Convert this redpill nationalist into a Marxist believer

I'm from Sweden and the current situation here is terrible. Refugees are ruining everything literally as rape and crime has skyrocketed… But Sweden has universal Healthcare and a history of social democracy and a political system filled with many Marxist ideas. Therefore I'd like you guys to give me some good arguments for Marxists Leninist ideas and Communism in general, of link me some good material to read and or videos. Thanks in advance.

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Which refugees? Pics or didn't happen.

Why do you have such strong phylosophical thougths in the middle of night? you are probably just American anyway

Such as?

Communists aren't social democrats. Welfare is not communist, free healthcare is not communist, and neither is high taxes. Do not conflate this.
Marxists generally recognized immigration is a problem because it brings cheap labor in to increase the supply of laborers, increases competition for jobs. It's done to enrich the capitalists. So what do you want to know about this?

I don't remember Sweden having a proletariat revolution to form a worker's state and the abolition of capitalism. The whole refugee crisis was caused by capitalist interests however.

Mate, letting future debt slaves and cheap illegal workers in en mass isn't socialism; it's part of the left wing of capital.
Get rid of this toxic image of socialism as "those porky democrats being kind to foreigners" and try to approach some leftist readings.

Doesn't really mean anything tbh; italy here, it's 05:00 and i can't sleep so i browse an obscure chan about leftistm

Ask yourself whether it is in the interest of the working class or the owning class to flood the country with poor, uneducated, primitive people who are desperate to find a job and who don't have firm grasp on concepts such as "worker's rights". Sure crime will go up, but not in the 99.9% white areas where the owners live and where their daughters go to school.
Then ask yourself why would all the people (of any political leaning) in power happen to like this, but seem to only be able to argue for this scenario by calling those who disagree all kinds of names.

I'm European who can't sleep too, I just don't think that person would go in the middle of the night to explore communist ideas and not communicate.

Only Americans are this dumb, I don't think you are Swedish.

sage anyways for shit thread.

First of. Marxism is an analysis of capitalism. It's not an ideology, it's not a system, it's not even communism.
Critique of the Gotha Program is ~30 pages and explains the basics behind Marxist analysis.

Communism as Marx defined it is the "Real movement that abolishes the present state of things." Which entails capitalism, which is a mode of production based on production for exchange and profit, wage labor and capital accumulation.
Below is a link to the youtube series that explains Marxism.

Do you have any evidence to back that up other than Holla Forums clickbait articles.

Most of the Swedes I've seen online have said they noticed no real difference due to the refugee crisis, are you basing your views on things you've actually witnessed or just media sensationalism?
Either way, while leftists aren't opposed to immigration per se, we actually want to prevent the things that cause mass migration in the first place. Have you considered that people from the Middle East might not have fled their homes if western nations (particularly the US) hadn't bombed the region into the fucking stone age? Have you considered that the ruling class in Europe might actually LIKE immigration because it gives them cheap labor and a new group to load up with debt as well as helping to keep the working class divided? For fuck's sake, Merkel has been the biggest proponent of immigration into the EU and she's a borderline fascist, yet right-wing working class people blame the left for some reason.
I thought most of you Holla Forums types knew that Syria was a fairly modern, secular country before the war started? The whole clusterfuck there started not because of some bullshit about Assad killing his people, if the US cared about that sort of thing we wouldn't be such good buddies with the barbarians in Saudi Arabia. It started because Assad wouldn't allow the Arabs to build a pipeline through his country to Europe, and that's bad for business. So long as we live in a capitalist system, or any other hierarchal system like fascism or monarchy for that matter, profit will take precedence over the wellbeing of the people.
Additionally, global warming will render a large portion of the planet uninhabitable within a century or two if we don't do something about it ASAP which will in turn result in war and mass migration far worse than anything that's going on today, but the members of the ruling class who profit from it don't give a shit, this is what happens when society provides incentives for people to screw eachother over for personal gain. The only way to have a peaceful, healthy society is to get rid of the ruling class and give control of society back to the people, and to change to an economic system based on mutual aid rather than competition.

Ok. I'll start.
There were (and are) near zero immigration in communist states. Whoever immigrated upheld the state's ideology and culture and would be irreplaceable by the locals. Economic migration is not communist.


immigrants wouldn't exist if wars of imperialism/neoliberal capitalism didn't exist

think about it

just kill the rich and the powerful, the rest will sort itself

Reminder that redpills and commies are actually very close to eachother

- Both hate the corporate elite
- Both believe they control the population

The only difference is redpills think liberalism=leftism/communism. This is sinply untrue. Liberalism is basically "leftist" junkfood made by capitalists.

And redpills also believe race issues are another reason America is falling, this is also untrue, and very silly.

Why we don't get along with "other races" is not because they're their race, but it's a grudge between the middle and lower class. It's more about economics than race alone.

If redpills could just understand this, both redpills and commies can team up and work together!


He could be living in a 'no-go' zone like Rosengård, Hedeby, etc. The situation is very difficult there because the government just dumps the migrants into these areas, mostly men in their 20s, and law enforcement can't even function properly there. All the Swedes who could leave, did, and those who couldn't are stuck there. Thus it's easy for Swedes living outside the major cities or far from those areas to have an uppity attitude about it and say nothing is wrong.

Stop calling them redpills, replacing one type of idpol with another isn't a red pill

The dialectic will end the white race. It's progress and it's good.

Thesis: White | Antithesis: Black | Synthesis: Mixed race.



