getting paid for the regular 8 hrs too
How is Holla Forums doing tonight?
I literally just smoked two bowls and then you go and link me this shit
I hate you Yan
The worst part is that I'm actually watching it lmao
Haha, my tomfoolery has vexed you again
Consider yourself hoodwinked and hornswoggled friend
If you noticed, Derek split the screen when Cool Cat came into the video. Cool Cat is also somewhat shorter and stockier than his previous appearances, and his lines are all re-used audio from said films.
All of this points to Derek himself donning the Cool Cat suit as an imposter Cool Cat.
Pretty cool
What is this nonsense...
A glorious idiot who has absolutely no idea what he is doing.
He launched the funding page five days after he uploaded that video.
cool cat is his fursona.
I don't think his heart is in the wrong place at least. If he's being honest about his intention and wanting to not charge anything for this.
Also I just think all of this school shooting scare nonsense is also overblown.
Damn Smiles, are you a school?
Cause I want to shoot kids inside of you
I find it less that people are scared of it happening and more that people don't want it to happen because they still have some remnant of their humanity in tact and aren't overcome with existential edge or plagued by higher concepts like moralfags and cucks.
I thought you said I looked like your sister.
Isn't that a bit weird??
Understandably enough, but I still don't think it's such an issue. People need to keep aware and the police need to do the jobs.
thankies ^^
Oh fuck you got me
Couldn't agree more.
A perfect example of a perfectly preventable tragedy was the Elliot Rogers massacre and the Day of Retribution.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that
lol gross
Elliot Rogers
Devin P. Kelley
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik
Nikolas Jacob Cruz
And the list goes on and on
All of these lives could've been saved and Uncle Sam in one way or another fucked it all up. Not to say other Governments got much better.
How can you forget someone looking like family. I think you just gotta admit you have something for you sister.
I feel Elliot is a much better poster child in that regard. Not only did you have completely negligent police who could have stopped him if they had done their fucking jobs, but his father I feel is the real person to blame. He was fully aware of Elliots mental disorders, of his views on women, that he was a danger to himself and other, that he refused to take his medication, and yet he sent him away to go live on his own at a college and didn't even bother to inform his roommates or their parents or the school. He just wanted to shelve his son away somewhere and pretend it would go away.
Gross she's like fat dude
Got me fucked up with that shit lol
Are you aware of all the Parkland Shooting Particulars then? I'm sure it would drive you up the wall the sheer amount of negligence took place.
Probably not. I don't actually care about school shootings since I don't have kids and I don't go to school.
bard please help me sleep more than a few hours at a time
I like the way you think
no real shit
i slep
I can fix that~
How? pls halp
I'll put dat ass to sleep
Excessive alcohol can dodat!
with boring conversation
oh ye
gimme ur discord again
nini wuka
i'm gonna wrap myself in blankets and watch this underwater sea life anime since it's cold
sleep well ^^
You are not capable of that.
wat anime
you're a sweetie
Are you too smart for it, or not smart enough for it, hmm?...too genius
I fell asleep while we were talking
what happened to your face
I wanna be a cool guy and start a n interesting conversation but I'm baked and tired as hell
I messed up my knee recently while sparring with my buddyes and it's been recovering well
I'm watching videos of a proffesional street nigga talk about his time in prison
What's up with you kiss, it's been a loong time
my sleep schedule continues to get completely messed up reeeeee
Trying to get job. Have an interview Tuesday that I hope pans out.
1 quad bike, failed brakes and 5 trees at 60mph.
Shattered the entire front of my face.
Has titanium insides to hold it together now.
Dis is a CT scan of my skull after 6 hours of surgery.
which anime?
have you had a job in the time I knew ya?
I hope you can get it
what are ya appplying for if I could ask? no worries if you don't wanna share
I'm not working a very good job myself but I've worked there long enough the pay is half decent so I can't complain
How old were you when that happened?
quad bike as in 4 wheels on it?
Prep cook job at a cafe.
I've had a couple of jobs, though haven't worked in a pile of months.
Also I got stuck out of town when my car broke down this weekend, that sucked.
Was 20. Happened in 2013.
That strong jawline.
Hello urine guzzler.
I snapped the fucker in half and wiggled it thinking it was just a broken tooth.
So what did you do did you sleep in your car?
Did you have to stay in a hotel?
I get really anxious when I leave my hometown I live in
the past fewyears I've left only once a year and that's to head about an hour away to go see some family for the holidays
I wouldnt know what the hell to do if I broke down
Oh huh
you're not that old :3
yikes ,that sounds awful though
Do you still go quadding?
I used to occasionaly ride 4 wheelers too
I actually meant that it's very masculine.
thats not me !!!!!
i do NOT do that
Whatever you say, pee girl.
there u go
thats me ! :3
hows your morning ?
i guess its night for you
Stayed with people I know there.
