are the Democrats even trying anymore?
Dear Democrats, Unless You Nominate Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump Will Win in 2020
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This shit is worse then cops when they come to you asking how do you feel before arresting you
who the fuck cares, I'll probably kill myself before 2020 comes anyways
Cyberpunk dystopia here we come.
Mark Zuckberg makes facebook the state mandated US religion
The debates between Zuckerberg and Trump in the 2020 election could only be described as "Hellish" "Venusian" "Other" "Alien" "Apocalyptic"
"This is it"
We're so fucked m8s.
The democrats realized their choices were to either become a socdem party and piss off their wealthy backers or badly lose by being centrist. It would seem they have decided to fail, because giving workers anything, even something as minor as a $15 wage is anathema to rainbow capitalism. So get ready for nationalist capitalism, assuming shit hasn't hit the fan by 2020 we are in for a bumpy ride, my fellow burgers.
Cant wait for the first debate where trump calls zuck a "creepy little nerd", everyone laughs, baron walks in wearing a spaceman spiff costume, and we roll to credits
Zuckerberg cannot deal with friendly interviewers without sweating like he's fucking Nixon.
its because he isn't human
They are going to settle on cuckerberg, his vp will be some mystery meat like kamala harris or booker.
Zuckerberg has the money to do it himself like trump too. He is young, tech savvy, and reminds the elite of themselves, an unlikable nerd asshole
Fullstop the dude has no chance in the south, a jew with Asian wife is going to get annihilate, that trump country.
All trump really has to do to win again is keep the economy good, provide jobs to the rustbelt, and keep the democrats mired in idpol so it alienates white people and drives them to the GOP
There's no way blacks or hispanics will vote for Fuckerberg.
oh and his one crazy idea will be universal basic income.
Hate trump all you want, but the dude knows how to hang with the proles. Zuckerberg seems like a weird autist, although if he wins i think we really will go full speed into the developing cyber punk dystopia.
I think the democrats took from 2016 is they need their own business man. I think the days of the lawyer president are numbered.
No they aren’t. If they were they wouldn’t of rigged the primary against Bernie. The Democrats right now are controlled opposition.
No one will vote for Zuckerberg, but the Zuck might try to rig automatic voting machines.
Honestly, black are pretty redpilled about jews. Hispanics are a question mark.
2020 will be as surreal as 2016. Some post modern atrocity out of a Pynchon novel
The thing about UBI is that to fund it it’ll require
A) Massive cuts to other government programs
B) Massive tax increses
C) More inflation
The most likely option is A, and the programs cut will likely involve social security and medicare because nerds don’t like old people. Seriously I hope Zuckenberg get’s killed or get’s put in a coma.
I think the Democrat primaries will be a completely Hobbesian bloodbath with everyone and anyone throwing their hat in the ring because
Thats the thing most people didnt notice about the trump win. Business men across america were watching that shit and thinking "if that idiot can do it so can i". Why donate money to the bumbling fools in the DNC and GOP when you can be the big chief yourself..
A very bad part of me wants to vote Zucc.
I would regret him winning right afterward, but goddam is the UBI and seeing a socially awkward dude become president so tempting.
hope the democrats burn tbh
I remember Michael Bloomberg briefly flirting with the idea of a radical centrist run, can't recall anyone else
Kanye/The Rock 2020
Peter Thiel/ a sentient Roomba with an upload of Nick Land's brain on it (there ain't no rule against it) 2020
Spoiler alert: Mark cucks out to Hillary, it end up being Hillary VS Trump part 2, and trump wins again.
Thiel will run on paying people NOT to go to college. Like a UBI for jumping right into the workforce
Reminder that Obama was insanely introverted and socially awkward, but the Democrats propped him up like he was some crazy studly extrovert
Careful what you wish for, when a president is socially awkward but tries to compensate with meaninglessness like Obama did and Zucc frequently does, it just comes off really offputting.
If Zucc actually has a REAL populist message somewhere in him, his social awkwardness would be cool, but I really doubt he does.
Zucc is more that nerd that tries to fit in, rather than the cool inspiring outcast.
Idpol works for the GOP because they are absorbing the alienated white people who are rejected by the democrats idpol, which causes white people to vote as a tribe in their own interest.
Idpol does not work for democrats because they have gone insane with it, have tossed class politics into the fire and accuse all white people of being born with the original sin of being white. 20 something years of bad trade bills, outsourcing, and caring more about where tranies take a shit doesnt help either.
