So I heard about CalExit a while back but now that its starting to catch fire a bit why don't we try to meme this in existence, I figure it to be more then possible. Being a California native I see this opportunity as rather legit. We would have the eighth largest economy and we're the most populous state in the Union. I'm pretty sure if any state can succeed we can. What do you guys and gals think? The only thing is that I would feel bad for the rest of the country because then they'll basically go full 14/88 after a couple of election cycles, but then again that is why I'm asking what do y'all think?
Why are we not supporting CalExit Holla Forums?
Fuck cali. Fake Silicon Valley liberals
New England exit when?
I'm saying can't we do this though, I mean we all sit here and bullshit around like what the fuck isn't this a prime opportunity?
Holla Forums gets shit done why can't we get shit done?
I completely agree. We need a solid foothold in the states and if we can make it work, it could be the flash point for the revolution. Considering the political climate in the US, it's better to do sooner than later. Let's make some memes!
Exactly like this IS the time isn't?
Let's do this, comrades!
isn't it*
But we need plan and the thread to catch fire, like how do we start what will our memes be etc we need a plan here folks, like if this isn't a opportunity I don't know what is
Good Gringo!
I'm on mobile so I can't make anything but I can offer ideas.
hello Holla Forums
we need to continuously make this thread over the course of the next month to keep informing people
Wouldn't that just result in the US declaring War on Cali and forcing it back into the Union. Because once you are here you are here forever.
Why not both?
Please take New York. Or I'd be okay with the Socialist Republic of New York.
hello gabacho
What's to keep the New California Republic from just being a neoliberal tax haven shithole? Lenin's Rights of Nations and cucking Trump chuds aside what's really to be gained?
This isn't even considering Jefferson fucks who'd instantly become 21st century Contras
It’s all part of the plan to Balkanize America
If the revolution is to succeed in America California must go. For all the Comiefornia comets it get’s from right-winger California is the most counter revolutionary part of the states.
Such a war would be a drain on the Burger military.
Weakening the US
We have to talk about the rising petite borg in Mexico. What makes you think they won't annex California and fuck over the proles?
Weakening the US by itself doesn't free the world proletariat, the British or the Chinese would be able to step in as the new great imperialist power
This user is the only one that gets it, California is the most liberal state in the union and they want to LEAVE, if we can't make it in California then where can we in the US every other state is a right wing shit hole
California would have excellent relations with Mexico what makes you think they'll try anything with so many of there people here
I just moved to New York, so yea for my own convience id take New York, but New England is my home
I was just messing around, if cali can exit it should absolutely be attempted and pushed for
Let's be honest this shit isn't happening and I wouldn't be surprised if this movement wasn't astroturfed to hell and back
Remember the Texas secession movement a few years ago? That went nowhere and so will this
Okay, now the Chinese makes more sense than the British of all people. What they going to recreate the British Empire in the Modern Day? They aren't as powerful as they use too be either.
Wouldn't we want to tie up and drain the US Military in a war like that? Even if it means that liberals have to take bullets for us. Though but seriously that really won't help with the on going wars but just add another one for the Industrial Military Complex to thrive.
Why not try instead of giving up like a bunch of chumps, even if it gets 10% of the vote it'll show that theirs people thinking about other things then hopefully in the future something more
What a dummy
But we never started
whatever dude, you can sit here and wait around for something to fall into your lap like the 14/88 dummies but if you truly want whatever you fight for then this is something you should put energy into
and secure republican dominance over the US for the foreseeable future? no thanks.
Like what? The rest of America isn't quite as into consumerist bullshit as California is? They don't get quite as much plastic surgery?
California is as generically American as it comes. They even elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as a big asshole neoliberal Republican governor. I have no idea why California starts huffing its own farts because they vote Dem in presidential election cycles.