I don't mind leaving my home town but when I leave my room with the internet I remember how disconnected I am from everything else in the world. I don't like leaving my room for very long, everywhere else is a worse version of my room.
Ow oof
It wasnt so bad, I didnt feel any pain.
Was told by every surgeon and doctor I shouldnt be alive and the head of the hospital, being Australia's best hospital, was the lead surgeon.
ehhh im not very masculine or maybe I am
I shaved my shit, now I dont look 32
I got a free facelift
oh fuck shit ass fuck cunt asshole
stoopid phoneshitcunt
Still hungry.............
maybe i just dont like your hair
i dunno
youre still sorta cute
well at least you're back safe now and can enjoy your room
I kinda have to say I feel the same although I do have a friends house that I have no problem going to across town
I can sit there for hours and have no problems
a good friend is worth the world :3
That's pretty scary
has it left you with any lasting damage aside form the nerve pains? I mean m ental problems and stuff?
Hello Ceras !!!!
Curly hair is worst hair.
You guys should be friends :3
I do not have or want friends anymore. Picture sums up my life now.
I bonked my childhood outta my head.
Other than that not lasting issues.
My brain was pretty goofy for a while though.
That makes me sad
everybody needs at least one good friend they can trust
I wish I could be your friend
s-same desu
did it really take out most of your childhood memories??
im gonna have to agree for the most part
knock knock
In more technical terms, it broke how I reach for memories that far back. So when I try to go past whatever time in highschool it starts to go blank.
Should be fine for new memories and the future though.
You do not need friends you can trust if you have the internet.
There you can make lots of internet friends and live off the fleeting high of their attention and occasionally affection before you remember none of it is actually real.
lemme in !!!!!
im cold ;; !!!!!!!
I used to have long curly hair until I turned 16.
Theres one thing worse than curly hair and that is long curly hair. I looked like a dickhead.
i dunno i think it being longer is better
short curly looks like a ramen noodle packet
hopefully I''ll never be able to imagine that
That's pretty crazy
When I was 15 I ingested magnets and came pretty close to death
I was septic and puking up black before I got treated ;~:
Have you had any other bad injuries or clsoe encounterss in your life?
Also You said we've met before
I guess I have the bad memor ynow huh
do you remember when or where? I dont mean to be rude :
too much pee
I............I'm real............
You're an anime picture on the internet that sometimes talks.
what do u mean too much pee ?
i pee too much so i can't come in ????
I promise you I think and feel just like you !! !!
You are a real person, but the Bard I know is not that Bard. Just as the Kiss you know is only Kiss, not the person behind the persona.
Also I play this up and don't mean any of it
nagi no asukara
aaaaaaaaa stop bein a stinky meanie head !!!!!!
im fweezing ;-;
I just came out to talk and have some fun and instead kiss took me to philosophy 101
Hi Badr
I am not a particularly cheery person at 4 am.
That's precious
I want to just wrap you up in a large blanket and roll you up like a sushi
Nigga it looks terrible.
I dont have that not so shitty wavy curly hair I get full locks. Also it doesnt look bad when I can be fucked doing shit for it. Is work day so I couldnt be fucked doing shit for it.
I mean if it did look shitty when I made it look nice, I would still be a virgin and would have never gotten in relationships. Mind you relationships are terrible and I am comf alone. Never had a bad relationship, I just like comf aloneness.
I cant either because I dont have a memory for reference! AHHAAAAA
Srsly though its kinda just null because I cant get sad about things I dont remember.
Uhmm well in the same accident also broke my right femur which had a bar put inside of it.
Have shattered my wrist. Was apparently hit in the head by a cricket bat when I was a kid.
Apparently had reaaaaaally bad pneumonia when I was a toddler. Ive also had a 50kg printer fall from 4m up and land where I was standing like 10 seconds prior lol.
Apparently massive doses of ibuprofen and alcohol was meant to kill me, but that one doesn't count because my liver is stronk.
Discord and somewhere from ages ago.
I think it was a thread before this place was thing.
I hope you have a fun day
I'm glad to see you
I'm not much into mummification.
me too 3:
and i gotta go in to work in about an hour
steal me away and bring me a big bwankie uwu
you've must be in a bit of pain every day huh?
And huh
I'm sorry I dont remember but its nice to see you here again :3
as long as you feel that way then good
its your hair you gotta do what u feel comfy with
maybe if you want I'll bust out the rope and tie you up on a cross ~
i'm all out of bwankies unfortunately
but i do have the rewarding sensation from a day's hard work
I slept in a weird position. my back hurts.
no bwankies
wip ;w;
i wish my job gave me that feeling
all i get is
i didnt die somehow okay
Thanks Bard....Me too......
Eat something warm....
