There's no other leftist ideology I dislike more than trotskyism, seriously. They're even worse than social democrats.
There's no other leftist ideology I dislike more than trotskyism, seriously. They're even worse than social democrats
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Crypto-liberal "Marxist-Leninists" are worse tbh. Especially the ones on twitter. Even some of the ones on here are pretty bad.
Trotskyism and neoconservatism are the worst ideologies by a mile since they're the only ones that explicitly advocate for imperialism.
OP is a tankie falseflagging as an ancom to draw attention away from how everyone hates tankies for trying to ban other ideologies and threatening to execute them.
no they're not
Anarchists are literally children.
Either explain why or fuck off
It's called projection. Also there's a lot of kindercommies too, especially those who put edgy esthetics over reasoning in their political choices.
Rose detected.
In the shortest:
1) it's basicaly divisive ideology that's leading any political movement to endless sectarian splits
2) politically, they often supported the most reactionary groups and tendencies just because they fought the Soviet Union
3) they ideologically inspired "Solidarity" in Poland in 1980s (this point maybe especially important for me) and after overthrowing the socialist governent they entered to liberal ruling party, became liberal bourgeoise and started to propagate capitalist ideology
4) generally the whole of their ideology is repulsive and deceitful
trot falseflagging as an ancom to draw attention away from how everyone hates trots for trying to ban other ideologies and threatening to execute them (and being treacherous rags)
At least Trotskyists are willing to work with normal people who wear normal clothes and don't shun all forms of coherent organization.
politically, they often supported the most reactionary groups and tendencies just because they fought the Soviet Union
This is stupid. When confronted with a choice between the Soviet Union and any major capitalist power, any actual Trotskyist ALWAYS chose the SU because a deformed workers state is preferable to a liberal capitalist state.
"Ideologically inspired"
Who fucking cares, Hitler was "ideologically inspired" by Schopenhauer.
Real solid critique comrade, I'm learning a lot from you.
Yes, really. That's how anarkiddies from subculture look like.
They were intellectual leaders of the movement and actively give them support after being thowed off the socialist party. KuroĊ, Michnik, Pinior - all those people were Trots.
It's a weird feel
Pretty much everything to come out of Leninism is awful
I thought I'd never live long enough to see a narcho lowkey shill for a ML state instead of supporting the spontaneous working class movement the "Solidarity" was back in 1980.
There's nothing wrong with permanent revolution you mouth breathing fuck.
Regardless of your thoughts on Trotsky, that picture is pretty fucking metal
It wasn't spontaneous working class movement but strictly inspired by trotskyist part of socialist ruling party, and it was intended to be fighting tool in sectarian quarrels inside the Party - it just got out of control, mainly because influence and funding by CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.
Yes, I'm anachist, but "Solidarity" was almost the worst possible opposition, which only lead to worsening our situation insdead of building free socialism. It was far away from libertarian methods of self-organisation that anarchists propose. Most of leades of this so called "worker union" became traitors, members of the establishment and liberals.
Even my father who was one of the founders of free working unions in 80s, now hates all of them and supports our new, anarchist syndicalist unions.
Permeant Revolution is just red imperialism. If Trotsky got his way and implemented it then the world would be much more anti-communist. Permeant Revolution, if ever implemented would create a HUGE anti-communist backlash.
They are both the worst. Both support capitalist governments with flimsy justifications, both are too high on ideology to talk to a normie, and both are ultimately impotents that will end up outright liberals by their 30's. Thankfully as long as they stick to autisticly defending the graveyard of ML states or trying and failing to sell newspapers we don't have to worry about them shitting anything up.
How do you think, user, what we already have? Popular view that 'socialism failed everywhere' is existing because underdeveloped agricultural societies did Marxist-Leninist revolution without the proletariat.
basically the neocons of Communism
Off topic, but I went to Trotsky's house in Mexico city earlier this year.
Packed full of qt girls. No joke.
Forgot to take off shitposting flag.
why trots convert to cons everywhere they get to power?
also Trotsky was the first idpoler because he accused literally everyone of his critics of antisemitism
Moissaye J. Olgin - Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise
Lol ok, like choosing between a gunshot wound and a stab wound. But hey the USSR call itself socialist right, that makes everything better
The main difference between what you call
is that under the first, when family with children felt confined space in their flat, and state couldn't find a new home from newly build, they could just find an empty place and live there freerly, just only pay the bills for water and electricity. There were many people who lived like that for tens of years, all families were raised in such flats. Then, when those people are 70 or 80, that what you called "libeal" state simply sold their houses to private owners in process they call reprivatization, and those bourgeoise scum throws those old people into the streets. We (anarchist organization) are trying to defend these people. You know how often I hear of someone who died of cold and starvation after his or her house being sold?
Do you understand now why, as an anarchist , I hate the system transformation?
In the context of American politics, what in the world is the difference?
For sure. I'm not saying I think the USSR is the worst, only it's really only marginally better than a purely capitalist state.
To add fuel to your fire, consider that in most countries there are way more empty homes then homeless people. By multipliers, not just a simple excess. Really activates the neurons
Still better Stalin
no fuk u, fuck off u stalinist
No offence, but this is ad hominem.
Just like this whole bait thread.
Isn't it publicly available, all the arguments of all the political parties of the left? Why to pretend to have a discussion since there are no new arguments in the discourse?
Yes, and you're still making a shitty bait thread that's forcing a shit meme and shitting on others to be deceitful.
'WEW, take that you fuking stalinist and ur shitty bait thread.