I already said that in the beginning but thats why I made the thread, what is more important? And which way is the best possible way to succeed in what we want
I want a socialist society
Cal exit is just a bunch of mad libs who want Silicon Valley to rule us all
If you are a socialist and actually think that Cale it is anything close to left wing kill yourself
Ask yourself if California succeeds, who is more likely to go full paradise after one or two generations? Arkansas or California?
I am explain this here>>2044323
If you don't think this is possible then you should kill yourself
I'm explaing
Neither. They're both right-wing neoliberal hellholes.
California will just be a neoliberal hellhole with "progressive values".
I think it would be easier to implement socialist revolutions in smaller, highly advanced states than large and highly centralized ones. Revolution would probably result in civil war anyway, since the US is rather nonhomogeous in regard to politics anyway
Holy shit how can someone be so wrong
C'mon man lets look at it this way. It does not matter who you vote for in the US. You aren't even voting as the candidate is always going to be someone who will shill for the establishment. So it does not matter if California in the Union or not.
This is a bad thread and everyone here should feel bad
Never mind obviously people are delusional, stay on your website and accomplish nothing, my logic is obviously undeniable, not even to sound funny, California is the ONLY state that would be willing to implement such programs and government after succession, and if not them who else
This is the exact reason I don't post here you guys are just like Holla Forums only you don't accomplish nothing
Pol pls go
im not going to argue semantics if you have to be convinced through banter on something you don't give a shit about and are just willing to argue over then I. shouldn't even try, I'm gone stay your basements like Holla Forums
I'll ask you again, what exactly makes you think California isn't just a worryingly average "blue" state that will just implement "progressive" neoliberalism given independence?
Better to keep the American proletariat more united than not by fracturing them amongst a bunch of different countries, states are already essentially countries unto themselves anyway so I don't see the point except to satisfy the political elite and bourgeoisie of these states.
I know the Democrats are shit but at least they'll pretend to care and throw working class people a bone at times which is preferable to the borderline pathological hatred of the poor ,minorities and science that Republicans have, I'm kind of tired of the entire their no "lesser evilism" argument on the left because honestly its not true, the Democrats are shit but the Republicans are a fucking dumspter fire even taking on pseudo-fascist tendencies since Trump.
Well I get your point but for the past several years now the Democrats have been moving further and further to the right. Since this is a Califorina thread, they installed that big pharma lobbyist as the head of their party in Cali. Let's not forget the court case where they openly admitted they don't have to run a fair primary. The only reason the Democrats pander to the minorites because they can claim "We aren't like those scary guys, vote for us and we will literally do nothing. But Case more wars and destroy your lives with as we give tax breaks to the Rich and to our doners."
Also Remember back when Obama was president with a full democract control of the government, did they give the workers a bone. Hell no they bailed out the banks and pushed a right wing health care bill. The Democrats now are just as much as destroying the workers like the Republicans expect they are cool with libtards.
I thought leftcoms were against "lesser evilism" in the context of elections and just support of the bourgeoisie in general?
I know that, still doesn't change the fact Republicans do all that shit but even more openly batshit crazy about it and would instate a theocracy and ban communism the moment it were possible, I don't think you guys really get how batshit Republicans are, Republicans are basically a traditionalist pseudo-fascist party at this point not even your vanilla neocons like of the Bush era. Compared to that I find Democrats much more preferable I don't care if they do other shitty things all bourgeois political parties do, I'm more concerned about making my life less shit than it is right now I really don't give a shit if I'm going against the ideological grain here.
Yeah its not a common opinion among leftcoms but that's something I disagree with them on, leftcoms are generally against partaking in electoral politics but its ultimately up to the individual.
Literally the porkiest state in the country.
The only reason I would support this is because it would be easier to make a revolution in California than all of the US. Also we'd get to burn LA to the ground.