Maybe if you can beat me on the mat first.
what do you think your next plan of action is ?
are you gonna just deal with it or do u want me to rub it ?
I played with the big streamers today
Nerve pain is a cunt.
My whole face is pretty much damaged nerves.
No pain anymore because got the right drugs.
When I came outta my depression I started just being me all the time and at times I forget to make myself look good because nocares
Did you call them all faggots?
Days almost over. Dealt with it this far.
Drink alcohol
Also its not even day ya cunt
you're asking for a fun time and you know just how to get it
I would get kicked
the new tos and stuff
lookin good is important
one of my highest importances
okay so youre saying you dont want me to rub your back to release some tension ?
I'm sipping a bit of left over vodka rn
Find a reaaaaaaally roundabout way of saying it.
I'm saying that
just remind yourself that there's sewage maintenance workers in india that literally swim in sewage with no gear because they're too poor to afford it
also you're getting paid at least minimum wage instead of a nickel a day
or some shit
no has :'(
who dat
Ima have some cointreau nao.
also listen to this it will help you feel better =w=
goodnight friend isheelps
I played with this guy and a lot of other people
Met Xmithy the league player too
a lot of other team 5 people
The girl hes talking to right now is my friend
Have nice dream Bard.....
actually I can't see her name but I think it is
headin to bed soon ?
Its a 40% orange liqueur.
Smoother than vodka and much better in lemonade than vodka.
Gettin dem hookups
You gonn be able to get the dankest of weeds.
A pussy with a nose ring.
Pretty much everyone in the room was streaming
so a lot of people
No I just dont buy budget alcohol
Kay, pussboy.
see i get that but i think "it could be worse" is a lot more deconstructive than anything
if i was complacent with my position id have no motivation to actively apply elsewhere
i think its good to have a balance of both mindsets in a situation such as this
Also omg i love the konosuba 2 ED ty
i need
ma nigga
You should wait for the ultimate gathering and then call everyone a faggot.
You would ruin twitch
Also going to bed, though with Bard gone none of the remaining people really care.
playin arma ?
what are you up to
do you want me to leave you alone
you sound like you want me to leave you alone
night bud
I used to be an alcoholic, so I know my booze cunt
oh no I'm not saying to be complacent with a shitty job
just ya know don't let it completely ruin your mood
if you can ^^
I dont want to do that
I would rather be a part of it more
Can I just post pictures instead ?
I stopped playing that.
Uh.. no it's not that. I am just dealing with stuff.
Watchout, we gotta badass here.
Sleep well
I guess thats why there isnt really any big Australian streamers.
Just dance is pretty fun in VR
I hope no one saw it though
oh yeah ofcourse
i get that for sure
generally when people tell me "it could be worse xd" they just dont wanna do anything about their situation to better it
sowwy if i came of wude uwu
Vodka used to be my go to, had a bottle (750ml) a night.
are the pictures relevant to my question
okay thats fine
lemme know if i can be of any help at all ! i doubt youd ask me for that but i am here if needed >:3
You would get banned for screaming faggot i'm pretty sure
hmm never really experience people do that personally
but i can understand your concern
and u werent bein wude
i played just dance on stream a week or two ago ! Nezi was there for the end :p
very tough.
ok good bc i worry a lot about sounding wude thru text communication
Hardly, it was sad as shit
I dunno
i'm really not sure how well they came out
my hands feel like ice @_@
Put em under ur butt for a while
Go take a bath.....
Eat food and drink water.......
am standing outside
i have to drive here soon
my car heat takes about 5-10 minutes to heat up so until then my hands will be touching cold steering wheel x.x
I did i'm abarbie girl and the Pom Pom one
Purge them
have to leave soon
no bath
shoulda done more
omg i looooooove just dance
so much fun
yeah it sucks that a lot of communication is through nonverbal and can't be expressed properly through typing alone :^(
put steering wheel under butt
Apparently we're BR but actually funny when it comes to games.
how much longer are ya gonna be up ?
omg perfect idea
Chippz gets like 3k views I think
I don't know what you're trying to say
you're a pubg and OW streamer
Its hot in the vr headset though
Is that true ?
buttheat fixes all of ones coldness woes
I dont know.
We're funny, but I doubt we're like BR. Not even we like the BR's.
Try doing that as an australian.
Gotta check every second cunt I say.
i was just reminded of my streak the other night
a group of like 20+ in a discord voice chat came into my stream and started meming and eventually i joined their discord
After about an hour i asked their leader to give an ending and he ended up giving his full name phone number and street address on stream LOL
he had like an entire army surplus store in his room
My closest aussie friend doesnt swear at all hehe
Thats not how that works
well i feel like i'm being tortured in a chinese prison camp so
probably another hour at most
12 seconds at least
poke is alright
at least its not a gulag
I dunno
Why would you dox yourself like that ?