There was a quote from bannon saying he loves democrats being sjw's. He knows this is driving white people away to the GOP
The only way the democrats win again is by playing class politics and the economy. I believe there was a man that once said "its the economy stupid"
Christ, I wouldn't even be mad. I would just laugh as everything burned.
The weird thing is that a socdem country doesn't have to make the rich less rich. Rich people would have less status is a heavily socdem country, but not less wealth, when it comes down to it, porkies might just care about status more than anything, and social democracy threatens that.
good point
His hair looks like a shiny spaceman helmet. The very existence of an 'official presidential hat' with a the letters USA on front and a big 45 on the side has a similarly dank retrofuturistic dystopian vibe. maybe Trump is actually a genius performance artist. watch his review of Orson Welles' classic film Citizen Kane. Trump sees the tragedy of Charles Foster Kane and chooses to live it over and over again in some sort of Nietzschean embrace of the Eternal Return.
Trump's presidency is basically him doing to America what Kane does to this room:
But they can't. They're increasingly reliant on the "Obama coalition" of aggrieved ethnic/sexual minorities and white hipster liberals that wouldn't dare contradict said aggrieved ethnic/sexual minorities.
It'd be like telling Republicans they can jettison the evangelical and rural vote
Whoever is taller and gets the most airtime wins.
yea, democracy sucks, it only really works as a referendum against really shitty people, and that's about it
sounds familiar? remember: lock her up!
Why kill yourself when you can kill liberals?
Obama won poorer whites in 2008 and 2012 though
I don't think McCain and especially Romney resonated much with poorer whites
So I see Porky has definitely ditched the middlemen and is now ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL.
Also shilling is starting earlier and earlier these political cycles.
American intelligentsia in a nutshell.
You know, Zuck would be a perfect match for Videodrome and The Thing memes.
C'mon fucking facebook vs. whatever the fuck Trump's business is called. Landslide Zucc.
Obama played the election game smarter, he never resorted to hardcore idpol, he talked about americans, all americans.
While hillary surrounded herself with the hardcore SJW people and alienated white people, called lower class white people "deplorable",
Mccain and romeny were seen as the same elite as clinton, just with a different colored tie.
The key to the democrats winning are
1. civic nationlism
2. class politcs
3. the ecnomy
4. getting rid of the sjw extremists that drive lower class white people into the arms of the GOP
The idpol that democrats practice is not good, it drives middle america and white people away into the GOP, white people resent being told they are an absolute evil thats more "privileged". Especially poor white people who are living paycheck to paycheck.
As i said, idpol works for the GOP because they are absorbing alienated whites.
It doesnt work for the DNC because it drives away whites and has everyone fighting each other.
Class politics unites all lowerclass peoples, idpol divides.
Obama also had the benefit of being a fresh faced outsider that was only a senator for like a year
Vote for Hillary Clinton and you can get two birds with one stone there.
Posadas plz
Reminder that Zuckerberg is Jewish, though.
And he treated them like shit. No economic aid, but instead he just decided to increase the NSA when he said in the campaign he’d decrease it. The Democrats lost that demographic, and if the Republicans lose it then (fingers crossed) we’ll have a very green future.
If it's zuckemberg vs trump I 100% support trump. Hope europe will be smart enough to ban americans
Umm, at a certain point, Bernie's supporters have to come to the realization that he brought all the unfairness and all the abuses against his supporters on himself. Call it victim-blaming, but he was weak, naive, and ineffective during the primary and a predictable sheepdog after the primary. Hillary's goons read him like a book.
If I remember right, The Obeserver has connections to Trump.
Part of me feels like this is something they put out knowing it would piss off berniecrats, but I also can't put this past dems to actually do this.
I wanted Kanye v. Trump on 2020
Yeah, they're trying still for sure, it's just not working anymore.
Literally right out of a TV dystopian cyberpunk TV show
I will unironically support Trump over Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg is not human.
Yeah. Honestly I scared of the red liberals outside and on this board that will vote for him because trump is a raycist. Fun thing is if that this happens I would have supported trump for 2 turns making thethe 8 YEARS meme real
same tbh
I will unironically vote for the Zucc precisely because he is worse than Trump. Let's light this fucking candle m8s
But he wouldn't look worse than trump. Reminder that obama got a nobel price and he's considered one of the best presidents for fuck sake