This is somehow real
GDC-IWOC Joint Statement on Repression of Juggalos
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tbh this is stupid and gimmicky. Juggaloism is fucking garbage, the product of capitalist decay. And I doubt many IWW give a shit about it, and just see this as a joke.
How dare you talk about our clown comrades like that! WHOOP WHOOP!!
juggalos are awesome
just don't hurt anyone pls juggalos
I love ICP.
Honestly, their songs have some pretty great, egalitarian messages.
Strange fucking bedfellows, man
ok then….
why, they are poor displaced people who like songs about giving the finger to the boss and rich suburans
THey are like our natural comrades
"Beat down and murdered and stuffed in they graves
You put a slave owner on a 1 dollar bill
And you wanna know why I kill people!!!!
Bombs are blowing up, cops are corrupt
And all ya care about is who the president fucked!
You don't know terrible, you will
As soon as our wagons come over the HILL!""
Not seeing ICP as antifa is just delusional, I don't care how many righty ICP fans there are
jesus christ what edgy fucks
they're still /ourguys/ though
Holla Forums is still spooked by all those liberals who made fun of ICP in 2014
ICP is literally the epitome of antifa
In his defense he didn't say that the people was garbage only the subculture.
b-b-b-uttt as a college student who will never be in a street fight, I wanted my personal antifa to be hipster
apart from them being a cult, what about the subculture is garbage?
fucking magnets, how do they work?
"Fuck your Rebel flag! (Fuck your Rebel flag)
Fuck your Rebel flag! (Fuck your Rebel flag)-(Fuck your Rebel Flag!)
Fuck your Rebel flag! (Fuck your Rebel flag)
Fuck a Rebel flag! (Fuck your Rebel flag)"
"Well, I'm heading down a southern trail, I'm going chicken huntin'
Chopping redneck chicken necks I ain't saying nothing
To the hillbilly stuck my barrel in his eye
Boomshacka boomshacka hair jumps in the sky
Why I never liked chicken pot pie?
Or the chopped chicken on rye?
So tell Mr. Billy Bob I'm a cut his neck up
Slice, poke, chop chop, stab, cut
What can you do with the drunken hillbilly
Cut his fucking eyes out and feed em to his Aunt Milly
Willy Willy chicken neck, chicken hunting gotta love it
Hit him with the twelve gauge bucket, chicken nuggets
Laid out all over the grass"
I just don't like their music, if the fans want to put on make-up and sing along to lyrics that are cringey and edgy that's their business. They shouldn't be treated as a gang but even the IWW said there were elements of their subculture that was p.roblematic that they couldn't really support they just wanted to build bridges in spite of that.
You have no idea what in their lyics is "p.roblematic", you just find them cringey cuz they are "dumb proles"
They're fucking rapping clowns.
lel it's anti-redneck idpol
I thought the fucking IWW was supposed to radically unionize at the point of production?
What is this fucking identity politics on some cult/marketing project band?
I thought they were secret christians
"We want to acknowledge that while there are themes in ICP’s music we support (anti-racism, anti-elitism, anti-classism), there are also excellent aspects such as hatred of women and homophobia. We want to show solidarity to the Juggalos doing work around these things, and around toxic masculinity generally, while also remembering that not everyone has access to help or experience working through these issues as we do."
I want my money back, holy shit.
I used to make fun of juggalos too, but they are poor working class folk who have embraced a fandom that explicitly denounces white idpol and advocates solidarity beyond racial lines.
I still don't like ICP's music though.
It's called a late-capitalist marketing campaign to sell as much merch and tickets to concerts as possible you mong.
Considering how fucked the left is, fuck it.
As ironic as it is for an anarchist to say, allies are allies.
how about starting to ally with the 5 million americans working in retail?
now THAT's praxis. communism achieved.
I guess in broad terms all fandoms are marketing campaigns.
Even anime.
We did it! Thank you to everyone who shared their preferred pronouns with me, the capitalists have fallen.
I'd still say the SJW anarchist types who are smaller in number and have been doing antifa stuff in the past are more
both are laughable
both instigate violence against people they can't win against
I think it'll be easier to quit the IWW than tell my friends that yes I'm part of the organization that actively works to protect people dressing up as clowns b/c the rappers tell them to.
Big tent politics.