I've played with him
I played with a lot of team 5 tonight but he wasn't on
yes it does
i ask bc am about to leave so no more posting
nini nezi
rest ezpz n nice :3
hope u feel better
for the memes
ur a gulag
poke is actually pretty bad at genji
no need to 'hope', i will feel better once i get some sleep.
Maybe one day we'll all share servers together because ping wont matter and we can all come to a consensus on just how terrible BR gamers are.
Used to play on US servers with peeps from thread years ago and people loved my bullshit, so I guess thats some kinda pointer.
Sounds like you've been infiltrated by the viet cong
Thats when you give out a fake one.
I've never seen or played overwatch with him
only Vrchat
probably better because he doesn't have to focus on the game as much and can talk more
he's kinda funny
Once you stay with me you'll never want to leave!
Because you cant.
last post I gotta go drive
okay good !!
rest up bubber
it was for sure his real hehe
time to visit him
You dont know that.
I met a guy names like Chris with a number in his name somewhere instead of a letter
I think he streams but I can't remember his name atm
He added me though so I guess could check
Cakebot is one of my friends and chipz is doing stuff with her
cakebot is how I met all these people
just9n only one i know that sounds like that
Cakebot purrs when U pet her
He had an Alucard model and did a voice for it
I'm supposed to do a 24hr thing this weekend
1 gulag 4 u
Mebe should have kept watching but that talk at the beginning felt awkward as heck
Its fake awkwardness
its all rp
none of it is real
Wat kinda thing?
Theyre damn good at it.
24hr in vr thing
They are very good at it
Just sleep but still wearing stuffs and in vr and then when you wake up jump to where everyone else is!
Oh also knowing that I still cant watch it, it hurts still.
That point is to not sleep
also gonna get drunk
I might get drunk too.
Play Bloodborne with Ceras???
I might try and stream it
i don't know if my computer can handle it though
If you like extreme ping
Also Australia is worst internet.
Also I'm playin Doom atm.
Also we should play Bloodborne sometime.
I recently upgraded from a mid tier, 9 y/o PC to a top tier current year PC
cute pic
the only thing thats really bad is my 970
I had a GT430 and that was the upgrade!
had a 9800 before that
970 is the bare minimum for VR
instead of calling me ahead of time my manager waited till i arrived at work that i didnt need to come in until 9:15
now i gotta burn 45 minutes
My mate at work uses one and gets by.
Apparently you can play most games with it, but a small few are too heavy on it.
I has a 1080 now.
Im not sure if I should just buy a VR set now (Can afford all the things) or wait for the vive pro
Time is not flammable.....I think.....but thats irrelevant.....I think.....
ill make it flammable
the malls not even open else id just go to the bookstore
I live so close to my work I walk there to see if im even working.
Get the new vive when it comes out
I have an oculus which is better for VRchat than the vive right now
20-30 minute drive for me depending on traffic
Well yeah, I was actually about to buy one but then heard about the pro on the week I was going to buy it.
3min walk for me
I feel bored. It's too quiet tonight.
I might get drunk and make a fool of myself so stand by
Does this mean I get to humiliate you and you enjoy it?
Oh wait, that's squiddy.
You can't play with me if you're going to be screaming things like faggot though.
Do something
come visit me at work
im eatin a donut and tea right now bc time i have to waste TIME
Im not that bad, I just wont play with you
Which is what ?
Sounds like a good idea
You could get me in trouble
I ordered unsweetened tea and they sweetened it !!!!! :(
Ill make my own stream with boobs and tits and drugs and swear words.
Lucky they corrected your mistake!
(At work the front of house girls cringe when they see how much honey I put in tea)
Stream on youtube then
I tabbed out thinking I was safe and when I tabbed back and resumed a demon fell right infront of me and bitch slapped me.
Nah youtube streaming is for shit cunts
i cant drink this !!!
ew sugar
ruined my drink
Tell me that when you're with your stream friends then.
I refuse
having jinx boobz
Ill make sure to invade your stream parties and shout all the profanities. Not like I'd get banned l0l
Jinx is my favorite girl
Invite only lobbies
yummy sweet tea!!! ^_^
shes super adorable
i wuv her
how to become jincks
you can have it...
i hate sweet tea !! ewie ;-;
happy payday^^
do i get paid today
you are
I have a crush on Jinx
kiss her then
doesn't seem doable
jinx is a cute version of tank girl
I'm pretty sure shes based off Pohwaran
this girl
Given the times Im sure I could call cultural misappropriation. As the past few Australian generations have sworn a plenty. I wonder if that even means its swearing.
Do you know how to stream in VR
I've never streamed from vr before
I gotta figure some stuff out
Well I know in VR you can have your normal monitor showing what you're doing in VR, so would be no different from streaming on a specific monitor I guess
someones helping me right now
don't worry about it
I bet its what I said. Because pooters.