What lessons can we learn from the 20th century socialist experiments...

What lessons can we learn from the 20th century socialist experiments? Are there things of value about the ML experiment which should be preserved?

That they were too utopian, and one should strive for more intelligent way of implementing them.

the gulags and the re-education programs

They were not Utopian enough, by Khrushchev they simply wanted to reform with market solutions until you hit Gorbachev that completely overturned the command economy and let lose market forces.

Actually give control to the workers, you fucking faggot Lenin.

Well, it's pretty clear that central planning is an awesome force for industrializing. It's also clear that if you simply replace a capitalist with a bureaucrat and do nothing to eliminate the class antagonism of surplus value creator and surplus value appropriator, you have a recipe for disaster.

If the people want to prevail, america needs to be detroyed.
Jokes aside I agree with the anarkiddo here
Also sanitariums in cuba were a great idea
Also never let krushevites take control
Also never invade countries that don't want you
That said I belive that we wouldn't have the same problems as them in a current world scenario.

When trying to create socialism don't just do capitalism.

but he did

That detente with capitalism and "socialism in one country/bloc" doesn't work and will always lead to revisionist reform or state collapse.

Either figure out a way to win a nuclear Cold War II, or abandon state socialism in favor of something that does not challenge capital where it is strongest.

I imagine defending against cyber warfare might become important.

The workers don't know what's good for them.

Dont try to force hard sciences to needlessly follow your ideological ideal view of society.
Also dont declare jazz to be bourgeois.
Also computers are cool as fuck and claiming that "they replace labourers" is retarded drivel that fundamentally misunderstands marx and can only come from a stupid tard like stalin.

Global, perpetual revolution, or none at all. There is no in between.

But it is.

Idealist reee

WRong flag

Only if you're a brainlet who doesn't comprehend that Stalin was simply the CEO of the USSR.

More almost naked girls on tv, telling how socialism is great. Who the hell thought people will work harder, because tv showed some tired guy that did 300% work norm.

this again? we have this thread all the time

Truly taste does not get any worse than this.

infrastructural planning and integrity for one. capitalist countries cant even build a flat without a decade of bureocracy and stalling

Anarchism and leftcomunism are bad

I read his books and i dont understand why the soviet union turned out like that

(this is in direct contradiction to Marx btw)
Wtf is a "communist republic"? Jesus christ, this guy was a total brainlet!
I could find more quotes, but I think my point has been made.

Read Marx.

Kantarovich gave us linear optimization so that's pretty great.