Breaking News: "Largest group of antifa is apparently juggalos set to march in DC and possibly confront…"
Fucking non-Americans acting like rednecks are some kind of ethnic group.
They're just a gaggle of idiots and LARPers.
Do you even know who rednecks are?
See, that wasn't so hard.
Yeah, white trash.
It's a slang term for white American lumpen and the cancerous texaboo "subculture" the subscribe to.
Sure, but that's not what it means anymore.
This is the new rad lefty aesthetic guys, get used to it
I got all the ingredients except the facepaint, bracelet, tattoo, or hair
I could maybe pull this off
Kinda tempted to try :)
top zozzle
yeah. so i'm putting money and time into a group helping some shitty band's fan base…. and porky is exploiting workers having a laugh being untouched.
Why is the tattoo always on the fucking calf? I only know like two juggalos IRL and they both have a hatchetman on their calf.
leg/calf tattoos are a white trash thing right?
is this a good book?
Yeah, but no more so than the bicep or the chest. And both of those are just as easy to hide for work.
the best
Fucking miracles.
Why do people keep reposting this? It's in the worker's self interest to end capitalist exploitation.
What fucking timeline is this? The President is a fascist clown, and now the Wobblies are communist clowns.
Plus pretty sure ICP (however retarded they are) is part of the 'all' in the "Injury to one is an injury to all."
I think that's the benefit of this. I mean, other than just being logically consistent - state repression of marginalized people should be opposed in all forms, and this is decidedly a form of it. No matter how weird it is.
they're on fbi's gang lists
for being fans of a band
think about that for a bit
given our numbers I highly doubt liberating ICP and the worker/producer are two things IWW could do.
So it's a membership drive? Is there really no better group to work at a membership drive? A lot of americans hate getting shit on by the state, it is practically the norm.
It is a looooong jump over to anarcho-syndicalism from hating being targeted by the FBI, a long ffucking jump I highly doubt any ICP person is especially interested in.
So we work to get the fbi off their back, then they are done and the IWW was used by some concert goers. It goes to show why you have to work with a class, not some identity chosen or otherwise.
GDC is literally a consumer protection group out of this LOL.
modern redneck culture is capitalism trash, you might as well call anti-gamer shit "idpol against gaming culture". It's no longer about being working class but about owning a working-class coded business along with working class themed trucks and clothing styles
That's why the prototypical redneck isn't some miner or construction worker, it's fucking Tim Allen or one of the "you might be a redneck" hacks.
Good, we were due for some fresh memes on the left
It's an old meme from anokchan
This timeline is not the best one, nor the worst one, but its def the funniest
lol no it fucking isn't, half of them are lumpens anyway
Where were you when they put the IWW into the grave of history?
An Injury to One Consumer Group is an Injury to All.™
If you bothered reading the article, all the articles want IWW to do is to help raise awareness for their one major event, not calling for all its members to physically join the rally.
Is this the rally that happens the same day as that Trump supporter rally? What a coincedence that IWW suddenly became aware of the grave injustices our juggalo comrades face.
I bet IWW would hate it if the killer clown rally got big enough to take the media spotlight from the populist right.
Not that juggalos aren't based. Juggalo island is post left manifesto tier.
"We want to show solidarity to the Juggalos doing work around these things, and around toxic masculinity generally, while also remembering that not everyone has access to help or experience working through these issues as we do. Juggalos can teach us new things about family and mutual aid—and we can teach them new things about consent and power dynamics. Through a compassionate exchange of information, we can emerge as comrades. "
Any juggalos itt?
We want to teach you not to rape lmao
If you listened to some of these idiots you'd think IWW was turning in to a full time juggalo organisation, they're just supporting one specific struggle, really not more than a single rally and it seems like light promotion against FBI harassment, what's the harm in this? It's not like they're too busy tearing capitalism asunder right now is it?
they'll probably be better off
They're not proposing big any shift of resources from workplace organizing to juggalo organizing, it's reaching a hand out to one group in probably the smallest way you could, this won't interrupt your ongoing insurrection against the bosses
See the very last point I made. not that they could even do either of these
Your worst comment of all, do you think the most successful times of the IWW came from refusing to work with anyone who wasn't ideologically anarcho syndicalist? IWW isn't even officially anarcho syndicalist, this attitude is sectarian and runs directly counter to what's made the IWW great
How does it feel to be the clown in a thread about juggalos?