Go away Holla Forums. Don't take this bait. Sage
Unforunately the Democratic Party is going to be dead come 2018 and 2020, so there won't be much of a choice of the matter. So we are going to continued to be dominated by Republicans until either Progressives stop trying to reform a dying party that doesn't give a shit about them, will cheat them at any moment, and will smear them. So the only opinion in that case is to start a party for the progressives/workers, maybe I don't know an American Labor party? At least then something will change rather than having two right wing parties throwing shit at one another.
If anything remotely resembling a left-wing party starts taking supporters from the Democrats, it will probably be the Democratic Cops of America. I would like to see it happen though, the end of the Democrats will be the end of an era.
Because it has literally nothing to do with the Communist movement
I know this doesn't need to be said anymore than it already has, but conservatards literally call one of the country's (and world's) largest economies with the most billionaires (and careless snobby af liberals) per capita as "Commiefornia"
Also, this:
Let's do this
Secession is only acceptable if nations are oppressed.
California is neither a nation nor oppressed.
New York and California go red, capitalism is dead.
I'd much rather we just ditched Silicon Valley and the Bay area, or at the least the latter tbh
I'd say fuck New England but then I realized the only location that even registers for me in that whole region is NY. Keep doing whatever you guys do over there. Heroin?
It all part of the deamericanization of america.
California is very consumerist though and is the origin of American commercial culture. California leaving would lead to a decomercializing of American culture. This would help he socialist movement in america.
It won’t be the Democratic Cops of America, it’ll be the Greens. The Greens have a lot more members.
Texas and California are the worst parts of the US. Ultra commercial culture, pointless idpol, lack of community, hyper-alination, being so lazy that they can’t grow there own food so they have to hire immigrants.
no, farming
it's not happening.
pol really cant read
I support Calexit.
A comrade can dream, can't she?
Piss off
Calexit will be a total shit show. I can't wait for it to happen. I can't imagine anything funnier than shitlibs from Berkeley, LA, etc. trying to leave the US. Northern California would likely secede from them, and the inner rural parts would likely want to stay with the US. The Feds wouldn't want to give up their land either, and secessionist California would immediately open their borders up to all of Mexico, I imagine. They would get surrounded on all sides.
Trump would probably go full Reconstruction on them and do something like install Peter Thiel as provisional governor. top kek
CalExit would make Russia very very happy
Hey Holla Forums
I do admit it would be fun to watch a bunch liberals larping get BTFO
As a Californian, of course I support it. Not solely for the sake of national liberation against an occupying force that has oppressed us for over a century and a half, but to ultimately Balkanize and weaken the United States. We need to support all the US-based independence movements in Cascadia, Texas, Hawaii, Alaska, Vermont, etc.
US and Mexican imperialism has dismembered our nation into eight artificial states and now they want to split it again into six more. But the Californian people are finally standing up in both Alta and Baja to throw off the shackles of oppression and stand up for their independence. Hopefully We will be united again soon.
This who is would be the most likely outcome.
Almost every part of the state that wasn't a city voted for Trump, and the idiots pushing this don't seem to realize the military already has a large, longstanding presence there.
It would be over before it even started.
I am 100% in support for the balkanization of the USA
habla por ti, pendejo
Pinches imperialistas. California no es ni los Estados Unidos ni tampoco es México. California solo es California.
in my years of browsing this board this is by far the gayest thread I have ever seen.
yes, even gayer than those gay porn threads that Holla Forumsyp spams.
just ignor him. theres probably something wrong with him.
Hey Holla Forums! You doing okay? Where the big mean imaginary mexicans mean to you?
Who's the specail Holla Forums? You are! You are! Were the imaginary mexicans mean to you to? Mexicans and jews have the same heads as us, and just because they don't act the same, doesn't mean they aren't born equal.
It's not there fault. Holla Forums is a little different from you and i! *pst* they're retarded. you have to be explain things slowly, so they can understand it better.
Wow that worked out great huh? Oh wait.
This delusion
Strike a blow against the American Empire. Support the California and Cascadian secession movement.
Calexit – the comic: