i want to see leftist versions of this.
Cabinet dream team
top laff
that's why i said "leftist" as in left of capital
just think of the cabinets as "people's commissariats" like the bolsheviks did
I… I honestly don't know enough capable and intelligent people to trust these jobs to.
it doesn't matter. Trump is America's Caesar, he's still going to be in office even after 2024.
that's the reality of this shithole of a country.
bretty good, rest of the image is shit
Jeanine Pirro in particular makes me want to vomit.
bottom left guy looks like Assad
guess what happened to 2/3 of those people
Tankies will defend this.
technocrats fill it in obviously
It's funny how Holla Forums preaches revisionism about the Holomodor. But then when party purges from the same time period get brought up, you always suddenly become indignant.
Obviously Papa Wolff or Michael Hudson for Secretary of Treasury.
Nazbol here. Here would be a worldwide nazbol version
Premier/SecGen: Alexander Dugin
Deputy Premier: Eduard Limonov
Fiscal Minister: Peter Wlburg
Minister of Defence: Alexander Zakharchenko
Foreign Minister: Alain Soral
Planetary Security: Kim Jong Un
Procurator General: Natalia Poklanskaya
Education Minister: Alain De Benoist
Propaganda Minister: Manuel Ochsenreiter
Environmental Minister: James "Jimmy" Pozzaro
Commissar of Law Enforcement: Rodrigo "Señor Helicoptero" Duerte
Supreme Leaders of Novoeurasya (formerly North America): Nina "Byzantina" Kouprianova and Rick Spencer
Supreme Leader of Eurasya: Joaquin Flores
Supreme Leader of Africa: Saif Al-Islam Ghadaffi
El Presidente Supremo del Suramerica: Nicolas Maduro
Supreme Leader of Australia: Dr Jim Saleam
Governor of New Zealand: Kerry Bolton.
Governor of Poland: Mateusz Piskorski
Governor of Greater Rossiya: Leonid Savin
Deputy Governor of Greater Rossiya: Alexander Lukashenko
Not a complete list but best I could do on short notice.
On the contrary, claiming the Holodomor happened is extremely revisionist
what do you guys think
The fuck are you talking about?
Also forgot
Governor of America: Tulsi Gabbard
Governor of Canada: Jason Unruhe (because there literally is no one the fuck else close to qualified.)
Governor of Greater Suriya: Bashar Assad
Deputy Governor of Falestin: Ysrael Shamir
Deputy Governor of Suriya: Mimi Al-Laham
Deputy Governor of Anatoliya: Dogu Perinček.
Deputy Governor of Phoenicium: Ali Qanso
Governor of Iran: Mahmoud Achmadenijad
Deputy Governor of Italy: Franco Giorgio Freda
Deputy Governor of England: Dion Gibbs.
That assclown Madrudo
What would Vermin Supreme's cabinet look like?
A bunch of homeless people.
My friend met him once. He's basically an anarkiddie.
you're confusing modernizing idiots like gilles dauve with leftcoms following the bolshevik tradition
Tankies here are a minority. They're not like the Nazis in Holla Forums.
Nobody here worships the Soviet Union other than for the fact that it defeated the Tsars & then the Nazis therefore they saved the rest of the world even their own Russia. It was their edgy autocrat phase of fake Socialism & heavy bureaucracy.
But they did well they would still be a shitty Monarchy otherwise.
If you're anti-politics then why you're not an Anarch?
gg no re better than the current shit or any other shit that was ever called "state, nation or government".