Racial politics will die as the races mix and become one. There won't be a reason for racial conflict. Bring it on.

How about you stop getting your news from Breitbart first

But they aren't really. Both you and the alt-right need to actually crunch some fucking numbers.

I don't give a shit. But subtract baby boomers from the white population and things change. Whites have a low birth rate, and live in countries with high immigration.

Why do I even give a fuck?

Hey Holla Forums watcha doing?

bs, I lived around 15 years (and have lived the rest of my life in the same poor city) in one of the so called "no-go" zones. If anything it radialized me more because I saw and heard the shit that was going down (major poverty, police brutality, high criminality, rampant use of dangerous narcotics, etc). It's a not a "no-go" zone in any sort of the sense, police visits are more common over there than anywhere else.
The majority of the people I've meet with fascist sympathies are from major cities or not living in a city at all (i.e. have never meet anyone that's not white until they where adults).

also, SAGE

fuck im too hangover for this shit

Triadic Structure

Watcha doing there retard.

And where are most of those migrants located :^)

In the Soviet Union there was large migration from villages to towns. The same thing happening from poor countries to richer ones can be understood as part of human progress to communism.

I'm obviously not a socialist but you should consider the harmful effects of capital on society. A lot of what far right politics complains about is social atomization which in short is caused by capital. As for you concerns about immigrants - yes jews do have their hand in it but even petite burgeiose fuckwits (who I'm normally fine with) retardly jump at the chance to fuck us over for a profit - more invaders = more money to borrow, more things to sell and more kenysian bullshit. There's some fuckwit ceo of harvey norman in australia saying our ethnic replacement is inevitable because he wants to sell more tvs fucking prank the cunt (no fbi ls)

This seems kinda over the top tbh. I mean there's definitely some increase in crime but it's nowhere near as bad as right wing propaganda makes it out to be.
I grew up in an area of Germany which has like 50% migrants and the American right's talking point about "no-go zones" is fucking ridiculous.

Anyway, the whole migrant crisis is caused by capitalism. The ruling class of Europe supports economic migration because those people are a source of a cheap labor.

The're also to a large part responsible for the situation in the Middle East. The US and their allies have carried out imperialist wars in that region on multiple occasions.

They propped also up Salafism against secular regimes, like Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, and are allied with the Saudis and the gulf states, who massively sponsor Jihadism around the world.
Without Western imperialism and Neoliberalism you'd never a crisis like we're seeing right now.

bad phrasing. *the not poor parts of the city, i.e. where everyone is white.

No, Holla Forums only hates the Jewish bourgeoisie and thinks they control everything, they have no problem with the white porkies and in fact want to give them even MORE power and authority.
Someone needs to make a compilation of some of the most evil white porkies like the Rockefellers and all the shit they've done, and maybe a compilation of police brutality against white victims like the recent thing with that nurse in Utah. They need to understand that its not an issue of DA JOOOOOZ but a class issue, and that the white ruling class is not on their side just because they're the same ethnicity.



Is the difference between NS and Nazbol the slavic aesthetics?

yes, Natsucc is actually angry racist demsucc. Nazbol is anti capitalist. All of this in theory anyways, in reality nazis policy was a compromise between the conservative prussian nobility and the nazis

misread the question, meant to say no.

I think I got it. I just can't understand how Nazbol want it both ways. Marxist Ethno chauvinism? Wat.

The refugees are fucking your country because of their religious pus, not because muh inbred inferior genes. Want to fix your country? learn about Hoxha.

M8, you even said yourself that you're normally fine with porkies, and going by your flag you support a system based around giving them even more overt control of society. History has shown that the ruling class will rarely if ever give a shit about the working class beyond keeping them complacent, and to give them even greater control of society will end disastrously for everyone else. Just look at the shit going on now with hurricane Harvey, much of the damage could have been reduced but the porkies constantly cut corners on safety and infrastructure, and they exacerbated the flooding by developing areas that were previously wetlands which would normally absorb a great deal of the water. Just look at the constant cuts to social programs, particularly medical care. Look at the contaminated water in Flint, Michigan. Look at how the west funds terrorist groups in the middle east. Look at the opiate epidemic caused by big pharma pumping the population full of legalized heroin. Look at the countless wars that serve no purpose but to further enrich the wealthy. The union-busting, the surveillance state, the police brutality, the pollution, the outsourcing of labor and stagnant wages… to entrust the wellbeing of the people to some ruler is utter foolishness, you people always go on about "securing a future for your children" yet the only future they would have under the system you support is a future as a wageslave, cannon fodder, or soylent green.

I've got just the gang for you…

s o c i a l i s m
i n
o n e
c o u n t r y

I'd imagine the ethnonationalism is to weed out all the trots though, can't let der juden have autonomous oblasts and so on since its so harmful for the international effort tovarisch :^)

I have my reformist views for reasons… and I said petite Bourgeois not fucking Capitalists. Small business is A okay in books given the material conditions.

every fucking time

What a bullshit.

Marx perceived LIMITING MIGRATION as a problem and form of decreasing worker's level of freedom.

I can guarantee OP isn't a swede

Also: immigrant muslims did nothing wrong, those petty bourgeoise first world scum deserved it.

Nothing wrong with being a nationalist, just remember that capitalism will never do anything for your country or your people

it's always the same, the mst reactionary parts of the poulation are the middle class suburbanites who only see nonwhites on TV or in a grocery store behind the cashier

Human capital must be able to move freely to the factories.